Example #1
        public SkyBox(IGraphics graphics, float width, float height, float depth, Texture texture)
            var x = width / 2.0f;
            var y = height / 2.0f;
            var z = depth / 2.0f;

            var vp = new VertexPool(NumVertices);

            vp[0] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, -y, -z), new Point2D(0.0000f, 0.5f));
            vp[1] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, y, -z), new Point2D(0.0000f, 0.0f));
            vp[2] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, -y, z), new Point2D(0.3333f, 0.5f));
            vp[3] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, y, z), new Point2D(0.3333f, 0.0f));
            vp[4] = new Vertex(new Point3D(x, -y, z), new Point2D(0.6666f, 0.5f));
            vp[5] = new Vertex(new Point3D(x, y, z), new Point2D(0.6666f, 0.0f));
            vp[6] = new Vertex(new Point3D(x, -y, -z), new Point2D(1.0000f, 0.5f));
            vp[7] = new Vertex(new Point3D(x, y, -z), new Point2D(1.0000f, 0.0f));

            vp[8]  = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, -y, z), new Point2D(0.0000f, 1.0f));
            vp[9]  = new Vertex(new Point3D(x, -y, z), new Point2D(0.0000f, 0.5f));
            vp[10] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, -y, -z), new Point2D(0.3333f, 1.0f));
            vp[11] = new Vertex(new Point3D(x, -y, -z), new Point2D(0.3333f, 0.5f));
            vp[12] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, y, -z), new Point2D(0.6666f, 1.0f));
            vp[13] = new Vertex(new Point3D(x, y, -z), new Point2D(0.6666f, 0.5f));
            vp[14] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, y, z), new Point2D(1.0000f, 1.0f));
            vp[15] = new Vertex(new Point3D(x, y, z), new Point2D(1.0000f, 0.5f));

             *          vp[0]  = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, -y, -z), new Point2D(1.0000f, 0.5f));
             *          vp[1]  = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x,  y, -z), new Point2D(1.0000f, 0.0f));
             *          vp[2]  = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, -y,  z), new Point2D(0.6666f, 0.5f));
             *          vp[3]  = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x,  y,  z), new Point2D(0.6666f, 0.0f));
             *          vp[4]  = new Vertex(new Point3D( x, -y,  z), new Point2D(0.3333f, 0.5f));
             *          vp[5]  = new Vertex(new Point3D( x,  y,  z), new Point2D(0.3333f, 0.0f));
             *          vp[6]  = new Vertex(new Point3D( x, -y, -z), new Point2D(0.0000f, 0.5f));
             *          vp[7]  = new Vertex(new Point3D( x,  y, -z), new Point2D(0.0000f, 0.0f));
             *          vp[8]  = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, -y,  z), new Point2D(1.0000f, 1.0f));
             *          vp[9]  = new Vertex(new Point3D( x, -y,  z), new Point2D(1.0000f, 0.5f));
             *          vp[10] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x, -y, -z), new Point2D(0.6666f, 1.0f));
             *          vp[11] = new Vertex(new Point3D( x, -y, -z), new Point2D(0.6666f, 0.5f));
             *          vp[12] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x,  y, -z), new Point2D(0.3333f, 1.0f));
             *          vp[13] = new Vertex(new Point3D( x,  y, -z), new Point2D(0.3333f, 0.5f));
             *          vp[14] = new Vertex(new Point3D(-x,  y,  z), new Point2D(0.0000f, 1.0f));
             *          vp[15] = new Vertex(new Point3D( x,  y,  z), new Point2D(0.0000f, 0.5f));

            VertexPoolIndex = graphics.AddVertexPool(vp);

            TextureIndex = graphics.AddTexture(texture);
Example #2
        private void Load(HlBspMap map, IGraphics graphics)
            int     i, j, k;                   // indices
            int     x, gx, y;                  // coordinate variables. gx = Global X
            Point3D p;                         // 3D point
            int     n, count;                  // to count stuff ... (n = Number)
            string  s;                         // some strings

            BspLump[] lumps;                   // A lump is a chunk of data in a BSP file containing a specific type of information, like vertices for example
            BspLump   lump;                    // used for easy acces to the info in the lumps array

            Point3D[] vertices;                // stores all vertices
            Vertex[]  tempVertices;            // a temporary list with all the vertices used by a single face.
            Queue     faceVertices;            // a temporary list with all the vertices used by faces. this data will be moved to a vertexPoolI later on.
            Vertex    vertex;                  // used to create and modify vertices in the vertices, faceVertices

            BspEdge[]             edges;       // edges (a line between 2 vertices)
            int[]                 faceEdges;   // indices into the edge array that indicate the edges used by a face
            HlBspMap.BspTexture[] textures;    // texture array. contains only info like size and name
            BspTextureInfo[]      textureInfo; // texture info array. contains info needed to calculate texture coordinates
            Eresys.Texture        texture;     // texture object
            int     texInfoI;                  // index into the textureInfo array
            Point2D minTexCoor, maxTexCoor;    // smallest and bigest texture coordinate
            float   radius;                    // used to calculate the radius of a face

            byte[]      lightData;             // lightmap data
            ArrayList   lightmaps;             // contains some info for the lightmaps, like size
            BspLightmap lightmap;              // used for easy acces to elements in the lightmaps list
            int         lmw, lmh;              // size of a lightmap
            int         lmOffset;              // offset into the lightData array
            int         firstEdge, numEdges;   // first edge and number of edges of a face
            int         e, v;                  // edge (e) and vertex (v) index

            BspModel[]    models;              // models array
            ScriptBlock[] modelScripts;        // code blocks in the entityScript containing model info
            string        model;               // model identifier
            byte          mode, amount;        // render mode and render amount. indicates alpha blending and the amount of alpha blending

            // open file
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(map.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    // check bsp version
                    if (br.ReadInt32() != BSPVersion)
                        throw new BspVersionException(map.FileName);

                    // load lumps info
                    lumps = br.ReadBspLumps((int)BspLumpTypes.Count);

                    // load entity script
                    lump = lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Entities];
                    br.BaseStream.Position = lump.offset;
                    map.EntityScript       = new Script(br.ReadStringOfLength(lump.length));

                    // create wads
                    i = 0;
                    s = map.EntityScript["worldspawn"][0]["wad"];
                    var wads = new List <Wad3>();
                    foreach (var wadFile in s.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                        k = System.Math.Max(wadFile.LastIndexOf('\\'), wadFile.LastIndexOf('/'));
                        var name = wadFile.Substring(k).Trim('/', '\\');

                            wads.Add(new Wad3(name));
                        catch (Exception)
                            Logger.Log(LogLevels.Warning, $"Couldn't load wad \'{name}\'!");

                    // load planes
                    map.Planes = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Planes], 20, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadPlane);

                    // load vertices
                    vertices = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Vertices], 12, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadPoint3D);

                    // load edges
                    edges = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Edges], 4, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspEdge);

                    // load face edges
                    faceEdges = br.ReadLumpData <int>(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.SurfaceEdges], 4, r => r.ReadInt32());

                    // load texture info
                    textureInfo = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.TexInfo], 40, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspTextureInfo);

                    // load markFaces
                    map.MarkFaces = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.MarkSurfaces], 2, r => r.ReadUInt16());

                    // load nodes
                    map.Nodes = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Nodes], 24, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspNode);

                    // load leaves
                    map.Leaves = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Leaves], 28, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspLeaf);

                    // load models
                    models = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Models], 64, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspModel);

                    // load lighting data
                    lightData = br.ReadLumpBytes(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Lighting]);

                    // load visibility data (PVS sets)
                    map.Pvs = br.ReadLumpBytes(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.VisDate]);

                    // load textures
                    textures = br.ReadBspTexturesLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Textures]);

                    // load faces
                    map.Faces = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Faces], 20, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspFace);

                    var addedTextures = new Dictionary <Texture, int>();
                    lightmaps              = new ArrayList();
                    faceVertices           = new Queue();
                    br.BaseStream.Position = lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Faces].offset;
                    for (i = 0; i < map.Faces.Length; i++)
                        // create new face
                        map.Faces[i]              = new BspFace();
                        map.Faces[i].index        = i;
                        map.Faces[i].model        = false;
                        map.Faces[i].alpha        = 255;
                        map.Faces[i].textureAlpha = false;

                        // load in some data
                        map.Faces[i].plane      = br.ReadInt16();
                        br.BaseStream.Position += 2;
                        firstEdge = br.ReadInt32();
                        numEdges  = br.ReadInt16();
                        texInfoI  = br.ReadInt16();
                        br.BaseStream.Position += 4;
                        lmOffset = br.ReadInt32();

                        // create texture

                        // get texture info
                        var texInfo = textureInfo[texInfoI];
                        var tex     = textures[texInfo.texture];

                        // is it a sky or a trigger texture?
                        if (tex.name == "sky" || tex.name == "aaatrigger")
                            map.Faces[i].texture = -1;
                            texture = addedTextures.Keys
                                      .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == tex.name);

                            // If we haven't found the texture, create a new one
                            if (texture == null)
                                j       = 0;
                                texture = null;
                                while (j < wads.Count)
                                        texture = wads[j].ToTexture(tex.name);
                                    catch (Exception)
                                if (texture == null)
                                    // subsititute
                                    texture    = new Texture(1, 1, tex.name);
                                    texture[0] = new Color(255, 255, 255);

                                    Logger.Log(LogLevels.Warning, $"Couldn't load texture \'{tex.name}\'!");

                                // add new texture to addedTextures and upload it to the graphics hardware
                                addedTextures.Add(texture, graphics.AddTexture(texture));

                            // set face texture index
                            map.Faces[i].texture = addedTextures[texture];

                        // create face vertices
                        map.Faces[i].firstVertex = faceVertices.Count;
                        map.Faces[i].numVertices = numEdges;
                        tempVertices             = new Vertex[numEdges];
                        k                     = 0;
                        minTexCoor.x          = minTexCoor.y = System.Single.MaxValue;
                        maxTexCoor.x          = maxTexCoor.y = System.Single.MinValue;
                        map.Faces[i].center.x = 0.0f;
                        map.Faces[i].center.y = 0.0f;
                        map.Faces[i].center.z = 0.0f;
                        for (j = 0; j < numEdges; j++)
                            e = faceEdges[j + firstEdge]; // edge index

                            // if e > 0 we should use this edge clockwise, otherwise we use edge -e counterclockwise
                            if (e > 0)
                                v = edges[e].v1; // clockwise: take first vertex of edge
                                v = edges[-e].v2; // counterclockwise: take second vertex of edge
                            // set up the new vertex
                            vertex                 = new Vertex();
                            vertex.position.x      = vertices[v].x;
                            vertex.position.y      = vertices[v].y;
                            vertex.position.z      = vertices[v].z;
                            map.Faces[i].center.x += vertex.position.x;
                            map.Faces[i].center.y += vertex.position.y;
                            map.Faces[i].center.z += vertex.position.z;

                            // calculate its texture coordinate
                            vertex.texCoord.x = (vertex.position.x * texInfo.axisU.x + vertex.position.y * texInfo.axisU.y + vertex.position.z * texInfo.axisU.z + texInfo.offsetU);
                            vertex.texCoord.y = (vertex.position.x * texInfo.axisV.x + vertex.position.y * texInfo.axisV.y + vertex.position.z * texInfo.axisV.z + texInfo.offsetV);
                            if (vertex.texCoord.x > maxTexCoor.x)
                                maxTexCoor.x = vertex.texCoord.x;
                            if (vertex.texCoord.y > maxTexCoor.y)
                                maxTexCoor.y = vertex.texCoord.y;
                            if (vertex.texCoord.x < minTexCoor.x)
                                minTexCoor.x = vertex.texCoord.x;
                            if (vertex.texCoord.y < minTexCoor.y)
                                minTexCoor.y = vertex.texCoord.y;

                            // temporary set lightmap coords to tex coords
                            vertex.lightCoord.x = vertex.texCoord.x;
                            vertex.lightCoord.y = vertex.texCoord.y;

                            // scale texture coordinates to texture space
                            vertex.texCoord.x /= tex.width;
                            vertex.texCoord.y /= tex.height;

                            // add vertex to temporary array
                            tempVertices[k++] = vertex;
                        map.Faces[i].center.x /= map.Faces[i].numVertices;
                        map.Faces[i].center.y /= map.Faces[i].numVertices;
                        map.Faces[i].center.z /= map.Faces[i].numVertices;
                        map.Faces[i].radius    = 0.0f;
                        for (j = 0; j < numEdges; j++)
                            p.x    = tempVertices[j].position.x - map.Faces[i].center.x;
                            p.y    = tempVertices[j].position.y - map.Faces[i].center.y;
                            p.z    = tempVertices[j].position.z - map.Faces[i].center.z;
                            radius = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + p.z * p.z);
                            if (radius > map.Faces[i].radius)
                                map.Faces[i].radius = radius;

                        // create lightmap
                        if (lmOffset < 0)
                            map.Faces[i].lightmap = -1;
                            // calculate lightmap dimensions
                            lmw = (int)(System.Math.Ceiling(maxTexCoor.x / 16.0f) - System.Math.Floor(minTexCoor.x / 16.0f) + 1.0);
                            lmh = (int)(System.Math.Ceiling(maxTexCoor.y / 16.0f) - System.Math.Floor(minTexCoor.y / 16.0f) + 1.0);

                            // calculate lightmap coordinates (in pixels for now, they will later be translated to texture space)
                            for (j = 0; j < tempVertices.Length; j++)
                                vertex = tempVertices[j];
                                vertex.lightCoord.x = ((lmw * 16.0f) + 2.0f * vertex.lightCoord.x - minTexCoor.x - maxTexCoor.x) / 32.0f;
                                vertex.lightCoord.y = ((lmh * 16.0f) + 2.0f * vertex.lightCoord.y - minTexCoor.y - maxTexCoor.y) / 32.0f;
                                tempVertices[j]     = vertex;

                            // create new lightmap
                            lightmaps.Add(new BspLightmap(lmw, lmh, lmOffset, i));

                        // add vertices to faceVertices queue
                        for (j = 0; j < tempVertices.Length; j++)

                    // create vertexPool
                    map.VertexPool = new VertexPool(faceVertices.Count);
                    for (i = 0; i < map.VertexPool.Size; i++)
                        map.VertexPool[i] = (Vertex)faceVertices.Dequeue();

                    // process lightmap data
                    //   for enhanced performance we will group multiple lightmaps of more or less similar height together into one
                    //   texture. Therefore we first sort them (hint: the Lightmap class implements IComparable for this reason).


                    lmh = 2; // lmh = LightMap Height. We start with all maps less then or equal to 2

                    // repeat the following operation until all lightmaps are in a texture. Once added to a texture, we will remove
                    // a lightmap from the lightmaps array.

                    while (lightmaps.Count > 0)
                        lmw   = 0;
                        i     = 0;
                        count = 0;

                        // this loop checks how many lightmaps are suited to be added to our texture
                        while (i < lightmaps.Count)
                            lightmap = (BspLightmap)lightmaps[i++];
                            if (lightmap.height > lmh)
                            lmw += lightmap.width;
                            if (lmw > 1024)
                                lmw -= lightmap.width;
                        if (count == 0)
                            lmh = lmh << 1;
                        i = 1;
                        while (i < lmw)
                            i = i << 1;
                        lmw     = i;
                        texture = new Texture(lmw, lmh);
                        gx      = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            lightmap = (BspLightmap)lightmaps[i];
                            j        = lightmap.offset;
                            for (y = 0; y < lmh; y++)
                                for (x = 0; x < lightmap.width; x++)
                                    if (y < lightmap.height)
                                            texture[gx + x, y] = new Color(lightData[j++], lightData[j++], lightData[j++]);
                                        catch (Exception)
                                            texture[gx + x, y] = new Color(255, 255, 255);
                                        texture[gx + x, y] = new Color(255, 255, 255);
                            n = map.Faces[lightmap.face].firstVertex + map.Faces[lightmap.face].numVertices;
                            for (j = map.Faces[lightmap.face].firstVertex; j < n; j++)
                                vertex = map.VertexPool[j];
                                vertex.lightCoord.x = (vertex.lightCoord.x + gx) / lmw;
                                vertex.lightCoord.y = vertex.lightCoord.y / lmh;
                                map.VertexPool[j]   = vertex;

                            gx += lightmap.width;
                        j = graphics.AddTexture(texture);
                        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            map.Faces[((BspLightmap)lightmaps[i]).face].lightmap = j;
                        lightmaps.RemoveRange(0, count);

                    // process models
                    modelScripts = map.EntityScript["func_wall;func_illusionary;func_water;func_breakable"];
                    for (i = 0; i < modelScripts.Length; i++)
                            model  = modelScripts[i]["model"];
                            mode   = Byte.Parse(modelScripts[i]["rendermode"]);
                            amount = Byte.Parse(modelScripts[i]["renderamt"]);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        if (model[0] != '*')
                        j = Int32.Parse(model.Substring(1));
                        for (k = 0; k < models[j].numFaces; k++)
                            BspFace face = map.Faces[k + models[j].firstFace];
                            face.model        = true;
                            face.textureAlpha = mode == 4;
                            face.alpha        = amount;
                            for (v = 0; v < face.numVertices; v++)
                                vertex             = map.VertexPool[v + face.firstVertex];
                                vertex.position.x += models[j].origin.x;
                                vertex.position.y += models[j].origin.y;
                                vertex.position.z += models[j].origin.z;
                                map.VertexPool[v + face.firstVertex] = vertex;

                    // upload vertex pool to the graphics hardware
                    map.VertexPoolIndex = graphics.AddVertexPool(map.VertexPool);

                    // create model faces array
                    map.ModelFaces = new List <BspFace>();
                    for (i = 0; i < map.Faces.Length; i++)
                        var face = map.Faces[i];
                        if (face.texture < 0)
                        if (face.model)

                    // check face plane oriëntations
                    foreach (var face in map.Faces)
                        Vector vector1 = map.VertexPool[face.firstVertex].position - face.center;
                        Vector vector2 = map.VertexPool[face.firstVertex + 1].position - face.center;
                        vector1 = vector1.Cross(vector2);
                        face.inversePlane = vector1.Dot(map.Planes[face.plane].GetNormal()) < 0.0f;

                    // create skybox
                    var range   = map.EntityScript.WorldspawnMaxRange();
                    var skyname = map.EntityScript.WorldspawnSkyName();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skyname))
                        Texture skyTexture = null;
                            skyTexture = new Texture(skyname);
                        catch (Exception)
                            Logger.Log(LogLevels.Warning, $"Couldn't load sky texture \'{skyname}\'!");

                                skyTexture = new Texture("defaultsky.bmp");
                            catch (Exception)
                                Logger.Log(LogLevels.Warning, $"Couldn't load default sky texture \'defaultsky.bmp\'!");

                                skyTexture    = new Texture(1, 1);
                                skyTexture[0] = new Color(132, 184, 255);

                        map.Sky = skyTexture != null ? new SkyBox(graphics, range, range, range, skyTexture) : null;