Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///		Loads this map from a given object or file path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">Url of file to open map from.	</param>
        /// <param name="password">If a password is required to open this map, this will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="baseNode">The base node that all loading should be started from, this allows you to ignore this node and any nodes higher in the graph like the Root Camera.</param>
        /// <param name="keepPersistent">If set to true persistent ob jects will be kept.</param>
        /// <param name="keepCameras">If set to true all cameras will not be destroyed.</param>
        public void Load(object url, string password, SceneNode baseNode, bool keepPersistent, bool keepCameras)
            // Keep track of the url.
            if (url is string)
                _url = url as string;

            // Try and open a stream to the file.
            Stream stream = StreamFactory.RequestStream(url, StreamMode.Open);

            if (stream == null)
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

            // Check the header of this file to make sure it really is a Fusion map file.
            if (reader.ReadChar() != 'F' || reader.ReadChar() != 'M' || reader.ReadChar() != 'P')
                throw new Exception("Fusion map file has invalid header, file may be corrupt.");

            // Read in the bit mask explaining the header.
            int headerBitMask = reader.ReadByte();

            if ((headerBitMask & 4) != 0)
                _mapProperties.Name = reader.ReadString();
            if ((headerBitMask & 8) != 0)
                _mapProperties.Author = reader.ReadString();
            if ((headerBitMask & 16) != 0)
                _mapProperties.Description = reader.ReadString();
            if ((headerBitMask & 32) != 0)
                _mapProperties.Version = reader.ReadSingle();

            // Read in the rest of the file into memory so we can decompress / decrypt it.
            byte[] fileData = reader.ReadBytes((int)(stream.Length - stream.Position));

            // Decrypt the data if required.
            if ((headerBitMask & 2) != 0)
                fileData = DataMethods.Decrypt(fileData, password);

            // Decompress the data if required.
            if ((headerBitMask & 1) != 0)
                fileData = DataMethods.Inflate(fileData);

            // Create a memory stream and a binary reader so we can minipulate the data better.
            MemoryStream memStream       = new MemoryStream(fileData, 0, fileData.Length);
            BinaryReader memStreamReader = new BinaryReader(memStream);

            // Read in the encryption header to make sure everything went correctly.
            if ((headerBitMask & 2) != 0 || (headerBitMask & 1) != 0)
                if (memStreamReader.ReadChar() != 'C' || memStreamReader.ReadChar() != 'H' || memStreamReader.ReadChar() != 'K')
                    throw new Exception("Unable to open Fusion map file, password is invalid or fils is corrupted.");

            // Read in the tileset pool used to render tilemap segments.
            int tilesetCount = memStreamReader.ReadByte();

            for (int i = 0; i < tilesetCount; i++)
                if (memStreamReader.ReadBoolean() == true)
                    string newTilesetUrl = memStreamReader.ReadString();

                    if (newTilesetUrl.ToString().ToLower().StartsWith("pak@"))
                        newTilesetUrl = newTilesetUrl.ToString().Substring(4); // Legacy support.
                    if (Runtime.Resources.ResourceManager.ResourceIsCached(newTilesetUrl))
                        Tileset.AddToTilesetPool(Runtime.Resources.ResourceManager.RetrieveResource(newTilesetUrl) as Tileset);
                        Runtime.Debug.DebugLogger.WriteLog("Loading tileset from " + newTilesetUrl);
                        Tileset newTileset = new Tileset();
                        Runtime.Resources.ResourceManager.CacheResource(newTilesetUrl, newTileset);

            // Tell the scene graph to load itself from this memory stream.
            _sceneGraph.Load(memStreamReader, keepPersistent, keepCameras, baseNode);

            // Free up the memory stream and reader.
            memStream = null;

            // Free up the reader and stream.
            stream = null;

            // Reclaim memory used during loading.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///		Called by the base engine class when its safe to begin initialization.
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool Begin()
            // We alwasy want to run with the editor state!
            ScriptExecutionProcess.DefaultToEditorState = true;

            // Bind all function sets to the global virtual machine.

            // Set the output file.
            DebugLogger.OutputFile = _logPath + "\\Editor " + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute + "-" + DateTime.Now.Second + ".log";

            // Ahhhh, no game given!!
            if (_gameName == "")
                MessageBox.Show("No game was specified. Please pass a command line of -game:<ident> when running this application.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Make sure this game has not already been compiled.
            if (_gameConfigFile["resources:usepakfiles", "0"] == "1")
                DebugLogger.WriteLog("Unable to edit game, game's media has already been compiled into pak files.", LogAlertLevel.FatalError);

            _fpsLimit = int.Parse(_engineConfigFile["graphics:fpslimit", _fpsLimit.ToString()]);

            // Disable all resource caching.
            //ResourceManager.ResourceCacheEnabled = false;

            // Create the editor's window.
            _window              = new EditorWindow();
            _window.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(OnClosing);

            // Load in the default tileset if it exists and add it to the tileset list.
            if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(_tilesetPath + "\\default.xml") == true)
                DebugLogger.WriteLog("Found default tileset, loading...");
                Tileset.AddToTilesetPool(new Tileset(_tilesetPath + "\\default.xml"));

            // Load in the default font if it exists.
            if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(_fontPath + "\\default.xml") == true)
                DebugLogger.WriteLog("Found default bitmap font, loading...");
                GraphicsManager.DefaultBitmapFont = new BitmapFont(_fontPath + "\\default.xml");

            // Load in the required language pack.
            string languageFile = _languagePath + "\\" + _language + ".xml";

            if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(languageFile) == true)
                DebugLogger.WriteLog("Loading language pack for language " + _language + ".");
                LanguageManager.LoadLanguagePack(_languagePath + "\\" + _language + ".xml", _language);
                DebugLogger.WriteLog("Unable to find language pack for language " + _language + ".", LogAlertLevel.FatalError);

            // Setup a camera that we can view the scene from.
            _camera = new CameraNode("Root Camera");
            _camera.BackgroundImage = new Image(ReflectionMethods.GetEmbeddedResourceStream("grid.png"), 0);
            _camera.ClearColor      = unchecked ((int)0xFFACACAC);

            // Show the tip-of-the-day window.
            if (_engineConfigFile["editor:showtipsonstartup", "1"] == "1")
                (new TipOfTheDayWindow()).ShowDialog();

            // Disable collision processing.
            CollisionManager.Enabled = false;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///		Called by the base engine class when its safe to begin initialization.
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool Begin()
            Runtime.Debug.DebugLogger.WriteLog("Entered begin function", LogAlertLevel.Warning);
            // Create the fusion fuction set.
            new FusionFunctionSet();
            new NetworkFunctionSet();

            // Bind all function sets to the global virtual machine.

            // Grab some config out of the games config file.
            ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();

            _currentPassword = _engineConfigFile["account:password", ""];
            _currentUsername = _engineConfigFile["account:username", ""];

            // Make sure we have a game we can run.
            if (_gameName != "")
                // Create the loading window thread.
                _loading = true;
                new Thread(LoadingWindowThread).Start();

                NetworkManager.IsServer = _isServer;

                if (_isServer == false)
                    // Setup graphics window.
                    // Setup graphics window. We are only actually doing this so the graphics and audio drivers have something to bind to.
                    // Notice that we are hiding it as soon as its made.

                    // Setup server window.
                    _serverWindow              = new ServerWindow();
                    _serverWindow.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(OnClosing);

                    // Setup server.
                    if (NetworkManager.Start() == false)
                        throw new Exception("An error occured while attempting to setup network.");

                // Create some hooks into network events.
                NetworkManager.ClientConnected    += new ClientConnectedEventHandler(ClientConnected);
                NetworkManager.ClientDisconnected += new ClientDisconnectedEventHandler(ClientDisconnected);
                NetworkManager.Disconnected       += new DisconnectedEventHandler(Disconnected);
                NetworkManager.PacketRecieved     += new PacketRecievedEventHandler(PacketRecieved);

                // If pak files are being used then load all of them in and register
                // them with the resource manager
                if (_usePakFiles == true)
                    ResourceManager.UsePakFiles = true;
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Looking for resources in pak files...");
                    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory))
                        if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(".pk") == true)
                            DebugLogger.WriteLog("Looking for resources in \"" + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\"...");
                            PakFile pakFile = new PakFile(file);

                // Load in the default tileset if it exists and add it to the tileset list.
                if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(_tilesetPath + "\\default.xml") == true)
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Found default tileset, loading...");
                    Tileset.AddToTilesetPool(new Tileset(_tilesetPath + "\\default.xml"));

                // Load in the default font if it exists.
                if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(_fontPath + "\\default.xml") == true)
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Found default bitmap font, loading...");
                    GraphicsManager.DefaultBitmapFont = new BitmapFont(_fontPath + "\\default.xml");

                // Load in the required language pack.
                string languageFile = _languagePath + "\\" + _language + ".xml";
                if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(languageFile) == true)
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Loading language pack for language " + _language + ".");
                    LanguageManager.LoadLanguagePack(_languagePath + "\\" + _language + ".xml", _language);
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Unable to find language pack for language " + _language + ".", LogAlertLevel.Error);

                // Register the console commands, incase we turn the console on later.
                new StatisticalConsoleCommands();
                new FusionConsoleCommands();
                new MapConsoleCommands();
                new SystemConsoleCommands();

                // Register all the command sets with the console.

                // Shall we setup the graphical console?
                if (_showConsole == true && _isServer == false)
                    // Enable the graphical console.
                    GraphicalConsole.Enabled = true;

                // Check if the start script exists.
                if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(_startScript) == true)
                    // It does, w00t, lets create an execution process for it then.
                    _gameScriptProcess = new ScriptExecutionProcess(_startScript);
                    if (_gameScriptProcess.Process != null)
                        _gameScriptProcess.Priority               = 1000000; // Always runs first, otherwise all hell breaks loose with the OnCreate events.
                        _gameScriptProcess.IsPersistent           = true;
                        _gameScriptProcess.Process.OnStateChange += this.OnStateChange;

                        OnStateChange(_gameScriptProcess.Process, _gameScriptProcess.Process.State);

                // Pump out a GameBegin event.
                EventManager.FireEvent(new Event("game_begin", this, null));

                // Close the loading window.
                _loading = false;

                // Show the game window.
                if (_isServer == false)

            // Nope? Ok show the games explorer.
                _explorerWindow              = new GamesExplorerWindow();
                _explorerWindow.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(OnClosing);
