Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Generate houses based on noise height value
    private void GenerateHouses()
        int   aboveGroundPlaceholderY  = 10;
        int   checkForEveryCoordinates = 50;
        float minNoiseHeight           = 0.05f;

        float[,] noiseMap = GenerateCityNoiseMap(this.mapWidth, this.mapHeight, this.offsets);

        for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y += checkForEveryCoordinates)
            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x += checkForEveryCoordinates)
                // If the current location is within the noisemap position
                if (noiseMap[x, y] <= minNoiseHeight)
                    Vector3 position = new Vector3(x + this.offsets.x, aboveGroundPlaceholderY, y + this.offsets.y);

                    // Get random building index from thhe list of buildings
                    GameObject building = buildingGenerator.Generate(position);

                    // Calculate bounds and calculate the houseposition for the center of the house, also get the correct Y value for the building
                    Bounds  houseBounds   = CalculateBounds(building);
                    Vector3 housePosition = PositionCorrection(position);

                    Vector3 tilePosition = new Vector3(this.offsets.x, 0, this.offsets.y);

                    // Get tile and check if it exists before making a house
                    Tile tile = WorldBuilder.GetTile(tilePosition);
                    // Check if valid position
                    if (tile != null && ValidHousePosition(housePosition, houseBounds))
                        building.transform.position = housePosition;

                        // Turn house with consistent random numbers
                        int     xRandomIndex   = terrainGenerator.RandomNumbers[(x + 1) * (y + 1) * Math.Abs((int)this.offsets.x) % terrainGenerator.RandomNumbers.Length];
                        int     zRandomIndex   = terrainGenerator.RandomNumbers[(x + 1) * (y + 1) * Math.Abs((int)this.offsets.y) % (terrainGenerator.RandomNumbers.Length - 1)];
                        Vector3 lookAtPosition = new Vector3(xRandomIndex, building.transform.position.y, zRandomIndex);

                        // Add house to tile
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private SafeMesh GenerateCaveMap(Vector3 offsets)
        int  size        = WorldBuilder.CHUNK_SIZE + 1;
        Tile currentTile = WorldBuilder.GetTile(offsets);

        // Gets added to coordinates, is a decimal to make sure it does not end up at an integer
        float addendum = 1000.17777f;

        // Coordinates are divided by scale, larger scale = larger/more spread out caves
        float scale = 20f;

        float[,,] caveMap = new float[size, CAVE_DEPTH * 2, size];

        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < size; z++)
                // -5 to make the amount of rocks sticking out of the terrain lower
                int coordinateHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt(currentTile.HeightMap[x, z]) - 5;
                int caveHeight       = coordinateHeight + CAVE_DEPTH;
                // Cave height make height dynamic based on heightmap[x,z]
                for (int y = 0; y < caveHeight; y++)
                    if (y == 0)
                        caveMap[x, y, z] = 1;
                    else if (y <= 2)
                        double tempVal = ridgedMultifractal.GetValue((z + offsets.z + addendum) / scale, (y + addendum) / scale, (x + offsets.x + addendum) / scale);
                        int    isCave  = tempVal < 0 ? 0 : 1;
                        caveMap[x, y, z] = isCave;
                        double tempVal = ridgedMultifractal.GetValue((x + offsets.x + addendum) / scale, (y + addendum) / scale, (z + offsets.z + addendum) / scale);
                        int    isCave  = tempVal < 0.35 ? 0 : 1;
                        caveMap[x, y, z] = isCave;

        SafeMesh safeMesh = MarchingCubes.BuildMesh(caveMap);

        safeMesh.position = offsets;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void OnCaveDataReceived(SafeMesh safeMesh)
        Tile currentTile = WorldBuilder.GetTile(safeMesh.position);

        // Check if currentTile is not already unloaded
        if (currentTile != null)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
            mesh.vertices  = safeMesh.Vertices;
            mesh.triangles = safeMesh.Triangles;
            currentTile.Cave.MeshFilter.mesh = mesh;
            mesh.uv = GenerateUV.CalculateUVs(safeMesh.Vertices, 1);

            currentTile.Cave.MeshCollider.sharedMesh = mesh;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    //Generate Decorations based on Perlin noise
    public void Generate(float[,] heightMap, Vector3 position)
        Tile  tile      = WorldBuilder.GetTile(position);
        bool  placeTree = true;
        float scale     = 0.17777f;

        for (int y = 0; y < 11; y = y + interval)
            for (int x = 0; x < 11; x = x + interval)
                double sampleX     = (x + position.x) / scale;
                double sampleY     = (y + position.z) / scale;
                float  noiseHeight = (float)(perlin.GetValue(sampleY, 0, sampleX) + 1) / 2;

                Biome biome = terrainGenerator.GetBiomeByCoordinates(new Vector2(position.x + x, position.z + y));
                if (biome.BiomeType is DefaultBiomeType || biome.BiomeType is ForestBiomeType || biome.BiomeType is PlainsBiomeType || biome.BiomeType is ShrublandBiomeType)
                    if (noiseHeight >= PlantThreshold && noiseHeight <= PlantThreshold + MarginThreshold)
                        Vector3 pos = new Vector3((position.x + x), heightMap[x, y], (position.z + y));
                        tile.AddDecoration(fractalTree.GeneratePlants(pos, biome.BiomeType));
                    if (noiseHeight >= TreeThreshold && placeTree && noiseHeight <= TreeThreshold + MarginThreshold)
                        int jitterValue = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(perlin.GetValue(sampleY + terrainGenerator.RandomNumbers[x], 0, sampleX + terrainGenerator.RandomNumbers[y])) * 5);
                        // Prevent jitterValue to exceed index elemends
                        if (jitterValue > 5 || jitterValue < -5)
                            jitterValue = 5;
                        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(position.x + 5 + jitterValue, heightMap[5 + jitterValue, 5 + jitterValue], position.z + 5 + jitterValue);
                        // Check Biome again for Tree Placement
                        Biome biome2 = terrainGenerator.GetBiomeByCoordinates(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.z));
                        if (biome2.BiomeType is DefaultBiomeType || biome2.BiomeType is ForestBiomeType || biome2.BiomeType is PlainsBiomeType || biome2.BiomeType is ShrublandBiomeType)
                            tile.AddDecoration(fractalTree.GenerateTree(pos, biome.BiomeType));
                            placeTree = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // When thread is done set all the unity specific values
    private void OnTileDataReceived(TileData tileData)
        Tile currentTile = WorldBuilder.GetTile(tileData.offsets);

        // Check to see if the current tile is not already unloaded
        if (currentTile != null)
            Vector2 offsets     = new Vector2(tileData.offsets.x, tileData.offsets.z);
            Vector2 cityOffsets = new Vector2(tileData.offsets.x - 5, tileData.offsets.z - 5);
            currentTile.HeightMap = tileData.heightMap;

            grassMap       = new Texture2D(TILE_DIMENSION, TILE_DIMENSION);
            splatmapsArray = new Texture2DArray(TILE_DIMENSION, TILE_DIMENSION, 3, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
            int levelOfDetail = WorldBuilder.GetTile(tileData.offsets).LevelOfDetail;

            splatmapsArray.SetPixels(tileData.splatMap1, 0);
            splatmapsArray.SetPixels(tileData.splatMap2, 1);
            splatmapsArray.SetPixels(tileData.splatMap3, 2);

            splatmapsArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

            grassMap.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

            Material[] matArray = currentTile.Terrain.MeshRenderer.materials;
            matArray[0].SetTexture("_SplatMaps", splatmapsArray);
            matArray[1].SetTexture("_GrassSplatMap", grassMap);
            currentTile.Terrain.MeshRenderer.materials = matArray;

            GameObject ocean = currentTile.Ocean.GameObject;
            MeshData meshData = GenerateMesh(levelOfDetail, tileData.heightMap, false);
            SetMesh(meshData.CreateMesh(), currentTile);


            decorationGenerator.Generate(tileData.heightMap, tileData.offsets);