Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Stabilize()
        //Получаем текущий поворот квадрика по X и Z
        float pitchCurrent = NormalizeAngle180(transform.eulerAngles.x);
        float rollCurrent  = NormalizeAngle180(transform.eulerAngles.z);

        //Получаем ошибку (разницу между текущим и желаемым)
        float pitchError = pitchCurrent - pitch;
        float rollError  = rollCurrent - roll;

        //Получаем необходимую коррекцию
        float pitchCorrection = PIDPitch.Calculate(pitchError);
        float rollCorrection  = PIDRoll.Calculate(rollError);

        //Считаем силу для винтов
        float propellerForceFL = throttle + pitchCorrection + rollCorrection;
        float propellerForceFR = throttle + pitchCorrection - rollCorrection;
        float propellerForceBL = throttle - pitchCorrection + rollCorrection;
        float propellerForceBR = throttle - pitchCorrection - rollCorrection;

        //Применяем силу к винтам (не больше макс.)
        AddForceToPropeller(PropellerFL, Mathf.Clamp(propellerForceFL, 0, maxPropellerForce));
        AddForceToPropeller(PropellerFR, Mathf.Clamp(propellerForceFR, 0, maxPropellerForce));
        AddForceToPropeller(PropellerBL, Mathf.Clamp(propellerForceBL, 0, maxPropellerForce));
        AddForceToPropeller(PropellerBR, Mathf.Clamp(propellerForceBR, 0, maxPropellerForce));

        //Получаем текущее вращение по Y
        float yawCurrent = Quadcopter.angularVelocity.y;

        //Считаем ошибку
        float yawError = yawCurrent - yaw;

        //Получаем коррекцию
        float yawCorrection = PIDYaw.Calculate(yawError);

         * //Считаем крутящий момент для винтов
         * float propellerTorqueFL = -yawCorrection;// throttle - yawCorrection;
         * float propellerTorqueFR = -yawCorrection;// -throttle - yawCorrection;
         * float propellerTorqueBL = -yawCorrection;// -throttle - yawCorrection;
         * float propellerTorqueBR = -yawCorrection;// throttle - yawCorrection;
         * //Применяем крутящий момент к винтам
         * AddTorqueToPropeller(PropellerFL, Mathf.Clamp(propellerTorqueFL, -maxTorque, maxTorque));
         * AddTorqueToPropeller(PropellerFR, Mathf.Clamp(propellerTorqueFR, -maxTorque, maxTorque));
         * AddTorqueToPropeller(PropellerBL, Mathf.Clamp(propellerTorqueBL, -maxTorque, maxTorque));
         * AddTorqueToPropeller(PropellerBR, Mathf.Clamp(propellerTorqueBR, -maxTorque, maxTorque));

        //Добавляем вращение к квадрику
        Quadcopter.AddTorque(transform.up * Mathf.Clamp(-yawCorrection, -maxTorque, maxTorque));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void FixedUpdate()
        if (autoHeight)
            heightController.SetPoint = height;
            power = (float)heightController.Calculate(core.position.y);
            power = Mathf.Clamp(power, 0, 50);

        fl.AddForce(Vector3.up * power);
        fr.AddForce(Vector3.up * power);
        bl.AddForce(Vector3.up * power);
        br.AddForce(Vector3.up * power);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void DetermineAdjustValue()
        float solar_angle = Vector3.SignedAngle(resting_pos.forward, calculated_solar_dir, transform.right);

        current_offset_angle = Vector3.SignedAngle(resting_pos.forward, transform.forward, transform.right);

        desired_position = solar_angle;

        if (!satController.disablePID && !satController.disable)
            float e = solar_angle - current_offset_angle;
            var   u = pid.Calculate(e);
            adjust_value = u;
            adjust_value = (solar_angle - current_offset_angle) * rotationSpeed;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private double calculateSteering(VehicleState currentState, int target)
            var targetPosition         = path[target].State.Position;
            var followingPointPosition = target < path.Count - 1
                ? path[target + 1].State.Position
                : targetPosition + (targetPosition - path[target - 1].State.Position); // extend the last segment in the same direction
            var targetDirection   = followingPointPosition - targetPosition;
            var directionToTarget = targetPosition - currentState.Position;
            var leftOrRight       = Math.Sign(targetDirection.Cross(directionToTarget));

            var distance = Distance.Between(targetPosition, currentState.Position);

            crossTrackError.OnNext(leftOrRight * distance);

            var steering = -steeringController.Calculate(target: 0, leftOrRight * distance);

            Console.WriteLine($"cte={leftOrRight * distance}, steering={steering}");

            return(Math.Clamp(steering, -1, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void FixedUpdate()
     rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * (float)pidController.Calculate(rb.position.y));