public void test_scores() { var highCard = new HighCard(); Assert.AreEqual(0, highCard.Score); var onePair = new OnePair(); Assert.AreEqual(1, onePair.Score); var twoPairs = new TwoPairs(); Assert.AreEqual(2, twoPairs.Score); var set = new Set(); Assert.AreEqual(3, set.Score); var straight = new Straight(); Assert.AreEqual(4, straight.Score); var flush = new Flush(); Assert.AreEqual(5, flush.Score); var fullHouse = new FullHouse(); Assert.AreEqual(6, fullHouse.Score); var quads = new Quads(); Assert.AreEqual(7, quads.Score); var straightFlush = new StraightFlush(); Assert.AreEqual(8, straightFlush.Score); var royalFlush = new RoyalFlush(); Assert.AreEqual(9, royalFlush.Score); }
// Token: 0x060002B6 RID: 694 RVA: 0x00022580 File Offset: 0x00020780 public virtual void AddBokeh(RenderTexture bokehInfo, RenderTexture tempTex, RenderTexture finalTarget) { if (this.bokehMaterial) { Mesh[] meshes = Quads.GetMeshes(tempTex.width, tempTex.height); = tempTex; GL.Clear(false, true, new Color((float)0, (float)0, (float)0, (float)0)); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.LoadIdentity(); bokehInfo.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; float num = (float)bokehInfo.width * 1f / ((float)bokehInfo.height * 1f); float num2 = 2f / (1f * (float)bokehInfo.width); num2 += this.bokehScale * this.maxBlurSpread * DepthOfField34.BOKEH_EXTRA_BLUR * this.oneOverBaseSize; this.bokehMaterial.SetTexture("_Source", bokehInfo); this.bokehMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", this.bokehTexture); this.bokehMaterial.SetVector("_ArScale", new Vector4(num2, num2 * num, 0.5f, 0.5f * num)); this.bokehMaterial.SetFloat("_Intensity", this.bokehIntensity); this.bokehMaterial.SetPass(0); int i = 0; Mesh[] array = meshes; int length = array.Length; while (i < length) { if (array[i]) { Graphics.DrawMeshNow(array[i], Matrix4x4.identity); } i++; } GL.PopMatrix(); Graphics.Blit(tempTex, finalTarget, this.dofMaterial, 8); bokehInfo.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; } }
public void WriteToOBJ(TextWriter writer, int lodNumber, int firstVertexNumber, int firstNormalNumber, int firstCoordNumber, Dictionary <string, int?> materialNames, Stream unknownData) { unknownData.Write(unknown); unknownData.WriteByte(unknown2); unknownData.WriteByte(unknown3); double scaleFactor = ConvertScale(Scale); writer.WriteLine($"g lod{lodNumber}/scale={scaleFactor}"); writer.WriteLine("# vertices"); Vertices.ForEach(vertex => vertex.WriteToOBJ(writer, scaleFactor)); writer.WriteLine("# normals"); Normals.ForEach(normal => normal.WriteToOBJ(writer)); List <UVCoordinate> coords = GetAllUVCoords(); writer.WriteLine("# UV coords"); coords.ForEach(coord => coord.WriteToOBJ(writer)); writer.WriteLine("# triangles"); Triangles.ForEach(polygon => polygon.WriteToOBJ(writer, false, Vertices, Normals, firstVertexNumber, firstNormalNumber, materialNames)); writer.WriteLine("# quads"); Quads.ForEach(polygon => polygon.WriteToOBJ(writer, true, Vertices, Normals, firstVertexNumber, firstNormalNumber, materialNames)); writer.WriteLine("# UV triangles"); UVTriangles.ForEach(polygon => polygon.WriteToOBJ(writer, false, Vertices, Normals, firstVertexNumber, firstNormalNumber, coords, firstCoordNumber, materialNames)); writer.WriteLine("# UV quads"); UVQuads.ForEach(polygon => polygon.WriteToOBJ(writer, true, Vertices, Normals, firstVertexNumber, firstNormalNumber, coords, firstCoordNumber, materialNames)); }
public static Mesh[] GetMeshes(int totalWidth, int totalHeight) { Mesh[] arg_99_0; if (Quads.HasMeshes() && Quads.currentQuads == totalWidth * totalHeight) { arg_99_0 = Quads.meshes; } else { int num = 10833; int num2 = totalWidth * totalHeight; Quads.currentQuads = num2; int num3 = Mathf.CeilToInt(1f * (float)num2 / (1f * (float)num)); Quads.meshes = new Mesh[num3]; int num4 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num2; i += num) { int triCount = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)Mathf.Clamp(num2 - i, 0, num)); Quads.meshes[num4] = Quads.GetMesh(triCount, i, totalWidth, totalHeight); num4++; } arg_99_0 = Quads.meshes; } return(arg_99_0); }
public override void Draw() { Quads.Begin(); Quads.Render(_topLeft, _bottomRight, null, true, Colors.Black, Colors.Grey * 0.95f); Quads.End(); // Draw each menu entry in turn. Quads.Begin(); foreach (OptionEntry entry in _optionEntries) { Quads.Render(entry.Position - _optionEntrySize / 2f, entry.Position + _optionEntrySize / 2f, null, true, Colors.Black * TransitionAlpha, entry.TileColor * TransitionAlpha); Quads.Render(entry.Position - _optionEntrySize / 2f + _optionCheckOffset, entry.Position + _optionEntrySize / 2f, null, true, Colors.Black * TransitionAlpha, entry.TileColor * TransitionAlpha); } Quads.End(); Sprites.Begin(); foreach (OptionEntry entry in _optionEntries) { Sprites.DrawString(_font, entry.Text, entry.Position + Vector2.One + _optionTextOffset, Colors.Black * TransitionAlpha, 0f, entry.Origin, entry.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); Sprites.DrawString(_font, entry.Text, entry.Position + _optionTextOffset, entry.TextColor * TransitionAlpha, 0f, entry.Origin, entry.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); Sprites.Draw(_checkmark, entry.Position - _optionEntrySize / 2f + _optionCheckOffset, Color.White * entry.CheckedFade); } Sprites.End(); }
public void AddBokeh(RenderTexture bokehInfo, RenderTexture tempTex, RenderTexture finalTarget) { if (!bokehMaterial) { return; } Mesh[] meshes = Quads.GetMeshes(tempTex.width, tempTex.height); = tempTex; GL.Clear(clearDepth: false, clearColor: true, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.LoadIdentity(); bokehInfo.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; float num = (float)bokehInfo.width * 1f / ((float)bokehInfo.height * 1f); float num2 = 2f / (1f * (float)bokehInfo.width); num2 += bokehScale * maxBlurSpread * BOKEH_EXTRA_BLUR * oneOverBaseSize; bokehMaterial.SetTexture("_Source", bokehInfo); bokehMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", bokehTexture); bokehMaterial.SetVector("_ArScale", new Vector4(num2, num2 * num, 0.5f, 0.5f * num)); bokehMaterial.SetFloat("_Intensity", bokehIntensity); bokehMaterial.SetPass(0); int i = 0; Mesh[] array = meshes; for (int length = array.Length; i < length; i++) { if ((bool)array[i]) { Graphics.DrawMeshNow(array[i], Matrix4x4.identity); } } GL.PopMatrix(); Graphics.Blit(tempTex, finalTarget, dofMaterial, 8); bokehInfo.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; }
public Quad CreateQuad(Effect effect) { Quad quad = Quads.New(); quad.Effect = effect; Quads.Sort(Quad.QuadComparer); return(quad); }
public Quad CreateQuad(Effect effect, Texture2D texture) { Quad quad = Quads.New(); quad.Effect = effect; quad.SetTexture(texture); Quads.Sort(Quad.QuadComparer); return(quad); }
private List <IRenderable> CreateMeshes(List <Chunk> chunks) { float uvWidth = 2048.0f / 16.0f; float uvCell = uvWidth / 2048.0f; float xUv = uvCell * 2.0f; float yUv = uvCell * 15.0f; Vector2 uvCoordinate = new Vector2(xUv, yUv); Vector2 uvOffset = new Vector2(uvCell, uvCell); var blockPos = new Vector3(); var list = new List <IRenderable>(); foreach (var chunk in chunks) { for (uint x = 0; x < Chunk.Width; ++x) { for (uint y = 0; y < Chunk.Height; ++y) { for (uint z = 0; z < Chunk.Depth; ++z) { blockPos.X = x; blockPos.Y = y; blockPos.Z = z; var block = chunk.At(x, y, z); if (block.BlockType != BlockType.Air) { foreach (Side side in Sides.All) { // Chunk borders TBD if (Chunk.IsChunkBorder(x, y, z)) { _pool.AddFace(Quads.QuadFor(side), block.World, uvCoordinate, uvOffset); continue; } // Check block next to current block in direction of the side. // - If neighbor exists and not air block, don't draw var dir = Directions.DirectionFor(side); if (chunk.At(blockPos + dir).BlockType == BlockType.Air) { _pool.AddFace(Quads.QuadFor(side), block.World, uvCoordinate, uvOffset); } } } } } } list.Add(new ChunkMesh(chunk, _pool.ToMesh(_program))); _pool.Reset(); } return(list); }
public void Draw(Matrix view, Matrix projection) { foreach (Quad quad in Quads) { if (quad.Active) { quad.Draw(view, projection, Light); } } Quads.CleanUp(); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the message box. /// </summary> public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { Quads.Begin(); Quads.Render(_topLeft, _bottomRight, null, true, ContentWrapper.Black, ContentWrapper.Grey * 0.65f); Quads.End(); SpriteBatch.Begin(); // Draw the message box text. SpriteBatch.DrawString(_font, _message, _textPosition + Vector2.One, ContentWrapper.Black); SpriteBatch.DrawString(_font, _message, _textPosition, ContentWrapper.Beige); SpriteBatch.End(); }
/// <summary>Draws the message box.</summary> public override void Draw() { Quads.Begin(); Quads.Render(_topLeft, _bottomRight, null, true, Colors.Black, Colors.Grey * 0.65f); Quads.End(); Sprites.Begin(); // Draw the message box text. Sprites.DrawString(_font, _message, _textPosition + Vector2.One, Colors.Black); Sprites.DrawString(_font, _message, _textPosition, Colors.Beige); Sprites.End(); }
public void quads_yes() { var set = new Quads(); var cards = Cards.New() .Ace(Suit.GetAll().ToArray()) .SpadesTen() .SpadesKing() .ClubsFive(); set.SetCards(cards); var result = set.IsPresent(); Assert.IsTrue(result); }
public static void UpdateCache() { System.Collections.Generic.List <QuadHold> rem = new System.Collections.Generic.List <QuadHold>(); int time = Environment.TickCount; foreach (var q in Quads) { if ((q.LastUsed + 500) < time) { rem.Add(q); } } foreach (var rq in rem) { Quads.Remove(rq); } }
public void quads_no() { var set = new Quads(); var cards = new List <Card> { new Card(Suit.Clubs, Rank.Ace), new Card(Suit.Diamonds, Rank.Ace), new Card(Suit.Spades, Rank.Ace), new Card(Suit.Hearts, Rank.King), new Card(Suit.Spades, Rank.Ten), new Card(Suit.Spades, Rank.King) }; set.SetCards(cards); var result = set.IsPresent(); Assert.IsFalse(result); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the menu. /// </summary> public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { Vector2 transitionOffset = new Vector2(0f, (float)Math.Pow(TransitionPosition, 2) * 90f); // Draw each menu entry in turn. Quads.Begin(); foreach (MenuEntry entry in _menuEntries) { Quads.Render(entry.Position - _menuEntrySize / 2f, entry.Position + _menuEntrySize / 2f, null, true, ContentWrapper.Grey * entry.Alpha * TransitionAlpha, entry.TileColor * entry.Alpha * TransitionAlpha); } Quads.Render(_menuSlider.Position - new Vector2(_menuEntrySize.Y / 2f), _menuSlider.Position + new Vector2(_menuEntrySize.Y / 2f), null, true, ContentWrapper.Grey * TransitionAlpha, _menuSlider.TileColor * TransitionAlpha); Quads.End(); Sprites.Begin(); foreach (MenuEntry entry in _menuEntries) { Sprites.DrawString(_font, entry.Text, entry.Position + Vector2.One, ContentWrapper.Black * entry.Alpha * entry.Alpha * TransitionAlpha, 0f, entry.Origin, entry.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); Sprites.DrawString(_font, entry.Text, entry.Position, entry.TextColor * entry.Alpha * TransitionAlpha, 0f, entry.Origin, entry.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); if (entry.Fade > 0f) { Sprites.Draw(entry.Preview, PreviewPosition, null, Color.White * Math.Max((TransitionAlpha - 0.8f) / 0.2f, 0f) * entry.Fade, 0f, _previewOrigin, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } } Sprites.End(); Quads.Begin(); Quads.Render(Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(Framework.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, TitleBarHeight), null, ContentWrapper.Grey * 0.7f * TransitionAlpha); Quads.End(); // Make the menu slide into place during transitions, using a // power curve to make things look more interesting (this makes // the movement slow down as it nears the end). Sprites.Begin(); Sprites.Draw(_samplesLogo, _titlePosition - transitionOffset, null, Color.White, 0f, _titleOrigin, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); Sprites.End(); }
void AddBokeh(RenderTexture bokehInfo, RenderTexture tempTex, RenderTexture finalTarget) { if (bokehMaterial) { Mesh[] meshes = Quads.GetMeshes(tempTex.width, tempTex.height); = tempTex; GL.Clear(false, true, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.LoadIdentity(); // important, otherwise we get bokeh shape & size artefacts bokehInfo.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; float arW = (bokehInfo.width * 1.0f) / (bokehInfo.height * 1.0f); //float sc = BOKEH_EXTRA_BLUR / bokehInfo.height + bokehScale * maxBlurSpread * BOKEH_EXTRA_BLUR * oneOverBaseSize; float sc = 2.0f / (1.0f * bokehInfo.width); sc += bokehScale * maxBlurSpread * BOKEH_EXTRA_BLUR * oneOverBaseSize; bokehMaterial.SetTexture("_Source", bokehInfo); bokehMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", bokehTexture); bokehMaterial.SetVector("_ArScale", new Vector4(sc, sc * arW, 0.5f, 0.5f * arW)); bokehMaterial.SetFloat("_Intensity", bokehIntensity); bokehMaterial.SetPass(0); foreach (Mesh m in meshes) { if (m) { Graphics.DrawMeshNow(m, Matrix4x4.identity); } } GL.PopMatrix(); Graphics.Blit(tempTex, finalTarget, dofMaterial, 8); // important to set back as we sample from this later on bokehInfo.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; } }
// Removes a quad at a given index number. // The capacity remains the same, but the total number of quads to be drawn is reduced in 1 public void RemoveQuadAtIndex(int index) { Debug.Assert(index < Quads.Count, "removeQuadAtIndex: Invalid index"); Quads.RemoveAt(index); Dirty = true; }
public override void OnDisable() { Quads.Cleanup(); }
//Add quad to the list public void AddQuad(Quad quad) { Quads.Add(quad); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the background screen. /// </summary> public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { Quads.Begin(); Quads.Render(Vector2.Zero, _viewportSize, null, ContentWrapper.Cyan, ContentWrapper.Ocean, ContentWrapper.Cyan, ContentWrapper.Sky); Quads.End(); }
//Remove a quad public void RemoveQuad(Quad quad) { Quads.Remove(quad); }
//Make enumerable instead #region Implementation of IEnumerable public IEnumerator <Quad> GetEnumerator() { return(Quads.GetEnumerator()); }
/// <summary>Draws the background screen.</summary> public override void Draw() { Quads.Begin(); Quads.Render(Vector2.Zero, _viewportSize, null, Colors.Cyan, Colors.Ocean, Colors.Cyan, Colors.Sky); Quads.End(); }
public void InsertQuad(ref CCV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad, int index) { Debug.Assert(index < Quads.Capacity, "insertQuadWithTexture: Invalid index"); Quads.Insert(index, quad); Dirty = true; }
private void ReadObjFile(string pathObjFile) { using (var myStream = new FileStream(pathObjFile, FileMode.Open)) { var myReader = new StreamReader(myStream); var coord = new double[3]; var tri = new int[3]; var tex = new int[4]; var quad = new int[4]; string line; while ((line = myReader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line != "") { line = line.Trim(' '); string[] array; switch (line[0]) { case 'v': { if (line[1] != 't' && line[1] != 'n') { line = line.Trim('v', ' '); array = line.Split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { coord[i] = double.Parse(array[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } var v = new Vertex(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]); Vertices.Add(v); } else { if (line[1] == 't') { line = line.Trim('t', 'v', ' '); array = line.Split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { coord[i] = double.Parse(array[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } var v = new Vertex2D(coord[0], coord[1]); TextureCoordinates.Add(v); } } break; } case 'f': { line = line.Trim('f', ' '); array = line.Split(new[] { ' ', '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (array.Length == 9) { for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 3 && j < array.Length; i++, j += 3) { tri[i] = int.Parse(array[j]); tex[i] = int.Parse(array[j + 1]); } var t = new Triangle(Vertices[tri[0] - 1], Vertices[tri[1] - 1], Vertices[tri[2] - 1], TextureCoordinates[tex[0] - 1], TextureCoordinates[tex[1] - 1], TextureCoordinates[tex[2] - 1]); Triangles.Add(t); } if (array.Length == 12) { for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 4 && j < array.Length; i++, j += 3) { quad[i] = int.Parse(array[j]); tex[i] = int.Parse(array[j + 1]); } var q = new Quad(Vertices[quad[0] - 1], Vertices[quad[1] - 1], Vertices[quad[2] - 1], Vertices[quad[3] - 1], TextureCoordinates[tex[0] - 1], TextureCoordinates[tex[1] - 1], TextureCoordinates[tex[2] - 1], TextureCoordinates[tex[3] - 1]); Quads.Add(q); } } break; } } } } }
void OnDisable() { Quads.Cleanup(); }
public void RemoveAllQuads() { Quads.Clear(); Dirty = true; }
// Token: 0x060002AC RID: 684 RVA: 0x00021A60 File Offset: 0x0001FC60 public virtual void OnDisable() { Quads.Cleanup(); }
public void RemoveQuadsAtIndex(int index, int amount) { Debug.Assert(index + amount <= Quads.Count, "removeQuadAtIndex: Invalid index"); Quads.RemoveAt(index, amount); Dirty = true; }