Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override Composite CreateBehavior()
                       new Decorator(ret => ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld,
                                     new Action()
                       new Decorator(ret => ZetaDia.IsInTown && !DataDictionary.ForceTownPortalLevelAreaIds.Contains(Player.LevelAreaId),
                                     new Action(ret =>
                ForceClearArea = false;
                _isDone = true;
                       new Decorator(ret => !ZetaDia.IsInTown && !ZetaDia.Me.CanUseTownPortal(),
                                     new Action(ret =>
                ForceClearArea = false;
                _isDone = true;
                       new Decorator(ret => ZetaDia.Me.HitpointsCurrent < _startHealth,
                                     new Action(ret =>
                _startHealth = ZetaDia.Me.HitpointsCurrent;
                ForceClearArea = true;
                       new Decorator(ret => AreaClearTimer.IsRunning,
                                     new PrioritySelector(
                                         new Decorator(ret => AreaClearTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds <= WaitTime,
                                                       new Action(ret => ForceClearArea = true) // returns RunStatus.Success
                                         new Decorator(ret => AreaClearTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > WaitTime,
                                                       new Action(ret =>
                Logger.Log("Town Portal timer finished");
                ForceClearArea = false;

                       new Decorator(ret => !ForceClearArea,
                                     new PrioritySelector(

                                         new Decorator(ret => ZetaDia.Me.Movement.IsMoving,
                                                       new Sequence(
                                                           new Sleep(1000)

                                         new Decorator(ret => PortalCastTimer.IsRunning && PortalCastTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 7000,
                                                       new Sequence(
                                                           new Action(ret =>
                Logger.Log("Stuck casting town portal, moving a little");
                Navigator.MoveTo(Navigator.StuckHandler.GetUnstuckPos(), "Unstuck Position");

                                         new Decorator(ret => PortalCastTimer.IsRunning && ZetaDia.Me.LoopingAnimationEndTime > 0, // Already casting, just wait
                                                       new Action(ret => RunStatus.Success)

                                         new Sequence(
                                             new Action(ret =>

                                             new WaitContinue(3, ret => ZetaDia.Me != null && ZetaDia.Me.LoopingAnimationEndTime > 0,
                                                              new Sleep(100)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Main MoveToMapMarker Behavior
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected override Composite CreateBehavior()
         (new Sequence(
              new DecoratorContinue(ret => ZetaDia.Me.IsDead || ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("IsDead={0} IsLoadingWorld={1}", ZetaDia.Me.IsDead, ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld)),
                                        new Action(ret => RunStatus.Failure)
              new Action(ret => FindMiniMapMarker()),
              new DecoratorContinue(ret => _miniMapMarker != null,
                                    new Action(ret => RefreshActorInfo())
              //new DecoratorContinue(ret => _interactObject == null && _miniMapMarker == null && Position == Vector3.Zero,
              //    new Sequence(
              //        new Action(ret => _miniMapMarker = GetRiftExitMarker())
              //    )
              new DecoratorContinue(ret => _interactObject == null && _miniMapMarker == null && Position == Vector3.Zero,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Error: Could not find MiniMapMarker nor PortalObject nor Position {0}", Status())),
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
              new DecoratorContinue(ret => _lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination && _interactObject == null,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("ReachedDestination, no object found - finished!")),
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true),
                                        new Action(ret => RunStatus.Failure)
              new Sequence(
                  new Action(ret => GameUI.SafeClickUIButtons()),
                  new PrioritySelector(
                      new Decorator(ret => GameUI.IsPartyDialogVisible,
                                    new Action(ret => Logger.Log("Party Dialog is visible"))
                      new Decorator(ret => GameUI.IsElementVisible(GameUI.GenericOK),
                                    new Action(ret => Logger.Log("Generic OK is visible"))
                      new Decorator(ret => DestinationWorldId == -1 && ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId != _startWorldId,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("World changed ({0} to {1}), destinationWorlId={2}, finished {3}",
                                                                     _startWorldId, ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId, DestinationWorldId, Status())),
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                      new Decorator(ret => DestinationWorldId != 0 && ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == DestinationWorldId,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("DestinationWorlId matched, finished {0}", Status())),
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                      new Decorator(ret => _completedInteractAttempts > 1 && _lastPosition.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) > 4f && DestinationWorldId != _startWorldId,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true),
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("Moved {0:0} yards after interaction, finished {1}", _lastPosition.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position), Status()))
                      new Decorator(ret => _interactObject != null && _interactObject.IsValid,
                                    new PrioritySelector(
                                        new Decorator(ret => _lastMoveResult != MoveResult.ReachedDestination,
                                                      new Sequence(
                                                          new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Moving to actor {0} {1}",
                                                                                         _interactObject.ActorSNO, Status())),
                                                          new Action(ret => _lastMoveResult = Navigator.MoveTo(_interactObject.Position))
                                        new Decorator(ret => _lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination && _interactObject.Distance > InteractRange,
                                                      new Sequence(
                                                          new Action(ret => Logger.Log("ReachedDestination but not within InteractRange, finished")),
                                                          new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                                        new Decorator(ret => ZetaDia.Me.Movement.IsMoving,
                                                      new Action(ret => CommonBehaviors.MoveStop())),
                                        new Sequence(
                                            new Action(ret => _lastPosition = ZetaDia.Me.Position),
                                            new Action(ret => _interactObject.Interact()),
                                            new Action(ret => _completedInteractAttempts++),
                                            new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Interacting with portal object {0}, result: {1}", _interactObject.ActorSNO, Status())),
                                            new Sleep(500),
                                            new Action(ret => GameEvents.FireWorldTransferStart())
                      new Decorator(ret => _miniMapMarker != null && _interactObject == null,
                                    new PrioritySelector(
                                        new Decorator(ret => _miniMapMarker != null && _miniMapMarker.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) > PathPrecision,
                                                      new Sequence(
                                                          new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Moving to Map Marker {0}, {1}", _miniMapMarker.NameHash, Status())),
                                                          new Action(ret => _lastMoveResult = Navigator.MoveTo(_miniMapMarker.Position))
                                        new Decorator(ret => _miniMapMarker != null && _miniMapMarker.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) < PathPrecision,
                                                      new Sequence(
                                                          new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Successfully Moved to Map Marker {0}, {1}", _miniMapMarker.NameHash, Status())),
                                                          new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                      new Decorator(ret => _miniMapMarker == null && Position != Vector3.Zero,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => _lastMoveResult = Navigator.MoveTo(Position)),
                                        new DecoratorContinue(ret => _lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination,
                                                              new Sequence(
                                                                  new Action(ret => Logger.Log("ReachedDestination of Position, finished.")),
                                                                  new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                      new Action(ret =>
                                 Logger.LogError("MoveToMapMarker Error: marker={0} actor={1}/{2} completedInteracts={3} isPortal={4} dist={5} interactRange={6}",
                                                 _miniMapMarker != null,
                                                 _interactObject != null,
                                                 (_interactObject != null && _interactObject.IsValid),
                                                 (_interactObject != null ? _interactObject.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) : 0f),
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected override Composite CreateBehavior()
                new Decorator(ret => ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld,
                              new Action()
                new Decorator(ret => Bot.Character.Data.bIsInTown && ZetaDia.CurrentLevelAreaId != 55313,
                              new Action(ret =>
         ForceClearArea = false;
         _IsDone = true;
         //Logger.Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[TrinityTownPortal] In Town");
                new Decorator(ret => !Bot.Character.Data.bIsInTown && !TownPortalBehavior.CanCastTP(),
                              new Action(ret =>
         ForceClearArea = false;
         _IsDone = true;
         //Logger.Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[TrinityTownPortal] Unable to use TownPortal!");
                new Decorator(ret => Bot.Character.Data.dCurrentHealthPct < _StartHealth,
                              new Action(ret =>
         _StartHealth = Bot.Character.Data.dCurrentHealthPct;
         ForceClearArea = true;
                new Decorator(ret => AreaClearTimer.IsRunning,
                              new PrioritySelector(
                                  new Decorator(ret => AreaClearTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds <= WaitTime,
                                                new Action(ret => ForceClearArea = true)                 // returns RunStatus.Success
                                  new Decorator(ret => AreaClearTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > WaitTime,
                                                new Action(ret =>
         Logger.DBLog.DebugFormat("TownRun timer finished");
         ForceClearArea = false;
                new Decorator(ret => !ForceClearArea,
                              new PrioritySelector(
                                  new Decorator(ret => Bot.NavigationCache.IsMoving,
                                                new Sequence(
                                                    new Sleep(1000)
                                  new Sequence(
                                      // Already casting, just wait
                                      new DecoratorContinue(ret => TownPortalBehavior.CastingRecall(),
                                                            new Action()
                                      new Action(ret =>
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Main MoveToObjective Behavior
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected override Composite CreateBehavior()
         (new Sequence(
              new DecoratorContinue(ret => ZetaDia.Me.IsDead || ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("IsDead={0} IsLoadingWorld={1}", ZetaDia.Me.IsDead, ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld)),
                                        new Action(ret => RunStatus.Failure)
              new DecoratorContinue(ret => _lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination && _objectiveObject == null,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("ReachedDestination, no Objective found - finished!")),
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true),
                                        new Action(ret => RunStatus.Failure)
              new Action(ret => FindObjectiveMarker()),
              new DecoratorContinue(ret => _mapMarkerLastPosition != Vector3.Zero,
                                    new Action(ret => RefreshActorInfo())
              new DecoratorContinue(ret => _objectiveObject == null && _miniMapMarker == null && Position == Vector3.Zero,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("Error: Could not find Objective Marker! {0}", Status())),
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
              new Sequence(
                  new PrioritySelector(
                      new Decorator(ret => ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId != _startWorldId,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("World changed from {0} to {1}, finished {2}", _startWorldId, ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId, Status())),
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                      new Decorator(ret => IsValidObjective() && _objectiveObject is DiaUnit && _objectiveObject.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) <= PathPrecision,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => Logger.Log("We found the objective and its a monster, ending tag so we can kill it. {0}", Status())),
                                        new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                      new Decorator(ret => _objectiveObject != null && _objectiveObject.IsValid,
                                    new PrioritySelector(
                                        new Decorator(ret => _lastMoveResult != MoveResult.ReachedDestination,
                                                      new Sequence(
                                                          new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Moving to actor {0} {1}", _objectiveObject.ActorSNO, Status())),
                                                          new Action(ret => _lastMoveResult = Navigator.MoveTo(_objectiveObject.Position))
                                        new Decorator(ret => _objectiveObject is GizmoPortal,
                                                      new PrioritySelector(
                                                          new Decorator(ret => _lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination && _objectiveObject.Distance > InteractRange,
                                                                        new Sequence(
                                                                            new Action(ret => Logger.Log("ReachedDestination but not within InteractRange, finished")),
                                                                            new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                                                          new Decorator(ret => ZetaDia.Me.Movement.IsMoving,
                                                                        new Action(ret => CommonBehaviors.MoveStop())),
                                                          new Sequence(
                                                              new Action(ret => _objectiveObject.Interact()),
                                                              new Action(ret => _completedInteractAttempts++),
                                                              new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Interacting with portal object {0}, result: {1}", _objectiveObject.ActorSNO, Status())),
                                                              new Sleep(500),
                                                              new Action(ret => GameEvents.FireWorldTransferStart())
                      new Decorator(ret => _miniMapMarker != null && _objectiveObject == null,
                                    new PrioritySelector(
                                        new Decorator(ret => _miniMapMarker != null && _miniMapMarker.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) > PathPrecision,
                                                      new Sequence(
                                                          new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Moving to Objective Marker {0}, {1}", _miniMapMarker.NameHash, Status())),
                                                          new Action(ret => _lastMoveResult = Navigator.MoveTo(_miniMapMarker.Position))
                                        new Decorator(ret => _miniMapMarker != null && _miniMapMarker.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) < PathPrecision,
                                                      new Sequence(
                                                          new Action(ret => Logger.Debug("Successfully Moved to Objective Marker {0}, {1}", _miniMapMarker.NameHash, Status())),
                                                          new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                      new Decorator(ret => _miniMapMarker == null && Position != Vector3.Zero && Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) > PathPrecision,
                                    new Sequence(
                                        new Action(ret => _lastMoveResult = Navigator.MoveTo(Position)),
                                        new DecoratorContinue(ret => _lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination,
                                                              new Sequence(
                                                                  new Action(ret => Logger.Log("ReachedDestination of Position, finished.")),
                                                                  new Action(ret => _isDone = true)
                      new Action(ret =>
                                 Logger.LogError("MoveToObjective Error: marker={0} actor={1}/{2} completedInteracts={3} isPortal={4} dist={5} interactRange={6}",
                                                 _miniMapMarker != null,
                                                 _objectiveObject != null,
                                                 (_objectiveObject != null && _objectiveObject.IsValid),
                                                 (_objectiveObject != null && _objectiveObject.IsValid ? _objectiveObject.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) : 0f),
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected async Task <bool> MoveToObjectiveRoutine()
            if (ZetaDia.Me.IsDead || ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld)
                Logger.Log("IsDead={0} IsLoadingWorld={1}", ZetaDia.Me.IsDead, ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld);


            if (_route.Any() || _currentRouteDestination != Vector3.Zero)

            // If the bot has failed to run directly towards the objective marker too many times
            // We'll blacklist it for 30 seconds to allow adjacent scenes to be explored.
            if (FailedAttempts >= FailedAttemptMax)
                Logger.Log("Blacklisting Objective Marker for 60 seconds");
                BlacklistMarkerExpires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(60);
                FailedAttempts         = 0;
                _route = CreateRouteToUnexploredScene();

            // While the bot is currently blacklisted from directly running at the objective
            // Generate a route to go through some nearby scenes
            if (DateTime.UtcNow < BlacklistMarkerExpires)
                _route = CreateRouteToObjective();

            // 'ReachedDestination' is returned when finding a path to destination has failed.
            if (_lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination && _objectiveObject == null)
                if (_miniMapMarker != null && _miniMapMarker.IsValid && _miniMapMarker.IsPointOfInterest)
                    var distance = ZetaDia.Me.Position.Distance(_miniMapMarker.Position);
                    if (distance > 100)
                        Logger.Log("Direct Pathfinding failed towards Objective Marker. Attempts={0}/{1}", FailedAttempts, FailedAttemptMax);
                    else if (distance < 30)
                        Logger.Log("ReachedDestination no Objective found - finished!");
                        _isDone = true;

            // Find the objective minimap marker

            // If the marker is found or was previously found, find a nearby actor
            if (_mapMarkerLastPosition != Vector3.Zero)

            if (_objectiveObject == null && _miniMapMarker == null && Position == Vector3.Zero)
                Logger.Log("Error: Could not find Objective Marker! {0}", Status());
                _isDone = true;

            // Finish if World Changed
            if (ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId != _startWorldId)
                Logger.Log("World changed from {0} to {1}, finished {2}", _startWorldId, ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId, Status());
                _isDone = true;

            // Finish because Objective Found
            if (IsValidObjective() && _objectiveObject is DiaUnit && _objectiveObject.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) <= PathPrecision)
                Logger.Log("We found the objective and its a monster, ending tag so we can kill it. {0}", Status());
                _isDone = true;

            // Objective Object is available
            if (_objectiveObject != null && _objectiveObject.IsFullyValid())
                // Move Closer to Objective Object
                if (_lastMoveResult != MoveResult.ReachedDestination)
                    Logger.Debug("Moving to actor {0} {1}", _objectiveObject.ActorSNO, Status());
                    _lastMoveResult = await CommonCoroutines.MoveTo(_objectiveObject.Position);


                if (_objectiveObject is GizmoPortal)
                    if (_lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination && _objectiveObject.Distance > InteractRange)
                        Logger.Log("ReachedDestination but not within InteractRange, finished");
                        _isDone = true;
                    if (GameUI.PartyLeaderBossAccept.IsVisible || GameUI.PartyFollowerBossAccept.IsVisible)
                        Logger.Debug("Party Boss Button visible");
                    if (ZetaDia.Me.Movement.IsMoving)
                        await CommonBehaviors.MoveStop().ExecuteCoroutine();
                    Logger.Debug("Interacting with portal object {0}, result: {1}", _objectiveObject.ActorSNO, Status());
                    await Coroutine.Sleep(500);


            if (_miniMapMarker != null && ObjectiveObjectIsNullOrInvalid())
                if (_miniMapMarker != null && _miniMapMarker.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) > PathPrecision)
                    Logger.Debug("Moving to Objective Marker {0}, {1}", _miniMapMarker.NameHash, Status());
                    _lastMoveResult = await CommonCoroutines.MoveTo(_miniMapMarker.Position);


                if (_miniMapMarker != null && _miniMapMarker.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) < PathPrecision)
                    Logger.Debug("Successfully Moved to Objective Marker {0}, {1}", _miniMapMarker.NameHash, Status());
                    _isDone = true;
            if (_miniMapMarker == null && Position != Vector3.Zero && Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) > PathPrecision)
                _lastMoveResult = CommonCoroutines.MoveTo(Position).Result;
                if (_lastMoveResult == MoveResult.ReachedDestination)
                    Logger.Log("ReachedDestination of Position, minimap marker not found, finished.");
                    _isDone = true;

            Logger.Error("MoveToObjective Error: marker={0} actorNull={1} actorValid={2} completedInteracts={3} isPortal={4} dist={5} interactRange={6}",
                         _miniMapMarker != null,
                         _objectiveObject != null,
                         (_objectiveObject != null && _objectiveObject.IsFullyValid()),
                         (_objectiveObject != null && _objectiveObject.IsFullyValid() ? _objectiveObject.Position.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) : 0f),
