public virtual string StartScene(PlayerMain player, BasicChar other) => $"";
public virtual string Use(BasicChar user) => "used";
public override string ContinueScene(PlayerMain player, BasicChar other) { return($"Keeping them in place, you continue your tongue-lashing, electing soft moans from your opponent. Barely able to move, all {other.Identity.FirstName} can do is rest their hand on your head. You reach one hand to their c**t and gently pinch it, sending a fresh wave of pleasure through their body."); }
public override bool CanDo(BasicChar player, ThePrey Other) { return(player.Vore.Anal.CanVore(Other)); }
public override string ContinueScene(PlayerMain player, BasicChar other) { return(StartScene(player, other)); }
public EventsContaier(BasicChar basicChar) { this.basicChar = basicChar; }
public override string StartScene(PlayerMain player, BasicChar other) { System.Collections.Generic.List <Dick> dicks = other.SexualOrgans.Dicks; System.Collections.Generic.List <Balls> balls = other.SexualOrgans.Balls; return($"{other.Identity.FirstName} forces your head to their crotch, and starts thrusting their { Settings.MorInch(dicks.BiggestSize())} dick into your mouth. Despite your intentions, your body betrays you and o*****s as they cum {Settings.LorGal(balls.Cumming())}."); }
public float AvgValue(BasicChar user) => (Value(user) + (Value(user) * (1 + rng))) / 2;
public abstract string Action(BasicChar user, BasicChar target);
public abstract string HoverDesc(BasicChar user);
protected float ValueWithRng(BasicChar user) => Value(user) * RNG;
protected abstract float Value(BasicChar user);
public virtual void Setup(BasicChar who) => basicChar = who;
public virtual string ContinueScene(PlayerMain player, BasicChar other) => $"";
public SoloScatEvents(BasicChar basicChar) : base(basicChar) { }
public override string ContinueScene(PlayerMain player, BasicChar other) { return($"Keeping them in place, you force them to continue eating you out, electing soft moans from your throat. Barely able to move, all {other.Identity.FirstName} can do is continue eating you out. You reach one hand to their head and gently pet it, telling them they're doing a good job."); }
public SoloFluidEvents(BasicChar basicChar) : base(basicChar) { }
public override string StartScene(PlayerMain player, BasicChar other) { return($"Your foe lays on their back, chest heaving with exhaustion from the recent fight. You make your way up {other.Identity.FirstName}'s body, licking your lips in anticipation. Squatting above their head, you line your crotch up with their mouth. Grabbing their head, you grind their face against your {player.SexualOrgans.Vaginas.Biggest().Race} pussy, until they start eating you out with {other.HisHer()} {other.Race(true)} tounge."); }
public void EventWith(BasicChar whom, bool CanLeaveDiretly) { Setup(CanLeaveDiretly); }
public void SelectNewTarget(BasicChar target) { playerTeam.DeSelectAll(); enemyTeam.DeSelectAll(); newTarget = target; }
// use function aka what the item does, base.use() calls Use function of this class's base class (Item.Use) which does nothing. public override string Use(BasicChar user) { CanvasMain.GetCanvasMain.EnterHome(); return(base.Use(user)); }
public static void GainPerk(this BasicChar basicChar, PerksTypes type) { List <Perk> perkList = basicChar.Perks.List; switch (type) { case PerksTypes.FasterRest: break; case PerksTypes.Gluttony: basicChar.HP.Recovery.AddMods(PerkEffects.Gluttony.ExtraRecovery(HealthTypes.Health)); basicChar.WP.Recovery.AddMods(PerkEffects.Gluttony.ExtraRecovery(HealthTypes.WillPower)); break; case PerksTypes.EssenceFlow: break; case PerksTypes.EssenceThief: break; case PerksTypes.EssenceHoarder: break; case PerksTypes.HealthyBody: break; case PerksTypes.StrongMind: break; case PerksTypes.LowMetabolism: break; case PerksTypes.Delicate: break; case PerksTypes.EnhancedSenses: break; case PerksTypes.Thug: break; case PerksTypes.Greedy: break; case PerksTypes.EssenceShaper: break; case PerksTypes.Seductress: basicChar.Stats.Charm.AddMods(PerkEffects.Seductress.CharmMod); break; } if (basicChar.Perks.HasPerk(type)) { basicChar.Perks.GetPerk(type).LevelUp();; } else { perkList.Add(new Perk(type)); } }
// use function aka what the item does, base.use() calls Use function of this class's base class (Item.Use) which does nothing. public override string Use(BasicChar user) { return(base.Use(user)); }
public GameEventSystem(BasicChar basicChar) { SoloEvents = new SoloEventsClass(basicChar); }
public override string Use(BasicChar user) { user.RaceSystem.AddRace(Races.Elf, 20); return($"Inhaling"); }
public SoloEventsClass(BasicChar basicChar) : base(basicChar) { VoreEvents = new SoloVoreEvents(basicChar); }
public virtual void Sleep(BasicChar basicChar) { DateSystem.PassHour(8); basicChar.HP.AddTempMod(TempHealthMod.CreateFlatHealth(5, Source, 12)); basicChar.WP.AddTempMod(TempHealthMod.CreateFlatWill(5, Source, 12)); }
public SoloVoreEvents(BasicChar basicChar) : base(basicChar) { }
public override string OtherOrgasmed(PlayerMain player, BasicChar other) { return(base.OtherOrgasmed(player, other)); }
public virtual bool CanDo(BasicChar basicChar) => false;