static CsgObject DialGaugeMount()
            // CSG object is a Constructive Solid Geometry Object (a basic part in our system for doing boolean operations).
            CsgObject dialGauge;  // the csg object we will use as the master part.

            CsgObject frontBarRide = new Box(50, xCarriageBarWidth + 4, xCarriageBarWidth / 2 + 4);
            CsgObject barGroove    = new Cylinder(xCarriageBarWidth / 2, frontBarRide.XSize + .2, Alignment.x);

            barGroove     = new Translate(barGroove, 0, 0, -barGroove.ZSize / 2);
            frontBarRide -= barGroove;
            dialGauge     = frontBarRide;

            CsgObject backBarRide = frontBarRide.NewMirrorAccrossY();

            backBarRide = new Translate(backBarRide, 0, xCarriageSeparation, 0);
            dialGauge  += backBarRide;

            CsgObject frontSideWall = new Box(frontBarRide.XSize, wallWidth, wallHeight);

            frontSideWall = new Align(frontSideWall, Face.Front | Face.Top, frontBarRide, Face.Back | Face.Top, offsetY: -.02); // offset it to ensure good stl geometry
            dialGauge    += frontSideWall;

            CsgObject backSideWall = new Box(frontBarRide.XSize, wallWidth, wallHeight);

            backSideWall = new Align(backSideWall, Face.Back | Face.Top, backBarRide, Face.Front | Face.Top, offsetY: .02); // offset it to ensure good stl geometry
            dialGauge   += backSideWall;

            // make the plate on the bottom
            double    distanceAccrossBottom = backSideWall.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox().minXYZ.y - frontSideWall.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox().maxXYZ.y;
            CsgObject dialBase = new Box(frontBarRide.XSize, distanceAccrossBottom + .02, wallWidth); // make it bigger so it is manifold

            dialBase   = new Align(dialBase, Face.Front | Face.Bottom, frontSideWall, Face.Back | Face.Bottom, offsetY: .01);
            dialGauge += dialBase;

            // an some side walls for strength
            CsgObject leftSideWall = new Box(wallWidth, dialBase.YSize, frontSideWall.ZSize, "#leftsidewall");

            leftSideWall = new Align(leftSideWall, Face.Left | Face.Bottom | Face.Front, dialBase, Face.Left | Face.Bottom | Face.Front);
            dialGauge   += leftSideWall;

            CsgObject rightSideWall = new Box(wallWidth, dialBase.YSize, frontSideWall.ZSize, "#rightsidewall");

            rightSideWall = new Align(rightSideWall, Face.Right | Face.Bottom | Face.Front, dialBase, Face.Right | Face.Bottom | Face.Front);
            dialGauge    += rightSideWall;

            CsgObject dialGaugeHole = new Cylinder(diameterOfDialGaugeBar / 2, dialBase.ZSize + .02, Alignment.z);

            dialGaugeHole = new SetCenter(dialGaugeHole, dialBase.GetCenter() + new Vector3(0, dialGaugeBarOffsetFromCenter, 0));
            dialGauge    -= dialGaugeHole;

            CsgObject bridgeSupport = new Box(dialBase.XSize, dialBase.YSize, .5, "#test");

            bridgeSupport = new SetCenter(bridgeSupport, dialBase.GetCenter());
            bridgeSupport = new Align(bridgeSupport, Face.Top, dialBase, Face.Top);
            dialGauge    += bridgeSupport;

        static CsgObject StepArm()
            CsgObject totalMount;  // the csg object we will use as the master part.

            CsgObject pivotHole = new Cylinder(pivotHoleRadius / 2, pivotHeight + .1);

            CsgObject pivotMount = new Cylinder(pivotRingRadius / 2, pivotHeight);

            pivotMount = new Align(pivotMount, Face.Bottom, pivotHole, Face.Bottom, offsetZ: .02);
            totalMount = pivotMount;

            CsgObject holdArm = new Box(armLength, pivotRingRadius, wallWidth);

            holdArm     = new Align(holdArm, Face.Left | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, pivotMount, Face.Left | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, offsetX: pivotRingRadius / 2);
            totalMount += holdArm;

            CsgObject bracingWall = new Box(wallWidth, wallWidth, pivotMount.ZSize - wallWidth);

            bracingWall = new SetCenter(bracingWall, holdArm.GetCenter());
            bracingWall = new Align(bracingWall, Face.Right | Face.Top, pivotMount, Face.Right | Face.Top);
            totalMount += bracingWall;

            CsgObject bracingArm = new Box(armLength, wallWidth, wallWidth);

            bracingArm  = new SetCenter(bracingArm, holdArm.GetCenter());
            bracingArm  = new Align(bracingArm, Face.Bottom | Face.Left, holdArm, Face.Top | Face.Left, offsetZ: -.1);
            totalMount += bracingArm;

            totalMount += Round.CreateFillet(bracingWall, Face.Right, bracingArm, Face.Top, 3);
            //totalMount += Round.CreateFillet(bracingArm, Face.Right, holdArm, Face.Top, wallWidth);

            double    toothSelectorSize = 4;
            double    diagonalSize      = Math.Sqrt(toothSelectorSize * toothSelectorSize / 2);
            CsgObject toothSelectorBack = new Box(diagonalSize * 2, diagonalSize * 2, wallWidth * 2);

            toothSelectorBack = new Align(toothSelectorBack, Face.Right | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, totalMount, Face.Right | Face.Front | Face.Bottom);
            totalMount       += toothSelectorBack;

            CsgObject toothSelector = new Box(toothSelectorSize, toothSelectorSize, wallWidth * 2);

            toothSelector = new Rotate(toothSelector, 0, 0, MathHelper.Tau / 8);
            toothSelector = new Align(toothSelector, Face.Right | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, totalMount, Face.Right | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, offsetY: -diagonalSize);
            totalMount   += toothSelector;

            totalMount -= pivotHole;

        static CsgObject SpoolBarHolderM90()
            CsgObject total;

            CsgObject centerSupport = new Box(mendal90FrameWidth + wallWidth * 2, clipLengthY, wallWidth);

            total = centerSupport;

            CsgObject clipWallLeft = new Box(wallWidth, clipLengthY, clipReachZDown);

            clipWallLeft = new Align(clipWallLeft, Face.Left | Face.Top, centerSupport, Face.Left | Face.Top);
            CsgObject attachHole = new Cylinder(attacheHoleDiameter / 2, wallWidth + .2, Alignment.x);

            attachHole    = new Align(attachHole, Face.Top, centerSupport, Face.Bottom, offsetZ: -attachHoleOffsetZ);
            attachHole    = new SetCenter(attachHole, clipWallLeft.GetCenter(), onY: false, onZ: false);
            clipWallLeft -= attachHole;

            total += clipWallLeft;

            CsgObject clipWallRight = clipWallLeft.NewMirrorAccrossX();

            total += clipWallRight;

            Box spoolHoldBox = new Box(wallWidth, rodDiameter * 3, clipReachZUp);
            //spoolHoldBox.BevelEdge(Face.Front | Face.Top, rodDiameter/2);
            //spoolHoldBox.BevelEdge(Face.Back | Face.Top, rodDiameter / 2);
            CsgObject spoolHold = spoolHoldBox;

            spoolHold -= new Align(new Cylinder(rodDiameter / 2, wallWidth + 2, Alignment.x), Face.Top, spoolHold, Face.Top);
            spoolHold -= new Align(new Box(wallWidth + 2, rodDiameter, rodDiameter / 2), Face.Top, spoolHold, Face.Top, offsetZ: .1);
            total     += new Align(spoolHold, Face.Bottom, centerSupport, Face.Bottom);

            total += Round.CreateFillet(spoolHold, Face.Left, centerSupport, Face.Top, 2);
            total += Round.CreateFillet(spoolHold, Face.Right, centerSupport, Face.Top, 2);
            total -= Round.CreateBevel(centerSupport, Edge.LeftTop, 2);
            total -= Round.CreateBevel(centerSupport, Edge.RightTop, 2);

        static CsgObject Render()
            // CSG object is a Constructive Solid Geometry Object (a basic part in our system for doing boolean operations).
            CsgObject totalMount;  // the csg object we will use as the master part.

            CsgObject pivotHole = new Cylinder(pivotHoleRadius / 2, pivotHeight + .1);

            CsgObject pivotMount = new Cylinder(pivotRingRadius / 2, pivotHeight);

            pivotMount = new Align(pivotMount, Face.Bottom, pivotHole, Face.Bottom, offsetZ: .02);
            totalMount = pivotMount;

            CsgObject holdArm = new Box(armLength, wallWidth * 2, wallWidth);

            holdArm     = new Align(holdArm, Face.Left | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, pivotMount, Face.Left | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, offsetX: pivotRingRadius / 2);
            totalMount += holdArm;

            CsgObject switchMount = new Box(switchHeight, switchWidth, wallWidth);

            switchMount -= new Translate(new Cylinder(switchHoleDiameter / 2, switchMount.ZSize + .1), new Vector3(0, switchHoleSeparation / 2, 0));
            switchMount -= new Translate(new Cylinder(switchHoleDiameter / 2, switchMount.ZSize + .1), new Vector3(0, -switchHoleSeparation / 2, 0));
            switchMount  = new Align(switchMount, Face.Left | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, holdArm, Face.Right | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, offsetX: -.02, offsetY: -5);
            totalMount  += switchMount;

            CsgObject magnetAttractor = new Box(wallWidth + magnetAttractorHoleRadius, magnetAttractorYSize, wallWidth * 3);

            // align it from the pivot point
            magnetAttractor = new Align(magnetAttractor, Face.Left | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, pivotMount, Face.Left | Face.Front | Face.Bottom, offsetX: magnetHoldOffset);
            totalMount     += magnetAttractor;

            CsgObject bracingWall = new Box(wallWidth, wallWidth, pivotMount.ZSize - wallWidth);

            bracingWall = new SetCenter(bracingWall, holdArm.GetCenter());
            bracingWall = new Align(bracingWall, Face.Right | Face.Top, pivotMount, Face.Right | Face.Top);
            totalMount += bracingWall;

            CsgObject bracingArm = new Box(armLength - wireClearence, wallWidth, wallWidth);

            bracingArm  = new SetCenter(bracingArm, holdArm.GetCenter());
            bracingArm  = new Align(bracingArm, Face.Bottom | Face.Left, holdArm, Face.Top | Face.Left, offsetZ: -.1);
            totalMount += bracingArm;

            totalMount += Round.CreateFillet(bracingWall, Face.Right, bracingArm, Face.Top, 3);
            totalMount += Round.CreateFillet(bracingArm, Face.Right, holdArm, Face.Top, wallWidth);

            totalMount += Round.CreateFillet(holdArm, Face.Back, switchMount, Face.Left, wallWidth);
            totalMount += Round.CreateFillet(holdArm, Face.Front, switchMount, Face.Left, wallWidth);

            totalMount -= pivotHole;

            CsgObject magnetAttractorHole = new Cylinder(magnetAttractorHoleRadius / 2, magnetAttractor.YSize + .1, Alignment.y);

            magnetAttractorHole = new SetCenter(magnetAttractorHole, magnetAttractor.GetCenter() + new Vector3(0, 0, -magnetAttractorHoleRadius));
            totalMount         -= magnetAttractorHole;

            CsgObject magnetAttractorHole2 = new Cylinder(magnetAttractorHoleRadius / 2, magnetAttractor.YSize + .1, Alignment.y);

            magnetAttractorHole2 = new SetCenter(magnetAttractorHole2, magnetAttractor.GetCenter() + new Vector3(0, 0, magnetAttractorHoleRadius));
            totalMount          -= magnetAttractorHole2;

        static CsgObject MountMount()
            Vector3 magnetSize = new Vector3(10, 5, 2.5);

            CsgObject total;

            CsgObject baseBox    = new Box(37, 26, wallWidth * 2);
            Round     baseBevels = new Round(baseBox.Size);

            baseBevels.RoundEdge(Edge.LeftFront, 4);
            baseBevels.RoundEdge(Edge.LeftBack, 4);
            baseBox -= baseBevels;
            CsgObject fakeXCarriage = new Translate(baseBox, 0.5);

            total = fakeXCarriage;

            double    pivotRingYOffset = -pivotHeight / 2 - wallWidth / 2 - .5;
            CsgObject pivotRingFront   = new Cylinder(pivotRingRadius / 2, wallWidth, Alignment.y);
            CsgObject pivotFrontWall   = new Box(pivotRingRadius, wallWidth, mountPivotHeight);

            pivotFrontWall = new Translate(pivotFrontWall, 0, 0, -mountPivotHeight / 2);
            CsgObject pivotSupportFront = pivotRingFront + pivotFrontWall;
            CsgObject pivotHole         = new Cylinder(pivotHoleRadius / 2, pivotRingFront.YSize + .1, Alignment.y);

            pivotHole          = new SetCenter(pivotHole, pivotRingFront.GetCenter());
            pivotSupportFront -= pivotHole;
            pivotSupportFront  = new Translate(pivotSupportFront, 0, pivotRingYOffset, mountPivotHeight);
            pivotSupportFront += Round.CreateFillet(pivotSupportFront, Face.Back, fakeXCarriage, Face.Top, 3);
            pivotSupportFront += Round.CreateFillet(pivotSupportFront, Face.Front, fakeXCarriage, Face.Top, 3);
            total             += pivotSupportFront;

            CsgObject pivotSupportBack = pivotSupportFront.NewMirrorAccrossY();

            total += pivotSupportBack;

            CsgObject backMagnetHolder = new Box(wallWidth * 2, magnetSize.x + wallWidth, backMagnetHeight);

            backMagnetHolder = new Align(backMagnetHolder, Face.Bottom | Face.Right, fakeXCarriage, Face.Top | Face.Right, 0, 0, -.1);
            CsgObject backMagnetHole = new Box(magnetSize.z, magnetSize.x, magnetSize.y);

            backMagnetHole = new SetCenter(backMagnetHole, backMagnetHolder.GetCenter());
            backMagnetHole = new Align(backMagnetHole, Face.Left | Face.Top, backMagnetHolder, Face.Left | Face.Top, -.1, 0, -wallWidth / 2);

            total += Round.CreateFillet(backMagnetHolder, Face.Front, fakeXCarriage, Face.Top, 3);
            total += Round.CreateFillet(backMagnetHolder, Face.Back, fakeXCarriage, Face.Top, 3);
            total += Round.CreateFillet(backMagnetHolder, Face.Left, fakeXCarriage, Face.Top, 3);

            backMagnetHolder -= backMagnetHole;
            total            += backMagnetHolder;

            CsgObject baseMagnetHolder = new Box(wallWidth * 2, magnetSize.x + wallWidth, baseMagnetHeight);

            baseMagnetHolder = new Align(baseMagnetHolder, Face.Bottom, fakeXCarriage, Face.Top, -14, 0, -.1);
            CsgObject baseMagnetHole = new Box(magnetSize.y, magnetSize.x, magnetSize.z);

            baseMagnetHole    = new SetCenter(baseMagnetHole, baseMagnetHolder.GetCenter());
            baseMagnetHole    = new Align(baseMagnetHole, Face.Top, baseMagnetHolder, Face.Top, 0, 0, .1);
            baseMagnetHolder -= baseMagnetHole;
            total            += baseMagnetHolder;
