/// <summary>
        /// Does any initialization required before the address space can be used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The externalReferences is an out parameter that allows the node manager to link to nodes
        /// in other node managers. For example, the 'Objects' node is managed by the CoreNodeManager and
        /// should have a reference to the root folder node(s) exposed by this node manager.
        /// </remarks>
        public override void CreateAddressSpace(IDictionary <NodeId, IList <IReference> > externalReferences)
            lock (Lock)
                //Load DI nodeset
                LoadPredefinedNodes(SystemContext, externalReferences);

                //Add my variables to Address Space, under the DeviceSet object -----------------------

                //get the DeviceSet object of the Address Space
                NodeState DeviceSetobj = (NodeState)FindPredefinedNode(
                    ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId(ObjectIds.DeviceSet, Server.NamespaceUris), typeof(NodeState));

                //create myDevice1 as a simple folder with a variable
                FolderState mydev1 = CreateFolder(DeviceSetobj, "myDevice1", "myDevice1");

                //create myDevice1/myVar1
                BaseDataVariableState myvar1 = CreateVariable(mydev1, "myVar1", "myVar1", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Double, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                //create myDevice1/Actual_State
                BaseDataVariableState Actual_State = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Actual_State", "Actual_State", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Double, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                //create myDevice1/Sensors_Data
                Sensors_Data = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Sensors_Data", "Sensors_Data", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Double, ValueRanks.OneDimension);

                //create myDevice1/myVar2
                myvar2 = CreateVariable(mydev1, "myVar2", "myVar2", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Int16, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // Poject

                //create myDevice1/Start_Piece
                Start_Piece = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Start_Piece", "Start_Piece", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Boolean, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Mould_1
                Mould_1 = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Mould_1", "Mould_1", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.String, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Mould_1_SN
                Mould_1_SN = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Mould_1_SN", "Mould_1_SN", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.String, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Mould_2
                Mould_2 = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Mould_2", "Mould_2", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.String, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Mould_2_SN
                Mould_2_SN = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Mould_2_SN", "Mould_2_SN", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.String, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Piece_SN
                Piece_SN = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Piece_SN", "Piece_SN", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Int32, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Piece_SN
                Machine_SN = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Machine_SN", "Machine_SN", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.String, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                //create myDevice1/Change_Mould
                Change_Mould = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Change_Mould", "Change_Mould", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Boolean, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                //create myDevice1/Mould_Changed
                Mould_Changed = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Mould_Changed", "Mould_Changed", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Boolean, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Actual_Mould
                Actual_Mould = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Actual_Mould", "Actual_Mould", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Int32, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Mould_tobeused
                Mould_tobeused = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Mould_tobeused", "Mould_tobeused", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.String, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Operator_ID
                Operator_ID = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Operator_ID", "Operator_ID", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Int32, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                // create myDevice1/Robot_Finished
                Robot_Finished = CreateVariable(mydev1, "Robot_Finished", "Robot_Finished", Opc.Ua.DataTypeIds.Boolean, ValueRanks.Scalar);

                //initialize var
                myvar1.Value         = (double)0.0;
                myvar2.Value         = (short)0;
                Actual_State.Value   = (double)0.0;
                Start_Piece.Value    = (bool)false;
                Mould_1.Value        = (string)"Mould 1";
                Mould_2.Value        = (string)"Mould 2";
                Mould_1_SN.Value     = (string)"1";
                Mould_2_SN.Value     = (string)"2";
                Piece_SN.Value       = (int)1;
                Machine_SN.Value     = (string)"1";
                Change_Mould.Value   = (bool)false;
                Robot_Finished.Value = (bool)true;
                Actual_Mould.Value   = (int)0;
                //Sensors_Data.Value = (int[])null;
                Mould_tobeused.Value = Mould_1_SN.Value;
                Mould_Changed.Value  = (bool)false;

                //store variable in my variable list for latter access (not necessary if variable is declare as a field of the class)
                //add to Address Space
                AddPredefinedNode(SystemContext, mydev1);


                //Create a new object using the type "Device" defined by the DI specification
                //The class DeviceState is defined in the code generated by ModelCompiler
                myTemperatureSensor = new DeviceState(null);
                                           new QualifiedName("myTemperatureSensor", m_namespaceIndex),

                //Object is created under DeviceSet

                //create a variable to hold the value of the temperature, of the type AnalogItem, under myTemperatureSensor
                TemperatureValue = new AnalogItemState(null);
                                        new QualifiedName("Temperature", m_namespaceIndex),

                //Object is created under myTemperatureSensor

                //initialize var
                TemperatureValue.Value = (double)0.0;

                //the type "Device" has a set of predefined info variables
                myTemperatureSensor.SerialNumber.Value = "AABB112233";
                myTemperatureSensor.Manufacturer.Value = "ACME";
                myTemperatureSensor.Model.Value        = new LocalizedText("PT", "MODEL 1.0");

                //add to Address Space
                AddPredefinedNode(SystemContext, myTemperatureSensor);


                //initialize Modbus client
                Modbus_client = new ModbusClient(Modbus_IP, Modbus_port);
                Modbus_client.ConnectionTimeout = 5000;

                // start periodic method to update my Address Space variables
                m_doprocessingTimer = new Timer(myDoProcessing, null, m_doprocessingInterval, m_doprocessingInterval);