Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Primitive(string _id, string _shape, std_msgs.ColorRGBA _color, geometry_msgs.Pose _pose, geometry_msgs.Vector3 _scale)
     id = _id;
     shape = _shape;
     pose = _pose;
     scale = _scale;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public MapMetaData(SIGVerse.ROSBridge.msg_helpers.Time map_load_time, float resolution, System.UInt32 width, System.UInt32 height, geometry_msgs.Pose origin)
     this.map_load_time = map_load_time;
     this.resolution    = resolution;
     this.width         = width;
     this.height        = height;
     this.origin        = origin;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public MapMetaData()
     this.map_load_time = new SIGVerse.ROSBridge.msg_helpers.Time();
     this.resolution    = 0.0f;
     this.width         = 0;
     this.height        = 0;
     this.origin        = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
Ejemplo n.º 4
            public Primitive()
                id = "";
                shape = "cube";

                color = new std_msgs.ColorRGBA();
                pose = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
                scale = new geometry_msgs.Vector3();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public InteractiveMarker()
     this.header       = new std_msgs.Header();
     this.pose         = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     this.name         = "";
     this.description  = "";
     this.scale        = 0.0f;
     this.menu_entries = new System.Collections.Generic.List <visualization_msgs.MenuEntry>();
     this.controls     = new System.Collections.Generic.List <visualization_msgs.InteractiveMarkerControl>();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public InteractiveMarker(std_msgs.Header header, geometry_msgs.Pose pose, string name, string description, float scale, System.Collections.Generic.List <visualization_msgs.MenuEntry> menu_entries, System.Collections.Generic.List <visualization_msgs.InteractiveMarkerControl> controls)
     this.header       = header;
     this.pose         = pose;
     this.name         = name;
     this.description  = description;
     this.scale        = scale;
     this.menu_entries = menu_entries;
     this.controls     = controls;
 public HumanNaviAvatarStatus(geometry_msgs.Pose _head, geometry_msgs.Pose _body, geometry_msgs.Pose _left_hand, geometry_msgs.Pose _right_hand, string _object_in_left_hand, string _object_in_right_hand, bool _is_target_object_in_left_hand, bool _is_target_object_in_right_hand)
     head                           = _head;
     body                           = _body;
     left_hand                      = _left_hand;
     right_hand                     = _right_hand;
     object_in_left_hand            = _object_in_left_hand;
     object_in_right_hand           = _object_in_right_hand;
     is_target_object_in_left_hand  = _is_target_object_in_left_hand;
     is_target_object_in_right_hand = _is_target_object_in_right_hand;
 public HumanNaviAvatarStatus()
     head                           = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     body                           = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     left_hand                      = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     right_hand                     = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     object_in_left_hand            = "";
     object_in_right_hand           = "";
     is_target_object_in_left_hand  = false;
     is_target_object_in_right_hand = false;
 public InteractiveMarkerFeedback()
     this.header            = new std_msgs.Header();
     this.client_id         = "";
     this.marker_name       = "";
     this.control_name      = "";
     this.event_type        = 0;
     this.pose              = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     this.menu_entry_id     = 0;
     this.mouse_point       = new UnityEngine.Vector3();
     this.mouse_point_valid = false;
 public InteractiveMarkerFeedback(std_msgs.Header header, string client_id, string marker_name, string control_name, byte event_type, geometry_msgs.Pose pose, System.UInt32 menu_entry_id, UnityEngine.Vector3 mouse_point, bool mouse_point_valid)
     this.header            = header;
     this.client_id         = client_id;
     this.marker_name       = marker_name;
     this.control_name      = control_name;
     this.event_type        = event_type;
     this.pose              = pose;
     this.menu_entry_id     = menu_entry_id;
     this.mouse_point       = mouse_point;
     this.mouse_point_valid = mouse_point_valid;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public TrackedPerson()
     header = new std_msgs.Header();
     Name = "";
     UID = 0;
     Pose = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     Twist = new geometry_msgs.Twist();
     Skeleton = new person_tracker.SkeletonTrack();
     Hands = new List<person_tracker.HandTrack>();
     Confidence = 0.0f;
     TrackerType = 0;
     TrackerName = "";
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override int Deserialize(System.Byte[] serialized, int startIndex)
     int curIndex = startIndex;
     curIndex += header.Deserialize(serialized, curIndex);
     System.UInt32 poses_len = BitConverter.ToUInt32(serialized, curIndex);
     curIndex += BitConverter.GetBytes(poses_len).Length;
     for (int i = 0; i < (int)poses_len; i++)
         geometry_msgs.Pose element = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
         curIndex += element.Deserialize(serialized, curIndex);
     return (curIndex - startIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 13
            public override int Deserialize(System.Byte[] serialized, int startIndex)
                int curIndex = startIndex;

                curIndex += header.Deserialize(serialized, curIndex);
                System.UInt32 poses_len = BitConverter.ToUInt32(serialized, curIndex);
                curIndex += BitConverter.GetBytes(poses_len).Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)poses_len; i++)
                    geometry_msgs.Pose element = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
                    curIndex += element.Deserialize(serialized, curIndex);
                return(curIndex - startIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override bool Equals(IRosMessage ____other)
            if (____other == null)
            bool ret = true;

            geometry_msgs.Pose other = (Messages.geometry_msgs.Pose)____other;

            ret &= position.Equals(other.position);
            ret &= orientation.Equals(other.orientation);
            // for each SingleType st:
            //    ret &= {st.Name} == other.{st.Name};
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public Marker()
     this.header        = new std_msgs.Header();
     this.ns            = "";
     this.id            = 0;
     this.type          = 0;
     this.action        = 0;
     this.pose          = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     this.scale         = new UnityEngine.Vector3();
     this.color         = new std_msgs.ColorRGBA();
     this.lifetime      = new SIGVerse.RosBridge.msg_helpers.Duration();
     this.frame_locked  = false;
     this.points        = new System.Collections.Generic.List <UnityEngine.Vector3>();
     this.colors        = new System.Collections.Generic.List <std_msgs.ColorRGBA>();
     this.text          = "";
     this.mesh_resource = "";
     this.mesh_use_embedded_materials = false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public Marker(std_msgs.Header header, string ns, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 type, System.Int32 action, geometry_msgs.Pose pose, UnityEngine.Vector3 scale, std_msgs.ColorRGBA color, SIGVerse.RosBridge.msg_helpers.Duration lifetime, bool frame_locked, System.Collections.Generic.List <UnityEngine.Vector3> points, System.Collections.Generic.List <std_msgs.ColorRGBA> colors, string text, string mesh_resource, bool mesh_use_embedded_materials)
     this.header        = header;
     this.ns            = ns;
     this.id            = id;
     this.type          = type;
     this.action        = action;
     this.pose          = pose;
     this.scale         = scale;
     this.color         = color;
     this.lifetime      = lifetime;
     this.frame_locked  = frame_locked;
     this.points        = points;
     this.colors        = colors;
     this.text          = text;
     this.mesh_resource = mesh_resource;
     this.mesh_use_embedded_materials = mesh_use_embedded_materials;
			public HumanNaviAvatarPose()
				head = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
				left_hand = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
				right_hand = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
			public HumanNaviAvatarPose(geometry_msgs.Pose _head, geometry_msgs.Pose _left_hand, geometry_msgs.Pose _right_hand)
				head = _head;
				left_hand = _left_hand;
				right_hand = _right_hand;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Extends type <c>geometry_msgs.Pose</c> with a method <c>ToPose</c>, which creates a corresponding pose.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pose">A pose message</param>
 /// <param name="frame">A string representing the frame</param>
 /// <returns>Returns an instance of <c>Pose</c>.</returns>
 public static Pose ToPose(this geometry_msgs.Pose pose, string frame = "") =>
 new Pose(pose.position.ToVector3(), pose.orientation.ToQuaternion(), frame);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public PoseStamped()
     header = new std_msgs.Header();
     pose   = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public PoseStamped()
     this.header = new std_msgs.Header();
     this.pose   = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public InteractiveMarkerPose()
     this.header = new std_msgs.Header();
     this.pose   = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     this.name   = "";
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public PoseWithCovariance()
     this.pose       = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     this.covariance = new double[36];
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public PoseStamped(std_msgs.Header _header, geometry_msgs.Pose _pose)
     header = _header;
     pose   = _pose;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public PoseWithCovariance()
     pose = new geometry_msgs.Pose();
     covariance = new double[36];
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public PoseStamped(std_msgs.Header header, geometry_msgs.Pose pose)
     this.header = header;
     this.pose   = pose;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public PoseWithCovariance(geometry_msgs.Pose _pose, double[]  _covariance)
     pose       = _pose;
     covariance = _covariance;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public InteractiveMarkerPose(std_msgs.Header header, geometry_msgs.Pose pose, string name)
     this.header = header;
     this.pose   = pose;
     this.name   = name;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public PoseWithCovariance(geometry_msgs.Pose pose, double[]  covariance)
     this.pose       = pose;
     this.covariance = covariance;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public PoseStamped()
     header = new std_msgs.Header();
     pose = new geometry_msgs.Pose();