private async void Initialize(string filePath) { Workspace.Instance.SetStatus(TaskStatusType.Loading, $"Loading a file... ({filePath})"); // Set status. // Load file. string loadedFilePath = await FileLoadAsync(filePath); try { if (loadedFilePath == null) { OnClose(); return; } else { // Initialize AudioPlayback and Visualizations. _visualizations = ReflectionHelper.CreateAllInstancesOf <IVisualizationPlugin>().ToList(); _selectedVisualization = _visualizations.FirstOrDefault(); _audioPlayback = new AudioPlayback(); _audioPlayback.MaximumCalculated += OnAudioGraphMaximumCalculated; _audioPlayback.FftCalculated += OnAudioGraphFftCalculated; string extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower(); if (extension == ".ogg" || extension == ".rpgmvo" || extension == ".ogg_") { _audioPlayback.Load(loadedFilePath, true); // Load audio file using Ogg Vorbis wave reader. } else { _audioPlayback.Load(loadedFilePath); } // Initialize track bar. _trackBarTimer = new Timer(); _trackBarTimer.Interval = 500; _trackBarTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTrackBarTimerElapsed); _trackBarMaximumValue = _audioPlayback.GetTotalTime(); TimeSpan current = TimeSpan.Zero; _trackBarString = $"{current.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")} / {_trackBarMaximumValue.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")}"; // Load file properties. _fileProperties = new FileProperties(filePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { Workspace.Instance.Report.AddReportWithIdentifier($"{ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", ReportType.Warning); } finally { Workspace.Instance.SetStatus(TaskStatusType.Completed, $"Completed."); // Set status. } }
public void NextAudioFile() { //Move to next audio file in selected folder //Since the audio file is changing the controller will need to be remade SelectedPreviousSimSoundFileIndex++; if (SelectedPreviousSimSoundFileIndex <= PreviousSimSoundFiles.Length - 1) { SelectedPreviousSimSoundFile = PreviousSimSoundFiles[SelectedPreviousSimSoundFileIndex]; } else { SelectedPreviousSimSoundFileIndex = 0; SelectedPreviousSimSoundFile = PreviousSimSoundFiles[SelectedPreviousSimSoundFileIndex]; } //Reload the Audio controller since we have most likely changed sound file SetAudioController(SelectedPreviousSimSoundFile); audioPlayback.Load(SelectedPreviousSimSoundFile); }
public MainViewModel() { if (IsInDesignMode) { // Code runs in Blend --> create design time data. Title = _title; NeteaseUrl = ""; SongCollection.Add(new Song() { Title = new Title("Clover Heart's"), Artists = new Artists(new string[] { "榊原ゆい", "榊原ゆい" }), Album = new Album("Boommmmm", ""), }); SongCollection.Add(new Song() { Title = new Title("Clover Heart's"), Artists = new Artists(new string[] { "榊原ゆい" }), Album = new Album("Boommmmm", ""), }); SongCollection.Add(new Song() { Title = new Title("Clover Heart's"), Artists = new Artists(new string[] { "榊原ゆい" }), Album = new Album("Boommmmm", ""), }); SelectedSong = SongCollection.First(); } else { // Code runs "for real" Title = _title; NeteaseUrl = ""; Progress = 0; audioPlayback = new AudioPlayback(); audioPlayback.Volume = Volume; audioPlayback.EndCallback += (handle, channel, data, user) => { int index = -1; if ((index = SongCollection.IndexOf(CurrentPlaySong)) != -1) { ListenCommand.Execute(SongCollection.ElementAt((index + 1) % SongCollection.Count)); } else { audioPlayback.Stop(); NowPlaying = ""; CurrentPlaySong.PlayProgress = 0; CurrentPlaySong.PlayStatus = PlayStatus.Play; timer.Enabled = false; timer.Stop(); } }; timer.Tick += (sender, args) => { Title = string.Format("{0}/{1} - {2}", audioPlayback.CurrentLength, audioPlayback.TotalLength, _title); RaisePropertyChanged("Title"); CurrentPlaySong.PlayProgress = audioPlayback.Progress; }; GetSongsCommand = new RelayCommand(async() => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NeteaseUrl)) { return; } var id = ""; var urlType = ""; var reg = new Regex(@".*/(.*?)\?id=(\d*)").Match(NeteaseUrl); if (reg.Success) { urlType = reg.Groups[1].Value; id = reg.Groups[2].Value; SongCollection.Clear(); switch (urlType) { case "album": foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.GetSongsFromAlbum(id)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } break; case "artist": foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.GetSongsFromArtist(id)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } break; case "playlist": foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.GetSongsFromPlaylist(id)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } break; case "song": foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.GetSongDetail(id)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } break; } } else { SongCollection.Clear(); foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.SearchSongs(NeteaseUrl)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } } }); PlaylistDownloadCommand = new RelayCommand <Song>((song) => { SelectedSong = song; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SongTrackUrl)) { return; } var downloader = new DownloadUtils(); downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += (sender, args) => { song.DownProgress = args.ProgressPercentage; BytesReceived = args.BytesReceived.ToString(); TotalBytesToReceive = args.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString(); }; downloader.DownloadFileCompleted += (sender, args) => { if (DownloadNext) { int index = -1; if ((index = SongCollection.IndexOf(song)) != -1 && index + 1 < SongCollection.Count) { PlaylistDownloadCommand.Execute(SongCollection.ElementAt(index + 1)); } } else { BytesReceived = "0"; TotalBytesToReceive = "0"; } }; downloader.Get(SongTrackUrl, Path.Combine("music", FileUtils.GetSafeFileName(song.SongFileName))); }); ListenCommand = new RelayCommand <Song>((song) => { SelectedSong = song; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SongTrackUrl)) { return; } if (song.PlayStatus == PlayStatus.Play) { if (CurrentPlaySong != null && CurrentPlaySong != song) { audioPlayback.Stop(); CurrentPlaySong.PlayProgress = 0; CurrentPlaySong.PlayStatus = PlayStatus.Play; } audioPlayback.Load(SongTrackUrl); audioPlayback.Play(); CurrentPlaySong = song; NowPlaying = string.Format("Now Playing {0} - {1}", song.Artists, song.Title); timer.Enabled = true; timer.Start(); song.PlayProgress = 0; song.PlayStatus = PlayStatus.Stop; } else { audioPlayback.Stop(); NowPlaying = ""; song.PlayStatus = PlayStatus.Play; song.PlayProgress = 0; timer.Enabled = false; timer.Stop(); } }); OpenUrlCommand = new RelayCommand <string>((link) => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(link); }); CopyUrlCommand = new RelayCommand <string>((link) => { Clipboard.SetText(link); }); WindowClosing = new RelayCommand(() => { Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); }); } }