public static int Retrieve(Entity en, string sql, Paras paras) { DataTable dt; switch (en.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType) { case DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN: dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql, paras); break; case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfMSMSSQL: dt = DBAccessOfMSMSSQL.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfOracle: dt = DBAccessOfOracle.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; default: throw new Exception("@没有设置DB类型。"); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(0); } Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; EnDA.fullDate(dt, en, attrs); int i = dt.Rows.Count; dt.Dispose(); return(i); }
public Map GenerMap() { bool isdebug = SystemConfig.IsDebug; if (isdebug == false) { Map m = BP.DA.Cash.GetMap(this.No); if (m != null) { return(m); } } MapAttrs mapAttrs = this.MapAttrs; Map map = new Map(this.PTable); map.EnDesc = this.Name; map.EnType = EnType.App; map.DepositaryOfEntity = Depositary.None; map.DepositaryOfMap = Depositary.Application; Attrs attrs = new Attrs(); foreach (MapAttr mapAttr in mapAttrs) { map.AddAttr(mapAttr.HisAttr); } BP.DA.Cash.SetMap(this.No, map); return(map); }
private static void fullDate(DataTable dt, Entity en, Attrs attrs) { foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { en.Row.SetValByKey(attr.Key, dt.Rows[0][attr.Key]); } }
protected void TryUpdateBuff() { if (!DataReader <Buff> .Contains(this.buffID)) { return; } if (!this.battleUI) { return; } this.battleUI.ShowGuildWarBuff(true, 5619, delegate { if (!DataReader <Buff> .Contains(this.buffID)) { return; } Buff buff = DataReader <Buff> .Get(this.buffID); string effectText = string.Empty; if (DataReader <Attrs> .Contains(buff.targetPropId)) { Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(buff.targetPropId); if (attrs.attrs.get_Count() > 0 && attrs.values.get_Count() > 0) { effectText = AttrUtility.GetStandardDesc(attrs.attrs.get_Item(0), attrs.values.get_Item(0)); } } BattleBuffDetailUI battleBuffDetailUI = UIManagerControl.Instance.OpenUI("BattleBuffDetailUI", null, false, UIType.NonPush) as BattleBuffDetailUI; if (battleBuffDetailUI) { battleBuffDetailUI.SetData(5619, 515122, 515123, effectText, 515121); } }); }
private void SetAttrCurr(int wingId, bool isActivation) { int wingLv = WingManager.GetWingLv(wingId); wingLv wingLvInfo = WingManager.GetWingLvInfo(wingId, wingLv); Text component = base.get_transform().Find("txtName").GetComponent <Text>(); component.set_text(TextColorMgr.GetColorByQuality(, wingLvInfo.color)); Image component2 = this.m_btnIcon.GetComponent <Image>(); ResourceManager.SetSprite(component2, GameDataUtils.GetIcon(wingLvInfo.icon)); ImageColorMgr.SetImageColor(component2, !isActivation); if (wingLv == 0) { this.m_attrCurr.Find("txtLv").GetComponent <Text>().set_text("激活后"); } else { this.m_attrCurr.Find("txtLv").GetComponent <Text>().set_text("Lv." + wingLv); } Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(wingLvInfo.templateId); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i < attrs.attrs.get_Count()) { Debug.Log(attrs.attrs.get_Item(i) + "=" + (AttrType)attrs.attrs.get_Item(i)); this.m_attrCurr.Find("txtAttrName" + (i + 1)).get_gameObject().SetActive(true); this.m_attrCurr.Find("txtAttrName" + (i + 1)).GetComponent <Text>().set_text(AttrUtility.GetStandardAddDesc(attrs.attrs.get_Item(i), attrs.values.get_Item(i), "ff7d4b")); } else { this.m_attrCurr.Find("txtAttrName" + (i + 1)).get_gameObject().SetActive(false); } } }
public NodeFormat() { Name = "format"; Attrs.Add("FontSize", "10"); Attrs.Add("FontName", "宋体"); Attrs.Add("Rotate", "0"); }
/// <summary> /// 将实体类转为json格式List /// </summary> /// <param name="ens"></param> /// <param name="hidenKeys">隐藏字段</param> /// <returns></returns> public string TranslateEntitiesToListJson(BP.En.Entities ens, string hidenKeys) { Attrs attrs = ens.GetNewEntity.EnMap.Attrs; StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder(); append.Append("["); foreach (Entity en in ens) { append.Append("{"); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hidenKeys) && hidenKeys.Contains("@" + attr.Key)) { continue; } string strValue = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue) && strValue.LastIndexOf("\\") > -1) { strValue = strValue.Substring(0, strValue.LastIndexOf("\\")); } append.Append(attr.Key + ":'" + strValue + "',"); } append = append.Remove(append.Length - 1, 1); append.Append("},"); } if (append.Length > 1) { append = append.Remove(append.Length - 1, 1); } append.Append("]"); return(ReplaceIllgalChart(append.ToString())); }
public static long GetCurrentWingFightingValue() { long num = 0L; if (WingManager.wingInfoDict == null) { return(num); } using (Dictionary <int, WingInfo> .Enumerator enumerator = WingManager.wingInfoDict.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <int, WingInfo> current = enumerator.get_Current(); int cfgId = current.get_Value().cfgId; int lv = current.get_Value().lv; if (cfgId > 0) { wingLv wingLvInfo = WingManager.GetWingLvInfo(cfgId, lv); if (wingLvInfo != null) { int templateId = wingLvInfo.templateId; Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(templateId); if (attrs != null) { num += EquipGlobal.CalculateFightingByIDAndValue(attrs.attrs, attrs.values); } } } } } return(num); }
protected void CheckFloatText(Buff buffData) { if (buffData.text == 0) { return; } BuffType type = (BuffType)buffData.type; if (type != BuffType.ChangeAttrs) { FloatTipManager.Instance.AddFloatTip(this.owner.ID, this.owner.Actor.FixTransform, GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(buffData.text, false), string.Empty, true, 2.5f, 1f, 1f, 150f); } else { Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(buffData.targetPropId); if (attrs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < attrs.attrs.get_Count(); i++) { FloatTipManager.Instance.AddFloatTip(this.owner.ID, this.owner.Actor.FixTransform, string.Format(GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(buffData.text, false), AttrUtility.GetAttrName((AttrType)attrs.attrs.get_Item(i)), (float)attrs.values.get_Item(i)), string.Empty, true, 2.5f, 1f, 1f, 150f); } } } }
private bool RefreshInitActPoint(talent_template dataTT) { if (dataTT.type == 1) { int key = int.Parse(GameDataUtils.SplitString4Dot0(dataTT.ruleDetail)); Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(key); if (attrs == null) { return(true); } for (int i = 0; i < attrs.attrs.get_Count(); i++) { if (attrs.attrs.get_Item(i) == 106) { if (i < attrs.values.get_Count()) { this.InitActPoint += attrs.values.get_Item(i); } return(true); } } } return(false); }
public long GetAllGodSoliderAttrValue() { long num = 0L; if (this.mGodList != null) { List <int> list = new List <int>(); List <int> list2 = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.mGodList.get_Count(); i++) { GodWeaponInfo godWeaponInfo = this.mGodList.get_Item(i); if (godWeaponInfo.isOpen && godWeaponInfo.gLevel > 0) { Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(this.mTypeLevelDict.get_Item(godWeaponInfo.Type).get_Item(godWeaponInfo.gLevel).attrID); if (attrs != null) { for (int j = 0; j < attrs.attrs.get_Count(); j++) { list.Add(attrs.attrs.get_Item(j)); list2.Add(attrs.values.get_Item(j)); } } } } num += EquipGlobal.CalculateFightingByIDAndValue(list, list2); } return(num); }
public NodePage() { Name = "Page"; Attrs.Add("Num", "1"); for (int i = 0; i < Config.DefaultElementNumList.Length; i++) { Dictionary <string, object> childAttrs = new Dictionary <string, object>(); childAttrs.Add("Num", Config.DefaultElementNumList[i]); childAttrs.Add("Key", Config.DefaultElementKeyList[i]); childAttrs.Add("Type", Config.DefaultElementTypeList[i]); childAttrs.Add("Desc", Config.DefaultElementDescList[i]); List <NodeBase> childChildNodes = new List <NodeBase>(); childChildNodes.Add(new NodeFormat(Config.DefaultElementTypeList[i])); childChildNodes.Add(Config.DefaultElementPositionList[i]); if (Config.DefaultElementKeyList[i].Substring(0, 1) != "1") { childChildNodes.Add(new NodeRequirement(Config.DefaultElementKeyList[i])); } childChildNodes.Add(new NodeBase { Name = "data", Content = Config.DefaultElementDataList[i], Attrs = null, ChildNodes = null }); ChildNodes.Add(new NodeBase { Name = "element", Content = "", Attrs = childAttrs, ChildNodes = childChildNodes }); } }
public int GetSkillProInitActPoint() { int num = 0; List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > skillProDataID = this.GetSkillProDataID(); int num2 = 106; for (int i = 0; i < skillProDataID.get_Count(); i++) { if (DataReader <skillExtend> .Contains(skillProDataID.get_Item(i).get_Key())) { skillExtend skillExtend = DataReader <skillExtend> .Get(skillProDataID.get_Item(i).get_Key()); if (skillExtend.type == 1) { int key = int.Parse(GameDataUtils.SplitString4Dot0(skillExtend.ruleDetail)); if (DataReader <Attrs> .Contains(key)) { Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(key); for (int j = 0; j < attrs.attrs.get_Count(); j++) { if (attrs.attrs.get_Item(j) == num2) { if (j < attrs.values.get_Count()) { num += attrs.values.get_Item(j); } } } } } } } return(num); }
public string RepairDataIt() { string infos = ""; Flow fl = new Flow(this.FK_Flow); Node nd = new Node(int.Parse(fl.No + "01")); Work wk = nd.HisWork; string trackTable = "ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "Track"; string sql = "SELECT MyPK FROM " + trackTable + " WHERE WorkID=" + this.WorkID + " AND ACTIONTYPE=1 and NDFrom=" + nd.NodeID; string mypk = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(mypk) == true) { return("err@没有找到track主键。"); } wk.OID = this.WorkID; wk.RetrieveFromDBSources(); string file = "c:\\temp\\" + this.WorkID + ".txt"; try { BP.DA.DBAccess.GetFileFromDB(file, trackTable, "MyPK", mypk, "FrmDB"); } catch (Exception ex) { infos += "@ 错误:" + fl.No + " - Rec" + wk.Rec + " db=" + wk.OID + " - " + fl.Name; } string json = DataType.ReadTextFile(file); DataTable dtVal = BP.Tools.Json.ToDataTable(json); DataRow mydr = dtVal.Rows[0]; Attrs attrs = wk.EnMap.Attrs; bool isHave = false; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { string jsonVal = mydr[attr.Key].ToString(); string enVal = wk.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(enVal) == true) { wk.SetValByKey(attr.Key, jsonVal); isHave = true; } } if (isHave == true) { wk.DirectUpdate(); return("不需要更新数据."); } infos += "@WorkID=" + wk.OID + " =" + wk.Rec + " dt=" + wk.RDT + "被修复."; return(infos); }
public string Get(string key) { if (Attrs.ContainsKey(key)) { return(Attrs[key]); } return(null); }
public EnsAppCfg(string ensName, string cfgkey) { this.MyPK = ensName + "@" + cfgkey; try { this.Retrieve(); } catch { BP.Sys.Xml.EnsAppXmls xmls = new BP.Sys.Xml.EnsAppXmls(); int i = xmls.Retrieve(BP.Sys.Xml.EnsAppXmlEnsName.EnsName, ensName, "No", cfgkey); if (i == 0) { Attrs attrs = this.EnMap.HisCfgAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.Key == cfgkey) { this.EnsName = ensName; this.CfgKey = cfgkey; if (attr.Key == "FocusField") { Entity en = BP.En.ClassFactory.GetEns(ensName).GetNewEntity; if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains("Name")) { this.CfgVal = "Name"; } if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains("Title")) { this.CfgVal = "Title"; } } else { this.CfgVal = attr.DefaultVal.ToString(); } this.Insert(); return; } } } BP.Sys.Xml.EnsAppXml xml = null; if (xmls.Count == 0) { xml = new Xml.EnsAppXml(); } else { xml = xmls[0] as BP.Sys.Xml.EnsAppXml; } this.EnsName = ensName; this.CfgKey = cfgkey; this.CfgVal = xml.DefVal; this.Insert(); } }
/// <summary> /// 将实体类转为json格式 包含列名和数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="ens"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string TranslateEntitiesToGridJsonColAndData(BP.En.Entities ens) { Attrs attrs = ens.GetNewEntity.EnMap.Attrs; StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder(); append.Append("{"); //整理列名 append.Append("columns:["); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsRefAttr || attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.Key == this.RefPK) { continue; } append.Append("{"); append.Append(string.Format("field:'{0}',title:'{1}',width:{2},sortable:true", attr.Key, attr.Desc, attr.UIWidth * 2)); append.Append("},"); } if (append.Length > 10) { append = append.Remove(append.Length - 1, 1); } append.Append("]"); //整理数据 bool bHaveData = false; append.Append(",data:["); foreach (Entity en in ens) { bHaveData = true; append.Append("{"); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsRefAttr || attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } append.Append(attr.Key + ":\"" + en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key) + "\","); } append = append.Remove(append.Length - 1, 1); append.Append("},"); } if (append.Length > 11 && bHaveData) { append = append.Remove(append.Length - 1, 1); } append.Append("]"); append.Append("}"); return(append.ToString()); }
public static int Retrieve(Entities ens, string sql) { try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); switch (ens.GetNewEntity.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType) { case DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN: dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfMSMSSQL: dt = DBAccessOfMSMSSQL.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfOracle: dt = DBAccessOfOracle.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfOLE: dt = DBAccessOfOLE.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; default: throw new Exception("@没有设置DB类型。"); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(0); } Map enMap = ens.GetNewEntity.EnMap; Attrs attrs = enMap.Attrs; //Entity en1 = ens.GetNewEntity; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; //Entity en = en1.CreateInstance(); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { en.Row.SetValByKey(attr.Key, dr[attr.Key]); } ens.AddEntity(en); } int i = dt.Rows.Count; dt.Dispose(); return(i); //return dt.Rows.Count; } catch (System.Exception ex) { // ens.GetNewEntity.CheckPhysicsTable(); throw new Exception("@在[" + ens.GetNewEntity.EnDesc + "]查询时出现错误:" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the next interval. /// </summary> /// <param name="attempts">The number of attempts.</param> /// <param name="defaultTimeout">The default timeout.</param> /// <returns>The next interval in ms.</returns> public int GetNextInterval(int attempts, int defaultTimeout) { if (Retry != null && Attrs.Contains("auto-retry")) { return(Retry.GetNextInterval(attempts)); } return(defaultTimeout); }
public override void Copy(Entity fromEn) { if (fromEn == null) { return; } Attrs attrs = fromEn.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.Key == WorkAttr.CDT || attr.Key == WorkAttr.RDT || attr.Key == WorkAttr.Rec || attr.Key == WorkAttr.FID || attr.Key == WorkAttr.OID || attr.Key == WorkAttr.Emps || attr.Key == GERptAttr.AtPara || attr.Key == GERptAttr.BillNo || attr.Key == GERptAttr.CFlowNo || attr.Key == GERptAttr.CWorkID || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FID || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FK_Dept || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FK_NY || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FlowDaySpan || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FlowEmps || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FlowEnder || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FlowEnderRDT || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FlowEndNode || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FlowNote || attr.Key == GERptAttr.FlowStarter || attr.Key == GERptAttr.GuestName || attr.Key == GERptAttr.GuestNo || attr.Key == GERptAttr.GUID || attr.Key == GERptAttr.PEmp || attr.Key == GERptAttr.PFlowNo || attr.Key == GERptAttr.PNodeID || attr.Key == GERptAttr.PWorkID || attr.Key == GERptAttr.Title || attr.Key == GERptAttr.PrjNo || attr.Key == GERptAttr.PrjName || attr.Key == "No" || attr.Key == "Name") { continue; } if (attr.Key == GERptAttr.MyNum) { this.SetValByKey(attr.Key, 1); continue; } this.SetValByKey(attr.Key, fromEn.GetValByKey(attr.Key)); } }
public IViewBuilder ContentMultiple(string property, IEnumerable <Types.IView> content) { var getter = FSharpValueOption <FSharpFunc <TView, object> > .Some(FuncConvert.FromFunc <TView, object>(control => control.Children)); var setter = FSharpValueOption <FSharpFunc <Tuple <TView, object>, Unit> > .None; var list = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.ListModule.OfSeq(content); Attrs.Add(Avalonia.FuncUI.Builder.AttrBuilder <TView> .CreateContentMultiple(property, getter, setter, list)); return(this); }
private string GetLvDes(int contentID, Attrs attrs) { string text = GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(contentID, false); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.values.get_Count(); i++) { text = text.Replace("{num" + (i + 1).ToString() + "}", "<color=white>" + (attrs.values.get_Item(i) * 100).ToString("0.0") + "%</color>"); } return(text); }
//Should i remove flying everytime? public object PostDamagePhase(bool item2) { if (item2 && Attrs != null) { var list = Attrs.ToList(); list.RemoveAll((attr) => attr.Matches(Attributes.Attributes.Flying)); Attrs = list.ToArray(); //Attrs.ToList().Where((attr)=> attr.Matches(Attributes.Attributes.Flying)); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 获得分组的数据源 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string Dot2Dot_GenerGroupEntitis() { string key = this.GetRequestVal("DefaultGroupAttrKey"); //实体集合. string ensName = this.GetRequestVal("EnsOfM"); Entities ens = ClassFactory.GetEns(ensName); Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; Attr attr = attrs.GetAttrByKey(key); if (attr == null) { return("err@设置的分组外键错误[" + key + "],不存在[" + ensName + "]或者已经被删除."); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Normal) { return("err@设置的默认分组[" + key + "]不能是普通字段."); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK) { Entities ensFK = attr.HisFKEns; ensFK.Clear(); ensFK.RetrieveAll(); return(ensFK.ToJson()); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum) { /* 如果是枚举 */ SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(); ses.Retrieve(SysEnumAttr.IntKey, attr.UIBindKey); //ses.ToStringOfSQLModelByKey BP.Pub.NYs nys = new Pub.NYs(); foreach (SysEnum item in ses) { BP.Pub.NY ny = new Pub.NY(); ny.No = item.IntKey.ToString(); ny.Name = item.Lab; nys.AddEntity(ny); } return(nys.ToJson()); } return("err@设置的默认分组[" + key + "]不能是普通字段."); }
private void ShowFightPower(int attrId) { Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(attrId); if (attrs != null) { long num = EquipGlobal.CalculateFightingByIDAndValue(attrs.attrs, attrs.values); if (num > 0L) { FightingUpUI fightingUpUI = UIManagerControl.Instance.OpenUI("FightingUpUI", UINodesManager.T2RootOfSpecial, false, UIType.NonPush) as FightingUpUI; fightingUpUI.SetPowerUp(num, null); } } }
public void RemoveValuesByTemplateID(int templateID) { Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(templateID); if (attrs == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not found attr template config, templId: " + templateID); return; } for (int i = 0; i < attrs.attrs.get_Count(); i++) { this.RemoveValue((AttrType)attrs.attrs.get_Item(i), attrs.values.get_Item(i), true); } }
public static XDict <GameData.AttrType, long> GetEffectCasterTempAttr(Effect effectData, EntityParent caster, int fromSkillID) { XDict <GameData.AttrType, long> xDict = new XDict <GameData.AttrType, long>(); int skillLevelByID = caster.GetSkillLevelByID(fromSkillID); XDict <GameData.AttrType, BattleSkillAttrAdd> skillAttrChangeByID = caster.GetSkillAttrChangeByID(fromSkillID); if ((caster.IsEntitySelfType || caster.IsEntityPlayerType || caster.IsEntityPetType) && effectData.rolePropId.get_Count() > 0 && skillLevelByID > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < effectData.rolePropId.get_Count(); i++) { if (effectData.rolePropId.get_Item(i).key == skillLevelByID) { Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(effectData.rolePropId.get_Item(i).value); if (attrs != null) { for (int j = 0; j < attrs.attrs.get_Count(); j++) { xDict.Add((GameData.AttrType)attrs.attrs.get_Item(j), (long)attrs.values.get_Item(j)); } } break; } } } else if (effectData.propId > 0) { Attrs attrs2 = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(effectData.propId); if (attrs2 != null) { for (int k = 0; k < attrs2.attrs.get_Count(); k++) { xDict.Add((GameData.AttrType)attrs2.attrs.get_Item(k), (long)attrs2.values.get_Item(k)); } } } if (skillAttrChangeByID != null) { for (int l = 0; l < skillAttrChangeByID.Count; l++) { if (xDict.ContainsKey(skillAttrChangeByID.Keys.get_Item(l))) { xDict[skillAttrChangeByID.Keys.get_Item(l)] = (long)((double)(xDict[skillAttrChangeByID.Keys.get_Item(l)] + (long)skillAttrChangeByID.Values.get_Item(l).addiAdd) * (1.0 + (double)skillAttrChangeByID.Values.get_Item(l).multiAdd * 0.001)); } } } return(xDict); }
public void AddJSEvent(Entity en) { Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIIsReadonly || attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.IsFKorEnum) { var ddl = this.UCEn1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + attr.Key); } } }
protected static XDict <GameData.AttrType, long> GetBuffCasterTempAttr(Buff buffData, EntityParent caster, int fromSkillLevel, XDict <GameData.AttrType, BattleSkillAttrAdd> casterTempAttrsChange) { XDict <GameData.AttrType, long> xDict = new XDict <GameData.AttrType, long>(); if ((caster.IsEntitySelfType || caster.IsEntityPlayerType || caster.IsEntityPetType) && buffData.rolePropId.get_Count() > 0 && fromSkillLevel > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < buffData.rolePropId.get_Count(); i++) { if (buffData.rolePropId.get_Item(i).key == fromSkillLevel) { Attrs attrs = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(buffData.rolePropId.get_Item(i).value); if (attrs != null) { for (int j = 0; j < attrs.attrs.get_Count(); j++) { xDict.Add((GameData.AttrType)attrs.attrs.get_Item(j), (long)attrs.values.get_Item(j)); } } break; } } } else if (buffData.propId > 0) { Attrs attrs2 = DataReader <Attrs> .Get(buffData.propId); if (attrs2 != null) { for (int k = 0; k < attrs2.attrs.get_Count(); k++) { xDict.Add((GameData.AttrType)attrs2.attrs.get_Item(k), (long)attrs2.values.get_Item(k)); } } } if (casterTempAttrsChange != null) { for (int l = 0; l < casterTempAttrsChange.Count; l++) { if (xDict.ContainsKey(casterTempAttrsChange.Keys.get_Item(l))) { xDict[casterTempAttrsChange.Keys.get_Item(l)] = (long)((double)(xDict[casterTempAttrsChange.Keys.get_Item(l)] + (long)casterTempAttrsChange.Values.get_Item(l).addiAdd) * (1.0 + (double)casterTempAttrsChange.Values.get_Item(l).multiAdd * 0.001)); } } } return(xDict); }
public bool IsChange(GEDtl dtl) { Attrs attrs = dtl.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (this.GetValByKey(attr.Key) == dtl.GetValByKey(attr.Key)) { continue; } else { return(true); } } return(false); }