public Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling.AutoScalingGroup Create(Amazon.CDK.AWS.EC2.Vpc vpc, SecurityGroup sg)
            // todo define roles in config
            var role      = new Security.Roles.IamRole().Create(this, _config, "asg-ec2-role");
            var selection = new SubnetSelection
                SubnetType = SubnetType.PUBLIC

            var healchCheck = HealthCheck.Elb(new ElbHealthCheckOptions
                Grace = Duration.Minutes(5)

            var asg = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, _config.Asg.Name, new AutoScalingGroupProps
                AutoScalingGroupName = _config.Asg.Name,
                Vpc = vpc,
                // todo parse enums and pull from config
                InstanceType = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE3, InstanceSize.MICRO),
                // get the linux two type otherwise it defaults to the older image
                // todo parse enums and pull from config
                MachineImage = new AmazonLinuxImage(new AmazonLinuxImageProps {
                    Generation = AmazonLinuxGeneration.AMAZON_LINUX_2
                AllowAllOutbound = _config.Asg.AllowAllOutbound,
                DesiredCapacity  = _config.Asg.DesiredCapacity,
                MinCapacity      = _config.Asg.MinCapacity,
                MaxCapacity      = _config.Asg.MaxCapacity,

                KeyName = _config.Asg.KeyName,
                AssociatePublicIpAddress = _config.Asg.AssociatePublicIpAddress,
                VpcSubnets    = selection,
                Role          = role,
                UserData      = GetUserData(_config.Asg.UserDataPath),
                HealthCheck   = healchCheck,
                SecurityGroup = sg

            Utilities.Tagging.Tag(asg, _config, _config.Asg.Tags);
            Utilities.Tagging.Tag(asg, _config, _config.Tags);

