Ejemplo n.º 1
        // This method is run when the mainboard is powered up or reset.
        void ProgramStarted()
            _bluetooth = new Bluetooth(4);
            _bluetooth.DebugPrintEnabled = true;
            _client = _bluetooth.ClientMode;
            _bluetooth.DataReceived += bluetooth_DataReceived;

            button.ButtonPressed += (sender, state) => _client.EnterPairingMode();

            var monitor = new GT.Timer(500);
            monitor.Tick += timer =>
                    if (_bluetooth.IsConnected)
            // Use Debug.Print to show messages in Visual Studio's "Output" window during debugging.
            Debug.Print("Program Started");

            var sensePuss = new GT.Timer(1000);
            sensePuss.Tick += timer =>
                    relays.Relay3 = moistureSensor.GetMoistureReading() > 500;
        void ProgramStarted()
            client = bluetooth.ClientMode;
            //server = bluetooth.HostMode;

            // need a handler for state changes and data recieved.
            bluetooth.BluetoothStateChanged += new Bluetooth.BluetoothStateChangedHandler(bluetooth_BluetoothStateChanged);
            bluetooth.DataReceived          += new Bluetooth.DataReceivedHandler(bluetooth_DataReceived);
            bluetooth.PinRequested          += new Bluetooth.PinRequestedHandler(bluetooth_PinRequest);

            // set up bluetooth module connection parameters
            bluetooth.SetDeviceName("EmotionMingle"); // change this to whatever name you want
            bluetooth.SetPinCode("5678");             //likewise, set whatever PIN you want.

            // put the device in pairing mode as part of a normal execution

            // HSU Communication layer
            // MOSI/SDA (TX) --> DIGITAL 0 (RX COM1)
            // SCL/RX (RX) --> DIGITAL 1 (TX COM1)
            //IPN532CommunicationLayer commLayer = new PN532CommunicationHSU(SerialPorts.COM1);

            // SPI Communication layer
            // SCK --> DIGITAL 13 - Socket S Pin9
            // MISO --> DIGITAL 12 - Socket S Pin8
            // MOSI/SDA --> DIGITAL 11 - Socket S Pin7
            // SCL/RX -> DIGITAL 10 - Socket S Pin6
            // IRQ --> DIGITAL 8 - Socket S Pin5

            //SPI.SPI_module spi = GT.Socket.GetSocket(9, true, null, null).SPIModule;
            //Cpu.Pin pin6 = GT.Socket.GetSocket(9, true, null, null).CpuPins[6];
            //Cpu.Pin pin5 = GT.Socket.GetSocket(9, true, null, null).CpuPins[5];

            //IPN532CommunicationLayer commLayer = new PN532CommunicationSPI(spi, pin6, pin5);

            // I2C Communication layer
            // MOSI/SDA --> ANALOG 4 (SDA)
            // SCL/RS --> ANALOG 5 (SCL)
            // IRQ --> DIGITAL 8
            //IPN532CommunicationLayer commLayer = new PN532CommunicationI2C(Cpu.Pin.GPIO_Pin5);

            //nfc = new NfcPN532Reader(commLayer);
            //nfc.TagDetected += nfc_TagDetected;
            //nfc.TagLost += nfc_TagLost;

            GT.Socket socket = GT.Socket.GetSocket(4, true, null, null);

            Debug.Print("SerialPortName: " + socket.SerialPortName);

            UART = new SerialPort(socket.SerialPortName, 4800);

            rnd = new Random();

            Debug.Print("Program Started");