private bool Gjk(Collider colliderA, Collider colliderB, out ContactData contactData)
            contactData = default;
            Vec3f a, b, c, d;
            Vec3f Asa, Asb, Asc, Asd, Bsa, Bsb, Bsc, Bsd;

            a   = b = c = d = Vec3f.Zero;
            Asa = Asb = Asc = Asd = Vec3f.Zero;
            Bsa = Bsb = Bsc = Bsd = Vec3f.Zero;
            Vec3f searchDir = colliderA.localCentroid - colliderB.localCentroid;

            CsoSupport(colliderB, colliderA, searchDir, out c, out Asc, out Bsc);
            searchDir = -c;

            CsoSupport(colliderB, colliderA, searchDir, out b, out Asb, out Bsb);

            if (Vec3f.Dot(b, searchDir) < 0)

            Vec3f bc = c - b;

            searchDir = Vec3f.Cross(Vec3f.Cross(bc, -b), bc); //search perpendicular to line segment towards origin
            if (searchDir.SqrMagnitude < MathUtils.Epsilon)
                searchDir = Vec3f.Cross(bc, Vec3f.Right); //normal with x-axis
                if (Vec3f.Aproximates(searchDir, Vec3f.Zero))
                    searchDir = Vec3f.Cross(bc, -Vec3f.Forward);                                           //normal with z-axis

            int simplexDimension = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                CsoSupport(colliderB, colliderA, searchDir, out a, out Asa, out Bsa);
                if (Vec3f.Dot(a, searchDir) < 0)

                if (simplexDimension == 3)
                    UpdateSimplex3(ref a, ref b, ref c, ref d, ref simplexDimension, ref searchDir, ref Asa, ref Asb, ref Asc, ref Asd
                                   , ref Bsa, ref Bsb, ref Bsc, ref Bsd);
                else if (UpdateSimplex4(ref a, ref b, ref c, ref d, ref simplexDimension, ref searchDir, ref Asa, ref Asb, ref Asc, ref Asd
                                        , ref Bsa, ref Bsb, ref Bsc, ref Bsd))
                    contactData = Epa(colliderA, colliderB, a, b, c, d, Asa, Asb, Asc, Asd, Bsa, Bsb, Bsc, Bsd);
Beispiel #2
        public static Quatf operator *(Quatf lhs, Quatf rhs)
            Vec3f lxyz = lhs.XYZ;
            Vec3f rxyz = rhs.XYZ;

            return(new Quatf(
                       (rhs.w * lxyz) + (lhs.w * rxyz) + Vec3f.Cross(lxyz, rxyz),
                       (lhs.w * rhs.w) - Vec3f.Dot(lxyz, rxyz)));
Beispiel #3
        public Vec3f Normal(int edgeIdx)
            Vec3f d1 = GetEdgeDelta(edgeIdx);
            Vec3f d2 = GetEdgeDelta(Next(edgeIdx));

            Vec3f norm = Vec3f.Cross(d1, d2);

        public static Vec3f operator *(Quatf q, Vec3f v)
            var QuatVector = new Vec3f(q.x, q.y, q.z);
            var uv         = Vec3f.Cross(QuatVector, v);
            var uuv        = Vec3f.Cross(QuatVector, uv);

            uv  *= (2.0f * q.w);
            uuv *= 2.0f;

            return(v + uv + uuv);
Beispiel #5
        public static bool ContainsPoint(Vec3f a, Vec3f b, Vec3f c, Vec3f point)
            a -= point;
            b -= point;
            c -= point;

            Vec3f u = Vec3f.Cross(b, c);
            Vec3f v = Vec3f.Cross(c, a);
            Vec3f w = Vec3f.Cross(a, b);

            return(Vec3f.Dot(u, v) >= 0f && Vec3f.Dot(u, w) > 0f);
Beispiel #6
        public Vec3f Normal(int vIdx1, int vIdx2, int vIdx3)
            var v1 = Points[vIdx1];
            var v2 = Points[vIdx2];
            var v3 = Points[vIdx3];

            Vec3f d1 = v2 - v1;
            Vec3f d2 = v3 - v1;

            Vec3f norm = Vec3f.Cross(d1, d2);

Beispiel #7
        public ContactData(Vec3f worldPointA, Vec3f localPointA, Vec3f worldPointB, Vec3f localPointB, Vec3f normal, float depth)
            this.localPointA = localPointA;
            this.localPointB = localPointB;
            this.worldPointA = worldPointA;
            this.worldPointB = worldPointB;
            this.depth       = depth;
            this.normal      = normal;

            if (normal.x >= 0.57735f)
                tang1 = new Vec3f(normal.y, -normal.x, 0);
                tang1 = new Vec3f(0.0f, normal.z, -normal.y);

            tang2 = Vec3f.Cross(normal, tang1);
Beispiel #8
        public bool SameDirEdges(int edge1, int edge2)
            Vec3f d1 = GetEdgeDelta(edge1);
            Vec3f d2 = GetEdgeDelta(edge2);

            if (Vec3f.Dot(d1, d2) < 0)

            float c = Vec3f.Cross(d1, d2).MagnitudeSqrd();

            const float kEdgeThresh = 0.01f;

            if (c >= kEdgeThresh * kEdgeThresh)
Beispiel #9
 public Plane(Vec3f a, Vec3f b, Vec3f c)
     normal   = Vec3f.Cross(a - b, a - c).Normalized();
     distance = Vec3f.Dot(normal, a);
Beispiel #10
 public Vec3f GetNormal() => Vec3f.Cross(b - a, c - a).Normalized();