Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void Maneuver(ShipControlCommons shipControl, EventDriver eventDriver)
        velocimeter.TakeSample(shipControl.ReferencePoint, eventDriver.TimeSinceStart);

        // Determine velocity
        var velocity = velocimeter.GetAverageVelocity();

        if (velocity != null)
            // Only absolute velocity
            var speed = ((Vector3D)velocity).Length();
            var error = ManeuveringSpeed - speed;

            var force = thrustPID.Compute(error);

            var thrustControl = shipControl.ThrustControl;
            if (force > 0.0)
                thrustControl.SetOverride(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward, force);
                thrustControl.SetOverride(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void Run(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        var shipControl = (ShipControlCommons)commons;

        ResetIfNotLive(commons, eventDriver);
        if (!Active)

        // Determine velocity
        var velocity = shipControl.LinearVelocity;

        // If we have no velocity, we have no ship controllers.
        // In theory, ResetIfNotLive should have caught it above
        if (velocity != null)
            var cruiseDirectionFlipped = Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(CruiseDirection);
            // Determine forward vector
            var forward3I = shipControl.Reference.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(shipControl.ShipBlockOrientation.TransformDirection(CruiseDirection));
            var forward   = Vector3D.Normalize(shipControl.Reference.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(forward3I) - shipControl.ReferencePoint);

            CurrentSpeed = Vector3D.Dot((Vector3D)velocity, forward);
            var error = TargetSpeed - CurrentSpeed;

            var force = thrustPID.Compute(error);
            //commons.Echo("Force: " + force);

            var thrustControl = shipControl.ThrustControl;
            var collect       = ParseCruiseFlags();
            if (Math.Abs(error) < CRUISE_CONTROL_DEAD_ZONE * TargetSpeed)
                // Close enough, just disable both sets of thrusters
                thrustControl.Enable(CruiseDirection, false, collect);
                thrustControl.Enable(cruiseDirectionFlipped, false, collect);
            else if (force > 0.0)
                // Thrust forward
                thrustControl.Enable(CruiseDirection, true, collect);
                thrustControl.SetOverride(CruiseDirection, force, collect);
                thrustControl.Enable(cruiseDirectionFlipped, false, collect);
                thrustControl.Enable(CruiseDirection, false, collect);
                thrustControl.Enable(cruiseDirectionFlipped, true, collect);
                thrustControl.SetOverride(cruiseDirectionFlipped, -force, collect);

        eventDriver.Schedule(FramesPerRun, Run);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // Use externally-measured velocity
    public void Cruise(ShipControlCommons shipControl, double targetSpeed,
                       Vector3D velocity,
                       Func <IMyThrust, bool> condition = null,
                       bool enableForward  = true,
                       bool enableBackward = true)
        // Determine forward unit vector
        var forward3I        = shipControl.Me.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(shipControl.ShipBlockOrientation.TransformDirection(LocalForward));
        var referenceForward = Vector3D.Normalize(shipControl.Me.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(forward3I) - shipControl.Me.GetPosition());

        // Take dot product with forward unit vector
        var speed = Vector3D.Dot(velocity, referenceForward);
        var error = targetSpeed - speed;
        //shipControl.Echo(string.Format("Set Speed: {0:F1} m/s", targetSpeed));
        //shipControl.Echo(string.Format("Actual Speed: {0:F1} m/s", speed));
        //shipControl.Echo(string.Format("Error: {0:F1} m/s", error));

        var force = thrustPID.Compute(error);

        var thrustControl = shipControl.ThrustControl;

        if (Math.Abs(error) < ThrustDeadZone * targetSpeed)
            // Close enough, just disable both sets of thrusters
            thrustControl.Enable(LocalForward, false, condition);
            thrustControl.Enable(LocalBackward, false, condition);
        else if (force > 0.0)
            // Thrust forward
            thrustControl.Enable(LocalForward, enableForward, condition);
            if (enableForward)
                thrustControl.SetOverride(LocalForward, force, condition);
            thrustControl.Enable(LocalBackward, false, condition);
            thrustControl.Enable(LocalForward, false, condition);
            thrustControl.Enable(LocalBackward, enableBackward, condition);
            if (enableBackward)
                thrustControl.SetOverride(LocalBackward, -force, condition);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void Run(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        if (!Active)

        var rotor = GetRotor(commons);

        //commons.Echo("Angle: " + rotor.Angle);
        //commons.Echo("SetPoint: " + SetPoint);
        var error = SetPoint - rotor.Angle;

        if (error > Math.PI)
            error -= Math.PI * 2.0;
        if (error < -Math.PI)
            error += Math.PI * 2.0;
        //commons.Echo("Error: " + error);

        if (Math.Abs(error) > StepAmount / 2.0)
            var rotorVelocity = pid.Compute(error);
            rotor.SetValue <float>("Velocity", (float)(rotor.GetMaximum <float>("Velocity") * rotorVelocity));
            eventDriver.Schedule(TicksPerRun, Run);
            rotor.SetValue <float>("Velocity", 0.0f);
            Active = false;
            // NB We don't re-schedule
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void Run(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
        if (!Active)

        var piston = GetPiston(commons);

        var error = SetPoint - piston.CurrentPosition;

        if (Math.Abs(error) > PISTONSTEPPER_MIN_ERROR)
            var pistonVelocity = pid.Compute(error);
            piston.SetValue <float>("Velocity", (float)(piston.GetMaximum <float>("Velocity") * pistonVelocity));
            eventDriver.Schedule(TicksPerRun, Run);
            piston.SetValue <float>("Velocity", 0.0f);
            Active = false;
            // NB We don't re-schedule
Ejemplo n.º 6
 float CorrectY()
     return(targetY + pID.Compute(transform.position.y - targetY));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    private GyroControl _Seek(ShipControlCommons shipControl,
                              Vector3D targetVector, Vector3D?targetUp,
                              out double yawError, out double pitchError,
                              out double rollError)
        Vector3D    referenceForward;
        Vector3D    referenceLeft;
        Vector3D    referenceUp;
        GyroControl gyroControl;

        // See if local orientation is the same as the ship
        if (shipControl.ShipUp == ShipUp && shipControl.ShipForward == ShipForward)
            // Use same reference vectors and GyroControl
            referenceForward = shipControl.ReferenceForward;
            referenceLeft    = shipControl.ReferenceLeft;
            referenceUp      = shipControl.ReferenceUp;
            gyroControl      = shipControl.GyroControl;
            referenceForward = GetReferenceVector(shipControl, ShipForward);
            referenceLeft    = GetReferenceVector(shipControl, ShipLeft);
            referenceUp      = GetReferenceVector(shipControl, ShipUp);
            // Need our own GyroControl instance in this case
            gyroControl = new GyroControl();
                             shipUp: ShipUp,
                             shipForward: ShipForward);

        // Determine projection of targetVector onto our reference unit vectors
        var dotZ = targetVector.Dot(referenceForward);
        var dotX = targetVector.Dot(referenceLeft);
        var dotY = targetVector.Dot(referenceUp);

        var projZ = dotZ * referenceForward;
        var projX = dotX * referenceLeft;
        var projY = dotY * referenceUp;

        // Determine yaw/pitch error by calculating angle between our forward
        // vector and targetVector
        var z = projZ.Length() * Math.Sign(dotZ);
        var x = projX.Length() * Math.Sign(dotX);
        var y = projY.Length() * Math.Sign(-dotY); // NB inverted

        yawError   = Math.Atan2(x, z);
        pitchError = Math.Atan2(y, z);

        var gyroYaw   = yawPID.Compute(yawError);
        var gyroPitch = pitchPID.Compute(pitchError);

        gyroControl.SetAxisVelocityFraction(GyroControl.Yaw, (float)gyroYaw);
        gyroControl.SetAxisVelocityFraction(GyroControl.Pitch, (float)gyroPitch);

        if (targetUp != null)
            // Also adjust roll
            dotX = ((Vector3D)targetUp).Dot(referenceLeft);
            dotY = ((Vector3D)targetUp).Dot(referenceUp);

            projX = dotX * referenceLeft;
            projY = dotY * referenceUp;

            x         = projX.Length() * Math.Sign(-dotX);
            y         = projY.Length() * Math.Sign(dotY);
            rollError = Math.Atan2(x, y);

            var gyroRoll = rollPID.Compute(rollError);

            gyroControl.SetAxisVelocityFraction(GyroControl.Roll, (float)gyroRoll);
            rollError = default(double);

Ejemplo n.º 8
    private GyroControl _Seek(ShipControlCommons shipControl,
                              Vector3D targetVector, Vector3D?targetUp,
                              out double yawPitchError, out double rollError)
        var angularVelocity = shipControl.AngularVelocity;

        if (angularVelocity == null)
            // No ship controller, no action
            yawPitchError = rollError = Math.PI;

        Vector3D    referenceForward;
        Vector3D    referenceLeft;
        Vector3D    referenceUp;
        GyroControl gyroControl;

        // See if local orientation is the same as the ship
        if (shipControl.ShipUp == ShipUp && shipControl.ShipForward == ShipForward)
            // Use same reference vectors and GyroControl
            referenceForward = shipControl.ReferenceForward;
            referenceLeft    = shipControl.ReferenceLeft;
            referenceUp      = shipControl.ReferenceUp;
            gyroControl      = shipControl.GyroControl;
            referenceForward = GetReferenceVector(shipControl, ShipForward);
            referenceLeft    = GetReferenceVector(shipControl, ShipLeft);
            referenceUp      = GetReferenceVector(shipControl, ShipUp);
            // Need our own GyroControl instance in this case
            gyroControl = new GyroControl();
                             shipUp: ShipUp,
                             shipForward: ShipForward);

        targetVector = Vector3D.Normalize(targetVector);

        // Invert our world matrix
        var toLocal = MatrixD.Transpose(MatrixD.CreateWorld(Vector3D.Zero, referenceForward, referenceUp));

        // And bring targetVector & angular velocity into local space
        var localTarget = Vector3D.TransformNormal(-targetVector, toLocal);
        var localVel    = Vector3D.TransformNormal((Vector3D)angularVelocity, toLocal);

        // Use simple trig to get the error angles
        var yawError   = Math.Atan2(localTarget.X, localTarget.Z);
        var pitchError = Math.Atan2(localTarget.Y, localTarget.Z);

        // Set desired angular velocity
        var desiredYawVel   = yawPID.Compute(yawError);
        var desiredPitchVel = pitchPID.Compute(pitchError);

        //shipControl.Echo(string.Format("desiredVel = {0:F3}, {1:F3}", desiredYawVel, desiredPitchVel));

        // Translate to gyro outputs
        double gyroYaw = 0.0;

        if (Math.Abs(desiredYawVel) >= ControlThreshold)
            gyroYaw = yawVPID.Compute(desiredYawVel - localVel.X);
        double gyroPitch = 0.0;

        if (Math.Abs(desiredPitchVel) >= ControlThreshold)
            gyroPitch = pitchVPID.Compute(desiredPitchVel - localVel.Y);

        //shipControl.Echo(string.Format("yaw, pitch = {0:F3}, {1:F3}", gyroYaw, gyroPitch));

        gyroControl.SetAxisVelocity(GyroControl.Yaw, (float)gyroYaw);
        gyroControl.SetAxisVelocity(GyroControl.Pitch, (float)gyroPitch);

        // Determine total yaw/pitch error
        yawPitchError = Math.Acos(MathHelperD.Clamp(Vector3D.Dot(targetVector, referenceForward), -1.0, 1.0));

        if (targetUp != null)
            // Also adjust roll by rotating targetUp vector
            localTarget = Vector3D.TransformNormal((Vector3D)targetUp, toLocal);

            rollError = Math.Atan2(localTarget.X, localTarget.Y);

            var desiredRollVel = rollPID.Compute(rollError);

            //shipControl.Echo(string.Format("desiredRollVel = {0:F3}", desiredRollVel));

            double gyroRoll = 0.0;
            if (Math.Abs(desiredRollVel) >= ControlThreshold)
                gyroRoll = rollVPID.Compute(desiredRollVel - localVel.Z);

            //shipControl.Echo(string.Format("roll = {0:F3}", gyroRoll));

            gyroControl.SetAxisVelocity(GyroControl.Roll, (float)gyroRoll);

            // Only care about absolute error
            rollError = Math.Abs(rollError);
            rollError = 0.0;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        private async void TimerTick(object state)
            DateTime current = DateTime.Now;

            double tempReading = _temperatureControlModule.Readings[activeSensorID];

            if (tempReading != op.Params.LastValue)
                op.Params.LastValue = tempReading;


            if (current.Subtract(_windowStart).TotalMilliseconds > op.Params.WindowSize)
                _windowStart = current;
                await this.Hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("pid_ping", op);

            if (UseTuning)
                int i = autoTune.Runtime();
                if (i != 0)
                    UseTuning = false;

                if (!UseTuning)
                    PIDParameter p = autoTune.GetTuningValues();
                    Console.WriteLine("Tuning Finished...");
                    Console.WriteLine("KP: " + p.Kp);
                    Console.WriteLine("KI: " + p.Ki);
                    Console.WriteLine("KD: " + p.Kd);


            double newOutput;

            if (UseTuning)

                newOutput = autoTune.GetOutput();

                newOutput = pidController.PIDOutput;

            if (!UseTuning)
                if (pidController.PIDOutput != op.Params.LastOutput)
                    op.Params.LastOutput = newOutput;
                    await this.Hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("pid_ping", op);

                    // Console.WriteLine("New Output: " + newOutput);
                if (autoTune.Output != op.Params.LastOutput)
                    op.Params.LastOutput = autoTune.Output;
                    PIDParameter p = autoTune.GetTuningValues();

                    Console.WriteLine("KP: " + p.Kp);
                    Console.WriteLine("KI: " + p.Ki);
                    Console.WriteLine("KD: " + p.Kd);

            if ((newOutput > 100) && (newOutput > current.Subtract(_windowStart).TotalMilliseconds))
                if (!prevElState)
                    prevElState     = true;
                    op.ElementState = prevElState;
                    await this.Hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("pid_change", "CONTROL", "ON");

                if (prevElState)
                    prevElState     = false;
                    op.ElementState = prevElState;
                    await this.Hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("pid_change", "CONTROL", "OFF");

            //if (now - windowStartTime > WindowSize)
            //{ //time to shift the Relay Window
            //    windowStartTime += WindowSize;
            //if ((onTime > 100) && (onTime > (now - windowStartTime)))
            //    digitalWrite(RelayPin, HIGH);
            //    digitalWrite(RelayPin, LOW);

            // if (counterTick == 10)
            //counterTick = 0;
            //    await this.Hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("pid_ping", op);


            // activeSensorID

            // output will be a value between 0 and 5000

            //if (current - _windowStart > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(op.Params.WindowSize))
            //    _windowStart = current;
            //    await this.Hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("pid_change", "NEWWINDOW", op.Params.WindowSize);
            //    //Console.WriteLine("new window");

            // Console.WriteLine("total milis: " + (current - _windowStart).TotalMilliseconds);
            //Console.WriteLine("pid output:" + pidController.PIDOutput);

            //if (pidController.PIDOutput > (current - _windowStart).TotalMilliseconds)
            //    Console.WriteLine("ON");
            //    //if (op.State == PIDState.Started)
            //    //{
            //        _hardwareIOModule.SetHeatingElement(true);

            //    //}
            //    await this.Hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("pid_change", "CONTROL", "ON");

            //    Console.WriteLine("OFF");
            //    //if (op.State == PIDState.Started)
            //    //{
            //        _hardwareIOModule.SetHeatingElement(false);
            //    //}
            //    await this.Hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("pid_change", "CONTROL", "OFF");

            //void loop()
            //    sensors.requestTemperatures();
            //    Input = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
            //    Serial.print("Temperature: ");
            //    Serial.println(Input);
            //    myPID.Compute();

            //    /************************************************
            //     * turn the output pin on/off based on pid output
            //     ************************************************/
            //    if (millis() - windowStartTime > WindowSize)
            //    {e
            //        //time to shift the Relay Window
            //        windowStartTime += WindowSize;
            //    }
            //    if (Output < millis() - windowStartTime)
            //        digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);
            //    else
            //        digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);

            //    if()
Ejemplo n.º 10
            public void Update()
                _gyros.FindBlocks(true, null, _config.AlignGyrosGroupName);
                _sorters.FindBlocks(true, null, _config.DumpSortersGroupName);
                _controllers.FindBlocks(true, null);
                _batteries.FindBlocks(true, null);
                _reactors.FindBlocks(true, null);
                _hydrogenTanks.FindBlocks(true, tank => {

                IMyShipController controller   = null;
                IMyShipController firstWorking = null;

                foreach (IMyShipController _controller in _controllers.blocks)
                    if (!_controller.IsWorking)
                    if (firstWorking == null)
                        firstWorking = _controller;
                    if (controller == null && _controller.IsUnderControl && _controller.CanControlShip)
                        controller = _controller;
                    if (_controller.IsMainCockpit)
                        controller = _controller;
                if (controller == null)
                    controller = firstWorking;

                if (controller == null)
                    Status = "Missing controller";

                if (_gyros.Count() == 0)
                    Status = "Missing gyros";

                Status = "";

                if (GravityAlign)
                    _GravityAlignActive = true;
                    DoGravityAlign(controller, _gyros.blocks, GravityAlignPitch);
                if (!GravityAlign && _GravityAlignActive)

                if (CruiseEnabled)
                    double currentSpeed = controller.GetShipSpeed();

                    var error = CruiseTarget - currentSpeed;
                    var force = thrustPID.Compute(error);
                    _systemManager.CruiseThrusters.ForEach(thruster =>
                        if (Math.Abs(error) < 0.02f * CruiseTarget)
                            thruster.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0.0f;
                        else if (force > 0.0)
                            thruster.Enabled = true;
                            thruster.ThrustOverridePercentage = (float)force * 0.1f;
                            thruster.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0.0f;
                            thruster.Enabled = false;

                    _systemManager.CruiseReverseThrusters.ForEach(thruster =>
                        if (Math.Abs(error) < 0.02f * CruiseTarget)
                            thruster.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0.0f;
                            thruster.Enabled = false;
                        else if (force > 0.0)
                            thruster.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0.0f;
                            thruster.Enabled = false;
                            thruster.Enabled = true;
                            thruster.ThrustOverridePercentage = -(float)force * 0.1f;