Example #1
        public override void Draw(IGraphics g)
            // initialization
            if (KeyboardLayoutImage == null)
                KeyboardLayoutImage = g.CreateImage(KeyboardLayoutPath);
            if (MouseLayoutImage == null)
                MouseLayoutImage = g.CreateImage(MouseLayoutPath);

            // draw title
            var top    = 100;
            var left   = 100;
            var width  = 500;
            var height = 300;

                g.Rectangle(new RGBA()
                    R = 255, G = 255, B = 255, A = 200
                }, top, left, width, height);
                left += 10;
                top  += 10;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "Welcome to shoot-M-up", 32);
                top += 50;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "Shortly you will be parachuting into a foreign land");
                top += 20;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, string.Format("along with {0} enemies... run quickly to acquire", Players - 1));
                top += 20;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "a weapon, avoid the zone, and try to survive.");
                top += 20;
                g.Image(KeyboardLayoutImage, left, top, 190, 140);
                g.Image(MouseLayoutImage, left + 250, top, 120, 170);
                top += 150;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "[esc] to start");

Example #2
        private IImage GetImage(IGraphics g, string path)
            IImage img = null;

            if (!Images.TryGetValue(path, out img))
                img = g.CreateImage(path);
                Images.Add(path, img);
Example #3
        public override void Draw(IGraphics g)
            // initialize
            if (Images == null)
                Images = new IImage[ImagePaths.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < ImagePaths.Length; i++)
                    Images[i] = g.CreateImage(ImagePaths[i]);

            // draw
            g.Image(Images[ImageIndex ? 0 : 1], X - (Width / 2), Y - (Height / 2), Width, Height);
            ImageIndex = !ImageIndex;
Example #4
        public override void Draw(IGraphics g)
            // init
            if (KeyboardLayoutImage == null)
                KeyboardLayoutImage = g.CreateImage(KeyboardLayoutPath);
            if (MouseLayoutImage == null)
                MouseLayoutImage = g.CreateImage(MouseLayoutPath);

            // draw
            var width  = 650;
            var height = 300;

            var left = (g.Width - width) / 2;
            var top  = (g.Height - height) / 2;

                g.Rectangle(new RGBA()
                    R = 255, G = 255, B = 255, A = 200
                }, left, top, width, height);
                left += 10;
                top  += 10;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "Welcome to Project Moo", 32);
                top += 50;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "Shortly you wake up in a  foreign land surrounded by resources.");
                top += 20;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "Gather what you can to make weapons and defenses before the ");
                top += 20;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "horde of zombies arrive.");
                top += 20;
                g.Image(KeyboardLayoutImage, left, top, 190, 140);
                g.Image(MouseLayoutImage, left + 230, top, 120, 170);
                // crafting menu
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left + 250 + 120, top, "Crafting Menu", 16);
                top += 20;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left + 250 + 130, top, string.Format("[3] Wood Box ({0} wood, {1} level)", MooWoodBox.WoodCraftCost, MooWoodBox.LevelCraftCost), 8);
                top += 15;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left + 250 + 130, top, string.Format("[4] Rock Box ({0} rock, {1} level)", MooRockBox.RockCraftCost, MooRockBox.LeelCraftCost), 8);
                top += 15;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left + 250 + 130, top, string.Format("[5] Bow ({0} wood, {1} rock, {2} level)", MooBow.WoodCraftCost, MooBow.RockCraftCost, MooBow.LevelCraftCost), 8);
                top += 15;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left + 250 + 130, top, string.Format("    or Arrows ({0} wood)", MooBow.WoodCraftCost), 8);
                top += 15;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left + 250 + 130, top, string.Format("[6] Sword ({0} wood, {1} rock, {2} level)", MooSword.WoodCraftCost, MooSword.RockCraftCost, MooSword.LevelCraftCost), 8);
                top += 15;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left + 250 + 130, top, string.Format("[7] Turret ({0} wood, {1} rock, {2}, food, {3} level)", MooTurret.WoodCraftCost, MooTurret.RockCraftCost, MooTurret.FoodCraftCost, MooTurret.LevelCraftCost), 8);
                top += 15;
                //g.Text(RGBA.Black, left + 250 + 130, top, string.Format("[8] Landmine ({0} rock, {1}, food, {2} level)", MooTurret.RockCraftCost, MooTurret.FoodCraftCost, MooTurret.LevelCraftCost), 8);
                top += 15;
                g.Text(new RGBA()
                    R = 0, G = 127, B = 64, A = 255
                }, left + 250 + 130, top, "[z] Zombies", 8);
                top += 25;
                g.Text(RGBA.Black, left, top, "[esc] to start");
