         This is the main function to generate gcode files for the
         * already sliced model
        public static GCodeFile Generate(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi)
            String gcode;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            PreProcessor pp = PreparePreprocessor(sf, pi);
            double zdist = 0.0;
               // double feedrate = pi.ZMaxFeedrate; // 10mm/min
            double liftfeed = sf.m_config.liftfeedrate;
            double retractfeed = sf.m_config.liftretractrate;
            double zdir = 1.0; // assume a bottom up machine
            int numbottom = sf.m_config.numfirstlayers;

            if (sf.m_config.direction == SliceBuildConfig.eBuildDirection.Top_Down)
                zdir = -1.0;// top down machine, reverse the z direction
            pp.SetVar("$ZDir", zdir);

            // append the build parameters as reference
            sb.Append(";Number of Slices        =  " + sf.NumSlices.ToString() + "\r\n");

            sb.Append(pi.ToString());//add the machine build parameters string

            // append the header

            zdist = sf.m_config.ZThick;

            String firstlayerdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms + " \r\n";
            String layerdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.layertime_ms + " \r\n";
            String blankdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.blanktime_ms + " \r\n";

            String preSliceGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.PreSliceCode);
            String LiftGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.LiftCode);

            for (int c = 0; c < sf.NumSlices; c++)
                sb.Append(preSliceGCode);//add in the pre-slice code
                // this is the marker the BuildManager uses to display the correct slice
                sb.Append(";<Slice> " + c + " \r\n");
                // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image
                if (c < numbottom)// check for the bottom layers
                sb.Append(";<Slice> Blank \r\n"); // show the blank layer
                sb.Append(LiftGCode); // append the pre-lift codes
            //append the footer
            gcode = sb.ToString();
            GCodeFile gc = new GCodeFile(gcode);
            return gc;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void SliceEv(Slicer.eSliceEvent ev, int layer, int totallayers, SliceFile sf)
            String path     = "";
            String fileName = "";

            switch (ev)
            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceStarted:


            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eLayerSliced:


            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCompleted:
                m_slicefile = sf;
                //generate the GCode
                m_gcode = GCodeGenerator.Generate(m_slicefile, m_printerinfo);

                path     = SliceFile.GetSliceFilePath(m_slicefile.modelname);
                fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_slicefile.modelname) + ".gcode";
                //see if we're exporting this to a zip file
                if (sf.m_config.m_exportopt.Contains("ZIP"))
                    // open the existing zip file
                    //store the gcode
                    Stream stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(m_gcode.RawGCode));
                    String zpath  = path + ".zip";
                    if (!Utility.StoreInZip(zpath, fileName, stream))
                        DebugLogger.Instance().LogError("Could not store GCode in Zip " + zpath);
                else      // or just to the disk
                    String sdn = path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fileName;

                //save the slicer object for later too
                //save the slice file

                // UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicefile.Save(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".sliced");

            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCancelled:
                DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Slicing Cancelled");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private UVDLPApp()
     m_appconfig           = new AppConfig();
     m_printerinfo         = new MachineConfig();
     m_buildparms          = new SliceBuildConfig();
     m_deviceinterface     = new DeviceInterface();
     m_buildmgr            = new BuildManager();
     m_slicer              = new Slicer();
     m_slicer.Slice_Event += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
     m_flexslice           = new FlexSlice();
     m_gcode            = new GCodeFile(""); // create a blank gcode to start with
     m_supportconfig    = new SupportConfig();
     m_supportgenerator = new SupportGenerator();
     m_supportgenerator.SupportEvent += new SupportGeneratorEvent(SupEvent);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// This is called after the scene file is loaded
 /// It will also load the gcode file and slicing profile / vector slices
 /// </summary>
 public void PostLoadScene()
     m_gcode = SceneFile.Instance().LoadGCodeFromScene(SceneFileName);
     if (m_gcode == null)
         m_gcode = new GCodeFile(""); // create empty file
     RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eGCodeLoaded, "GCode Loaded ");
     m_slicefile        = new SliceFile(m_buildparms);
     m_slicefile.m_mode = SliceFile.SFMode.eLoaded;
     m_slicer.SliceFile = m_slicefile;
     //set the number of slices
     m_slicefile.NumSlices = m_slicer.GetNumberOfSlices(m_buildparms);
     RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eSliceProfileChanged, "Slice Profile loaded");
     RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eSlicedLoaded, "Slice Profile loaded");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private UVDLPApp()
     m_appconfig           = new AppConfig();
     m_printerinfo         = new MachineConfig();
     m_buildparms          = new SliceBuildConfig();
     m_deviceinterface     = new DeviceInterface();
     m_buildmgr            = new BuildManager();
     m_slicer              = new Slicer();
     m_slicer.Slice_Event += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
     //m_flexslice = new FlexSlice();
     m_gcode            = new GCodeFile(""); // create a blank gcode to start with
     m_supportconfig    = new SupportConfig();
     m_supportgenerator = new SupportGenerator();
     m_supportgenerator.SupportEvent += new SupportGeneratorEvent(SupEvent);
     m_proj_cmd_lst = new prjcmdlst();
     m_plugins      = new List <IPlugin>(); // list of user plug-ins
     m_undoer       = new Undoer();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void SliceEv(Slicer.eSliceEvent ev, int layer, int totallayers, SliceFile sf)
            //  String path = "";
            // String fileName = "";
            switch (ev)
            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceStarted:


            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eLayerSliced:


            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCompleted:     // this all needs to be changed....
                m_slicefile = sf;
                //generate the GCode
                m_gcode = GCodeGenerator.Generate(m_slicefile, m_printerinfo);
                //we only need the file name of the gcode if we're saving it somewhere...
                //see if we're exporting this to a zip file
                //if (sf.m_config.m_exportopt.Contains("ZIP") && sf.m_config.export)
                if (sf.m_config.export)
                    // open the existing scene file
                    //store the gcode
                    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(m_gcode.RawGCode));
                    String       gcn    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(UVDLPApp.Instance().SceneFileName) + ".gcode";
                    SceneFile.Instance().RemoveResourcesFromFile(UVDLPApp.Instance().SceneFileName, "GCode", ".gcode");
                    SceneFile.Instance().AddGCodeToFile(UVDLPApp.Instance().SceneFileName, stream, gcn);
                //save the slicer object for later too
                //save the slice file

                // UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicefile.Save(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".sliced");

            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCancelled:
                DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Slicing Cancelled");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // This function is called to start the print job
        public void StartPrint(SliceFile sf, GCodeFile gcode)
            if (m_printing)  // already printing

            m_printing         = true;
            m_buildstarttime   = new DateTime();
            m_buildstarttime   = DateTime.Now;
            estimatedbuildtime = EstimateBuildTime(gcode);

            m_sf        = sf;          // set the slicefile for rendering
            m_gcode     = gcode;       // set the file
            m_state     = STATE_START; // set the state machine as started
            m_runthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BuildThread));
            m_running   = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void SliceEv(Slicer.eSliceEvent ev, int layer, int totallayers)
            String path = "";
            switch (ev)
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceStarted:
                    // if we're exporting images
                    if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                        // get the model name
                        String modelname = m_selectedobject.m_fullname;
                        // strip off the file extension
                        path = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                        path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                        path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname);// strip off the file extension
                        if (!Directory.Exists(path)) // check and see if a directory of that name exists,
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(path);// if not, create it
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eLayerSliced:
                    //save the rendered image slice
                    //render the slice

                    if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                        // get the model name
                        String modelname = m_selectedobject.m_fullname;
                        // strip off the file extension
                        path = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                        path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                        path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname);// strip off the file extension
                        Bitmap bmp = null;
                        String imagename = path + m_pathsep + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname) + String.Format("{0:0000}",layer) + ".png";
                        bmp = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicefile.RenderSlice(layer);
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCompleted:
                    m_gcode = GCodeGenerator.Generate(m_slicefile, m_printerinfo);

                    //get the path of the current object file
                    path = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_selectedobject.m_fullname);
                    string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_selectedobject.m_fullname);
                    if (!UVDLPApp.Instance().m_gcode.Save(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode"))
                        DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Cannot save GCode File " + path + m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode");
                    SaveGCode(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode");
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCancelled:
                    DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Slicing Cancelled");

         * GCode Process for building 3d DVP UV objects
         * <Build Start>
         * <Slicing Comments> comments containing the slicing and building parameters
         * <Header Code> start.gcode - commands from this
         * file are inserted, they contain whatever intiailization sequences are need to initialize the machine
         * at this point, the build tray is in position to start printing a layer
         * <Layer Start>
         * Display the correct image slice for the current layer
         * Delay for <Layertime> to expose the UV resin
         * <Layer End>

         * This is the main function to generate gcode files for the
         * already sliced model
        public static GCodeFile Generate(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi)
            String        gcode;
            StringBuilder sb    = new StringBuilder();
            double        zdist = 0.0;
            // double feedrate = pi.ZMaxFeedrate; // 10mm/min
            double liftfeed    = sf.m_config.liftfeedrate;
            double retractfeed = sf.m_config.liftretractrate;
            double zdir        = 1.0; // assume a bottom up machine
            int    numbottom   = sf.m_config.numfirstlayers;

            if (sf.m_config.direction == SliceBuildConfig.eBuildDirection.Top_Down)
                zdir = -1.0;// top down machine, reverse the z direction

            // append the build parameters as reference

            // append the header

            String firstlayerdelay = "(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms + " )\r\n";
            String layerdelay      = "(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.layertime_ms + " )\r\n";
            String blankdelay      = "(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.blanktime_ms + " )\r\n";

            zdist = sf.m_config.ZThick;

            for (int c = 0; c < sf.m_slices.Count; c++)
                sb.Append(sf.m_config.PreSliceCode);//add in the pre-slice code
                // this is the marker the BuildManager uses to display the correct slice
                sb.Append("(<Slice> " + c + " )\r\n");
                // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image
                if (c < numbottom)// check for the bottom layers
                sb.Append("(<Slice> Blank )\r\n");  // show the blank layer
                sb.Append(sf.m_config.PreLiftCode); // append the pre-lift codes
                String tmpZU = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.liftdistance * zdir)).Replace(',', '.');
                String tmpZD = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", ((sf.m_config.liftdistance - zdist) * zdir * -1)).Replace(',', '.');

                if (sf.m_config.slidetiltval == 0.0) // tilt/slide is not used here
                    sb.Append("G1 Z" + tmpZU + " F" + liftfeed + " (Lift) \r\n");
                    sb.Append("G1 Z" + tmpZD + " F" + retractfeed + " (End Lift) \r\n");
                else // tilt/slide has a value, so it is used
                    // format the X slide/tilt value
                    String tmpX1 = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.slidetiltval)).Replace(',', '.');
                    String tmpX2 = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.slidetiltval * -1)).Replace(',', '.');
                    sb.Append("G1 X" + tmpX1 + " Z" + tmpZU + " F" + liftfeed + " (Lift) \r\n");
                    sb.Append("G1 X" + tmpX2 + " Z" + tmpZD + " F" + retractfeed + " (End Lift) \r\n");
                // append the post-lift codes
                // add a delay for the lift sequence and the pre/post lift codes to execute
            //append the footer
            gcode = sb.ToString();
            GCodeFile gc = new GCodeFile(gcode);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        void SliceEv(Slicer.eSliceEvent ev, int layer, int totallayers,SliceFile sf)
            //  String path = "";
               // String fileName = "";
            switch (ev)
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceStarted:

                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eLayerSliced:

                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCompleted: // this all needs to be changed....
                    m_slicefile = sf;
                    //generate the GCode
                    m_gcode = GCodeGenerator.Generate(m_slicefile, m_printerinfo);
                    //we only need the file name of the gcode if we're saving it somewhere...
                    //see if we're exporting this to a zip file
                    //if (sf.m_config.m_exportopt.Contains("ZIP") && sf.m_config.export)
                    if (sf.m_config.export)
                        // open the existing scene file
                        //store the gcode
                        MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(m_gcode.RawGCode));
                        String gcn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(UVDLPApp.Instance().SceneFileName) + ".gcode";
                        SceneFile.Instance().RemoveResourcesFromFile(UVDLPApp.Instance().SceneFileName, "GCode", ".gcode");
                        SceneFile.Instance().AddGCodeToFile(UVDLPApp.Instance().SceneFileName, stream, gcn);
                    //save the slicer object for later too
                    //save the slice file

                   // UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicefile.Save(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".sliced");
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCancelled:
                    DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Slicing Cancelled");

         GCode Process for building 3d DVP UV objects

         * <Build Start>
         * <Slicing Comments> comments containing the slicing and building parameters
         * <Header Code> start.gcode - commands from this
         * file are inserted, they contain whatever intiailization sequences are need to initialize the machine
         * at this point, the build tray is in position to start printing a layer
         * <Layer Start>
         * Display the correct image slice for the current layer
         * Delay for <Layertime> to expose the UV resin
         * <Layer End>

         This is the main function to generate gcode files for the
         * already sliced model
        public static GCodeFile Generate(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi)
            String gcode;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            double zdist = 0.0;
               // double feedrate = pi.ZMaxFeedrate; // 10mm/min
            double liftfeed = sf.m_config.liftfeedrate;
            double retractfeed = sf.m_config.liftretractrate;
            double zdir = 1.0; // assume a bottom up machine
            int numbottom = sf.m_config.numfirstlayers;

            if (sf.m_config.direction == SliceBuildConfig.eBuildDirection.Top_Down)
                zdir = -1.0;// top down machine, reverse the z direction

            // append the build parameters as reference
            sb.Append(";(Number of Slices        =  " + sf.NumSlices.ToString() + ")\r\n");

            sb.Append(pi.ToString());//add the machine build parameters string

            // append the header

            zdist = sf.m_config.ZThick;

            String firstlayerdelay = ";(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms + " )\r\n";
            String layerdelay = ";(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.layertime_ms + " )\r\n";
            String blankdelay = ";(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.blanktime_ms + " )\r\n";
            String tmpZU = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.liftdistance * zdir)).Replace(',', '.');
            String tmpZD = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", ((sf.m_config.liftdistance - zdist) * zdir * -1)).Replace(',', '.');
            String tmpX1 = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.slidetiltval)).Replace(',', '.');
            String tmpX2 = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.slidetiltval * -1)).Replace(',', '.');

            for (int c = 0; c < sf.NumSlices; c++)
                sb.Append(sf.m_config.PreSliceCode);//add in the pre-slice code
                // this is the marker the BuildManager uses to display the correct slice
                sb.Append(";(<Slice> " + c + " )\r\n");
                // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image
                if (c < numbottom)// check for the bottom layers
                sb.Append(";(<Slice> Blank )\r\n"); // show the blank layer
                sb.Append(sf.m_config.PreLiftCode); // append the pre-lift codes
                // I put the following two lines out of the loop to reduce calculationTime
                //String tmpZU = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.liftdistance * zdir)).Replace(',', '.');
                //String tmpZD = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", ((sf.m_config.liftdistance - zdist) * zdir * -1)).Replace(',', '.');
                if (sf.m_config.usemainliftgcode == true) // if you want to use the GCode from the MainLiftGCode-Tab
                else if (sf.m_config.slidetiltval == 0.0) // tilt/slide is not used here
                    sb.Append("G1 Z" + tmpZU + " F" + liftfeed + " ;(Lift) \r\n");
                    sb.Append("G1 Z" + tmpZD + " F" + retractfeed + " ;(End Lift) \r\n");
                else // tilt/slide has a value, so it is used
                    // I put the following two lines out of the loop to reduce calculationTime
                    // format the X slide/tilt value
                    //String tmpX1 = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.slidetiltval)).Replace(',', '.');
                    //String tmpX2 = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.slidetiltval * -1)).Replace(',', '.');
                    sb.Append("G1 X" + tmpX1 + " Z" + tmpZU + " F" + liftfeed + " ;(Lift) \r\n");
                    sb.Append("G1 X" + tmpX2 + " Z" + tmpZD + " F" + retractfeed + " ;(End Lift) \r\n");
                // add a delay for the lift sequence and the pre/post lift codes to execute
                // append the post-lift codes
            //append the footer
            gcode = sb.ToString();
            GCodeFile gc = new GCodeFile(gcode);
            return gc;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will return the estimated build time for UV DLP print Jobs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static String EstimateBuildTime(GCodeFile file)
            int bt = 0; // in milliseconds
            bool done = false;
            int gidx = 0;
            while (!done)
                if (gidx >= file.Lines.Length)
                    done = true;

                String line = file.Lines[gidx++];
                if (line.Length > 0)
                    // if the line is a comment, parse it to see if we need to take action
                    if (line.Contains("<Delay> "))// get the delay
                        int delay = getvarfromline(line);
                        bt += delay;
            TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan();
            ts = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(bt);
            return String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a model, adds it to the 3d engine to be shown, and raises an app event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool LoadModel(String filename)
                ModelLoader ml = new ModelLoader();
                List<Object3d> objs = ml.Load(filename);
                if (objs != null)
                    foreach (Object3d obj in objs)
                        SelectedObject = obj;
                    m_slicefile = null; // the slice file is not longer current
                    RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eModelAdded, "Model Loaded " + filename);
                    //now try to load the gcode file
                    String gcodefile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".gcode";
                    String gcodepath = SliceFile.GetSliceFilePath(filename);

                    String gpath = gcodepath + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + gcodefile;
                    if (File.Exists(gpath))
                    else // read the gcode from the zip file
                        String zpath = gcodepath + ".zip";
                        if(File.Exists(zpath)) // make sure the file exists before we try to read it
                            Stream s = Utility.ReadFromZip(zpath, gcodefile);
                            if(s  != null)
                                s.Seek(0, 0); // go to the beginning of the stream
                                byte []array = Utility.ReadFully(s);
                                string gc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(array);
                                m_gcode = new GCodeFile(gc);
                                RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eGCodeLoaded, "GCode Loaded " + gcodefile);
                                DebugLogger.Instance().LogError("Could not load GCode from Zip " + zpath);

                    if(m_gcode !=null)
                        int xres, yres, numslices;
                        xres = m_gcode.GetVar("Projector X Res");
                        yres = m_gcode.GetVar("Projector Y Res");
                        numslices = m_gcode.GetVar("Number of Slices");
                        m_slicefile = new SliceFile(xres,yres,numslices);
                        m_slicefile.modelname = SelectedObject.m_fullname;
                        m_slicefile.m_config = null; //this can be null if we're loading it...
                        RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eSlicedLoaded, "SliceFile Created");
                    RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eModelNotLoaded, "Model " + filename + " Failed to load");

                return (objs != null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 // This function is called to start the print job
 public void StartPrint(SliceFile sf, GCodeFile gcode)
     if (m_printing)  // already printing
     if (sf == null)
         DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("No slice file, build cannot start");
     if (gcode == null)
         DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("No gcode file, build cannot start");
     // we really need to map onto the events of the PrinterInterface to determine
     // important stuff like current z position, HBP temp, etc...
     m_printing = true;
     m_sf = sf; // set the slicefile for rendering
     m_gcode = gcode; // set the file
     m_state = STATE_START; // set the state machine as started
     m_runthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BuildThread));
     m_running = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private ZipFile m_zip; // for storing image slices

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        private UVDLPApp()
            m_appconfig = new AppConfig();
            m_printerinfo = new MachineConfig();
            m_buildparms = new SliceBuildConfig();
            m_deviceinterface = new DeviceInterface();
            m_buildmgr = new BuildManager();
            m_slicer = new Slicer();
            m_slicer.Slice_Event += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
            m_flexslice = new FlexSlice();
            m_gcode = new GCodeFile(""); // create a blank gcode to start with
            m_supportconfig = new SupportConfig();
            m_supportgenerator = new SupportGenerator();
            m_supportgenerator.SupportEvent+= new SupportGeneratorEvent(SupEvent);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a model, adds it to the 3d engine to be shown, and raises an app event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool LoadModel(String filename)
                ModelLoader     ml   = new ModelLoader();
                List <Object3d> objs = ml.Load(filename);
                if (objs != null)
                    foreach (Object3d obj in objs)
                        SelectedObject = obj;
                    m_slicefile = null; // the slice file is not longer current
                    RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eModelAdded, "Model Loaded " + filename);
                    //now try to load the gcode file
                    String gcodefile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".gcode";
                    String gcodepath = SliceFile.GetSliceFilePath(filename);

                    String gpath = gcodepath + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + gcodefile;
                    if (File.Exists(gpath))
                    else // read the gcode from the zip file
                        String zpath = gcodepath + ".zip";
                        if (File.Exists(zpath)) // make sure the file exists before we try to read it
                            Stream s = Utility.ReadFromZip(zpath, gcodefile);
                            if (s != null)
                                s.Seek(0, 0); // go to the beginning of the stream
                                byte [] array = Utility.ReadFully(s);
                                string  gc    = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(array);
                                m_gcode = new GCodeFile(gc);
                                RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eGCodeLoaded, "GCode Loaded " + gcodefile);
                                DebugLogger.Instance().LogError("Could not load GCode from Zip " + zpath);
                    if (m_gcode != null)
                        int xres, yres, numslices;
                        xres                  = m_gcode.GetVar("Projector X Res");
                        yres                  = m_gcode.GetVar("Projector Y Res");
                        numslices             = m_gcode.GetVar("Number of Slices");
                        m_slicefile           = new SliceFile(xres, yres, numslices);
                        m_slicefile.modelname = SelectedObject.m_fullname;
                        m_slicefile.m_config  = null; //this can be null if we're loading it...
                        RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eSlicedLoaded, "SliceFile Created");
                    RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eModelNotLoaded, "Model " + filename + " Failed to load");

                return(objs != null);
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // This function is called to start the print job
        public void StartPrint(SliceFile sf, GCodeFile gcode, bool snippet = false)
            m_runningsnippet = snippet;

            if (m_printing)  // already printing
            //make sure to reset these
            m_pause_request = false;
            //m_cancel_request = false;

            m_printing = true;
            m_buildstarttime = new DateTime();
            m_buildstarttime = DateTime.Now;
            estimatedbuildtime = EstimateBuildTime(gcode);

            m_sf = sf; // set the slicefile for rendering
            m_gcode = gcode; // set the file
            m_state = STATE_START; // set the state machine as started
            m_runthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BuildThread));
            m_running = true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        void SliceEv(Slicer.eSliceEvent ev, int layer, int totallayers)
            String path = "";
            switch (ev)
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceStarted:
                    // if we're exporting images
                    if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                        m_zip = new ZipFile();
                        // get the model name, could be scene....
                        String modelname = m_selectedobject.m_fullname;
                        // strip off the file extension
                        path = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                        path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                        path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname);// strip off the file extension
                        if (!Directory.Exists(path)) // check and see if a directory of that name exists,
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(path);// if not, create it
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eLayerSliced:
                    //save the rendered image slice
                    //render the slice

                    if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                        // get the model name
                        String modelname = m_selectedobject.m_fullname;
                        // strip off the file extension
                        path = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                        path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                        path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname);// strip off the file extension
                        Bitmap bmp = null;
                        String imname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname) + String.Format("{0:0000}",layer) + ".png";
                        String imagename = path + m_pathsep + imname;
                        bmp = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicefile.RenderSlice(layer);
                       // bmp.Save(imagename);
                        // create a memory stream for this to save into
                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                        bmp.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
                        ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek back to beginning
                        m_zip.AddEntry(imname, ms);

                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCompleted:

                    // save the zip file full of images
                    if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                        String modelname = m_selectedobject.m_fullname;
                        // strip off the file extension
                        path = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                        path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                        path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname);// strip off the file extension
                        path += ".zip";

                    m_gcode = GCodeGenerator.Generate(m_slicefile, m_printerinfo);

                    //get the path of the current object file
                    path = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_selectedobject.m_fullname);
                    string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_selectedobject.m_fullname);
                    if (!UVDLPApp.Instance().m_gcode.Save(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode"))
                        DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Cannot save GCode File " + path + m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode");
                    SaveGCode(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode");
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCancelled:
                    DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Slicing Cancelled");

Ejemplo n.º 19
 private UVDLPApp()
     m_callbackhandler = new CallbackHandler();
     m_appconfig = new AppConfig();
     m_printerinfo = new MachineConfig();
     m_buildparms = new SliceBuildConfig();
     m_deviceinterface = new DeviceInterface();
     m_buildmgr = new BuildManager();
     m_slicer = new Slicer();
     m_slicer.Slice_Event += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
     //m_dispmgr = DisplayManager.Instance(); // initialize the singleton for early event app binding
     //m_flexslice = new FlexSlice();
     m_gcode = new GCodeFile(""); // create a blank gcode to start with
     m_supportconfig = new SupportConfig();
     m_supportgenerator = new SupportGenerator();
     m_supportgenerator.SupportEvent+= new SupportGeneratorEvent(SupEvent);
     CSG.Instance().CSGEvent += new CSG.CSGEventDel(CSGEvent);
     m_proj_cmd_lst = new prjcmdlst();
     m_plugins = new List<PluginEntry>(); // list of user plug-ins
     m_undoer = new Undoer();
     m_2d_graphics = new C2DGraphics();
     m_gui_config = new GuiConfig();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private UVDLPApp()
     m_appconfig = new AppConfig();
     m_printerinfo = new MachineConfig();
     m_buildparms = new SliceBuildConfig();
     m_deviceinterface = new DeviceInterface();
     m_buildmgr = new BuildManager();
     m_slicer = new Slicer();
     m_slicer.Slice_Event += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
     //m_flexslice = new FlexSlice();
     m_gcode = new GCodeFile(""); // create a blank gcode to start with
     m_supportconfig = new SupportConfig();
     m_supportgenerator = new SupportGenerator();
     m_supportgenerator.SupportEvent+= new SupportGeneratorEvent(SupEvent);
     CSG.Instance().CSGEvent += new CSG.CSGEventDel(CSGEvent);
     m_proj_cmd_lst = new prjcmdlst();
     m_plugins = new List<PluginEntry>(); // list of user plug-ins
     m_undoer = new Undoer();
         GCode Process for building 3d DVP UV objects

         * <Build Start>
         * <Slicing Comments> comments containing the slicing and building parameters
         * <Header Code> start.gcode - commands from this
         * file are inserted, they contain whatever intiailization sequences are need to initialize the machine
         * at this point, the build tray is in position to start printing a layer
         * <Layer Start>
         * Display the correct image slice for the current layer
         * Delay for <Layertime> to expose the UV resin
         * <Layer End>

         * G1 Z0.05 F10 (move to the layer position .05 mm distance)
         * (<Layer 0 >) (show the slice image layer)
         * (<Delay 1000 >) (pause to expose the layer, first layer time is longer)
         * (<Layer Blank >) (show the blank image layer now)
         * (pre- lift gcode goes here)
         * G1 Z5 F10    (Move up (or down) for the lift sequence)
         * G1 X20 F20   (Move the wiper)
         * G1 X-20 F20  (Move the wiper back)
         * G1 Z5 F10    (Move down (or up) for the lift sequence)
         * (post - lift gcode goes here)
         * (<Delay blanktime >) (the previous commands will all be run, this command will cause the build manager to delay before moving to the next layer)

         This is the main function to generate gcode files for the
         * already sliced model
        public static GCodeFile Generate(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi)
            String gcode;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            double zdist = 0.0;
            double feedrate = pi.ZMaxFeedrate; // 10mm/min
            double zdir = 1.0; // assume a bottom up machine
            int numbottom = sf.m_config.numfirstlayers;

            if (sf.m_config.direction == SliceBuildConfig.eBuildDirection.Top_Down)
                zdir = -1.0;// top down machine, reverse the z direction

            // append the build parameters as reference

            // append the header

            String firstlayerdelay = "(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms + " )\r\n";
            String layerdelay = "(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.layertime_ms + " )\r\n";
            String blankdelay = "(<Delay> " + sf.m_config.blanktime_ms + " )\r\n";

            zdist = sf.m_config.ZThick;

            for (int c = 0; c < sf.m_slices.Count; c++ )
                //move the z axis to the right layer position
              //  sb.Append("G1 Z" + String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (zdist * zdir)) + " F" + feedrate + "\r\n");
                // this is the marker the BuildManager uses to display the correct slice
                sb.Append( "(<Slice> " + c + " )\r\n");
                // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image
                if (c < numbottom)// check for the bottom layers
                sb.Append("(<Slice> Blank )\r\n"); // show the blank layer
                sb.Append(sf.m_config.PreLiftCode); // append the pre-lift codes
                //do the lift
                sb.Append("G1 Z" + String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.liftdistance * zdir)) + " F" + feedrate + " (Lift) \r\n");
                sb.Append(sf.m_config.PostLiftCode); // append the post-lift codes
                // move back from the lift
                sb.Append("G1 Z" + String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (sf.m_config.liftdistance * zdir * -1)) + " F" + feedrate + " (End Lift) \r\n");
                // add a delay for the lift sequence and the pre/post lift codes to execute
                // this move is moved to the end, so the first layer doesn't try to move up
                sb.Append("G1 Z" + String.Format("{0:0.00000}", (zdist * zdir)) + " F" + feedrate + "\r\n");
            //append the footer
            gcode = sb.ToString();
            GCodeFile gc = new GCodeFile(gcode);
            return gc;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        void SliceEv(Slicer.eSliceEvent ev, int layer, int totallayers,SliceFile sf)
            String path = "";
            String fileName = "";
            switch (ev)
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceStarted:

                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eLayerSliced:

                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCompleted:
                    m_slicefile = sf;
                    //generate the GCode
                    m_gcode = GCodeGenerator.Generate(m_slicefile, m_printerinfo);

                    path = SliceFile.GetSliceFilePath(m_slicefile.modelname);
                    fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_slicefile.modelname) + ".gcode";
                    //see if we're exporting this to a zip file
                    if (sf.m_config.m_exportopt.Contains("ZIP"))
                        // open the existing zip file
                        //store the gcode
                        Stream stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (m_gcode.RawGCode));
                        String zpath = path + ".zip";
                        if (!Utility.StoreInZip(zpath, fileName, stream))
                            DebugLogger.Instance().LogError("Could not store GCode in Zip " + zpath);
                    else  // or just to the disk
                        String sdn = path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fileName;

                    //save the slicer object for later too
                    //save the slice file

                   // UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicefile.Save(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".sliced");
                case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCancelled:
                    DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Slicing Cancelled");

         This is the main function to generate gcode files for the
         * already sliced model
        public static GCodeFile Generate(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi)
            String gcode;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            PreProcessor pp = PreparePreprocessor(sf, pi);
            double zdist = 0.0;
               // double feedrate = pi.ZMaxFeedrate; // 10mm/min
            double liftfeed = sf.m_config.liftfeedrate;
            double bottomliftfeed = sf.m_config.bottomliftfeedrate;

            double retractfeed = sf.m_config.liftretractrate;
            double zdir = 1.0; // assume a bottom up machine
            int numbottom = sf.m_config.numfirstlayers;

            if (sf.m_config.direction == SliceBuildConfig.eBuildDirection.Top_Down)
                zdir = -1.0;// top down machine, reverse the z direction
            pp.SetVar("$ZDir", zdir);

            // append the build parameters as reference
            sb.Append(";Number of Slices        =  " + sf.NumSlices.ToString() + "\r\n");

            sb.Append(pi.ToString());//add the machine build parameters string

            // append the header

            zdist = sf.m_config.ZThick;

            String firstlayerdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms + " \r\n";
            String layerdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.layertime_ms + " \r\n";
            String blankdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.blanktime_ms + " \r\n";

            String preSliceGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.PreSliceCode);
            String LiftGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.LiftCode);

            int numslices = sf.NumSlices;
            if (sf.m_modeltype == SliceFile.ModelType.eResinTest1)
                numslices -= 10;

            // for a per-slice basis, we're going to re-evaluate the prelift and lift gcode
            // doing this will allow us to have per-slice determinations based on slice index.
            int c;
            for (c = 0; c < numslices; c++)
                pp.SetVar("$CURSLICE", c);
                preSliceGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.PreSliceCode);
                //pp.SetVar("$CURSLICE", c);
                sb.Append(preSliceGCode);//add in the pre-slice code
                // this is the marker the BuildManager uses to display the correct slice
                sb.Append(";<Slice> " + c + " \r\n");
                // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image
                if (c < numbottom)// check for the bottom layers
                sb.Append(";<Slice> Blank \r\n"); // show the blank layer
                LiftGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.LiftCode); // re-run the lift code
                sb.Append(LiftGCode); // append the pre-lift codes

            // special ending on resin test model slicing
            if (sf.m_modeltype == SliceFile.ModelType.eResinTest1)
                for (; c < sf.NumSlices; c++)
                    sb.Append(";<Slice> " + c + " \r\n");
                    // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image
                    if (c == sf.NumSlices -1) // set minimus exposure time on final layer
                        sb.Append(";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.minExposure + " \r\n");
                        sb.Append(";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.exposureStep + " \r\n");
                sb.Append(";<Slice> Blank \r\n"); // show the blank layer
                LiftGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.LiftCode); // re-run the lift code
                sb.Append(LiftGCode); // append the pre-lift codes

            //append the footer
            gcode = sb.ToString();
            GCodeFile gc = new GCodeFile(gcode);
            return gc;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private UVDLPApp()
     m_appconfig = new AppConfig();
     m_printerinfo = new MachineConfig();
     m_buildparms = new SliceBuildConfig();
     m_deviceinterface = new DeviceInterface();
     m_buildmgr = new BuildManager();
     m_slicer = new Slicer();
     m_slicer.Slice_Event += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
     m_flexslice = new FlexSlice();
     m_gcode = null;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// This is called after the scene file is loaded
 /// It will also load the gcode file and slicing profile / vector slices
 /// </summary>
 public void PostLoadScene() 
     m_gcode = SceneFile.Instance().LoadGCodeFromScene(SceneFileName);
     if (m_gcode == null) 
         m_gcode = new GCodeFile(""); // create empty file
     RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eGCodeLoaded, "GCode Loaded ");
     m_slicefile = new SliceFile(m_buildparms);
     m_slicefile.m_mode = SliceFile.SFMode.eLoaded;
     m_slicer.SliceFile = m_slicefile;
     //set the number of slices
     m_slicefile.NumSlices = m_slicer.GetNumberOfSlices(m_buildparms);
     RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eSliceProfileChanged, "Slice Profile loaded");
     RaiseAppEvent(eAppEvent.eSlicedLoaded, "Slice Profile loaded");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        // This function is called to start the print job
        public void StartPrint(SliceFile sf, GCodeFile gcode)
            if (m_printing)  // already printing

            m_printing = true;
            m_buildstarttime = new DateTime();
            m_buildstarttime = DateTime.Now;
            estimatedbuildtime = EstimateBuildTime(gcode);

            m_sf = sf; // set the slicefile for rendering
            m_gcode = gcode; // set the file
            m_state = STATE_START; // set the state machine as started
            m_runthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BuildThread));
            m_running = true;
        // This function is called to start the print job
        public void StartPrint(SliceFile sf, GCodeFile gcode, bool snippet = false)
            //late init of callback handler
            if (callbackinited == false)
                UVDLPApp.Instance().m_callbackhandler.RegisterCallback("DisplayDone", DisplayDone, null, "Indicates when the display device is done with the current slice");
                callbackinited = true;
            m_runningsnippet = snippet;

            if (m_printing)  // already printing
            //make sure to reset these
            m_pause_request = false;
            //m_cancel_request = false;

            m_printing = true;
            m_buildstarttime = new DateTime();
            m_buildstarttime = DateTime.Now;
            estimatedbuildtime = EstimateBuildTime(gcode);

            m_sf = sf; // set the slicefile for rendering
            m_gcode = gcode; // set the file
            m_state = STATE_START; // set the state machine as started
            m_runthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BuildThread));
            m_running = true;
         * This is the main function to generate gcode files for the
         * already sliced model
        public static GCodeFile Generate(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi)
            String        gcode;
            StringBuilder sb    = new StringBuilder();
            PreProcessor  pp    = PreparePreprocessor(sf, pi);
            double        zdist = 0.0;
            // double feedrate = pi.ZMaxFeedrate; // 10mm/min
            double liftfeed       = sf.m_config.liftfeedrate;
            double bottomliftfeed = sf.m_config.bottomliftfeedrate;

            double retractfeed = sf.m_config.liftretractrate;
            double zdir        = 1.0; // assume a bottom up machine
            int    numbottom   = sf.m_config.numfirstlayers;

            if (sf.m_config.direction == SliceBuildConfig.eBuildDirection.Top_Down)
                zdir = -1.0;// top down machine, reverse the z direction
            pp.SetVar("$ZDir", zdir);

            // append the build parameters as reference
            sb.Append(";Number of Slices        =  " + sf.NumSlices.ToString() + "\r\n");

            sb.Append(pi.ToString());//add the machine build parameters string

            // append the header

            zdist = sf.m_config.ZThick;

            String firstlayerdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms + " \r\n";
            String layerdelay      = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.layertime_ms + " \r\n";
            String blankdelay      = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.blanktime_ms + " \r\n";

            String preSliceGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.PreSliceCode);
            String LiftGCode     = pp.Process(sf.m_config.LiftCode);

            int numslices = sf.NumSlices;

            if (sf.m_modeltype == SliceFile.ModelType.eResinTest1)
                numslices -= 10;

            // for a per-slice basis, we're going to re-evaluate the prelift and lift gcode
            // doing this will allow us to have per-slice determinations based on slice index.
            int c;

            for (c = 0; c < numslices; c++)
                pp.SetVar("$CURSLICE", c);
                preSliceGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.PreSliceCode);
                //pp.SetVar("$CURSLICE", c);
                sb.Append(preSliceGCode);//add in the pre-slice code
                // this is the marker the BuildManager uses to display the correct slice
                sb.Append(";<Slice> " + c + " \r\n");
                // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image
                if (c < numbottom)// check for the bottom layers
                sb.Append(";<Slice> Blank \r\n");             // show the blank layer
                LiftGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.LiftCode); // re-run the lift code
                sb.Append(LiftGCode);                         // append the pre-lift codes

            // special ending on resin test model slicing
            if (sf.m_modeltype == SliceFile.ModelType.eResinTest1)
                for (; c < sf.NumSlices; c++)
                    sb.Append(";<Slice> " + c + " \r\n");
                    // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image
                    if (c == sf.NumSlices - 1) // set minimus exposure time on final layer
                        sb.Append(";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.minExposure + " \r\n");
                        sb.Append(";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.exposureStep + " \r\n");
                sb.Append(";<Slice> Blank \r\n");             // show the blank layer
                LiftGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.LiftCode); // re-run the lift code
                sb.Append(LiftGCode);                         // append the pre-lift codes

            //append the footer
            gcode = sb.ToString();
            GCodeFile gc = new GCodeFile(gcode);

Ejemplo n.º 29
        void SliceEv(Slicer.eSliceEvent ev, int layer, int totallayers)
            String path = "";

            switch (ev)
            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceStarted:
                // if we're exporting images
                if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                    // get the model name
                    String modelname = m_obj.m_fullname;
                    // strip off the file extension
                    path  = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                    path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                    path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname); // strip off the file extension
                    if (!Directory.Exists(path))                         // check and see if a directory of that name exists,
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(path);                 // if not, create it

            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eLayerSliced:
                //save the rendered image slice
                //render the slice

                if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                    // get the model name
                    String modelname = m_obj.m_fullname;
                    // strip off the file extension
                    path  = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                    path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                    path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname);    // strip off the file extension
                    Bitmap bmp       = null;
                    String imagename = path + m_pathsep + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname) + String.Format("{0:0000}", layer) + ".png";
                    bmp = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicefile.RenderSlice(layer);

            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCompleted:
                m_gcode = GCodeGenerator.Generate(m_slicefile, m_printerinfo);

                 * //get the path of the current object file
                 * path = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_obj.m_fullname);
                 * string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_obj.m_fullname);
                 * if (!UVDLPApp.Instance().m_gcode.Save(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode"))
                 * {
                 *  DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Cannot save GCode File " + path + m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode");
                 * }
                 * */

            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCancelled:
                DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Slicing Cancelled");
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private UVDLPApp()
     m_supportmode = eSupportEditMode.eNone;
     SceneFileName = "";
     m_callbackhandler = new CallbackHandler();
     m_appconfig = new AppConfig();
     m_printerinfo = new MachineConfig();
     m_buildparms = new SliceBuildConfig();
     m_deviceinterface = new DeviceInterface();
     m_buildmgr = new BuildManager();
     m_slicer = new Slicer();
     m_slicer.m_slicemethod = Slicer.eSliceMethod.eNormalCount;// configure the slicer to user the new normal count - Thanks Shai!!!
     m_slicer.Slice_Event += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
     //m_dispmgr = DisplayManager.Instance(); // initialize the singleton for early event app binding
     //m_flexslice = new FlexSlice();
     m_gcode = new GCodeFile(""); // create a blank gcode to start with
     m_supportconfig = new SupportConfig();
     m_supportgenerator = new SupportGenerator();
     m_supportgenerator.SupportEvent+= new SupportGeneratorEvent(SupEvent);
     CSG.Instance().CSGEvent += new CSG.CSGEventDel(CSGEvent);
     m_proj_cmd_lst = new prjcmdlst();
     m_plugins = new List<PluginEntry>(); // list of user plug-ins
     m_pluginstates =  PluginStates.Instance(); // initialize the plugin state singleton
     m_undoer = new Undoer();
     m_2d_graphics = new C2DGraphics();
     m_gui_config = new GuiConfigManager();
     m_AuxBuildCmds = AuxBuildCmds.Instance(); // make sure the singleton doesn't go away...
     m_sequencemanager = SequenceManager.Instance();
     m_exporter = new frmExport();
     m_exporter.RegisterExporter(new B9JExporter());
Ejemplo n.º 31
        void SliceEv(Slicer.eSliceEvent ev, int layer, int totallayers)
            String path = "";

            switch (ev)
            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceStarted:
                // if we're exporting images
                if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                    m_zip = new ZipFile();
                    // get the model name, could be scene....
                    String modelname = m_selectedobject.m_fullname;
                    // strip off the file extension
                    path  = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                    path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                    path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname); // strip off the file extension
                    if (!Directory.Exists(path))                         // check and see if a directory of that name exists,
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(path);                 // if not, create it

            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eLayerSliced:
                //save the rendered image slice
                //render the slice

                if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                    // get the model name
                    String modelname = m_selectedobject.m_fullname;
                    // strip off the file extension
                    path  = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                    path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                    path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname);    // strip off the file extension
                    Bitmap bmp       = null;
                    String imname    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname) + String.Format("{0:0000}", layer) + ".png";
                    String imagename = path + m_pathsep + imname;
                    bmp = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicefile.RenderSlice(layer);
                    // bmp.Save(imagename);
                    // create a memory stream for this to save into
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    bmp.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
                    ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);     // seek back to beginning
                    m_zip.AddEntry(imname, ms);


            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCompleted:

                // save the zip file full of images
                if (m_buildparms.exportimages)
                    String modelname = m_selectedobject.m_fullname;
                    // strip off the file extension
                    path  = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelname);
                    path += UVDLPApp.m_pathsep;
                    path += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelname);    // strip off the file extension
                    path += ".zip";

                m_gcode = GCodeGenerator.Generate(m_slicefile, m_printerinfo);

                //get the path of the current object file
                path = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_selectedobject.m_fullname);
                string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_selectedobject.m_fullname);

                 * if (!UVDLPApp.Instance().m_gcode.Save(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode"))
                 * {
                 *  DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Cannot save GCode File " + path + m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode");
                 * }
                SaveGCode(path + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + fn + ".gcode");

            case Slicer.eSliceEvent.eSliceCancelled:
                DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord("Slicing Cancelled");