Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor
        /// </summary>
        public TLoginForm() : base()
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support
            #region CATALOGI18N

            // this code has been inserted by GenerateI18N, all changes in this region will be overwritten by GenerateI18N
            this.lblUserName.Text         = Catalog.GetString("&User ID") + ":";
            this.lblPassword.Text         = Catalog.GetString("&Password") + ":";
            this.btnLogin.Text            = Catalog.GetString(" &Login");
            this.btnCancel.Text           = Catalog.GetString(" &Quit");
            this.chkRememberUserName.Text = Catalog.GetString("&Remember the User ID");
            this.label1.Text          = Catalog.GetString("Initial Login: demo/demo or sysadmin/CHANGEME");
            this.lblPetraVersion.Text = Catalog.GetString("Version");
            this.Text = Catalog.GetString("OpenPetra Login");

            FPetraUtilsObject = new Ict.Petra.Client.CommonForms.TFrmPetraUtils(null, this, null);

            this.Text = StrPetraLoginFormTitle;

            this.lblPetraVersion.Text = Catalog.GetString("Version") + " " + TApplicationVersion.GetApplicationVersion();

            //this.Height = 142;
            //pnlLoginControls.Top = 46;
        private void InitializeManualCode()
            const string APPLICATION_TITLE = "OpenPetra.org ";

            // Currently, only the Main Menu gets an 'OpenPetra styled' StatusBar (an 'OpenPetra styled' StatusBar
            // doesn't go with normal Forms at the moment as pnlContent's BackColor [and UserControls] is white
            // in colour and that doesn't look that good with an 'OpenPetra styled' StatusBar at the bottom).
            stbMain.UseOpenPetraToolStripRenderer = true;

            // this is needed for one screen which should only be displayed if tax deductibility is enabled
            FTaxDeductiblePercentageEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(
                TSystemDefaults.GetSystemDefault(SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_TAXDEDUCTIBLEPERCENTAGE, "FALSE"));



            this.Text = APPLICATION_TITLE + TApplicationVersion.GetApplicationVersion();

            this.KeyDown += CustomKeyDownHandler;