public static void Test(string imgdir, Func <string, MemBitmap> imgLoader)
            SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder bmpAtlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder();
            int imgdirNameLen = imgdir.Length;

            string[] filenames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imgdir, "*.png");
            ushort   index     = 0;

            Dictionary <string, ushort> imgDic = new Dictionary <string, ushort>();

            foreach (string f in filenames)
                MemBitmap      itemBmp   = imgLoader(f);
                AtlasItemImage atlasItem = new AtlasItemImage(itemBmp.Width, itemBmp.Height);
                atlasItem.OriginalBounds = new PixelFarm.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, itemBmp.Width, itemBmp.Height);
                atlasItem.SetBitmap(itemBmp, false);
                bmpAtlasBuilder.AddAtlasItemImage(index, atlasItem);
                string imgPath = f.Substring(imgdirNameLen);
                imgDic.Add(imgPath, index);

                if (index >= ushort.MaxValue)
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            //string atlasInfoFile = "d:\\WImageTest\\";
            //string totalImgFile = "d:\\WImageTest\\test1_atlas.png";
            string atlasInfoFile = "";
            string totalImgFile  = "test1_atlas.png";
            //test, write data to disk
            AtlasItemImage totalImg = bmpAtlasBuilder.BuildSingleImage();
            bmpAtlasBuilder.ImgUrlDict = imgDic;
            bmpAtlasBuilder.SaveAtlasInfo(atlasInfoFile); //save to filename

            //test, read data back
            bmpAtlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder();
            SimpleBitmaptAtlas bitmapAtlas = bmpAtlasBuilder.LoadAtlasInfo(atlasInfoFile);
            MemBitmap      totalAtlasImg = imgLoader(totalImgFile);
            AtlasItemImage atlasImg      = new AtlasItemImage(totalAtlasImg.Width, totalAtlasImg.Height);
            bitmapAtlas.TotalImg = atlasImg;

            for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i)
                if (bitmapAtlas.TryGetBitmapMapData((ushort)i, out BitmapMapData bmpMapData))
                    //test copy data from bitmap
                    MemBitmap itemImg = totalAtlasImg.CopyImgBuffer(bmpMapData.Left, bmpMapData.Top, bmpMapData.Width, bmpMapData.Height);
                    itemImg.SaveImage("test1_atlas_item" + i + ".png");

                if (bitmapAtlas.TryGetBitmapMapData(@"\chk_checked.png", out BitmapMapData bmpMapData))
                    MemBitmap itemImg = totalAtlasImg.CopyImgBuffer(bmpMapData.Left, bmpMapData.Top, bmpMapData.Width, bmpMapData.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void BuildBitmapAtlas(AtlasProject atlasProj, Func <string, MemBitmap> imgLoader, bool test_extract = false)
            //demonstrate how to build a bitmap atlas
            List <AtlasItemSourceFile> fileList = atlasProj.Items;
            //1. create builder
            var bmpAtlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder();

            ushort index = 0;
            Dictionary <string, ushort> imgDic = new Dictionary <string, ushort>();

            foreach (AtlasItemSourceFile f in fileList)
                if (f.Kind != AtlasItemSourceKind.Image)

                //3. load a bitmap

                BitmapAtlasItemSource atlasItem = null;
                using (MemBitmap itemBmp = imgLoader(f.AbsoluteFilename))
                    //4. get information about it
                    atlasItem = new BitmapAtlasItemSource(itemBmp.Width, itemBmp.Height);

                atlasItem.UniqueInt16Name = index;
                //5. add to builder

                //get relative filename
                string imgPath = "//" + f.Link;
                imgDic.Add(imgPath, index);

                if (index >= ushort.MaxValue)
                    throw new NotSupportedException();
            if (imgDic.Count == 0)
                //no file

            string atlasInfoFile = atlasProj.OutputFilename + ".info";
            string totalImgFile  = atlasProj.OutputFilename + ".png";

            //5. merge all small images into a bigone
            using (MemBitmap totalImg = bmpAtlasBuilder.BuildSingleImage(false))
                bmpAtlasBuilder.ImgUrlDict = imgDic;
                bmpAtlasBuilder.SetAtlasInfo(TextureKind.Bitmap, 0); //font size
                                                                     //6. save atlas info and total-img (.png file)

            //7. create an atlas file in a source file version, user can embed the source to file
            //easy, just read .info and .png then convert to binary buffer

            BuildAtlasInEmbededSourceVersion(atlasProj, atlasInfoFile, totalImgFile, imgDic);

            //test, read data back
            if (test_extract)
                bmpAtlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder();
                SimpleBitmapAtlas bitmapAtlas = bmpAtlasBuilder.LoadAtlasInfo(atlasInfoFile)[0];
                MemBitmap totalAtlasImg = imgLoader(totalImgFile);
                bitmapAtlas.SetMainBitmap(imgLoader(totalImgFile), true);

                for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i)
                    if (bitmapAtlas.TryGetItem((ushort)i, out AtlasItem bmpMapData))
                        //test copy data from bitmap
                        MemBitmap itemImg = totalAtlasImg.CopyImgBuffer(bmpMapData.Left, bmpMapData.Top, bmpMapData.Width, bmpMapData.Height);
                        itemImg.SaveImage("test1_atlas_item" + i + ".png");
                    if (bitmapAtlas.TryGetItem(@"\chk_checked.png", out AtlasItem bmpMapData))
                        MemBitmap itemImg = totalAtlasImg.CopyImgBuffer(bmpMapData.Left, bmpMapData.Top, bmpMapData.Width, bmpMapData.Height);