DetachObject() public method

Detach this GameObject from the attached object stack of this VRHand.
public DetachObject ( GameObject objectToDetach, bool restoreOriginalParent = true ) : void
objectToDetach GameObject The GameObject to detach from this VRHand
restoreOriginalParent bool
return void
	/// <summary>
	/// Called every Update() while a VRHand is hovering over me.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="hand"></param>
	void HandHoverUpdate( VRHand hand )
		if ( hand.GetStandardInteractionButtonDown() || ( ( hand.controller != null ) && hand.controller.GetPressDown( Valve.VR.EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Grip ) ) )
			if ( hand.currentAttachedObject != gameObject )
				// Save our position/rotation so that we can restore it when we detach
				oldPosition = transform.position;
				oldRotation = transform.rotation;

				// Call this to continue receiving HandHoverUpdate messages,
				// and prevent the hand from hovering over anything else
				hand.HoverLock( GetComponent<VRInteractable>() );

				// Attach this object to the hand
				hand.AttachObject( gameObject, false );
				// Detach this object from the hand
				hand.DetachObject( gameObject );

				// Call this to undo HoverLock
				hand.HoverUnlock( GetComponent<VRInteractable>() );

				// Restore position/rotation
				transform.position = oldPosition;
				transform.rotation = oldRotation;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Attach a GameObject to this GameObject.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="objectToAttach">The GameObject to attach.</param>
    /// <param name="flags">The flags to use for attaching the object.</param>
    /// <param name="attachmentPoint">Name of the GameObject in the hierarchy of this VRHand which should act as the attachment point for this GameObject.</param>
    /// <seealso cref="DetachObject"/>
    public void AttachObject(GameObject objectToAttach, AttachmentFlags flags = defaultAttachmentFlags, string attachmentPoint = "")
        if (flags == 0)
            flags = defaultAttachmentFlags;

        //Make sure top object on stack is non-null

        //Detach the object if it is already attached so that it can get re-attached at the top of the stack

        //Detach from the other hand if requested
        if (((flags & AttachmentFlags.DetachFromOtherHand) == AttachmentFlags.DetachFromOtherHand) && otherHand)

        if ((flags & AttachmentFlags.DetachOthers) == AttachmentFlags.DetachOthers)
            //Detach all the objects from the stack
            while (attachedObjects.Count > 0)

        if (currentAttachedObject)
            currentAttachedObject.SendMessage("OnHandFocusLost", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

        AttachedObject attachedObject = new AttachedObject();

        attachedObject.attachedObject = objectToAttach;
        attachedObject.originalParent = objectToAttach.transform.parent != null ? objectToAttach.transform.parent.gameObject : null;
        if ((flags & AttachmentFlags.ParentToHand) == AttachmentFlags.ParentToHand)
            //Parent the object to the hand
            objectToAttach.transform.parent = GetAttachmentTransform(attachmentPoint);
            attachedObject.isParentedToHand = true;
            attachedObject.isParentedToHand = false;

        if ((flags & AttachmentFlags.SnapOnAttach) == AttachmentFlags.SnapOnAttach)
            objectToAttach.transform.localPosition =;
            objectToAttach.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        VRHandDebugLog("AttachObject " + objectToAttach);
        objectToAttach.SendMessage("OnAttachedToHand", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Called every Update() while a VRHand is hovering over me.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hand"></param>
    void HandHoverUpdate(VRHand hand)
        if (hand.GetStandardInteractionButtonDown() || ((hand.controller != null) && hand.controller.GetPressDown(Valve.VR.EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Grip)))
            if (hand.currentAttachedObject != gameObject)
                // Save our position/rotation so that we can restore it when we detach
                oldPosition = transform.position;
                oldRotation = transform.rotation;

                // Call this to continue receiving HandHoverUpdate messages,
                // and prevent the hand from hovering over anything else
                hand.HoverLock(GetComponent <VRInteractable>());

                // Attach this object to the hand
                hand.AttachObject(gameObject, attachmentFlags);
                // Detach this object from the hand

                // Call this to undo HoverLock
                hand.HoverUnlock(GetComponent <VRInteractable>());

                // Restore position/rotation
                transform.position = oldPosition;
                transform.rotation = oldRotation;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 void HandAttachedUpdate( VRHand hand )
     //Trigger got released
     if ( hand.GetStandardInteractionButtonUp() )
         hand.DetachObject( gameObject );
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void HandAttachedUpdate(VRHand hand)
     //Trigger got released
     if (hand.GetStandardInteractionButtonUp())
Ejemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Attach a GameObject to this GameObject.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="objectToAttach">The GameObject to attach.</param>
    /// <param name="snapOnAttach">Should the GameObject snap to an attachment point?</param>
    /// <param name="attachmentPoint">Name of the GameObject in the hierarchy of this VRHand which should act as the attachment point for this GameObject.</param>
    /// <param name="detachOthers">Should all other attached objects in the attached object stack of this VRHand be detached?</param>
    /// <seealso cref="DetachObject"/>
    public void AttachObject(GameObject objectToAttach, bool snapOnAttach = true, string attachmentPoint = "", bool detachOthers = true)
        //Make sure top object on stack is non-null

        //Detach the object if it is already attached so that it can get re-attached at the top of the stack
        if (otherHand)

        if (detachOthers)
            //Detach all the objects from the stack
            while (attachedObjects.Count > 0)

        if (currentAttachedObject)
            currentAttachedObject.SendMessage("OnHandFocusLost", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
        AttachedObject attachedObject = new AttachedObject();

        attachedObject.attachedObject = objectToAttach;
        attachedObject.originalParent = objectToAttach.transform.parent != null ? objectToAttach.transform.parent.gameObject : null;

        //Parent the object to the hand
        objectToAttach.transform.parent = GetAttachmentTransform(attachmentPoint);

        if (snapOnAttach)
            objectToAttach.transform.localPosition =;
            objectToAttach.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        objectToAttach.SendMessage("OnAttachedToHand", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

	IEnumerator LateDetach( VRHand hand )
		yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

		hand.DetachObject( gameObject, restoreOriginalParent );
Ejemplo n.º 8
    IEnumerator LateDetach(VRHand hand)
        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        hand.DetachObject(gameObject, restoreOriginalParent);