Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void Release(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        // Enable mass
        var group = commons.GetBlockGroupWithName(StandardMissile.MASS_GROUP + MissileGroupSuffix);

        if (group != null)
            ZACommons.EnableBlocks(group.Blocks, true);

        var releaseGroup = commons.GetBlockGroupWithName(StandardMissile.RELEASE_GROUP + MissileGroupSuffix);

        if (releaseGroup == null)
            throw new Exception("Group missing: " + StandardMissile.RELEASE_GROUP + MissileGroupSuffix);

        // Unlock any landing gear
        ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyLandingGear>(releaseGroup.Blocks,
                                                      gear => gear.ApplyAction("Unlock"));
        // And then turn everything off (connectors, merge blocks, etc)
        ZACommons.EnableBlocks(releaseGroup.Blocks, false);

        // Initialize flight control
        var shipControl = (ShipControlCommons)commons;

        shipControl.Reset(gyroOverride: true, thrusterEnable: null);

        eventDriver.Schedule(0.1, Demass);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void Docked(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyLandingGear>(commons.Blocks,
                                                      gear =>
            if (gear.IsFunctional && gear.IsWorking &&
                gear.Enabled && !gear.IsLocked)

        // Do everything else needed after docking
        ManageShip(commons, eventDriver, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void Release(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        var releaseGroup = commons.GetBlockGroupWithName(StandardMissile.RELEASE_GROUP + MissileGroupSuffix);

        if (releaseGroup == null)
            throw new Exception("Group missing: " + StandardMissile.RELEASE_GROUP + MissileGroupSuffix);

        // Unlock any landing gear
        ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyLandingGear>(releaseGroup.Blocks,
                                                      gear => gear.ApplyAction("Unlock"));
        // And then turn everything off (connectors, merge blocks, etc)
        ZACommons.EnableBlocks(releaseGroup.Blocks, false);

        eventDriver.Schedule(0.5, Burn);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private void LaunchDecoy(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver,
                             string suffix)
        var group = commons.GetBlockGroupWithName("SS Decoy Set" + suffix);

        // Activate decoys
        ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyDecoy>(group.Blocks,
                                                block => block.Enabled = true);
        eventDriver.Schedule(DecoyReleaseDelay, (c, e) => {
            var g = c.GetBlockGroupWithName("SS Decoy Set" + suffix);
            // Deactivate merge block
            ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyShipMergeBlock>(g.Blocks,
                                                             merge =>
                merge.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void DockLock(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        bool connected = false;

        ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyShipConnector>(commons.Blocks,
                                                        connector =>
            if (connector.IsFunctional &&
                connector.DefinitionDisplayNameText == "Connector" &&
                connector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connectable)
                connected = true;

        if (connected)
            // And 1 second from now, lock landing gear and do everything else
            eventDriver.Schedule(1.0, Docked);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public void DockStart(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        // Enable all connectors
        ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyShipConnector>(commons.Blocks,
                                                        connector =>
            if (connector.IsFunctional &&
                connector.DefinitionDisplayNameText == "Connector")
                connector.Enabled = true;

        // Perform any pre-docking actions, if any
        for (var i = 0; i < DockingHandlers.Length; i++)
            DockingHandlers[i].PreDock(commons, eventDriver);

        // 1 second from now, lock connectors that are ready
        eventDriver.Schedule(1.0, DockLock);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void Run(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        bool kill = false;

        // Check if any essential blocks have been damaged
        for (var e = BlocksToCheck.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
            var block     = e.Current;
            var slimBlock = block.CubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(block.Position);
            if (slimBlock.CurrentDamage > 0.0f)
                kill = true;

        // Check distance from start point
        if (!kill)
            var distance = (((ShipControlCommons)commons).ReferencePoint - StartPoint).Length();
            kill = distance >= KILL_DISTANCE;

        if (kill)
            var shipControl = (ShipControlCommons)commons;
            // Shut down all timer blocks
            ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyTimerBlock>(commons.Blocks, block =>
                block.SetValue <bool>("OnOff", false);
            eventDriver.Schedule(FramesPerRun, Run);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    private void LaunchDecoy(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver,
                             string suffix)
        var group = commons.GetBlockGroupWithName("SS Decoy Set" + suffix);

        // Activate decoys
        ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyTerminalBlock>(group.Blocks,
                                                        block =>
            if (block.DefinitionDisplayNameText == "Decoy")
                block.SetValue <bool>("OnOff", true);
        eventDriver.Schedule(DecoyReleaseDelay, (c, e) => {
            var g = c.GetBlockGroupWithName("SS Decoy Set" + suffix);
            // Deactivate merge block
            ZACommons.ForEachBlockOfType <IMyShipMergeBlock>(g.Blocks,
                                                             merge =>
                merge.SetValue <bool>("OnOff", false);