public void AddTabsWithGameText(string text, int cnt) { for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { AddTabObj(GameText.GetStr(text + i)); } }
public static void Reload() { if (!GameText.Exists) { GameText.CreateInstance(); } var gameTextInfo = GameTextLanguage.GameTextInfos.ElementAtOrDefault(GameTextLanguage.Prefs.selection); if (gameTextInfo != null) { GameText.Instance.LoadFromResources(gameTextInfo.AssetPath); } var gameObjects = UnityEditorUtility.FindAllObjectsInHierarchy(); foreach (var gameObject in gameObjects) { var setter = gameObject.GetComponent <GameTextSetter>(); if (setter != null) { setter.ImportText(); } } IsLoaded = true; }
private void showScore() { var scoreText = new GameText("+1"); scoreText.position = position; scene.addEntity(scoreText); var moveTween = scoreText.tweenPositionTo(position + new Vector2(0, -40), deathDuration); moveTween.setEaseType(EaseType.QuadOut); moveTween.start(); var opacityTween = new FloatTween(scoreText, 0f, deathDuration - 0.3f); opacityTween.setEaseType(EaseType.QuadOut); opacityTween.setDelay(0.3f); opacityTween.start(); Core.schedule(deathDuration, t => { if (scene != null) { scoreText?.destroy(); } }); }
void Awake() { if (key.Length == 0) { LogSys.LogWarning("key is empty"); return; } string str = ""; if (FromLua == false || !sluaAux.luaSvrManager.getInstance().IsLoaded) { str = GameText.GetStr(key); } else { SLua.LuaState ls = sluaAux.luaSvrManager.getInstance().GetLuaState(); if (ls != null) { SLua.LuaTable tb = ls.getTable("LuaText"); if (tb[key] == null) { str = GameText.GetStr(key); } else { str = tb[key].ToString(); } } } gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = UtilTools.Wrap(str); }
static void Initialize() { bInitialize = true; PointLineFont = Game1.contentManager.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Design\BGUI\test32"); pointsGainedText = new GameText("Points gained: "); pointsGainedLinePos = new Rectangle(1366 / 2 - 1100 / 2, 700, 1100, 50); }
/// <summary> /// Получить текст /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public TextData Get() { TextData result = null; List <TextData> activeList = OnlyActual(first, active); //List<TextData> activeList = active; if (active.Count > 0) { result = activeList.Random(); } else { GameText.AddType(reserveType); return(GameText.Get(reserveType)); } active.Remove(result); first.Add(result.text[0].ToString()); notActive.Add(result); return(result); }
protected override void ReplaceAwake() { _ctrl = UIManager.GetControler <RegisterBindingController>(); _btnClose = FindGameObject("Container/bg/btnClose"); _phoneInput = FindComponent <UIInput>("Container/phone/Sprite"); _passwordInput = FindComponent <UIInput>("Container/password/Sprite"); _verifyInput = FindComponent <UIInput>("Container/verify/Sprite"); _btnGetverifyCode = FindGameObject("Container/verify/btnVerify"); _btnGetverifyCodeGray = FindGameObject("Container/verify/btnVerifyGray"); _btnGetverifyCodeLb = FindComponent <UILabel>("Container/verify/btnVerifyGray/Label"); _btnSure = FindGameObject("Container/btnSure"); //_verifyBtnSpr = _btnGetverifyCode.GetComponent<UISprite>(); // _phoneInput.activeTextColor = new Color(dc661f); _phoneInput.defaultText = GameText.GetStr("login_name_default"); _passwordInput.defaultText = GameText.GetStr("reset_passWord_default"); _verifyInput.defaultText = GameText.GetStr("verify_default"); if (_ctrl.cooldownEndTime - UtilTools.GetClientTime() > 0) { _bUpdateCooldwon = true; SetVerifyShow(true); } else { SetVerifyShow(false); } }
private void OnSureRegisterOrBinder(GameObject go) { //TODO 确定注册或者绑定 string phoneNum = _phoneInput.value; string password = _passwordInput.value; if (!IsPhoneNum(phoneNum)) { UtilTools.MessageDialog(GameText.GetStr("please_input_right_phone_num")); return; } if (!IsPassword(password)) { UtilTools.MessageDialog(GameText.GetStr("reset_passWord_default")); return; } string verifyCode = _verifyInput.value; if (_ctrl.isBinding) { LoginInputController.startUpMono.PhoneBind(phoneNum, password, verifyCode); // UtilTools.ShowWaitWin(WaitFlag.BindPhone, 5f); } else { LoginInputController.startUpMono.PhoneRegister(phoneNum, password, verifyCode); // UtilTools.ShowWaitWin(WaitFlag.RegisterAccount, 5f); } }
public override void OnComplete() { GameManager.Instance.ui_ticker.Write(GameText.GetText("ACHIEVE/COMPLETE", name)); if (metas.Count >= step + 1) { Meta meta = metas[step]; name =; step = meta.step; count = count - goal; goal = meta.goal; Database.Execute(Database.Type.UserData, "UPDATE user_achieve SET achieve_name='" + name + "', achieve_step=" + step + ", achieve_count=" + count + ", achieve_goal=" + goal + " WHERE achieve_type='" + type + "'" ); GameManager.Instance.ui_textbox.AsyncWrite(GameText.GetText("ACHIEVE/COMPLETE", name) + "\n" + reward_stat.ToString()); if (count >= goal) { OnComplete(); } } else { ProgressManager.Instance.Remove(this); } }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { // You add your initialization logic here // Player // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); this.Services.AddService(typeof(SpriteBatch), spriteBatch); // Background bgLayer1 = new ParallaxingBackground(this, -1, "bgLayer1"); bgLayer2 = new ParallaxingBackground(this, -2, "bgLayer2"); Components.Add(bgLayer1); Components.Add(bgLayer2); // Add player player = new Player(this, new Vector2(0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2)); Components.Add(player); // Enemies enemies = new List <Enemy>(); previousSpawnTime = TimeSpan.Zero; enemySpawnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0f); random = new Random(); // Explosions explosions = new List <Animation>(); // Game Text score = 0; scoreText = new GameText(this, SCORE + score, new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.X, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y)); playerHealthText = new GameText(this, HEALTH + player.Health, new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.X, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y + 30)); Components.Add(scoreText); Components.Add(playerHealthText); // Enable drag gesture TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.FreeDrag; base.Initialize(); }
public override void initialize() { var halfScreen = camera.bounds.size * 0.5f; var background = Background.Create("UI/deathscreen_background"); addEntity(background); var restartButton = new Button("UI/restart_button_normal", "UI/restart_button_hover"); restartButton.position = new Vector2(halfScreen.X, 580); restartButton.Click += RestartButtonOnClick; addEntity(restartButton); var scoreText = new GameText($"{Player.score}"); scoreText.position = new Vector2(halfScreen.X, 335); addEntity(scoreText); var storage = GameDataStorage.getInstance(); storage.Load(); var bestScoreText = new GameText($"{storage.BestScore}"); bestScoreText.position = new Vector2(halfScreen.X, 435); addEntity(bestScoreText); var mainMenuButton = new Button("UI/menu_button_normal", "UI/menu_button_hover"); mainMenuButton.position = new Vector2(32, 32); mainMenuButton.Click += MainMenuButtonOnClick; addEntity(mainMenuButton); }
/// <summary> /// Заполнить все данные /// </summary> public void GetPoints() { //Выключить все тексты HideMoveText(); //Получаем доступные тексты для путешествия List <string> listData = ShipTypeTexts.GetActiveList(JourneyShipTypeTexts.GetTypeList()); //Получаем количество активных текстов int count = listData.Count; //Получить несколько ближайших точек listPoint = JourneyManager.DB.NearestList(count); GameText.Initialization(listData); List <TextData> listUniq = GameText.GetOneType(listData); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { listText[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); listPoint[i].data.OnStartMove += HideMoveText; listPoint[i].data.ActiveName(listText[i], listUniq[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { listText[i].SetText(listPoint[i].data.message.GetColor(listText[i].notSelectColor)); } }
public void ЗаполненияСоздание() { for (int i = 0; i < слотыСоздания.transform.childCount; i++) { TownUnits tU = слотыСоздания.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <TownUnits>(); tU.unit = null; tU.img.sprite = null; tU.img.gameObject.SetActive(false); tU.text.text = ""; tU.text.gameObject.SetActive(false); tU.interactable = false; слотыСозданияЮнитов.Add(tU); } List <Unit> tempUnit = new List <Unit>(); for (int i = 0; i < GameManager.instance.units.Count; i++) //Заполнение { if (AvailableList.availableUnit[GameManager.instance.units[i].type]) { tempUnit.Add(GameManager.instance.units[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < tempUnit.Count; i++) //Заполнение { слотыСозданияЮнитов[i].unit = tempUnit[i]; слотыСозданияЮнитов[i].img.sprite = tempUnit[i].img; слотыСозданияЮнитов[i].img.gameObject.SetActive(true); слотыСозданияЮнитов[i].text.text = GameText.GetUnitName(tempUnit[i].type); слотыСозданияЮнитов[i].text.gameObject.SetActive(true); слотыСозданияЮнитов[i].interactable = true; слотыСозданияЮнитов[i].isCreate = true; } }
/// <summary> /// 获取验证码 /// </summary> /// <param name="go"></param> private void OnToGetVerificationHandler(GameObject go) { string phoneNum = _resetNameLb.value; if (!IsPhoneNum(phoneNum)) { UtilTools.ShowMessage(GameText.GetStr("login_name_empty"), TextColor.WHITE); return; } if (_bUpdateCooldwon) { UtilTools.ShowMessage(GameText.GetStr("try_later")); return; } _bUpdateCooldwon = true; if (sdk.SDKManager.isAppStoreVersion()) { LoginInputController.startUpMono.PhoneVerificationCode(phoneNum, "1002", "IOS"); } else { UtilTools.GetAvmpSign(phoneNum, 1002); } // }
protected override void TestConditions() { switch (this.PlayerManager.Action) { case ActionType.Teetering: case ActionType.IdlePlay: case ActionType.IdleSleep: case ActionType.IdleLookAround: case ActionType.IdleYawn: case ActionType.Idle: case ActionType.LookingLeft: case ActionType.LookingRight: case ActionType.LookingUp: case ActionType.LookingDown: case ActionType.Walking: case ActionType.Running: case ActionType.Sliding: case ActionType.Landing: if (!this.IsOnSign() || this.InputManager.CancelTalk != FezButtonState.Pressed) { break; } this.SpeechBubble.Origin = this.PlayerManager.Position; this.SpeechBubble.ChangeText(GameText.GetString(this.signText)); this.PlayerManager.Action = ActionType.ReadingSign; this.InputManager.PressedToDown(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Метод, для проверки вводимого пользователем /// </summary> /// <param name="inputNumber">Число пользователя</param> /// <param name="NumberToWin">Заветное число</param> /// <param name="limit">Количество попыток юзера</param> /// <param name="gameText">Сюда надот текст игры впихнуть ибо будет ата-та/param> /// <returns>Возвращает победил ли юзер</returns> public bool NumberCheak(int inputNumber, int NumberToWin, int limit, GameText gameText) { for (int i = 1; i <= limit; i++) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("-"); try { inputNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { gameText.WriteText(gameText.UserMistakeInput); } if (inputNumber > NumberToWin) { Console.WriteLine("-Твое число больше..."); gameText.WriteText(gameText.UserMistake[random.Next(gameText.UserMistake.Length)]); } else if (inputNumber < NumberToWin) { Console.WriteLine("-Твое число меньше..."); gameText.WriteText(gameText.UserMistake[random.Next(gameText.UserMistake.Length)]); } else { Console.Clear(); return(true); } } return(false); }
// Update 每帧调用一次 override public void Update() { if (!_bStartUp) { return; } base.Update(); int ok_step = _applicationMgr.InitOkStep; if (ApplicationMgr._bInitOK || ok_step == -1)//未开始初始化,或已完成 { UtilTools.SetServerListTip(""); } else { if (ok_step == 1) { float process = ConfigDataMgr.getInstance().GetConfigLoadProcess(); string tips = GameText.Format("initingLoadXml", Mathf.FloorToInt(process * 100).ToString()); UtilTools.SetServerListTip(tips, true, process); } else if (ok_step == 4) { //UtilTools.SetServerListTip(GameText.GetStr("loadingServerList")); } else if (ok_step == 5) { UtilTools.SetServerListTip(GameText.GetStr("loadingNotice"), false, 1f); } } if (ApplicationMgr._bInitOK) { if (_startUpStep == 1) { StartUp_step2(); } else if (_startUpStep == 2 && AssetManager.IsPreLoadComplete()) { StartUp_step3(); } else if (_startUpStep == 3 && GameDataMgr.LOGIN_DATA.IsConnectGamerServer) { /*MainCityController cont = UIManager.GetControler<MainCityController>(); * if (cont.IsActive) * { * StartUp_step4(); * }*/ StartUp_step4(); } else if (_startUpStep == 4 && GameDataMgr.LOGIN_DATA.IsLoginGameServer) { StartUp_step5(); } } }
private void Start() { coord = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <ConvertCoordinates>(); actor = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <ActorBoard>(); modeline = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <UIModeline>(); terrain = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <DungeonTerrain>(); text = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <GameText>(); }
private void Start() { coord = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <ConvertCoordinates>(); message = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <UIMessage>(); text = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <GameText>(); color = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <GameColor>(); data = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <InfectionData>(); }
void Start() { script = GameObject.Find("Text").GetComponent <GameText>(); player = GameObject.Find("Player"); wallet = GameObject.Find("Wallet"); player.GetComponent <Player> ().flipMove(); player.GetComponent <Player> ().flipInvestigate(); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { mouseRec = new Rectangle(mouse.X, mouse.Y, 5, 5); if (endFirstClic && mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (oldMouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { if (mouseRec.Intersects(boutonPleinEcran)) { isFullscreen = !isFullscreen;; } else if (mouseRec.Intersects(boutonLangue)) { _currentLanguage++; if (_currentLanguage > Language.Français) { _currentLanguage = 0; } if (_currentLanguage == Language.Français) { GameText.langue = "french"; } else if (_currentLanguage == Language.English) { GameText.langue = "english"; } GameText.initGameText(); } else if (mouseRec.Intersects(boutonRetour)) { if (isPauseOption) { SceneHandler.gameState = GameState.Pause; } else { SceneHandler.gameState = GameState.MainMenu; } endFirstClic = false; } } } else if (!endFirstClic && mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { endFirstClic = true; } if (isPauseOption && keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { SceneHandler.gameState = GameState.Editor; } fullscreenText = (isFullscreen ? noT.get() : yesT.get()); positionTexteFullscreen = new Vector2(boutonPleinEcran.Left - spriteFont.MeasureString(pleinEcranT.get() + " :").X, boutonPleinEcran.Center.Y - spriteFont.MeasureString(pleinEcranT.get() + " :").Y / 2); positionTexteLangue = new Vector2(boutonLangue.Left - spriteFont.MeasureString(langueT.get() + " :").X, boutonLangue.Center.Y - spriteFont.MeasureString(langueT.get() + " :").Y / 2); }
} // = null; //private static string file;// = null; //string _path; static GameText() // : base(path) { //should return english if player's default language is null //if(path == null)_initialize(); //base.Initialize(file ?? "PokemonUnity"); //Instance.Initialize(file ?? "PokemonUnity"); //instanceHolder.Initialize(file ?? "PokemonUnity"); instanceHolder = new GameText(filename: null); }
public void ВыборЮнитаДляСоздания(TownUnits townUnit) { создающийся = townUnit.unit; картинкаЮнита.sprite = townUnit.unit.img2; картинкаЮнита.gameObject.SetActive(true); имя.text = GameText.GetUnitName(townUnit.unit.type); описание.text = GameText.GetUnitDescription(townUnit.unit.type); создатьЮнита.interactable = true; }
private void Start() { _gameText = GetComponent <GameText>(); _levelController = FindObjectOfType <LevelController>(); _endOfGameControl = FindObjectOfType <EndOfGameControl>(); Time.timeScale = 1.0F; _endOfGameControl.MainCamera.gameObject.SetActive(true); _endOfGameControl.EndOfGameParts.SetActive(false); }
private void Start() { mode = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <SubMode>(); buyPower = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <UIBuyPower>(); ui = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <UserInterface>(); pcPower = FindObjects.PC.GetComponent <Power>(); header = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <HeaderAction>(); text = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <GameText>(); }
public override void PhaseStart() { base.PhaseStart(); GameText.Initialization(new List <string>(new string[] { "TransitionMetal_ENG" })); JourneyPhase.PhaseGame?.Invoke(); Debug.Log("PhaseStart"); }
private void Start() { board = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <DungeonBoard>(); terrain = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <DungeonTerrain>(); modeline = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <UIModeline>(); coord = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <ConvertCoordinates>(); setting = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <GameSetting>(); text = FindObjects.GameLogic.GetComponent <GameText>(); }
protected override void LoadContent() { this.sLetterAppear = this.CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load <SoundEffect>("Sounds/MiscActors/LetterAppear"); this.letterTexture = this.CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load <Texture2D>("Other Textures/mail/" + this.LetterName + "_1"); this.textRenderer = new GlyphTextRenderer(this.Game); = new SpriteBatch(this.GraphicsDevice); this.PlayerManager.CanControl = false; this.PlayerManager.Action = ActionType.ReadTurnAround; this.LetterText = GameText.GetString(this.LetterName); }
public void print(string message) { temp = (GameText)Instantiate(listing); temp.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform); temp.transform.localScale = test; temp.source = this; temp.setMessage(message); temp.gameObject.SetActive(true); count++; }
public GameManager() { snakeArray[0] = new Snake(300f, 300f, 10f, 10f, true, true); for (int counter = 1; counter < snakeArray.Length; counter++) { snakeArray[counter] = new Snake(300f, 300f, 10f, 10f, false, false); } food = new Food(10f, 10f, SimpleWindow.WINDOW); gameText = new GameText(_score.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Get text in game that ongoing by gameID. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameID">GameID.</param> /// <returns>All text in game.</returns> public IEnumerable<GameText> GetAllGameTextsByGameID(int gameID) { var query = default(IEnumerable<GameText>); var queryFirst = from gi in npb.GameInfoGTE join txti in npb.TextInfoGTE on gi.GameInfoGTEId equals txti.GameInfoGTEId join bat in npb.BatGTE on txti.TextInfoGTEId equals bat.TextInfoGTEId join tigte in npb.TextGTE on bat.BatGTEId equals tigte.BatGTEId where gi.GameID == gameID && txti.ID != 0 select new GameText { GameInfoGTEID = gi.GameInfoGTEId, Round = txti.ID.ToString().Substring(0, 1), RoundName = (txti.Name == null ? string.Empty : txti.Name), TextOfTeam = (tigte.Text == null ? string.Empty : tigte.Text), ID = txti.ID, }; //Get last digit of ID. List<GameText> newList = new List<GameText>(); foreach (var item in queryFirst.ToList()) { GameText gText = new GameText(); gText = item; gText.ID = Convert.ToInt32(item.ID.ToString().Substring(item.ID.ToString().Length - 1, 1)); newList.Add(gText); } query = from q1 in newList join ti in npb.TeamInfoGTE on q1.GameInfoGTEID equals ti.GameInfoGTEId where ti.HV != q1.ID select new GameText { GameInfoGTEID = q1.GameInfoGTEID, Round = q1.Round, RoundName = q1.RoundName, TeamID = ti.ID, TeamNameS = ti.NameS, TextOfTeam = q1.TextOfTeam, ID = q1.ID, }; return query; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { instance = this; Init (); }