Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// エージェントを1回行動させる
        /// </summary>
        private void ActAgent()
            var locate = new Maze.CellLocate(Agent.CurrentLocate);

            MazeCellViews[locate.X, locate.Y].CellCssClass = CSS_CLASS_PATH;

            double qValue = Agent.Act();

            MazeCellViews[Agent.CurrentLocate.X, Agent.CurrentLocate.Y].CellCssClass = "bg-success";

            if (qValue > 0)
                Maze.Direction direction = Agent.GetMaxQDirection(locate);
                EnvMaze.Cells[locate.X, locate.Y].Text = DirectionSet[direction];
                if (!EnvMaze.Cells[locate.X, locate.Y].IsStart)
                    MazeCellViews[locate.X, locate.Y].Text = DirectionSet[direction];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Update()
            if (!gameIsStart)

            if (gs.EndOfGame)
                if (gs.players[0].PlayerLifeStock > gs.players[1].PlayerLifeStock)
                    winnerId = 0;
                else if (gs.players[0].PlayerLifeStock < gs.players[1].PlayerLifeStock)
                    winnerId = 1;
                    winnerId = -1;

                gameIsStart = false;



            GameStateRules.Step(ref gs, agent1.Act(ref gs, 0), agent2.Act(ref gs, 1));
            GameStateRules.UpdateItems(ref gs);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void GetInput(ref float h, ref float v, ref float s, ref float j, ref float k, ref float l, ref float st)
        //human player
        if (!cpu)
            h  = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal" + controllerName);
            v  = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical" + controllerName);
            s  = Input.GetAxisRaw("Sprint" + controllerName);
            j  = Input.GetAxisRaw("Jump" + controllerName);
            k  = Input.GetAxisRaw("Kick" + controllerName);
            l  = Input.GetAxisRaw("Lift" + controllerName);
            st = Input.GetAxisRaw("Stop" + controllerName);

            //state of the game
            Dictionary <string, double> state = new Dictionary <string, double> {
                { "selfPosX", transform.position.x },
                { "selfPosY", transform.position.y },
                { "otherPosX", otherPlayer.transform.position.x },
                { "otherPosY", otherPlayer.transform.position.y },
                { "ballPosX", gameBall.transform.position.x },
                { "ballPosY", gameBall.transform.position.y },
                { "ballVelX", gameBall.velocity.x },
                { "ballVelY", gameBall.velocity.y }
            //data to be set
            Dictionary <string, double> data = new Dictionary <string, double> {

            agent.Act(state, data);
            h = data.ContainsKey("horizontal") ? (float)data["horizontal"] : 0;
            j = data.ContainsKey("jump") ? (float)data["jump"] : 0;
            s = data.ContainsKey("sprint") ? (float)data["sprint"] : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Train two agents to compete in an adversarial game
        public static void TrainZeroSum(long practiceGames, bool showOutput, Agent agentOne, Agent agentTwo)
            // Report the number of practice games
            if (showOutput)
                Console.WriteLine($"Number of Practice Games: {practiceGames}");

            // Create starting state
            IState       state        = new CheckerState();
            CheckerState checkerState = state as CheckerState;

            // Put agents in training mode

            // Use repeated wins as a benchmark
            bool enoughTraining = false;
            long games          = 0;
            int  ticks          = 0;
            bool dotPrinted     = false;

            // Reset dotPrinted after it has moved on
            Action <object, EventArgs> resetDotPrinted = (object sender, EventArgs e) => dotPrinted = false;

            CheckerState.WhiteWins += resetDotPrinted;
            CheckerState.BlackWins += resetDotPrinted;

            // Begin training progress bar
            if (showOutput)
                Console.Write("[ ");

            // Watch each agent evolve
            while (!enoughTraining)
                // Train the first agent
                checkerState = agentOne.Act(checkerState.SuccessorsBlack) as CheckerState;

                games = agentOne.Victories + agentTwo.Victories + agentOne.Draws;

                // Account for every 1% of progress
                if (games % (practiceGames / 100) == 0 && !dotPrinted)
                    // Update competitiveness at quarters
                    if (ticks % 25 == 0)
                        // Display quarter in progress bar
                        if (showOutput)

                        // Make each agent more competitive
                        agentOne.TrainingMode((100.0 - ticks) / 100.0);
                        agentTwo.TrainingMode((100.0 - ticks) / 100.0);

                    // Update ticks
                    ticks += 1;

                    // Don't include hundredth tick
                    if (ticks < 100 && showOutput)

                    dotPrinted = true;

                // Check if total number of practices have been met
                if (games >= practiceGames)
                    enoughTraining = true;

                // Train the second agent, assuming they are not sufficiently trained
                if (!enoughTraining)
                    checkerState = agentTwo.Act(checkerState.SuccessorsWhite) as CheckerState;

                    games = agentOne.Victories + agentTwo.Victories + agentOne.Draws;

                    // Account for every 1% of progress
                    if (games % (practiceGames / 100) == 0 && !dotPrinted)
                        // Update competitiveness at quarters
                        if (ticks % 25 == 0)
                            // Display quarter in progress bar
                            if (showOutput)

                            // Make each agent more competitive
                            agentOne.TrainingMode((100.0 - ticks) / 100.0);
                            agentTwo.TrainingMode((100.0 - ticks) / 100.0);

                        // Update ticks
                        ticks += 1;

                        // Don't include hundredth tick
                        if (ticks < 100 && showOutput)

                        dotPrinted = true;

                    // Check if total number of practices have been met
                    if (games >= practiceGames)
                        enoughTraining = true;

            // End progress bar
            if (showOutput)
                Console.WriteLine(" ]");

            // Put agents in competitive mode
Ejemplo n.º 5
    IEnumerator Play(Agent agent, DQN.Environment env, int episodeCount = 100, float minEpsillon = 0.05f, bool isTraining = true)
        var actionSize = env.GetActionSize();
        var epsillon   = isTraining ? 1.0f : minEpsillon;

        var rewardQueue = new Queue <float>(100);

        for (int epi = 0; epi < episodeCount; ++epi)

            if (isTraining)
                epsillon = Mathf.Max(minEpsillon, 1.0f - (float)Math.Pow((float)epi / episodeCount, 2.0f));

            float episodeReward = 0.0f;
            var   currentState  = Array.ConvertAll <int, float>(env.GetCurrentState(), x => Convert.ToSingle(x));

            List <int> actions = new List <int>(MaxSteps);

            int t = 0;
            for (t = 0; t < MaxSteps; t++)
                if (t == 0 && (epi % 500 == 0))
                    foreach (var q in agent.GetLocalQValues(currentState, m_device))
                        print("QVAL: " + epi + " " + q);

                var action = agent.Act(currentState, epsillon, actionSize, m_device, !isTraining);


                float reward     = 0.0f;
                bool  isFinished = env.Act((DQN.Environment.Actions)action, out reward);

                episodeReward += reward;

                var nextState = Array.ConvertAll <int, float>(env.GetCurrentState(), x => Convert.ToSingle(x));

                if (isTraining)
                    agent.Observe(currentState, (float)action, reward, nextState, isFinished ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
                    agent.Train(BatchSize, Gamma, m_device);

                if (isFinished)

                currentState = nextState;

            if (isTraining)
                if (epi > BatchSize)

                    if (graphScript != null)

                if ((epi + 1) % EpisodesPerTransfer == 0)

            if ((epi + 1) % PrintInterval == 0)
                float rewardAvg = 0.0f;

                while (rewardQueue.Count > 0)
                    rewardAvg += rewardQueue.Dequeue();

                rewardAvg /= PrintInterval;

                print("Reward: " + (epi + 1) + " " + rewardAvg + " " + isTraining);
                //print("Loss: " + agent.GetTrainingLoss());

            //print("Episode: " + epi);
            yield return(null);

        m_currentCoroutine = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Run()
            if (!quiet)
                Console.WriteLine("RL Checkers");

            IState       state        = new CheckerState();
            CheckerState checkerState = state as CheckerState;

            Agent playerOne = new Agent();
            Agent playerTwo = new Agent();

            // Wire player behaviors to state events
            CheckerState.WireEvents(checkerState, playerOne, playerTwo);

            // Train agents
            if (!useInFile)
                CheckerState.TrainZeroSum(training, !quiet, playerOne, playerTwo);

            // Handle Serialization
            if (useInFile)
                Utilities.ReadInFile(inFile, playerOne, playerTwo);
            if (useOutFile)
                Utilities.WriteOutFile(outFile, playerOne);

            // Determine victory, defeat, and cat's game events
            bool playerTwoVictory = false;
            bool playerTwoDefeat  = false;

            Action <object, EventArgs> declareVictory = (object sender, EventArgs e) => playerTwoVictory = true;
            Action <object, EventArgs> declareDefeat  = (object sender, EventArgs e) => playerTwoDefeat = true;

            CheckerState.WhiteWins += declareVictory;
            CheckerState.BlackWins += declareDefeat;

            // Player competes with computer
            while (!playerTwoVictory && !playerTwoDefeat)
                checkerState = playerOne.Act(checkerState.SuccessorsBlack) as CheckerState;

                if (!playerTwoVictory && !playerTwoDefeat)
                    // Display move options
                    List <IState> options   = checkerState.SuccessorsWhite;
                    int           moveIndex = 0;
                    bool          validMove = false;

                    // Prompt the user
                    while (!validMove)
                            // Receive user input
                            Console.Write("Please select a move: ");
                            moveIndex = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;

                            // If move is not possible, throw exception
                            if (moveIndex < 0 || moveIndex >= options.Count)
                                throw new InvalidMoveException(moveIndex + 1);

                            // If no error was raised, mark the move as valid
                            validMove = true;
                        catch (InvalidMoveException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("; please select from the options listed.");

                    // Assign the state
                    checkerState = options[moveIndex] as CheckerState;

                // Select outcome
                if (playerTwoVictory)
                    Console.WriteLine("Human player wins!");

                if (playerTwoDefeat)
                    Console.WriteLine("Computer wins!");
        public void Run()
            if (!quiet)
                Console.WriteLine("Tic Tac Toe Machine Learning Demonstration");

            // Create starting state
            IState         state    = new TicTacToeState();
            TicTacToeState tttState = state as TicTacToeState;

            // Create players one and two
            Agent playerOne = new Agent();
            Agent playerTwo = new Agent();

            // Wire player behaviors to state events
            TicTacToeState.WireEvents(tttState, playerOne, playerTwo);

            // Conduct training
            if (!useInFile)
                TicTacToeState.TrainZeroSum(training, !quiet, playerOne, playerTwo);

            // Handle serialization
            if (useInFile)
                Utilities.ReadInFile(inFile, playerOne, playerTwo);
            if (useOutFile)
                Utilities.WriteOutFile(outFile, playerOne);

            // Determine victory, defeat, and cat's game events
            bool playerTwoVictory = false;
            Action <object, EventArgs> declareVictory = (object sender, EventArgs e) => playerTwoVictory = true;

            TicTacToeState.PlayerWinsO += declareVictory;

            bool playerTwoDefeat = false;
            Action <object, EventArgs> declareDefeat = (object sender, EventArgs e) => playerTwoDefeat = true;

            TicTacToeState.PlayerWinsX += declareDefeat;

            bool playerTwoDraw = false;
            Action <object, EventArgs> declareDraw = (object sender, EventArgs e) => playerTwoDraw = true;

            TicTacToeState.CatsGame += declareDraw;

            // Player competes with computer
            while (!playerTwoVictory && !playerTwoDraw && !playerTwoDefeat)
                tttState = playerOne.Act(tttState.SuccessorsX) as TicTacToeState;

                // No need to GoalTest if game is over
                if (!playerTwoDraw)

                if (!playerTwoVictory && !playerTwoDraw && !playerTwoDefeat)
                    // Display move options
                    List <IState> options = tttState.SuccessorsO;

                    if (!playerTwoDraw)
                        // Prompt the user
                        Console.Write("Please select a move: ");
                        int moveIndex = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;

                        // Assign the state
                        tttState = options[moveIndex] as TicTacToeState;

                // Select outcome
                if (playerTwoVictory)
                    Console.WriteLine("Human player wins!");

                if (playerTwoDefeat)
                    Console.WriteLine("Computer wins!");

                if (playerTwoDraw)
                    Console.WriteLine("Cat's game!");