Ejemplo n.º 1
        private bool ValidatePassport(string passport, int version)
            var requiredFields = new HashSet <string>()
                "byr", "iyr", "eyr", "hgt", "hcl", "ecl", "pid"
            var fields = StringParsers.SplitDelimitedStringIntoStringList(passport, new char[0]);

            foreach (var field in fields)
                var fieldAndValue = field.Split(':');
                var fieldName     = fieldAndValue[0];
                var value         = fieldAndValue[1];

                if (ValidateField(fieldName, value, version))
                    if (requiredFields.Contains(fieldName))

            return(requiredFields.Count() == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public string SolveFirstStar(StreamReader reader)
            var  estimate     = int.Parse(reader.ReadLine());
            var  nextLine     = reader.ReadLine();
            var  buses        = StringParsers.SplitDelimitedStringIntoStringList(nextLine, ",".ToCharArray());
            long shortestWait = Int64.MaxValue;
            int  closestBus   = 0;

            foreach (var bus in buses)
                if (bus == "x")
                var busInterval = int.Parse(bus);
                // Effectively computes -estimate % busInterval, picks the smallest positive unique solution
                var waitTime = (-estimate % busInterval + busInterval) % busInterval;
                if (waitTime < shortestWait)
                    shortestWait = waitTime;
                    closestBus   = busInterval;

            return((shortestWait * closestBus).ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public string SolveSecondStar(StreamReader reader)
            // Ignore first line of file

            var nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
            var buses    = StringParsers.SplitDelimitedStringIntoStringList(nextLine, ",".ToCharArray());

            var busIntervals  = new List <long>();
            var busDepartures = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < buses.Count(); i++)
                var busInterval = buses[i];
                if (busInterval != "x")

            // We have a list of bus intervals that looks like this:
            // busIntervals = [ n0, n1, n2, ... ]
            // We also have a list of required departure times for each bus (relative to the departure of bus n0):
            // busDepartures = [ 0, 1, 5, ... ]
            // This can be interpreted as n1 leaves at time t=0, n2 leaves at time t=1, n3 leaves at time t=5...

            // We can generalize this to say:
            // busIntervals[i] leaves busDepartures[i] minutes after bus n0, for 0 <= i < busIntervals.Count();

            // For a given n0 departure time t, we can compute the wait time from t to the departure of bus[i] as follows:
            // actualDeparture[0] = 0
            // actualDeparture[i] = -t mod busIntervals[i]

            // We are looking for an n0 departure time t such that -t = busDepartures[i] (mod busIntervals[i])
            // This problem is a system of congruence equations of the form x = a[i] (mod n[i]) for 0 <= i <= busIntervals.Count()

            var solution = SolveSystemOfCongruenceEquations(busIntervals, busDepartures);

            // The solution we get back is the single unique solution that exists in the interval (-N, 0)
            // where N is defined below. The way we defined the problem, the solution to this system is equivalent to -t,
            // so to find that actual value of t we need to multiply by -1
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void BuildBagList(List <string> listOfDefinitions)
            BagList = new Dictionary <string, Bag>();
            foreach (var definition in listOfDefinitions)
                var bagAndInnerBags = definition.Split("bags contain").Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList();
                var currentBagColor = bagAndInnerBags[0];
                var innerBags       = StringParsers.SplitDelimitedStringIntoStringList(bagAndInnerBags[1], ",".ToCharArray());

                var currentBag = GetOrCreateBag(currentBagColor);
                if (bagAndInnerBags[1] != "no other bags.")
                    foreach (var innerBagDescription in innerBags)
                        var innerBagTuple = CreateBagTuple(innerBagDescription);
                        var innerBag = GetOrCreateBag(innerBagTuple.Item2);