Beispiel #1

            public Component_Scene CreateScene(bool enable)

                scene = ComponentUtility.CreateComponent <Component_Scene>(null, true, enable);

                //!!!!что еще отключать?
                scene.OctreeEnabled = false;

                //rendering pipeline
                    var pipeline = (Component_RenderingPipeline)scene.CreateComponent(RenderingSystem.RenderingPipelineDefault, -1, false);
                    scene.RenderingPipeline = pipeline;

                    //!!!!что еще отключать?
                    pipeline.DeferredShading = AutoTrueFalse.False;
                    pipeline.LODRange        = new RangeI(0, 0);
                    //pipeline.UseRenderTargets = false;

                    scene.BackgroundColor = new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                    //scene.BackgroundColor = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

                    scene.BackgroundColorAffectLighting      = 1;
                    scene.BackgroundColorEnvironmentOverride = new ColorValue(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);

                    pipeline.Enabled = true;

                //ambient light
                    var light = scene.CreateComponent <Component_Light>();
                    light.Type       = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Ambient;
                    light.Brightness = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\ProjectSettings.component|PreviewAmbientLightBrightness");
                    //light.Brightness = ProjectSettings.Get.PreviewAmbientLightBrightness.Value;

                //directional light
                    var light = scene.CreateComponent <Component_Light>();
                    light.Type       = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Directional;
                    light.Transform  = new Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.FromDirectionZAxisUp(new Vector3(0, 0, -1)), Vector3.One);
                    light.Brightness = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\ProjectSettings.component|PreviewDirectionalLightBrightness");
                    //light.Brightness = ProjectSettings.Get.PreviewDirectionalLightBrightness.Value;
                    light.Shadows = false;
                    //light.Type = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Point;
                    //light.Transform = new Transform( new Vec3( 0, 0, 2 ), Quat.Identity, Vec3.One );

                scene.ViewportUpdateGetCameraSettings += Scene_ViewportUpdateGetCameraSettings;

                //connect scene to viewport
                if (viewport != null)
                    viewport.AttachedScene = scene;

Beispiel #2
        public static void CreatePreviewObjects(Component_Scene scene, Component_Surface surface)

            var center = Vector3.Zero;

            //!!!!среднее от всех групп
            double minDistanceBetweenObjects;
                var groups = surface.GetComponents <Component_SurfaceGroupOfElements>();
                if (groups.Length != 0)
                    minDistanceBetweenObjects = 0;
                    foreach (var group in groups)
                        minDistanceBetweenObjects += group.MinDistanceBetweenObjects;
                    minDistanceBetweenObjects /= groups.Length;
                    minDistanceBetweenObjects = 1;

            var toolRadius   = minDistanceBetweenObjects * 5; // CreateObjectsBrushRadius;
            var toolStrength = 1.0;                           // CreateObjectsBrushStrength;
            var toolHardness = 0;                             // CreateObjectsBrushHardness;
            var random       = new Random(0);

            double GetHardnessFactor(double length)
                if (length == 0 || length <= toolHardness * toolRadius)
                    double c;
                    if (toolRadius - toolRadius * toolHardness != 0)
                        c = (length - toolRadius * toolHardness) / (toolRadius - toolRadius * toolHardness);
                        c = 0;
                    return((float)Math.Cos(Math.PI / 2 * c));

            //calculate object count
            int count;
                var toolSquare = Math.PI * toolRadius * toolRadius;

                double radius       = minDistanceBetweenObjects / 2;
                double objectSquare = Math.PI * radius * radius;
                if (objectSquare < 0.1)
                    objectSquare = 0.1;

                double maxCount = toolSquare / objectSquare;
                maxCount /= 10;

                count = (int)(toolStrength * (double)maxCount);
                count = Math.Max(count, 1);

                count *= 20;

            var data = new List <Component_GroupOfObjects.Object>(count);

            //create point container to check by MinDistanceBetweenObjects
            PointContainer3D pointContainerFindFreePlace;

                double minDistanceBetweenObjectsMax = 0;
                foreach (var group in surface.GetComponents <Component_SurfaceGroupOfElements>())
                    minDistanceBetweenObjectsMax = Math.Max(minDistanceBetweenObjectsMax, group.MinDistanceBetweenObjects);

                var bounds = new Bounds(center);
                bounds.Expand(toolRadius + minDistanceBetweenObjectsMax);
                pointContainerFindFreePlace = new PointContainer3D(bounds, 100);

            for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
                surface.GetRandomVariation(new Component_Surface.GetRandomVariationOptions(), random, out var groupIndex, out var elementIndex, out var positionZ, out var rotation, out var scale);
                var surfaceGroup = surface.GetGroup(groupIndex);

                Vector3?position = null;

                int counter = 0;
                while (counter < 20)
                    var offset = new Vector2(random.Next(toolRadius * 2) - toolRadius, random.Next(toolRadius * 2) - toolRadius);

                    //check by radius and by hardness
                    var length = offset.Length();
                    if (length <= toolRadius && random.NextDouble() <= GetHardnessFactor(length))
                        var position2 = center.ToVector2() + offset;

                        //var result = Component_Scene_Utility.CalculateObjectPositionZ( Scene, toGroupOfObjects, center.Z, position2, destinationCachedBaseObjects );
                        //if( result.found )

                        var p = new Vector3(position2, 0);                          // result.positionZ );

                        //check by MinDistanceBetweenObjects
                        if (surfaceGroup == null || !pointContainerFindFreePlace.Contains(new Sphere(p, surfaceGroup.MinDistanceBetweenObjects)))
                            //found place to create
                            position = p;



                if (position != null)
                    var objPosition = position.Value + new Vector3(0, 0, positionZ);
                    var objRotation = rotation;
                    var objScale    = scale;

                    var surfaceElement = surfaceGroup.GetElement(elementIndex);

                    var surfaceElementMesh = surfaceElement as Component_SurfaceElement_Mesh;
                    if (surfaceElementMesh != null)
                        var meshInSpace = scene.CreateComponent <Component_MeshInSpace>(enabled: false);
                        meshInSpace.Transform = new Transform(objPosition, objRotation, objScale);

                        //!!!!так копировать?
                        meshInSpace.Mesh = surfaceElementMesh.Mesh;
                        if (meshInSpace.Mesh.Value == null)
                            meshInSpace.Mesh = ResourceUtility.MeshInvalid;

                        //!!!!так копировать?
                        if (surfaceElementMesh.ReplaceMaterial.ReferenceSpecified)
                            meshInSpace.ReplaceMaterial = surfaceElementMesh.ReplaceMaterial;

                        meshInSpace.Enabled = true;

                    //add to point container
                    pointContainerFindFreePlace.Add(ref objPosition);