public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, object c)
        EnemyProgress data = (EnemyProgress)c;

        // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the object.
        data.Abilities            = reader.ReadDictionary <Parameter.CharacterParameters.BattleAbility, System.Int32>();
        data.AttributeResistances = reader.ReadDictionary <Skill.ActiveSkillParameters.AttackSkillAttribute, System.Single>();
        data.Level      = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.WeponLevel = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
Example #2
 public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, object c)
     Nonogram data = (Nonogram)c;
     // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the object.
     data.size = reader.Read<System.Int32>();
     data.tiles = reader.ReadDictionary<UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean>();
Example #3
    public static Dictionary <TKey, TValue> LoadDictionary <TKey, TValue>(string identifier, ES2Settings settings)
        ES2Settings newSettings = settings.Clone(identifier);

        using (ES2Reader reader = ES2Reader.Create(newSettings))
            return(reader.ReadDictionary <TKey, TValue>(newSettings.filenameData.tag));
Example #4
    public Dictionary <TKey, TValue> LoadDictionary <TKey, TValue>(string tag)

        using (ES2Reader reader = ES2Reader.Create(data, settings))
            return(reader.ReadDictionary <TKey, TValue>(tag));
    public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, object c)
        WorldData data = (WorldData)c;

        // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the object.
        data.Towns      = reader.ReadDictionary <System.Int32, UnityEngine.Vector3>();
        data.WorldLevel = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.WorldName  = reader.Read <System.String>();
    public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, Component c)
        Venue data = (Venue)c;

        // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the Component.                     = reader.Read <System.String>();
        data.venueName              = reader.Read <System.String>();
        data.venueDescription       = reader.Read <System.String>();
        data.baseCost               = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.gatePercentage         = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.capacity               = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.popularity             = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.phase                  = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.unlockableMatchType    = reader.Read <System.String>();
        data.matchTypePreferences   = reader.ReadDictionary <System.String, System.Single>();
        data.matchFinishPreferences = reader.ReadDictionary <System.String, System.Single>();
        data.seenMatchTypes         = reader.ReadList <System.String>();
        data.seenMatchFinishes      = reader.ReadList <System.String>();
    public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, object c)
        SavableObject data = (SavableObject)c;

        // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the object.            = reader.ReadDictionary <System.String, System.Object>();
        data.isSpawnedObject = reader.Read <System.Boolean>();
        data.isSpawnedScript = reader.Read <System.Boolean>();
        data.scriptType      = reader.Read <System.String>();
        data.prefabName      = reader.Read <System.String>();
Example #8
    public override object Read(ES2Reader reader)
        var    id             = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        var    abilities      = reader.ReadDictionary <FriendlyAbility, System.Int32>();
        var    level          = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        var    containerPos   = reader.Read <Vector3>();
        var    continerRotate = reader.Read <Quaternion>();
        Client data           = new Client(id, abilities, level, containerPos, continerRotate);

Example #9
    public Dictionary <Transform, int> GetDungeonProps()
        string loadName = selectedLoadFile + ".edg";
        Dictionary <Transform, int> dungeonProps = new Dictionary <Transform, int>();

        using (ES2Reader reader = ES2Reader.Create("dungeonSaves/" + loadName))
            dungeonProps = reader.ReadDictionary <Transform, int>("dungeonProps");
    public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, Component c)
        Wrestler data = (Wrestler)c;

        // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the Component.                    = reader.Read <System.String>();
        data.wrestlerName          = reader.Read <System.String>();
        data.description           = reader.Read <System.String>();
        data.perMatchCost          = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.popularity            = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.isHeel                = reader.Read <System.Boolean>();
        data.hiringCost            = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.phase                 = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.charisma              = reader.Read <System.Single>();                  = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.appearance            = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.matchTypeAffinities   = reader.ReadDictionary <System.String, System.Single>();
        data.matchFinishAffinities = reader.ReadDictionary <System.String, System.Single>();
        data.usedMatchTypes        = reader.ReadList <System.String>();
        data.usedMatchFinishes     = reader.ReadList <System.String>();
 public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, object c)
     SavedGame data = (SavedGame)c;
     // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the object.
     data.UnlockedCards = reader.ReadList<LibraryCard>();
     data.StartingDeckCards = reader.ReadList<LibraryCard>();
     data.DefeatedEnemies = reader.ReadList<System.String>();
     data.UnlockedGods = reader.ReadList<System.Int32>();
     data.GoalHighScores = reader.ReadDictionary<System.String,System.Int32>();
     data.FinishedTutorial = reader.Read<System.Boolean>();
     data.NewCardsAvailable = reader.Read<System.Boolean>();
Example #12
    public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, object c)
        Client client = (Client)c;
        // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the object.
        var    id             = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        var    abilities      = reader.ReadDictionary <FriendlyAbility, System.Int32>();
        var    level          = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        var    containerPos   = reader.Read <Vector3>();
        var    continerRotate = reader.Read <Quaternion>();
        Client data           = new Client(id, abilities, level, containerPos, continerRotate);

        client = data;
    public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, object c)
        SavedGame data = (SavedGame)c;

        // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the object.
        data.UnlockedCards     = reader.ReadList <LibraryCard>();
        data.StartingDeckCards = reader.ReadList <LibraryCard>();
        data.DefeatedEnemies   = reader.ReadList <System.String>();
        data.UnlockedGods      = reader.ReadList <System.Int32>();
        data.GoalHighScores    = reader.ReadDictionary <System.String, System.Int32>();
        data.FinishedTutorial  = reader.Read <System.Boolean>();
        data.NewCardsAvailable = reader.Read <System.Boolean>();
Example #14
    public override object Read(ES2Reader reader)
        string receipt = reader.Read <System.String>();
        string itemId  = reader.Read <System.String>();

        IAPData.IAPState            iapState        = (IAPData.IAPState)reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        long                        updateTime      = reader.Read <System.Int64>();
        Dictionary <string, string> tokens          = reader.ReadDictionary <System.String, System.String>();
        string                      storeSpecificId = reader.Read <System.String>();
        string                      transactionId   = reader.Read <System.String>();

        return(new IAPData(receipt, itemId, storeSpecificId, transactionId, iapState, updateTime, tokens));
    public override void Read(ES2Reader reader, object c)
        TownBuilder data = (TownBuilder)c;

        // Add your reader.Read calls here to read the data into the object.
        data.Id              = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.Level           = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.Size            = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.Citizens        = reader.ReadList <Character.Citizen>();
        data.Merchants       = reader.ReadList <Character.Merchant>();
        data.Clients         = reader.ReadList <Character.Client>();
        data.PriseMag        = reader.Read <System.Single>();
        data.BuildingDatas   = reader.ReadList <BuildingSaveData>();
        data.AttributeMag    = reader.ReadDictionary <Item.ItemParameters.ItemAttribute, System.Single>();
        data.Grid            = reader.Read2DArray <System.Boolean>();
        data.TownAttributeId = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
        data.Direction       = reader.Read <FieldMap.Town.RoadDirection>();
        data.Position        = reader.Read <UnityEngine.Vector3>();
        data.Quaternion      = reader.Read <UnityEngine.Quaternion>();
Example #16
 private Dictionary <TKey, TValue> ReadEncryptedDictionary <TKey, TValue>(ES2Type keyType, ES2Type valueType)
     using (ES2Reader encryptedReader = GetEncryptedReader())
         return(encryptedReader.ReadDictionary <TKey, TValue>(keyType, valueType));
 public override object Read(ES2Reader reader)
 var id = reader.Read <System.Int32>(); 
 var numberOfGoods = reader.Read <System.Int32>(); 
 var goodsLevel = reader.Read <System.Int32>();
     var   abilities = reader.ReadDictionary <Parameter.CharacterParameters.FriendlyAbility, System.Int32>();
     var   containerPos = reader.Read <Vector3>();
     var   continerRotate = reader.Read <Quaternion>(); 
 Merchant data = new Merchant(id, goodsLevel, numberOfGoods, abilities, containerPos, continerRotate); 
