Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to continually recieve data, after everything has been loaded in and drawn initially.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        private void ReceiveWorld(SocketState state)
            //If the conncetion was lost
            if (state.getID() == -1 || state.theSocket == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Connection with host was lost.", "Connection Failure", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign);
                this.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                    NameTextBox.Enabled = true;

                    ServerIPTextBox.Enabled = true;

                    ConnectButton.Enabled = true;

            //save the string to read in our data
            string message =;

            SnakeUtilities.Snake newSnake = null;
            SnakeUtilities.Food  newFood  = null;

            bool worldChange = false;

            string jsObj = null;

            //Used to seperate each line into our message array.
            string[] remove = { "\n" };

                // Console.WriteLine(;

                //Split the message in the sb, and deserialize the json objects.
                string[] theMsg = message.Split(remove, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                //used to determine how much we should read.
                int totalMsg = theMsg.Length;

                //If the end of the message is not complete, we do not want to process it yet.
                if ([ - 1] != '\n')

                //Loop through each obj in the message until complete.
                for (int iter = 0; iter < totalMsg; iter++)
                    jsObj = theMsg[iter];


                    //If the message is contained in braces, it is a valid Json
                    if (jsObj[0] == '{' && jsObj[jsObj.Length - 1] == '}')
                        Console.WriteLine("JSON:" + jsObj);
                        //Parse the message and check for the attributes
                        JObject findAttr = JObject.Parse(jsObj);

                        JToken verts = findAttr["vertices"];

                        JToken foodloc = findAttr["loc"];

                        JToken removesnake = findAttr["rem"];

                        //Check if msg was a vertice or not
                        if (verts != null)
                            newSnake = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SnakeUtilities.Snake>(theMsg[iter]);
                            //    Console.WriteLine(theMsg[iter]);
                        //Check if msg was a food or not
                        if (foodloc != null)
                            newFood = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SnakeUtilities.Food>(jsObj);
                            //   Console.WriteLine(theMsg[iter]);

                        if (removesnake != null)
                            var    dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(jsObj);
                            string tid  = dict["ID"];

                            int tempid;

                            if (Int32.TryParse(tid, out tempid))
                                Console.WriteLine("Removing from client world:" + tempid);

                                if (world.getAllSnakes().ContainsKey(tempid))

                        //Lock here due to drawing -- source of crazy race condition and weird bug with writing the json message to console.
                        lock (
                            if (newFood != null)
                                worldChange = true;

                                //Add food or delete it from world
                                if (newFood.isFoodAlive())
                                    //Set in our food dictionary
                                    world.getAllFood()[newFood.getID()] = newFood;
                                    //Remove from food dictionary so it is no longer redrawn.
                            if (newSnake != null)
                                worldChange = true;
                                //Check if snake is alive or dead, then set it accordingly
                                if (newSnake.isSnakeAlive())
                                    world.getAllSnakes()[newSnake.getID()] = newSnake;

                        //Only remove if the message was indeed processed correctly
              , jsObj.Length + 1);
                        //Console.WriteLine("MSG RET:" + theMsg[iter]);

                        if (theMsg[iter].Equals("!DIED!"))
                            this.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                                RespawnButton.Enabled = true;

              , theMsg[iter].Length + 1);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION:" + e.Message);

            //Only draw the panel if the world was changed in some form. Used specifically to not waste time invalidating the screen if the message was empty.
            if (worldChange)
                this.Invoke((Action)(() =>


            //Recieve more data.