Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Run()
            // Create
            var trainX = new NDArray(new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 }).Reshape(4, 2);
            var trainY = new NDArray(new float[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 });

            var batch_size = 2;
            var train_data = new NDArrayIter(trainX, trainY, batch_size);
            var val_data   = new NDArrayIter(trainX, trainY, batch_size);

            var net = new Sequential();

            net.Add(new Dense(64, ActivationType.Relu));
            net.Add(new Dense(1));

            var gpus    = TestUtils.ListGpus();
            var ctxList = gpus.Count > 0 ? gpus.Select(x => Context.Gpu(x)).ToArray() : new[] { Context.Cpu() };

            net.Initialize(new Uniform(), ctxList.ToArray());
            var   trainer             = new Trainer(net.CollectParams(), new Adam());
            var   epoch               = 1000;
            var   metric              = new BinaryAccuracy();
            var   binary_crossentropy = new LogisticLoss();
            float lossVal             = 0;

            for (var iter = 0; iter < epoch; iter++)
                lossVal = 0;
                while (!train_data.End())
                    var         batch   = train_data.Next();
                    var         data    = Utils.SplitAndLoad(batch.Data[0], ctxList);
                    var         label   = Utils.SplitAndLoad(batch.Label[0], ctxList);
                    NDArrayList outputs = null;
                    using (var ag = Autograd.Record())
                        outputs = Enumerable.Zip(data, label, (x, y) =>
                            var z        = net.Call(x);
                            NDArray loss = binary_crossentropy.Call(z, y);
                            lossVal += loss.Mean();

                    metric.Update(label, outputs.ToArray());

                var(name, acc) = metric.Get();
                Console.WriteLine($"Loss: {lossVal}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Training acc at epoch {iter}: {name}={acc * 100}%");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
 *          //
 *          //1. Test tensor and operations
 *          //
 *          Operations K = new Operations();
 *          //Load array to the tensor
 *          NDArray a = new NDArray(3, 6);
 *          a.Load(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
 *          a.Print("Load array");
 *          //Transpose of the matrix
 *          NDArray t = a.Transpose();
 *          t.Print("Transpose");
 *          //Create a tensor with all value 5
 *          NDArray b = new NDArray(6, 3);
 *          b.Fill(5);
 *          b.Print("Constant 5");
 *          //Create a tensor with all value 3
 *          NDArray c = new NDArray(6, 3);
 *          c.Fill(3);
 *          c.Print("Constant 3");
 *          // Subtract two tensor
 *          b = b - c;
 *          //Perform dot product
 *          NDArray r = K.Dot(a, b);
 *          r.Print("Dot product");
            //2. Test layers and activations

 *          //Load array to the tensor
 *          NDArray x = new NDArray(1, 3);
 *          x.Load(1, 2, 3);
 *          x.Print("Load array");
 *          //Create two layers, one with 6 neurons and another with 1
 *          FullyConnected fc1 = new FullyConnected(3, 6, "relu");
 *          FullyConnected fc2 = new FullyConnected(6, 1, "sigmoid");
 *          //Connect input by passing data from one layer to another
 *          fc1.Forward(x);
 *          x = fc1.Output;
 *          x.Print("FC1 Output");
 *          fc2.Forward(x);
 *          x = fc2.Output;
 *          x.Print("FC2 Output");

            //3. Test cost functions and metrics

            //Load array to the tensor
            NDArray x = new NDArray(3, 3);

            x.Load(2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5);
            x.Print("Load X values");

            NDArray y = new NDArray(3, 1);

            y.Load(20, 15, 15);
            y.Print("Load Y values");

            //Create two layers one with 6 neurons and another with 1
            FullyConnected fc1 = new FullyConnected(3, 6, "relu");
            FullyConnected fc2 = new FullyConnected(6, 1, "relu");

            //Connect input by passing data from one layer to the other
            var preds = fc2.Output;


            //Calculate mean square error between predicted and expected values
            BaseCost cost       = new BinaryCrossEntropy();
            var      costValues = cost.Forward(preds, y);

            costValues.Print("BCE Cost");

            //Calculate the mean absolute value for the predicted vs expected values
            BaseMetric metric       = new BinaryAccuracy();
            var        metricValues = metric.Calculate(preds, y);

            metricValues.Print("Acc Metric");

            //Backpropagation starts here
            //Calculate gradient cost function
            var grad = cost.Backward(preds, y);

            //Then the fc2 layer by passing cost function grad into the layer backward function
            //The grad of the fc2 is stored in the InputGrad property, pass it to fc1

            //Print parameters for both layers along with the Grad