public void ConfirmButtonPressed() //Project - New - Confirm { project = new Project(); audioFileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(songFile.FullName); songAudioClip = AudioLoader.LoadFromBuffer(audioFileBytes, songFile.Extension); project.songName = songFile.Name; project.charts = new Chart[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { project.charts[i] = new Chart { difficulty = i, level = "1" } } ; stage.musicSource.clip = songAudioClip; infoPanelButton.SetActive(true); chartsPanelButton.SetActive(true); newProjectPanel.SetActive(false); infoPanel.SetActive(true); currentInStage = -1; InfoInitialization(); LvlInputFieldInit(); if (songAudioClip == null) { MessageScreen.Activate( new[] { "Failed to load audio", "读取音频失败" }, new[] { "Please select another audio file", "请选择其他的音频文件" }, new[] { "Load another audio file", "读取其他的音频文件" }, ChangeMusicFile); } }
private void NewSongSelected() { songFile = new FileInfo(directorySelectorController.selectedItemFullName); songNameText.text = songFile.Name; project.songName = songNameText.text; directorySelectorController.DeactivateSelection(); audioFileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(songFile.FullName); songAudioClip = AudioLoader.LoadFromBuffer(audioFileBytes, songFile.Extension); if (songAudioClip == null) { MessageScreen.Activate( new[] { "Failed to load audio", "读取音频失败" }, new[] { "Please select another audio file", "请选择其他的音频文件" }, new[] { "Load another audio file", "读取其他的音频文件" }, ChangeMusicFile); return; } stage.musicSource.clip = songAudioClip; stage.timeSlider.value = 0.0f; stage.timeSlider.maxValue = songAudioClip.length; stage.OnSliderValueChanged(); }
public IEnumerator ProjectToLoadSelected(string fileName = null) { string projectFullDir = fileName ?? directorySelectorController.selectedItemFullName; string audioType = null; FileInfo projectFile; directorySelectorController.DeactivateSelection(); dragAndDropFileName = null; yield return(StartCoroutine(projectSL.LoadProjectFromFile(res => project = res, res => audioFileBytes = res, res => audioType = res, projectFullDir))); songAudioClip = AudioLoader.LoadFromBuffer(audioFileBytes, audioType); infoPanelButton.SetActive(true); chartsPanelButton.SetActive(true); songAudioClip?.LoadAudioData(); stage.musicSource.clip = songAudioClip; editPanelButton.SetActive(false); projectFile = new FileInfo(projectFullDir); projectFileName = projectFile.Name.Remove(projectFile.Name.Length - 7, 7); projectFolder = projectFile.FullName.Remove(projectFile.FullName.Length - projectFile.Name.Length, projectFile.Name.Length); filePanel.SetActive(false); currentInStage = -1; InfoInitialization(); LvlInputFieldInit(); if (songAudioClip == null) { MessageScreen.Activate( new[] { "Failed to load audio", "读取音频失败" }, new[] { "Please select another audio file", "请选择其他的音频文件" }, new[] { "Load another audio file", "读取其他的音频文件" }, ChangeMusicFile); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3.0f)); projectSL.loadCompleteText.SetActive(false); }