private void btnReiniciar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { controladora.ResetGame(); score = 0; if (pausado) { pausado = false; tmrPaint.Enabled = true; btnComenzar.Text = "Pausar"; AudioPlayback.StopAllSounds(); } }
private void btnRestart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.ResetGame(); score = 0; if (stop) { stop = false; tmrPaint.Enabled = true; btnStart.Text = "Pause"; AudioPlayback.StopAllSounds(); } }
public void UpdateSongPosition(float seconds) { if (EnableSong && !Track.Paused && Track.Animating && !((HorizontalIntSlider)Canvas.FindChildByName("timeslider")).Held) { AudioPlayback.Resume(CurrentSong.Offset + seconds, (Scheduler.UpdatesPerSecond / 40f)); } else { AudioPlayback.Pause(); } }
void Awake() { // Check if instance already exists if (instance == null) { // if not, set instance to this instance = this; } // If instance already exists (not null) and it is not this else if (instance != this) { // Then destroy this gameobject. This enforces our singleton pattern, meaning there can only ever be one instance of this manager Destroy(this.gameObject); } }
public void Stop() { if (Animating) { Animating = false; Paused = false; Zoom = _oldZoom; Camera.SetPosition(_oldPos); _track.RiderState.Reset(_track.Start, _track); Camera.ViewPosition = _oldPos; Camera.AimPosition = Camera.ViewPosition; game.Scheduler.UpdatesPerSecond = 40; foreach (var v in ActiveTriggers) { v.Reset(); } ActiveTriggers.Clear(); if (game.EnableSong) { AudioPlayback.Stop(); } var canvas = game.Canvas; var buttons = canvas.FindChildByName("buttons"); buttons.FindChildByName("pause").IsHidden = true; buttons.FindChildByName("start").IsHidden = false; var slider = canvas.FindChildByName("timeslider"); slider.IsHidden = true; game.Canvas.FindChildByName("labeliterations").IsHidden = true; game.Canvas.FindChildByName("vslider", true).IsHidden = false; canvas.FindChildByName("btnfastforward").IsHidden = true; canvas.FindChildByName("btnslowmo").IsHidden = true; //incase recording mode was enabled at the start. There's a risk it was disabled during playback //if that's the case checking game.RecordingMode would fail but controls would remain invisible. //instead, we just by default ensure visibility { buttons.IsHidden = false; game.Canvas.FindChildByName("fps", true).IsHidden = false; game.Canvas.FindChildByName("ppf", true).IsHidden = false; game.Canvas.FindChildByName("labelplayback", true).IsHidden = false; game.Canvas.FindChildByName("trackname", true).IsHidden = false; } game.Invalidate(); } }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); //identificador del lugar en donde voy a dibujar hdc = (uint)this.Handle; //toma el error que sucedio string error = ""; //Comando de inicializacion de la ventana grafica OpenGLControl.OpenGLInit(ref hdc, this.Width, this.Height, ref error); if (error != "") { MessageBox.Show("Ocurrio un error al inicializar OpenGl"); } //Habilita las luces Lighting.SetupLighting(); ContentManager.SetTextureList("texturas_low\\"); //especifico la ubicacion de las texturas ContentManager.LoadTextures(); //las cargo ContentManager.SetModelList("modelo\\"); // especifico la ubicacion de la oficina ContentManager.LoadModels(); // la cargo AudioPlayback.SoundDir = "sonidos\\"; AudioPlayback.LoadSounds(); //Color de fondo Gl.glClearColor(0.3f, 0.6f, 1, 1);//red green blue alpha controladora.Create(); //controladora.Camara.EstablecerPerspectiva(); controladora.Camara.SetCamara(1); //formularios PracticaForm.Instancia = new PracticaForm(); AcercaDeForm.Instancia = new AcercaDeForm(); DatosPracticaForm.Instancia = new DatosPracticaForm(); Ayuda.Instancia = new Ayuda(); instancia = this; this.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(MainForm_MouseWheel); this.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(MainForm_MouseWheel); }
// Token: 0x0600006C RID: 108 RVA: 0x0000C560 File Offset: 0x0000A760 protected override void OnActivated(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (StageSystem.stageMode == 2) { if (GlobalAppDefinitions.gameMode == 7) { GlobalAppDefinitions.gameMode = 1; GlobalAppDefinitions.gameMessage = 4; } } else { if (GlobalAppDefinitions.gameMode == 7) { GlobalAppDefinitions.gameMode = 1; } GlobalAppDefinitions.gameMessage = 2; AudioPlayback.ResumeSound(); } base.OnActivated(sender, args); }
// Token: 0x06000070 RID: 112 RVA: 0x0000C6F0 File Offset: 0x0000A8F0 protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { int num = 0; InputSystem.CheckKeyboardInput(); TouchCollection state = TouchPanel.GetState(); InputSystem.ClearTouchData(); foreach (TouchLocation touchLocation in state) { switch (touchLocation.State) { case TouchLocationState.Pressed: InputSystem.AddTouch(touchLocation.Position.X, touchLocation.Position.Y, num); break; case TouchLocationState.Moved: InputSystem.AddTouch(touchLocation.Position.X, touchLocation.Position.Y, num); break; } num++; } if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (FileIO.activeStageList == 0) { switch (StageSystem.stageListPosition) { case 4: case 5: InputSystem.touchData.start = 1; break; default: InputSystem.touchData.buttonB = 1; break; } } else if (StageSystem.stageMode == 2) { if (ObjectSystem.objectEntityList[9].state == 3 && GlobalAppDefinitions.gameMode == 1) { ObjectSystem.objectEntityList[9].state = 4; ObjectSystem.objectEntityList[9].value[0] = 0; ObjectSystem.objectEntityList[9].value[1] = 0; ObjectSystem.objectEntityList[9].alpha = 248; AudioPlayback.PlaySfx(27, 0); } } else { GlobalAppDefinitions.gameMessage = 2; } } if (StageSystem.stageMode != 2) { EngineCallbacks.ProcessMainLoop(); } try { base.Update(gameTime); } catch (GameUpdateRequiredException e) { this.HandleGameUpdateRequired(e); } }
internal static void LoadVideo(string path) { Source = new DataSource(path); Video = Source.VideoPlayback; Audio = Source.AudioPlayback; }
public void MoverBase(Movement movement) { if (encendido == false) { return; } if (Main.Instancia.PracticaIniciada == false) { return; } Vector3 posC1 = new Vector3(cuchillaPos1); Vector3 posC2 = new Vector3(cuchillaPos2); Vector3 posTorno = new Vector3(baseTornoPos); switch (movement) { case Movement.Backward: posC1.Z += speed; posC2.Z += speed; posTorno.Z += speed; break; case Movement.Forward: posC1.Z -= speed; posC2.Z -= speed; posTorno.Z -= speed; break; case Movement.Left: posC1.X -= speed; posC2.X -= speed; posTorno.X -= speed; break; case Movement.Right: posC1.X += speed; posC2.X += speed; posTorno.X += speed; break; } if (Main.Instancia.Escena.Pieza.ChequearCollision(posC1) || Main.Instancia.Escena.Pieza.ChequearCollision(posC2)) { speed = Main.Instancia.Escena.Pieza.Material.Resistencia / 350; AudioPlayback.Play("rebajado.mp3"); Vector3 v = new Vector3(cuchillaPos1); v.Scale(scale); Main.Instancia.Escena.AddGenerator(new ChispaGenerator(v)); } else { counterSpeed++; if (counterSpeed == 22) { counterSpeed = 0; speed = speedBase; } //if (movement == Movement.Left || movement == Movement.Right) //{ // Controladora.Instancia.CleanGenerator(); //} } if (movement == Movement.Left || movement == Movement.Right) { Main.Instancia.Escena.ClearGenerator(); } if (movement == Movement.Backward) { Main.Instancia.Escena.CleanGenerator(); AudioPlayback.StopSound("rebajado.mp3"); } if (posTorno.Z < 2.37f && posTorno.Z > 0.06f && // aki se dan los topes (movement == Movement.Forward || movement == Movement.Backward)) { baseTornoPos.Z = posTorno.Z; cuchillaPos1.Z = posC1.Z; cuchillaPos2.Z = posC2.Z; } if (posTorno.X > -5.84 && posTorno.X < 3.25f && (movement == Movement.Left || movement == Movement.Right)) { baseTornoPos.X = posTorno.X; cuchillaPos1.X = posC1.X; cuchillaPos2.X = posC2.X; } if (posC1.Y < 0.1f)// para que no parta la pieza { return; } Main.Instancia.Escena.Pieza.RebajarPieza(cuchillaPos1); Main.Instancia.Escena.Pieza.RebajarPieza(cuchillaPos2); }
public void Dispose() { Player?.Dispose(); Player = null; }
static void Main(string[] args) { RenderWindow window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(640, 480), "MotionNET Playback Example"); window.SetVerticalSyncEnabled(true); // Create some buttons to control the playback VertexArray playbutton = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.Triangles, 3); playbutton[0] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(255, 350), Color.Green); playbutton[1] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(275, 360), Color.Green); playbutton[2] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(255, 370), Color.Green); VertexArray pausebutton = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.Quads, 8); pausebutton[0] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(305, 350), Color.Blue); pausebutton[1] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(310, 350), Color.Blue); pausebutton[2] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(310, 370), Color.Blue); pausebutton[3] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(305, 370), Color.Blue); pausebutton[4] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(320, 350), Color.Blue); pausebutton[5] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(325, 350), Color.Blue); pausebutton[6] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(325, 370), Color.Blue); pausebutton[7] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(320, 370), Color.Blue); VertexArray stopbutton = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.Quads, 4); stopbutton[0] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(355, 350), Color.Red); stopbutton[1] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(375, 350), Color.Red); stopbutton[2] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(375, 370), Color.Red); stopbutton[3] = new Vertex(new Vector2f(355, 370), Color.Red); DataSource datasource = new DataSource(); // create the data source from which playback will happen if (!datasource.LoadFromFile("{video file path}")) // load a file into the data source { return; } AudioPlayback audioplayback = new AudioPlayback(datasource); // create an audio playback from our data source VideoPlayback videoplayback = new VideoPlayback(datasource); // create a video playback from our data source // scale video to fit the window videoplayback.Scale = new Vector2f(640f / (float)datasource.VideoSize.X, 480f / (float)datasource.VideoSize.Y); // standard SFML.NET game loop and event handling window.Closed += (sender, e) => { window.Close(); }; window.MouseButtonPressed += (sender, e) => { Vector2f mousepos = window.MapPixelToCoords(new Vector2i(e.X, e.Y)); if (playbutton.Bounds.Contains(mousepos.X, mousepos.Y)) { datasource.Play(); } else if (pausebutton.Bounds.Contains(mousepos.X, mousepos.Y)) { datasource.Pause(); } else if (stopbutton.Bounds.Contains(mousepos.X, mousepos.Y)) { datasource.Stop(); } }; while (window.IsOpen) { window.DispatchEvents(); datasource.Update(); // update the data source - this is required for any playbacks window.Clear(); window.Draw(videoplayback); // draw the video playback // draw the buttons window.Draw(playbutton); window.Draw(pausebutton); window.Draw(stopbutton); window.Display(); } }
public void ShowSongWindow() { if (GetOpenWindows().Count != 0) { return; } game.Track.Stop(); var wc = new WindowControl(this, "Song Sync", false) { DeleteOnClose = true }; wc.MakeModal(true); wc.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Point(220, 240); wc.Width = 220; wc.Height = 240; wc.SetPosition((int)(Width / 2) - (wc.Width / 2), (int)(Height / 2) - (wc.Height / 2)); //wc.DisableResizing(); var enablesongcb = new LabeledCheckBox(wc); enablesongcb.CheckChanged += (o, e) => { game.EnableSong = enablesongcb.IsChecked; }; enablesongcb.IsChecked = game.EnableSong; enablesongcb.Text = "Enable Song"; enablesongcb.Dock = Pos.Top; var gb = new GroupBox(wc); gb.Text = "Song Selection"; gb.Dock = Pos.Fill; var Songs = new TreeControl(gb); Songs.Height = 100; Songs.Margin = new Margin() { Bottom = 10 }; Songs.Dock = Pos.Fill; Songs.Name = "songtv"; var filedir = Program.CurrentDirectory + "Songs"; if (Directory.Exists(filedir)) { var songfiles = Directory.GetFiles(filedir, "*.*"); var supportedfiles = new List <string>(); string[] supportedfiletypes = new string[] { ".mp3", ".wav", ".wave", ".ogg", ".wma", ".m4a", ".aac" }; foreach (var file in songfiles) { var lower = file.ToLower(Program.Culture); foreach (var type in supportedfiletypes) { if (lower.EndsWith(type, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { supportedfiles.Add(file); break; } } } foreach (var sf in supportedfiles) { var name = Path.GetFileName(sf); var nodename = name.ToLower().Contains(".ogg") ? name : "[convert] " + name; var node = Songs.AddNode(nodename); node.UserData = name; if (name == game.CurrentSong?.Location) { node.IsSelected = true; } } } Songs.SelectionChanged += (snd, ev) => { var tc = (TreeControl)wc.FindChildByName("songtv", true); var list = (List <TreeNode>)tc.SelectedChildren; if (list.Count == 1) { game.CurrentSong.Location = (string)list[0].UserData; } }; wc.IsHiddenChanged += (o, e) => { if (!wc.IsHidden) { return; } if (game.EnableSong) { var fn = Program.CurrentDirectory + "Songs" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + game.CurrentSong.Location; if (File.Exists(fn)) { game.Loading = true; AudioPlayback.LoadFile(ref fn); game.Loading = false; } } try { var svolume = (HorizontalSlider)wc.FindChildByName("volume", true); Settings.Default.Volume = svolume.Value; Settings.Default.Save(); } catch { // ignored } }; var container = new ControlBase(gb); container.Dock = Pos.Bottom; container.Height = 20; var offset = new NumericUpDown(container); offset.ValueChanged += (snd, ev) => { game.CurrentSong.Offset = offset.Value; }; offset.Min = 0; offset.Max = 10000; offset.Value = game.CurrentSong.Offset; offset.Dock = Pos.Right; var label = new Label(container); label.Dock = Pos.Left; label.Text = "Offset (secs)"; gb.Height = 150; var container2 = new ControlBase(wc); container2.Dock = Pos.Bottom; container2.Height = 40; label = new Label(container2); label.Margin = new Margin() { Top = 13 }; label.Dock = Pos.Left; label.Text = "Volume:"; var volume = new HorizontalSlider(container2); volume.Min = 0; volume.Max = 100; if (Settings.Default.Volume > 100) { Settings.Default.Volume = 100; } if (Settings.Default.Volume < 0) { Settings.Default.Volume = 0; } volume.Value = Settings.Default.Volume; volume.Name = "volume"; volume.SnapToNotches = false; volume.KeyboardInputEnabled = false; volume.Width = 150; volume.Dock = Pos.Right; wc.Show(); game.Cursor = MouseCursor.Default; }
protected override void LoadContent() { this.spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); this.font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Content/Consolas"); this.basicEffect = new BasicEffect(GraphicsDevice); this.basicEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true; this.basicEffect.World = Matrix.Identity; this.input = new Input(); /// Color Palettes var inputColorPalettesJson = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Content/ColorPalettes.json"); // TODO: Make safe var inputColorPalettes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IList <ColorPalette> >(inputColorPalettesJson, new Json.PaletteConverter()); nextColorPalette = 0; colorPalettes = new List <ColorPalette>(inputColorPalettes); if (colorPalettes.Count == 0) { colorPalettes.Add(new ColorPalette("coup de grâce", "99B898", "FECEA8", "FF847C", "E84A5F", "2A363B")); } /// Visualizations nextVisualization = 0; visualizations = new List <Visualization>(); visualizations.AddRange( from type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().OrderBy(x => x.Name) where type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Visualization)) && type.GetCustomAttribute <ObsoleteAttribute>() == null select(Visualization) Activator.CreateInstance(type)); // Experimental Visualizations //visualizations = new List<Visualization>( // new Visualization[] // { // new TestShape(), // new CircleSnakesVisualization(), // new ThicklinesVisualization(), // new WavesVisualization() // }); NextVisualization(); /// Audio this.audioPlayback = new AudioPlayback(this); this.audioAnalyzer = new AudioAnalyzer(audioPlayback); #if DEBUG var songPath = @"F:\Music\ODESZA - Sun Models (feat. Madelyn Grant).mp3"; #else var openFileDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "All Supported Files (*.wav;*.mp3)|*.wav;*.mp3|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; var result = openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { Exit(); } var songPath = openFileDialog.FileName; #endif this.audioPlayback.Load(songPath); this.audioPlayback.Play(); gameConsole.WriteLine($"-- Playing {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(songPath)}", Color.White, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); }
public MainViewModel() { if (IsInDesignMode) { // Code runs in Blend --> create design time data. Title = _title; NeteaseUrl = ""; SongCollection.Add(new Song() { Title = new Title("Clover Heart's"), Artists = new Artists(new string[] { "榊原ゆい", "榊原ゆい" }), Album = new Album("Boommmmm", ""), }); SongCollection.Add(new Song() { Title = new Title("Clover Heart's"), Artists = new Artists(new string[] { "榊原ゆい" }), Album = new Album("Boommmmm", ""), }); SongCollection.Add(new Song() { Title = new Title("Clover Heart's"), Artists = new Artists(new string[] { "榊原ゆい" }), Album = new Album("Boommmmm", ""), }); SelectedSong = SongCollection.First(); } else { // Code runs "for real" Title = _title; NeteaseUrl = ""; Progress = 0; audioPlayback = new AudioPlayback(); audioPlayback.Volume = Volume; audioPlayback.EndCallback += (handle, channel, data, user) => { int index = -1; if ((index = SongCollection.IndexOf(CurrentPlaySong)) != -1) { ListenCommand.Execute(SongCollection.ElementAt((index + 1) % SongCollection.Count)); } else { audioPlayback.Stop(); NowPlaying = ""; CurrentPlaySong.PlayProgress = 0; CurrentPlaySong.PlayStatus = PlayStatus.Play; timer.Enabled = false; timer.Stop(); } }; timer.Tick += (sender, args) => { Title = string.Format("{0}/{1} - {2}", audioPlayback.CurrentLength, audioPlayback.TotalLength, _title); RaisePropertyChanged("Title"); CurrentPlaySong.PlayProgress = audioPlayback.Progress; }; GetSongsCommand = new RelayCommand(async() => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NeteaseUrl)) { return; } var id = ""; var urlType = ""; var reg = new Regex(@".*/(.*?)\?id=(\d*)").Match(NeteaseUrl); if (reg.Success) { urlType = reg.Groups[1].Value; id = reg.Groups[2].Value; SongCollection.Clear(); switch (urlType) { case "album": foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.GetSongsFromAlbum(id)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } break; case "artist": foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.GetSongsFromArtist(id)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } break; case "playlist": foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.GetSongsFromPlaylist(id)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } break; case "song": foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.GetSongDetail(id)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } break; } } else { SongCollection.Clear(); foreach (var song in await NeteaseUtil.SearchSongs(NeteaseUrl)) { SongCollection.Add(song); RaisePropertyChanged("TotalCount"); } } }); PlaylistDownloadCommand = new RelayCommand <Song>((song) => { SelectedSong = song; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SongTrackUrl)) { return; } var downloader = new DownloadUtils(); downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += (sender, args) => { song.DownProgress = args.ProgressPercentage; BytesReceived = args.BytesReceived.ToString(); TotalBytesToReceive = args.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString(); }; downloader.DownloadFileCompleted += (sender, args) => { if (DownloadNext) { int index = -1; if ((index = SongCollection.IndexOf(song)) != -1 && index + 1 < SongCollection.Count) { PlaylistDownloadCommand.Execute(SongCollection.ElementAt(index + 1)); } } else { BytesReceived = "0"; TotalBytesToReceive = "0"; } }; downloader.Get(SongTrackUrl, Path.Combine("music", FileUtils.GetSafeFileName(song.SongFileName))); }); ListenCommand = new RelayCommand <Song>((song) => { SelectedSong = song; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SongTrackUrl)) { return; } if (song.PlayStatus == PlayStatus.Play) { if (CurrentPlaySong != null && CurrentPlaySong != song) { audioPlayback.Stop(); CurrentPlaySong.PlayProgress = 0; CurrentPlaySong.PlayStatus = PlayStatus.Play; } audioPlayback.Load(SongTrackUrl); audioPlayback.Play(); CurrentPlaySong = song; NowPlaying = string.Format("Now Playing {0} - {1}", song.Artists, song.Title); timer.Enabled = true; timer.Start(); song.PlayProgress = 0; song.PlayStatus = PlayStatus.Stop; } else { audioPlayback.Stop(); NowPlaying = ""; song.PlayStatus = PlayStatus.Play; song.PlayProgress = 0; timer.Enabled = false; timer.Stop(); } }); OpenUrlCommand = new RelayCommand <string>((link) => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(link); }); CopyUrlCommand = new RelayCommand <string>((link) => { Clipboard.SetText(link); }); WindowClosing = new RelayCommand(() => { Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); }); } }
protected virtual void InitStart() { GameManager.instance.AddNoun(nameString); audioSource = GameManager.instance.audioSource; }
public static Track LoadTrackTRK(string track, string savename) { var ret = new Track(); ret.Name = track; var addedlines = new Dictionary <int, StandardLine>(); var extensions = new List <Extensionentry>(); var location = Program.CurrentDirectory + "Tracks" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + track; if (savename != null) { location += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + savename + ".trk"; } else { location += ".trk"; } using (var file = File.Open(location, FileMode.Open)) { var br = new BinaryReader(file); int magic = br.ReadInt32(); if (magic == ('T' | 'R' << 8 | 'K' << 16 | 0xF2 << 24)) { byte version = br.ReadByte(); string[] features = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(br.ReadBytes(br.ReadInt16())).Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (version != 1) { throw new Exception("Unsupported version"); } bool redmultipier = false; bool scenerywidth = false; bool supports61 = false; bool songinfo = false; bool ignorabletrigger = false; for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; i++) { switch (features[i]) { case "REDMULTIPLIER": redmultipier = true; break; case "SCENERYWIDTH": scenerywidth = true; break; case "6.1": supports61 = true; break; case "SONGINFO": songinfo = true; break; case "IGNORABLE_TRIGGER": ignorabletrigger = true; break; case "ZEROSTART": ret.ZeroStart = true; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported feature"); } } if (supports61) { ret.SetVersion(6.1m); } else { ret.SetVersion(6.2m); } if (songinfo) { var song = br.ReadString(); try { var strings = song.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var fn = Program.CurrentDirectory + "Songs" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strings[0]; if (File.Exists(fn)) { if (AudioPlayback.LoadFile(ref fn)) { game.CurrentSong = new Song(Path.GetFileName(fn), float.Parse(strings[1])); game.EnableSong = true; } else { Program.NonFatalError("An unknown error occured trying to load the song file"); } } } catch { // ignored } } ret.Start = new Vector2d(br.ReadDouble(), br.ReadDouble()); var lines = br.ReadInt32(); for (var i = 0; i < lines; i++) { Line l; byte ltype = br.ReadByte(); var lt = (LineType)(ltype & 0x1F);//we get 5 bits var inv = (ltype >> 7) != 0; var lim = (ltype >> 5) & 0x3; var ID = -1; var prvID = -1; var nxtID = -1; var multiplier = 1; var linewidth = 1f; LineTrigger tr = ignorabletrigger ? new LineTrigger() : null; if (redmultipier) { if (lt == LineType.Red) { multiplier = br.ReadByte(); } } if (lt == LineType.Blue || lt == LineType.Red) { if (ignorabletrigger) { bool zoomtrigger = br.ReadBoolean(); if (zoomtrigger) { tr.Zoomtrigger = true; var target = br.ReadSingle(); var frames = br.ReadInt16(); tr.ZoomFrames = frames; tr.ZoomTarget = target; } else { tr = null; } } ID = br.ReadInt32(); if (lim != 0) { prvID = br.ReadInt32(); nxtID = br.ReadInt32(); } } if (lt == LineType.Scenery) { if (scenerywidth) { float b = br.ReadByte(); linewidth = b / 10f; } } var x1 = br.ReadDouble(); var y1 = br.ReadDouble(); var x2 = br.ReadDouble(); var y2 = br.ReadDouble(); switch (lt) { case LineType.Blue: var bl = new StandardLine(new Vector2d(x1, y1), new Vector2d(x2, y2), inv); bl.ID = ID; bl.SetExtension(lim); l = bl; if (prvID != -1) { extensions.Add(new Extensionentry { Line = bl, Linkid = prvID, Next = false }); } if (nxtID != -1) { extensions.Add(new Extensionentry { Line = bl, Linkid = nxtID, Next = true }); } bl.Trigger = tr; break; case LineType.Red: var rl = new RedLine(new Vector2d(x1, y1), new Vector2d(x2, y2), inv); rl.ID = ID; rl.SetExtension(lim); if (redmultipier) { rl.Multiplier = multiplier; } l = rl; if (prvID != -1) { extensions.Add(new Extensionentry { Line = rl, Linkid = prvID, Next = false }); } if (nxtID != -1) { extensions.Add(new Extensionentry { Line = rl, Linkid = nxtID, Next = true }); } rl.Trigger = tr; break; case LineType.Scenery: l = new SceneryLine(new Vector2d(x1, y1), new Vector2d(x2, y2)) { Width = linewidth }; break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid line type"); } if (l is StandardLine) { if (!addedlines.ContainsKey(l.ID)) { addedlines[ID] = (StandardLine)l; ret.AddLines(l); } } else { ret.AddLines(l); } } } } foreach (var v in extensions) { if (v.Next) { StandardLine sl; if (addedlines.TryGetValue(v.Linkid, out sl)) { //if (sl.Extension == StandardLine.ExtensionDirection.Right || sl.Extension == StandardLine.ExtensionDirection.Both) { v.Line.Next = sl; sl.Prev = v.Line; } } } else //prev { StandardLine sl; if (addedlines.TryGetValue(v.Linkid, out sl)) { //if (sl.Extension == StandardLine.ExtensionDirection.Left || sl.Extension == StandardLine.ExtensionDirection.Both) { v.Line.Prev = sl; sl.Next = v.Line; } } } } ret.ResetUndo(); ret.ResetChanges(); return(ret); }
public static void RecordTrack(GLWindow game, bool is1080P) { var flag = game.Track.GetFlag(); if (flag == null) { return; } var resolution = new Size(is1080P ? 1920 : 1280, is1080P ? 1080 : 720); var oldsize = game.RenderSize; var invalid = false; var state = new Rider(); game.Track.Reset(state); var frame = flag.Frame; Recording = true; Recording1080p = is1080P; game.Canvas.SetSize(game.RenderSize.Width, game.RenderSize.Height); game.Canvas.FindChildByName("buttons").Position(Pos.CenterH); if (frame > 400) //many frames, will likely lag the game. Update the window as a fallback. { if (frame > (20 * (60 * 40))) //too many frames, could lag the game very bad. { return; } game.Title = Program.WindowTitle + " [Validating flag]"; game.ProcessEvents(); } for (var i = 0; i < frame; i++) { game.Track.Tick(state); } for (var i = 0; i < state.ModelAnchors.Length; i++) { if (state.ModelAnchors[i].Position != flag.State.ModelAnchors[i].Position || state.ModelAnchors[i].Prev != flag.State.ModelAnchors[i].Prev) { invalid = true; break; } } var frontbuffer = SafeFrameBuffer.GenFramebuffer(); SafeFrameBuffer.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, frontbuffer); var rbo2 = SafeFrameBuffer.GenRenderbuffer(); SafeFrameBuffer.BindRenderbuffer(RenderbufferTarget.Renderbuffer, rbo2); SafeFrameBuffer.RenderbufferStorage(RenderbufferTarget.Renderbuffer, RenderbufferStorage.Rgb8, resolution.Width, resolution.Height); SafeFrameBuffer.FramebufferRenderbuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, FramebufferAttachment.ColorAttachment0, RenderbufferTarget.Renderbuffer, rbo2); SafeFrameBuffer.BindRenderbuffer(RenderbufferTarget.Renderbuffer, 0); if (!invalid) { string errormessage = "An unknown error occured during recording."; game.Title = Program.WindowTitle + " [Recording | Hold ESC to cancel]"; game.ProcessEvents(); var filename = Program.CurrentDirectory + game.Track.Name + ".mp4"; var flagbackup = flag; var hardexit = false; game.Track.Flag(); var recmodesave = game.SettingRecordingMode; game.SettingRecordingMode = true; game.Track.Start(true, true, false, false); game.Render(); var dir = Program.CurrentDirectory + game.Track.Name + "_rec"; if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } var firstframe = GrabScreenshot(game, frontbuffer); SaveScreenshot(game.RenderSize.Width, game.RenderSize.Height, firstframe, dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "tmp" + 0 + ".png"); int[] savethreads = { 0 }; for (var i = 0; i < frame; i++) { if (hardexit) { break; } game.Track.Update(1); game.Render(); var screenshot = GrabScreenshot(game, frontbuffer); var objtopass = new Tuple <byte[], int>(screenshot, i + 1); savethreads[0] += 1; var save = new Task(t => { var passed = (Tuple <byte[], int>)t; try { SaveScreenshot(game.RenderSize.Width, game.RenderSize.Height, passed.Item1, dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "tmp" + passed.Item2 + ".png"); } catch { hardexit = true; errormessage = "An error occured when saving the frame."; } finally { Interlocked.Decrement(ref savethreads[0]); } }, objtopass); save.Start(); if (Keyboard.GetState()[Key.Escape]) { hardexit = true; errormessage = "The user manually cancelled recording."; } if (i % 40 == 0) { game.Title = string.Format("{0} [Recording {1:P}% | Hold ESC to cancel]", Program.WindowTitle, i / (double)frame); game.ProcessEvents(); } } if (!hardexit) { var parameters = new FFMPEGParameters(); parameters.AddOption("framerate", "40"); parameters.AddOption("i", "\"" + dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "tmp%d.png" + "\""); parameters.AddOption("vf", "vflip");//we save images upside down expecting ffmpeg to flip more efficiently. parameters.AddOption("c:v", "libx264"); parameters.AddOption("preset", "veryfast"); parameters.AddOption("qp", "0"); // parameters.AddOption("scale",is1080p?"1920:1080":"1280:720"); parameters.OutputFilePath = filename; var failed = false; while (savethreads[0] != 0) { Thread.Sleep(1); } if (File.Exists(filename)) { try { File.Delete(filename); } catch { Program.NonFatalError("A file with the name " + game.Track.Name + ".mp4 already exists"); failed = true; errormessage = "Cannot replace a file of the existing name " + game.Track.Name + ".mp4."; } } if (!failed) { game.Title = Program.WindowTitle + " [Encoding Video | 0%]"; game.ProcessEvents(); try { FFMPEG.Execute(parameters, (string s) => { int idx = s.IndexOf("frame=", StringComparison.InvariantCulture); if (idx != -1) { idx += "frame=".Length; for (; idx < s.Length; idx++) { if (char.IsNumber(s[idx])) { break; } } var space = s.IndexOf(" ", idx, StringComparison.InvariantCulture); if (space != -1) { var sub = s.Substring(idx, space - idx); var parsedint = -1; if (int.TryParse(sub, out parsedint)) { game.Title = Program.WindowTitle + string.Format(" [Encoding Video | {0:P}% | Hold ESC to cancel]", parsedint / (double)frame); game.ProcessEvents(); if (Keyboard.GetState()[Key.Escape]) { hardexit = true; errormessage = "The user manually cancelled recording."; return(false); } } } } return(true); }); } catch (Exception e) { Program.NonFatalError("ffmpeg error.\r\n" + e); hardexit = true; errormessage = "An ffmpeg error occured."; } } } try { Directory.Delete(dir, true); } catch { Program.NonFatalError("Unable to delete " + dir); } if (hardexit) { try { File.Delete(filename); } catch { Program.NonFatalError("Unable to delete " + filename); } } game.SettingRecordingMode = recmodesave; game.Title = Program.WindowTitle; game.Track.RestoreFlag(flagbackup); game.Track.Stop(); game.ProcessEvents(); var openwindows = game.Canvas.GetOpenWindows(); foreach (var window in openwindows) { var w = window as WindowControl; w?.Close(); } if (File.Exists(filename)) { try { AudioPlayback.Init(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(GameResources.beep); SoundStream str = new SoundStream(ms); str.Play(0, 1); int count = 0; while (str.Playing) { Thread.Sleep(1); count += 1; if (count >= 3000)//in case something weird happens { break; } } str.Dispose(); ms.Dispose(); } catch { //ignored } } else { PopupWindow.Error(game.Canvas, game, errormessage, "Error!"); } } SafeFrameBuffer.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, 0); SafeFrameBuffer.DeleteFramebuffer(frontbuffer); SafeFrameBuffer.DeleteRenderbuffers(1, new[] { rbo2 }); game.RenderSize = oldsize; Recording = false; game.Canvas.SetSize(game.RenderSize.Width, game.RenderSize.Height); game.Canvas.FindChildByName("buttons").Position(Pos.CenterH); }