Example #1
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
             *                    *
             *                      *
             *  +------------------+  *
             *  |    /|   /|   /|  |  *
             *  |   /-|  /-|  /-|  |  *
             *  |  /  | /  | /  |  |  *
             *  +------------------+  *
             *                        *
            int  left = 6;
            Size size;
            int  drawableLength;

            using (IGraphics g = Plat.Inst.GetGraphics(this))

                // fill background
                g.ForeColor = _TabLineColor;
                g.BackColor = BackColor;
                g.FillRectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
                g.DrawLine(0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1);

                // ensure capacity of x-coordinate array
                if (_TabRightCoords == null ||
                    _TabRightCoords.Length < _Items.Count)
                    _TabRightCoords = new int[_Items.Count + 8];                     // add little extra

                // draw each tabs
                for (int i = 0; i < _Items.Count; i++)
                    // make label text
                    string text = (string)_Items[i].ToString();
                    size = g.MeasureText(
                        out drawableLength

                    // if the label is too long to draw, cut it and add ellipsis
                    if (drawableLength < text.Length)
                        // measure width of text attached the ellipsis
                        size = g.MeasureText(
                            _MaxTabTextWidth - _ElipsisWidth,
                            out drawableLength
                        text        = text.Substring(0, drawableLength) + "...";
                        size.Width += _ElipsisWidth;

                    // if right end of the tab exceeds limit, stop drawing
                    if (Right - DropTipWidth <= left + size.Width + 8)

                    // draw background of this tab
                    int w = size.Width;
                    int h = size.Height;
                    if (_Items[i].Equals(_SelectedItem))
                        // for selected tab, before drawing background
                        // draw a line to erase border between content area
                        g.ForeColor = _ActiveTabBackColor;
                        g.DrawLine(left + 1, Height - 1, left + w + 7, Height - 1);

                        g.BackColor = _ActiveTabBackColor;
                        g.BackColor = _TabBackColor;
                    g.FillRectangle(left + 1, Height - h - 3, w + 7, h + 2);
                    g.FillRectangle(left + 2, Height - h - 4, w + 4, 1);

                    // draw boundary
                    g.ForeColor = _TabLineColor;
                    g.DrawLine(left, Height - 1, left, Height - h - 2);                     // left
                    g.DrawLine(left, Height - h - 2, left + 3, Height - h - 5);             // left-top
                    g.DrawLine(left + 3, Height - h - 5, left + w + 5, Height - h - 5);     // top
                    g.DrawLine(left + w + 5, Height - h - 5, left + w + 8, Height - h - 2); // top-right
                    g.DrawLine(left + w + 8, Height - h - 2, left + w + 8, Height - 1);     // right

                    // draw text on the tab
                    Point pos = new Point(left + 4, Height - size.Height - 2);
                    g.DrawText(text, ref pos, _TabTextColor);

                    // go to next tab
                    _TabRightCoords[i] = left + w + 8;
                    left += w + 8;

                // draw line at left of triangle
                int half      = _HalfHeight;
                int quarter   = _QuarterHeight;
                int oneEighth = _OneEighthHeight;
                g.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                g.DrawLine(Right - DropTipWidth, 0, Right - DropTipWidth, Height);

                // draw triangle
                g.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                for (int i = 0; i <= oneEighth + 1; i++)
                        Right - half + i, Height - quarter - oneEighth + i,
                        Right - quarter - i + 1, Height - quarter - oneEighth + i
