public void Load(ContentManager content, GameScene game)
            //This process can be sped up by editing the TiledMax files to parse directly into our data structures.
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(mapFile);
            TiledMax.Map map = TiledMax.Map.Open (File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(content.RootDirectory,mapFile)), content.RootDirectory);
            Layers = map.Layers;

            int tileID = 1;

            //Read in textures and set up convenient structures for drawing tiles.
            foreach (TiledMax.TileSet ts in map.TileSets) {
                string filename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mapFile), ts.Images[0].Source);

                Texture2D tileSheet = content.Load<Texture2D> (filename);
                TileWidth = ts.TileWidth;
                TileHeight = ts.TileHeight; //Multiple tileset sizes? How to handle? Take the max?

                //TODO: Account for margins and spacing here!
                int colCount = tileSheet.Width / TileWidth;
                int rowCount = tileSheet.Height / TileHeight;
                int tileCount = rowCount * colCount;
                int currentRow = 0;
                int currentCol = 0;

                //Note: tileID is held outside of loop to handle multiple tilesheets; each starts off where the last left.
                //The code below should be rewritten so that tile.ID does not require addition, and instead the loop
                //boundaries take on the additional math.
                for (int i = 0; i < tileCount; i++) {
                    GameTile tile = new GameTile ();
                    tile.display.texture = tileSheet;
                    tile.display.rect = new Rectangle (currentCol * TileWidth, currentRow * TileHeight, TileWidth, TileHeight); //Rectangle with this tile's texture on the sheet.
                    tile.ID = tileID + i;
                    int relative_id = tile.ID - ts.FirstGid;
                    if (ts.TileProperties.ContainsKey (relative_id)) {//Need to actually check what properties these are! This is a placeholder.
                        TiledMax.Properties props = ts.TileProperties [relative_id];
                        if (props.ContainsKey ("solid"))
                            tile.solid = true;
                        if (props.ContainsKey ("spawn"))
                            tile.SpawnType = (String)props ["spawn"];
                    Tiles.Add (tileID + i, tile);
                    if (currentCol >= colCount) {
                        currentCol = 0;
                tileID += tileCount;

            //Spawn things that should be spawned.
            foreach (TiledMax.Layer layer in map.Layers) {

                MapWidth = layer.Width * TileWidth;
                MapHeight = layer.Height * TileHeight;
                bool layerSolid = layer.Properties.ContainsKey ("solid");
                String layerSpawnType = layer.Properties.ContainsKey ("spawn") ? (String)layer.Properties ["spawn"] : "";
                int width = layer.Width;
                int height = layer.Height;
                for (int y = 0; y < layer.Height; y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < layer.Width; x++) {
                        Rectangle destination = new Rectangle (x * map.TileWidth, y * map.TileHeight, map.TileWidth, map.TileHeight);
                        tileID = layer.Data [y, x] - 1;
                        if (tileID > 0) {
                            GameTile tile = Tiles [tileID];
                            if (layerSolid || tile.solid) {
                                if (layerSpawnType == "" && tile.SpawnType == "")
                                    game.SpawnEntity ("Terrain", destination, layer.Properties);
                            game.SpawnEntity (layerSpawnType == "" ? tile.SpawnType : layerSpawnType, destination, layer.Properties);
            //Look for special objects, like player spawn points.
            foreach (TiledMax.ObjectGroup og in map.ObjectGroups) {
                foreach (TiledMax.MapObject obj in og) {

                    if (obj.Gid != -1) {
                        GameTile tile = Tiles [obj.Gid];
                        obj.Y -= tile.display.rect.Height;
                        if (obj.Type == "") {
                            String spawnType = tile.SpawnType;
                            if (spawnType != "") {
                                obj.Type = "spawn:" + spawnType;
                                if (!obj.Properties.ContainsKey("identifier"))
                                    obj.Properties.Add ("identifier", obj.Name);

                        if (obj.Width == 0 && obj.Height == 0) {
                            obj.Width = tile.display.rect.Width;
                            obj.Height = tile.display.rect.Height;

                    Rectangle destination = new Rectangle (obj.X, obj.Y, obj.Width, obj.Height);
                    Properties properties = obj.Properties;

                    if (obj.Type.StartsWith ("spawn:")) {
                        //6 = length of "spawn:"
                        game.SpawnEntity (obj.Type.Substring (6), destination, obj.Properties);

                    switch (obj.Type) {
                    case "spawn":
                        game.SpawnEntity (obj.Name, destination, obj.Properties);
                    case "warp":
                        String locationTarget = (obj.Properties.ContainsKey ("location")) ? (String)obj.Properties ["location"] : "default";
                        game.AddLoadTrigger (obj.Name, locationTarget, destination); // , obj.Properties);
                    case "location":
                        Locations.Add (obj.Name, destination);
                    case "node":
                        game.AddNode (obj.Name, (string)obj.Properties ["next"], destination);