Beispiel #1
 private void Scene_GetRenderSceneData(Component_Scene scene, ViewportRenderingContext context)
     if (DisplayPath)
Beispiel #2
        void UpdateAttachedScene()
            bool needSceneCreate = false;

            if (createdViewport != null)
                Component_Scene scene = null;
                if (DisplayScene)
                    scene = Scene.ReferenceSpecified ? Scene.Value : ParentScene;

                if (scene != null)
                    var ins        = ComponentUtility.GetResourceInstanceByComponent(scene);
                    var isResource = ins != null && ins.InstanceType == Resource.InstanceType.Resource;

                    if (isResource)
                        scene           = createdScene;
                        needSceneCreate = true;

                createdViewport.AttachedScene = scene;

            if (!needSceneCreate)
Beispiel #3

            public Component_Scene CreateScene(bool enable)

                scene = ComponentUtility.CreateComponent <Component_Scene>(null, true, enable);

                //!!!!что еще отключать?
                scene.OctreeEnabled = false;

                //rendering pipeline
                    var pipeline = (Component_RenderingPipeline)scene.CreateComponent(RenderingSystem.RenderingPipelineDefault, -1, false);
                    scene.RenderingPipeline = pipeline;

                    //!!!!что еще отключать?
                    pipeline.DeferredShading = AutoTrueFalse.False;
                    pipeline.LODRange        = new RangeI(0, 0);
                    //pipeline.UseRenderTargets = false;

                    scene.BackgroundColor = new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                    //scene.BackgroundColor = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

                    scene.BackgroundColorAffectLighting      = 1;
                    scene.BackgroundColorEnvironmentOverride = new ColorValue(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);

                    pipeline.Enabled = true;

                //ambient light
                    var light = scene.CreateComponent <Component_Light>();
                    light.Type       = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Ambient;
                    light.Brightness = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\ProjectSettings.component|PreviewAmbientLightBrightness");
                    //light.Brightness = ProjectSettings.Get.PreviewAmbientLightBrightness.Value;

                //directional light
                    var light = scene.CreateComponent <Component_Light>();
                    light.Type       = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Directional;
                    light.Transform  = new Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.FromDirectionZAxisUp(new Vector3(0, 0, -1)), Vector3.One);
                    light.Brightness = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\ProjectSettings.component|PreviewDirectionalLightBrightness");
                    //light.Brightness = ProjectSettings.Get.PreviewDirectionalLightBrightness.Value;
                    light.Shadows = false;
                    //light.Type = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Point;
                    //light.Transform = new Transform( new Vec3( 0, 0, 2 ), Quat.Identity, Vec3.One );

                scene.ViewportUpdateGetCameraSettings += Scene_ViewportUpdateGetCameraSettings;

                //connect scene to viewport
                if (viewport != null)
                    viewport.AttachedScene = scene;

Beispiel #4
 private void ParentScene_ViewportUpdateBefore(Component_Scene scene, Viewport viewport, Viewport.CameraSettingsClass overrideCameraSettings)
     if (EnabledInHierarchyAndIsNotResource && AutoUpdate && (viewport.LastUpdateTime == lastVisibleTime || viewport.PreviousUpdateTime == lastVisibleTime))
Beispiel #5
 public static void DestroyPreviewObjects(Component_Scene scene)
     foreach (var c in scene.GetComponents <Component_MeshInSpace>())
Beispiel #6
        public static void SetListener(Component_Scene currentScene, Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity, Quaternion rotation)
            bool   newScene   = !ReferenceEquals(listenerCurrentScene, currentScene);
            double saveVolume = 0;

            if (newScene)
                listenerCurrentScene = currentScene;

                saveVolume = MasterChannelGroup.Volume;
                MasterChannelGroup.Volume = 0;

            if (listenerPosition != position || listenerVelocity != velocity || listenerRotation != rotation)
                listenerPosition = position;
                listenerVelocity = velocity;
                listenerRotation = rotation;
                instance.OnSetListener(listenerPosition, listenerVelocity, listenerRotation);

            if (newScene)
                MasterChannelGroup.Volume = saveVolume;
Beispiel #7
		void SceneRecreateIfNeeded( Component_Scene source )
			if( source != null )
				if( createdSceneSource != source )
					SceneCreate( source );
Beispiel #8
 public void DetachAndOrDestroyScene()
     if (scene != null)
         if (viewport != null)
             viewport.AttachedScene = null;
         scene = null;
Beispiel #9
        public static void Physics2DRayTest(this Component_Scene scene, Physics2DRayTestItem[] items)
            var worldData = Physics2DUtility.GetWorldData(scene, false);

            if (worldData != null)

                foreach (var item in items)
                    var result = new List <Physics2DRayTestItem.ResultItem>();

                    var point1 = Physics2DUtility.Convert(item.Ray.Origin);
                    var point2 = Physics2DUtility.Convert(item.Ray.GetEndPoint());

          , p, n, fr) =>
                        if (ShouldCollide(f, item))
                            var shape = f.Tag as Component_CollisionShape2D;
                            if (shape != null)
                                var resultItem           = new Physics2DRayTestItem.ResultItem();
                                resultItem.Body          = shape.ParentRigidBody;
                                resultItem.Shape         = shape;
                                resultItem.Position      = Physics2DUtility.Convert(p);
                                resultItem.Normal        = Physics2DUtility.Convert(n);
                                resultItem.DistanceScale = fr;


                                if (item.Mode == Physics2DRayTestItem.ModeEnum.One)

                    }, point1, point2);

                    RayTest_PostProcess(item, result);
                foreach (var item in items)
                    item.Result = Array.Empty <Physics2DRayTestItem.ResultItem>();
Beispiel #10
        void SceneDestroy()
            if (createdScene != null)
                var destroyedScene = createdScene;

                createdScene       = null;
                createdSceneSource = null;

                SceneDestroyed?.Invoke(this, destroyedScene);

            public Physics2DWorldDataImpl(Component_Scene scene)
                this.scene = scene;

                world = new World();

                //Settings.UseConvexHullPolygons = false;

                Settings.MaxPolygonVertices = 64;

Beispiel #12
		void SceneCreate( Component_Scene source )

			var fileName = ComponentUtility.GetOwnedFileNameOfComponent( source );
			if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileName ) && VirtualFile.Exists( fileName ) )
				createdScene = ResourceManager.LoadSeparateInstance<Component>( fileName, true, null ) as Component_Scene;

			if( createdScene != null )
				SceneCreated?.Invoke( this );

			createdSceneSource = source;
        internal void SoundPlayInit(Component_Scene attachedToScene, Sound sound, SoundChannelGroup group)
            this.attachedToScene = attachedToScene;
            this.sound           = sound;
             = group;

            //if( ( sound.Mode & SoundModes.Stream ) != 0 )
            //	if( sound.playingCount != 1 )
            //		Log.Fatal( "VirtualChannel: SoundPlayInit: sound.playingCount != 1." );
Beispiel #14
        private void Scene_GetRenderSceneData(Component_Scene scene, ViewportRenderingContext context)
            var context2 = context.objectInSpaceRenderingContext;

            bool       display = false;
            ColorValue color   = Color;

            if (VisibleInHierarchy)
                if ((ParentScene.GetDisplayDevelopmentDataInThisApplication() /*&& ParentScene.DisplayLights */) ||
                    context2.selectedObjects.Contains(this) || context2.canSelectObjects.Contains(this) || context2.objectToCreate == this)
                    if (context2.selectedObjects.Contains(this) || context2.canSelectObjects.Contains(this))
                        display = true;
                        if (context2.selectedObjects.Contains(this))
                            color = ProjectSettings.Get.SelectedColor;
                            color = ProjectSettings.Get.CanSelectColor;

                    if (EngineApp.ApplicationType == EngineApp.ApplicationTypeEnum.Editor && DisplayCurveInEditor)
                        display = true;

                if (EngineApp.ApplicationType == EngineApp.ApplicationTypeEnum.Simulation && DisplayCurveInSimulation)
                    display = true;

            if (display)
                Render(context2, color);

            if (!ParentScene.GetDisplayDevelopmentDataInThisApplication())
                context2.disableShowingLabelForThisObject = true;

        static Component_Scene.IPhysics2DWorldData GetPhysics2DWorldDataInit(Component_Scene scene)
            return(new Physics2DWorldDataImpl(scene));
Beispiel #16
        public static void CreatePreviewObjects(Component_Scene scene, Component_Surface surface)

            var center = Vector3.Zero;

            //!!!!среднее от всех групп
            double minDistanceBetweenObjects;
                var groups = surface.GetComponents <Component_SurfaceGroupOfElements>();
                if (groups.Length != 0)
                    minDistanceBetweenObjects = 0;
                    foreach (var group in groups)
                        minDistanceBetweenObjects += group.MinDistanceBetweenObjects;
                    minDistanceBetweenObjects /= groups.Length;
                    minDistanceBetweenObjects = 1;

            var toolRadius   = minDistanceBetweenObjects * 5; // CreateObjectsBrushRadius;
            var toolStrength = 1.0;                           // CreateObjectsBrushStrength;
            var toolHardness = 0;                             // CreateObjectsBrushHardness;
            var random       = new Random(0);

            double GetHardnessFactor(double length)
                if (length == 0 || length <= toolHardness * toolRadius)
                    double c;
                    if (toolRadius - toolRadius * toolHardness != 0)
                        c = (length - toolRadius * toolHardness) / (toolRadius - toolRadius * toolHardness);
                        c = 0;
                    return((float)Math.Cos(Math.PI / 2 * c));

            //calculate object count
            int count;
                var toolSquare = Math.PI * toolRadius * toolRadius;

                double radius       = minDistanceBetweenObjects / 2;
                double objectSquare = Math.PI * radius * radius;
                if (objectSquare < 0.1)
                    objectSquare = 0.1;

                double maxCount = toolSquare / objectSquare;
                maxCount /= 10;

                count = (int)(toolStrength * (double)maxCount);
                count = Math.Max(count, 1);

                count *= 20;

            var data = new List <Component_GroupOfObjects.Object>(count);

            //create point container to check by MinDistanceBetweenObjects
            PointContainer3D pointContainerFindFreePlace;

                double minDistanceBetweenObjectsMax = 0;
                foreach (var group in surface.GetComponents <Component_SurfaceGroupOfElements>())
                    minDistanceBetweenObjectsMax = Math.Max(minDistanceBetweenObjectsMax, group.MinDistanceBetweenObjects);

                var bounds = new Bounds(center);
                bounds.Expand(toolRadius + minDistanceBetweenObjectsMax);
                pointContainerFindFreePlace = new PointContainer3D(bounds, 100);

            for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
                surface.GetRandomVariation(new Component_Surface.GetRandomVariationOptions(), random, out var groupIndex, out var elementIndex, out var positionZ, out var rotation, out var scale);
                var surfaceGroup = surface.GetGroup(groupIndex);

                Vector3?position = null;

                int counter = 0;
                while (counter < 20)
                    var offset = new Vector2(random.Next(toolRadius * 2) - toolRadius, random.Next(toolRadius * 2) - toolRadius);

                    //check by radius and by hardness
                    var length = offset.Length();
                    if (length <= toolRadius && random.NextDouble() <= GetHardnessFactor(length))
                        var position2 = center.ToVector2() + offset;

                        //var result = Component_Scene_Utility.CalculateObjectPositionZ( Scene, toGroupOfObjects, center.Z, position2, destinationCachedBaseObjects );
                        //if( result.found )

                        var p = new Vector3(position2, 0);                          // result.positionZ );

                        //check by MinDistanceBetweenObjects
                        if (surfaceGroup == null || !pointContainerFindFreePlace.Contains(new Sphere(p, surfaceGroup.MinDistanceBetweenObjects)))
                            //found place to create
                            position = p;



                if (position != null)
                    var objPosition = position.Value + new Vector3(0, 0, positionZ);
                    var objRotation = rotation;
                    var objScale    = scale;

                    var surfaceElement = surfaceGroup.GetElement(elementIndex);

                    var surfaceElementMesh = surfaceElement as Component_SurfaceElement_Mesh;
                    if (surfaceElementMesh != null)
                        var meshInSpace = scene.CreateComponent <Component_MeshInSpace>(enabled: false);
                        meshInSpace.Transform = new Transform(objPosition, objRotation, objScale);

                        //!!!!так копировать?
                        meshInSpace.Mesh = surfaceElementMesh.Mesh;
                        if (meshInSpace.Mesh.Value == null)
                            meshInSpace.Mesh = ResourceUtility.MeshInvalid;

                        //!!!!так копировать?
                        if (surfaceElementMesh.ReplaceMaterial.ReferenceSpecified)
                            meshInSpace.ReplaceMaterial = surfaceElementMesh.ReplaceMaterial;

                        meshInSpace.Enabled = true;

                    //add to point container
                    pointContainerFindFreePlace.Add(ref objPosition);
Beispiel #17
            protected virtual void Scene_ViewportUpdateGetCameraSettings(Component_Scene scene, Viewport viewport, ref bool processed)
                //copy from Mesh document window code

                //var camera = scene.CameraEditor.Value;
                var bounds       = scene.CalculateTotalBoundsOfObjectsInSpace();
                var cameraLookTo = bounds.GetCenter();

                double maxGararite = Math.Max(Math.Max(bounds.GetSize().X, bounds.GetSize().Y), bounds.GetSize().Z);
                double distance    = maxGararite * 2;             // 2.3;

                if (distance < 2)
                    distance = 2;

                double             cameraZoomFactor = 1;
                SphericalDirection cameraDirection  = new SphericalDirection(-3.83, -.47);

                var cameraPosition = cameraLookTo - cameraDirection.GetVector() * distance * cameraZoomFactor;
                var center         = cameraLookTo; // GetSceneCenter();

                Vector3 from = cameraPosition;     //center + cameraDirection.GetVector() * cameraDistance;
                Vector3 to   = center;
                Degree  fov  = 65;                 // 75;

                var camera = new Component_Camera();

                //camera.AspectRatio = (double)ViewportControl.Viewport.SizeInPixels.X / (double)ViewportControl.Viewport.SizeInPixels.Y;
                camera.FieldOfView   = fov;
                camera.NearClipPlane = Math.Max(distance / 10000, 0.01);                  //.1;
                camera.FarClipPlane  = Math.Max(1000, distance * 2);

                if (mesh.EditorCameraTransform != null)
                    camera.Transform = mesh.EditorCameraTransform;
                    camera.Transform = new Transform(from, Quaternion.LookAt((to - from).GetNormalize(), Vector3.ZAxis));
                camera.FixedUp = Vector3.ZAxis;

                viewport.CameraSettings = new Viewport.CameraSettingsClass(viewport, camera);

                //if( !cameraMode2D )

                //var cameraPosition = cameraLookTo - cameraDirection.GetVector() * cameraDistance;
                //var center = cameraLookTo;

                //Vector3 from = cameraPosition;//center + cameraDirection.GetVector() * cameraDistance;
                //Vector3 to = center;
                //Degree fov = 40;//!!!! 65;// 75;

                //Component_Camera camera = new Component_Camera();
                //camera.AspectRatio = (double)viewport.SizeInPixels.X / (double)viewport.SizeInPixels.Y;
                //camera.FieldOfView = fov;
                //camera.NearClipPlane = Math.Max( cameraDistance / 10000, 0.01 );//.1;
                //camera.FarClipPlane = Math.Max( 1000, cameraDistance * 2 );

                //camera.Transform = new Transform( from, Quaternion.LookAt( ( to - from ).GetNormalize(), Vector3.ZAxis ) );
                ////camera.Position = from;
                ////camera.Direction = ( to - from ).GetNormalize();

                //camera.FixedUp = Vector3.ZAxis;
                //viewport.CameraSettings = new Viewport.CameraSettingsClass( viewport, camera );

                ////!!!!в методе больше параметров
                //double aspect = (double)viewport.SizeInPixels.X / (double)viewport.SizeInPixels.Y;
                //var settings = new Viewport.CameraSettingsClass( viewport, aspect, fov, .1f, 1000, from, ( to - from ).GetNormalize(), Vec3.ZAxis );
                //viewport.CameraSettings = settings;

                //	var from = cameraLookTo + new Vector3( 0, 0, scene.CameraEditor2DPositionZ );
                //	var to = cameraLookTo;

                //	Component_Camera camera = new Component_Camera();
                //	camera.AspectRatio = (double)viewport.SizeInPixels.X / (double)viewport.SizeInPixels.Y;
                //	camera.NearClipPlane = 0.01;// Math.Max( cameraInitialDistance / 10000, 0.01 );//.1;
                //	camera.FarClipPlane = 1000;// Math.Max( 1000, cameraInitialDistance * 2 );
                //	camera.Transform = new Transform( from, Quaternion.LookAt( ( to - from ).GetNormalize(), Vector3.YAxis ) );
                //	camera.Projection = ProjectionType.Orthographic;
                //	camera.FixedUp = Vector3.YAxis;
                //	//!!!!need consider size by X
                //	camera.Height = cameraInitBounds.GetSize().Y * 1.4;

                //	viewport.CameraSettings = new Viewport.CameraSettingsClass( viewport, camera );

                processed = true;
 public static Physics2DWorldDataImpl GetWorldData(Component_Scene scene, bool canInit)
     return((Physics2DWorldDataImpl)scene.Physics2DGetWorldData(canInit, GetPhysics2DWorldDataInit));
Beispiel #19

        public static void PerformGetRenderSceneData(Component_Scene obj, ViewportRenderingContext context)
        public static (bool found, double positionZ) CalculateObjectPositionZ(Component_Scene scene, Component_GroupOfObjects toGroupOfObjects, double defaultPositionZ, Vector2 position, List <Component> destinationCachedBaseObjects = null)
            var ray = new Ray(new Vector3(position, defaultPositionZ + 10000), new Vector3(0, 0, -20000));

            if (toGroupOfObjects != null)
                //when destination != null

                double?maxPositionZ = null;

                var baseObjects = destinationCachedBaseObjects ?? toGroupOfObjects.GetBaseObjects();
                foreach (var baseObject in baseObjects)
                    var terrain = baseObject as Component_Terrain;
                    if (terrain != null)
                        if (terrain.GetBounds2().Contains(position))
                            var height = terrain.GetHeight(position, false);
                            if (maxPositionZ == null || height > maxPositionZ.Value)
                                maxPositionZ = height;

                    //mesh in space
                    var meshInSpace = baseObject as Component_MeshInSpace;
                    if (meshInSpace != null)
                        if (meshInSpace.RayCast(ray, Component_Mesh.CompiledData.RayCastMode.Auto, out var scale, out _))
                            var height = ray.GetPointOnRay(scale).Z;
                            if (maxPositionZ == null || height > maxPositionZ.Value)
                                maxPositionZ = height;

                    //group of objects
                    var groupOfObjects = baseObject as Component_GroupOfObjects;
                    if (groupOfObjects != null)

                if (maxPositionZ != null)
                    return(true, maxPositionZ.Value);
                //when destination == null
                var result = CalculateCreateObjectPositionByRay(scene, null, ray, false);
                if (result.found)
                    return(true, result.position.Z);

            return(false, defaultPositionZ);
        //!!!!подобное для Brush режима
        //public delegate void CalculateCreateObjectPositionUnderCursorEventDelegate( Component_ObjectInSpace objectInSpace, ref bool found, ref Vector3 position );
        //public static event CalculateCreateObjectPositionUnderCursorEventDelegate CalculateCreateObjectPositionUnderCursorEvent;

        //public class CalculateCreateObjectPositionByRayResult
        //	public bool Found;
        //	public Vector3 Position;
        //	public Component_ObjectInSpace CollidedWith;
        //	public Vector3F Normal;

        public static (bool found, Vector3 position, Component_ObjectInSpace collidedWith) CalculateCreateObjectPositionByRay(Component_Scene scene, Component_ObjectInSpace objectInSpace, Ray ray, bool allowSnap)
            //var viewport = ViewportControl.Viewport;

            //Vector2 mouse;
            //if( overrideMouse.HasValue )
            //	mouse = overrideMouse.Value;
            //	mouse = viewport.MousePosition;
            //	if( !new Rectangle( 0, 0, 1, 1 ).Contains( mouse ) )
            //		mouse = new Vector2( 0.5, 0.5 );

            //Ray ray;
            //if( overrideRay.HasValue )
            //	ray = overrideRay.Value;
            //	ray = viewport.CameraSettings.GetRayByScreenCoordinates( mouse );
            //!!!!? clamp max distance
            //ray.Direction = ray.Direction.GetNormalize() * 100;

            //!!!!можно конвекс форму делать вместо бокса
            Bounds localBounds = new Bounds();

            if (objectInSpace != null)
                //particle system specific
                if (!(objectInSpace is Component_ParticleSystemInSpace))
                    localBounds = objectInSpace.SpaceBounds.CalculatedBoundingBox - objectInSpace.Transform.Value.Position;
            if (localBounds.GetSize().X < 0.001)
                localBounds.Expand(new Vector3(0.001, 0, 0));
            if (localBounds.GetSize().Y < 0.001)
                localBounds.Expand(new Vector3(0, 0.001, 0));
            if (localBounds.GetSize().Z < 0.001)
                localBounds.Expand(new Vector3(0, 0, 0.001));

            double resultMinScale = 1.01;
            Component_ObjectInSpace resultMinScaleCollidedWith = null;

            if (objectInSpace != null)
                //when objectInSpace != null

                Plane[] planes;
                    var b1     = localBounds + ray.Origin;
                    var b2     = b1 + ray.Direction;
                    var points = CollectionUtility.Merge(b1.ToPoints(), b2.ToPoints());
                    ConvexHullAlgorithm.Create(points, out planes);

                var item = new Component_Scene.GetObjectsInSpaceItem(Component_Scene.GetObjectsInSpaceItem.CastTypeEnum.All, null, true, planes);

                foreach (var resultItem in item.Result)
                    if (objectInSpace != resultItem.Object && !resultItem.Object.GetAllParents(false).Contains(objectInSpace))
                        //mesh in space
                        if (resultItem.Object is Component_MeshInSpace meshInSpace)
                            Vector3[] verticesFull;
                            int[]     indices;
                                var b1     = localBounds + ray.Origin;
                                var b2     = b1 + ray.Direction;
                                var points = CollectionUtility.Merge(b1.ToPoints(), b2.ToPoints());
                                ConvexHullAlgorithm.Create(points, out verticesFull, out indices);

                            if (meshInSpace._Intersects(verticesFull, indices))
                                double minScale = 1.01;

                                double currentScale = 0.5;
                                const double threshold = 0.00001;

                                double step = 0.25;
                                while (step > threshold)
                                    Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[verticesFull.Length];
                                    for (int n = 0; n < vertices.Length; n++)
                                        vertices[n] = verticesFull[n] - ray.Direction + ray.Direction * currentScale;
                                    //Vector3[] vertices;
                                    //int[] indices;
                                    //	var b1 = localBounds + ray.Origin;
                                    //	var b2 = b1 + ray.Direction * currentScale;
                                    //	var points = CollectionUtility.Merge( b1.ToPoints(), b2.ToPoints() );
                                    //	ConvexHullAlgorithm.Create( points, out vertices, out indices );

                                    bool intersects = meshInSpace._Intersects(vertices, indices);

                                    if (!intersects)
                                        minScale = currentScale;

                                    if (intersects)
                                        currentScale -= step;
                                        currentScale += step;
                                    step /= 2;

                                if (minScale <= 1 && minScale < resultMinScale)
                                    resultMinScale             = minScale;
                                    resultMinScaleCollidedWith = meshInSpace;

                        //!!!!какие еще
                //when objectInSpace == null

                var item = new Component_Scene.GetObjectsInSpaceItem(Component_Scene.GetObjectsInSpaceItem.CastTypeEnum.All, null, true, ray);

                foreach (var resultItem in item.Result)
                    //mesh in space
                    if (resultItem.Object is Component_MeshInSpace meshInSpace)
                        if (meshInSpace.RayCast(ray, Component_Mesh.CompiledData.RayCastMode.Auto, out var scale, out var triangleIndex))
                            if (scale <= 1 && scale < resultMinScale)
                                resultMinScale             = scale;
                                resultMinScaleCollidedWith = meshInSpace;
                                //if( triangleIndex != -1 )

                    //!!!!какие еще

            bool    found;
            Vector3 pos;

            if (resultMinScale <= 1)
                found = true;
                pos   = ray.GetPointOnRay(resultMinScale);
                found = false;
                pos   = ray.Origin + ray.Direction.GetNormalize() * Math.Max(localBounds.GetBoundingSphere().Radius, 1) * 20;

            //snap for 2D mode
            if (scene.Mode.Value == Component_Scene.ModeEnum._2D)
                pos.Z = Math.Ceiling(pos.Z);

            if (allowSnap)
                double snap;

                //if( Form.ModifierKeys.HasFlag( Keys.Control ) )
                snap = ProjectSettings.Get.SceneEditorStepMovement;
                //	snap = 0;
                if (snap != 0)
                    Vector3 snapVec = new Vector3(snap, snap, snap);
                    pos += snapVec / 2;
                    pos /= snapVec;
                    pos  = new Vector3I((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, (int)pos.Z).ToVector3();
                    pos *= snapVec;

            //CalculateCreateObjectPositionUnderCursorEvent?.Invoke( objectInSpace, ref found, ref pos );

            return(found, pos, resultMinScaleCollidedWith);
            //objectToTransform.Transform = new Transform( pos, objectToTransform.Transform.Value.Rotation, objectToTransform.Transform.Value.Scale );
            //	var localBounds = objectInSpace.SpaceBounds.CalculatedBoundingBox - objectInSpace.Transform.Value.Position;

            //	//disable object to disable collisions
            //	var disable = ContainsPhysicsBodies( objectInSpace );
            //	if( disable )
            //		objectInSpace.Enabled = false;

            //	//!!!!contact group
            //	PhysicsConvexSweepTestItem castItem = new PhysicsConvexSweepTestItem( Matrix4.FromTranslate( ray.Origin ),
            //		Matrix4.FromTranslate( ray.Origin + ray.Direction ), 1, -1, PhysicsConvexSweepTestItem.ModeEnum.OneClosest, localBounds );
            //	Scene.PhysicsConvexSweepTest( new PhysicsConvexSweepTestItem[] { castItem } );

            //	//restore disabled object
            //	if( disable )
            //		objectInSpace.Enabled = true;

            //	Vector3 pos;
            //	if( castItem.Result.Length != 0 )
            //		pos = castItem.Result[ 0 ].Position;
            //	else
            //	{
            //		pos = ray.Origin + ray.Direction.GetNormalize() * Math.Max( localBounds.GetBoundingSphere().Radius, 1 ) * 20;
            //	}

            //	objectInSpace.Transform = new Transform( pos, objectInSpace.Transform.Value.Rotation, objectInSpace.Transform.Value.Scale );
Beispiel #22
 public static void Physics2DContactTest(this Component_Scene scene, Physics2DContactTestItem item)
     Physics2DContactTest(scene, new Physics2DContactTestItem[] { item });
Beispiel #23
        public Component_Import3D CreateForPreviewDisplay(Component_Scene scene, out bool onlyOneMaterial, out Dictionary <Component_Mesh, Transform> transformBySourceMesh)
            onlyOneMaterial       = false;
            transformBySourceMesh = new Dictionary <Component_Mesh, Transform>();

            var createdObject = (Component_Import3D)Clone();

            createdObject.Name = "Import3D";

            //create MeshInSpace for one mesh
                var mesh = createdObject.GetComponent("Mesh") as Component_Mesh;
                if (mesh != null)
                    var objectInSpace = createdObject.CreateComponent <Component_MeshInSpace>();
                    objectInSpace.Mesh = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference <Component_Mesh>(null, ReferenceUtility.CalculateThisReference(objectInSpace, mesh));

            //create meshes in space for Meshes
                var sourceMeshesGroup         = GetComponent("Meshes");
                Component_Mesh[] sourceMeshes = null;
                if (sourceMeshesGroup != null)
                    sourceMeshes = sourceMeshesGroup.GetComponents <Component_Mesh>();

                var createdMeshesGroup = createdObject.GetComponent("Meshes");
                if (createdMeshesGroup != null)
                    var createdMeshes = createdMeshesGroup.GetComponents <Component_Mesh>();

                    var positions = new Vector3[createdMeshes.Length];
                        if (sourceMeshesGroup != null)
                            double maxSizeY = 0;
                            foreach (var sourceMesh in sourceMeshesGroup.GetComponents <Component_Mesh>())
                                if (sourceMesh.Result != null)
                                    var bounds = sourceMesh.Result.SpaceBounds.CalculatedBoundingBox;
                                    var sizeY  = bounds.GetSize().Y;
                                    if (sizeY > maxSizeY)
                                        maxSizeY = sizeY;
                            var step      = maxSizeY * 1.2;
                            var totalSize = (double)(createdMeshes.Length - 1) * step;

                            for (int n = 0; n < createdMeshes.Length; n++)
                                var positionY = (double)n * step - totalSize / 2;
                                positions[n] = new Vector3(0, positionY, 0);

                    for (int n = 0; n < createdMeshes.Length; n++)
                        var createdMesh = createdMeshes[n];

                        var transform = new Transform(positions[n], Quaternion.Identity);

                        var objectInSpace = createdObject.CreateComponent <Component_MeshInSpace>();
                        objectInSpace.Transform = transform;
                        objectInSpace.Mesh      = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference <Component_Mesh>(null, ReferenceUtility.CalculateThisReference(objectInSpace, createdMesh));

                        if (sourceMeshes != null && sourceMeshes.Length == createdMeshes.Length)
                            transformBySourceMesh[sourceMeshes[n]] = transform;

            //create MeshInSpace for only one material
                var material = createdObject.GetComponent("Material") as Component_Material;
                if (material != null)
                    var mesh = ProjectSettings.Get.MaterialPreviewMesh.Value;
                    if (mesh != null)
                        var objectInSpace = createdObject.CreateComponent <Component_MeshInSpace>();
                        objectInSpace.Mesh = mesh;

                        objectInSpace.ReplaceMaterial = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference <Component_Material>(null, ReferenceUtility.CalculateThisReference(objectInSpace, material));

                        onlyOneMaterial = true;

Beispiel #24
        public static SoundVirtualChannel SoundPlay(Component_Scene attachedToScene, Sound sound, SoundChannelGroup group, double priority, bool paused = false)
            if (sound == null)

            //if( ( sound.Mode & SoundModes.Loop ) == 0 && ( sound.Mode & SoundModes.Stream ) == 0 )
            //	if( attachedToScene != null && listenerCurrentScene != attachedToScene )
            //		return null;

            //if( ( sound.Mode & SoundModes.Loop ) == 0 && ( sound.Mode & SoundModes.Stream ) == 0 )
            //	List<RealChannel> realChannels = ( sound.Mode & SoundModes.Mode3D ) != 0 ? real3DChannels : real2DChannels;

            //	bool allowPlay = false;
            //	for( int n = 0; n < realChannels.Count; n++ )
            //	{
            //		VirtualChannel c = realChannels[ n ].CurrentVirtualChannel;
            //		if( c == null || c.Priority < priority )
            //		{
            //			allowPlay = true;
            //			break;
            //		}
            //	}
            //	if( !allowPlay )
            //		return null;

            //priority = MathEx.Saturate( priority );

            //if( ( sound.Mode & SoundModes.Stream ) != 0 )
            //	if( sound.playingCount == 1 )
            //	{
            //		Log.Warning( "SoundSystem: It is impossible to play simultaneously more one channel stream sound." );
            //		return null;
            //	}

            if (group == null)
                group = MasterChannelGroup;

            SoundVirtualChannel virtualChannel = new SoundVirtualChannel();

            if ((sound.Mode & SoundModes.Mode3D) != 0)
                if (activeVirtual3DChannels.Count > 2048)
                    Log.Info("SoundSystem: Quantity of active 3D channels > 2048.");
                if (activeVirtual2DChannels.Count > 2048)
                    Log.Info("SoundSystem: Quantity of active 2D channels > 2048.");

            virtualChannel.SoundPlayInit(attachedToScene, sound, group);
            virtualChannel.Priority = priority;

            if (!paused)
                virtualChannel.Pause = false;

Beispiel #25

        public static void Physics2DContactTest(this Component_Scene scene, Physics2DContactTestItem[] items)
            var worldData = Physics2DUtility.GetWorldData(scene, false);

            if (worldData != null)
                foreach (var item in items)
                    var aabb     = new AABB(Physics2DUtility.Convert(item.Bounds.Minimum), Physics2DUtility.Convert(item.Bounds.Maximum));
                    var fixtures = aabb);

                    var result = new List <Physics2DContactTestItem.ResultItem>(fixtures.Count);

                    bool Contains(Component_PhysicalBody2D body, Component_CollisionShape2D shape)
                        for (int n = 0; n < result.Count; n++)
                            if (result[n].Body == body && result[n].Shape == shape)

                    PolygonShape polygonShape = null;
                    if (item.Convex != null)
                        var vertices = new Vertices(item.Convex.Length);
                        foreach (var p in item.Convex)
                        polygonShape = new PolygonShape(vertices, 0);

                    foreach (var fixture in fixtures)
                        if (ShouldCollide(fixture, item))
                            bool skip = false;

                            if (polygonShape != null)
                                fixture.Body.GetTransform(out var bodyTransform);

                                var identity = tainicom.Aether.Physics2D.Common.Transform.Identity;
                                if (!Collision.TestOverlap(polygonShape, 0, fixture.Shape, 0, ref identity, ref bodyTransform))
                                    skip = true;

                            if (!skip)
                                var shape = fixture.Tag as Component_CollisionShape2D;
                                if (shape != null)
                                    var body = shape.ParentRigidBody;
                                    if (!Contains(body, shape))
                                        var resultItem = new Physics2DContactTestItem.ResultItem();
                                        resultItem.Body  = body;
                                        resultItem.Shape = shape;

                                        if (item.Mode == Physics2DContactTestItem.ModeEnum.One)

                    item.Result = result.ToArray();
                foreach (var item in items)
                    item.Result = Array.Empty <Physics2DContactTestItem.ResultItem>();