void Start()
     rb        = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     fireAudio = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     mKalmanX  = new KalmanFilter(Input.acceleration.x);
     mKalmanY  = new KalmanFilter(Input.acceleration.y);
Beispiel #2
        public void KalmanFilter()
            mousePoints   = new List <PointF>();
            kalmanPoints  = new List <PointF>();
            kal           = new KalmanFilter(4, 2, 0);
            syntheticData = new SyntheticData();
            Matrix <float> state = new Matrix <float>(new float[]
                0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f

             * kal.CorrectedState = state;
             * kal.TransitionMatrix = syntheticData.transitionMatrix;
             * kal.MeasurementNoiseCovariance = syntheticData.measurementNoise;
             * kal.ProcessNoiseCovariance = syntheticData.processNoise;
             * kal.ErrorCovariancePost = syntheticData.errorCovariancePost;
             * kal.MeasurementMatrix = syntheticData.measurementMatrix;
            syntheticData.transitionMatrix.Mat.CopyTo(kal.TransitionMatrix);    // kal.TransitionMatrix = syntheticData.transitionMatrix;
            syntheticData.measurementNoise.Mat.CopyTo(kal.MeasurementNoiseCov); // kal.MeasurementNoiseCovariance = syntheticData.measurementNoise;
            syntheticData.processNoise.Mat.CopyTo(kal.ProcessNoiseCov);         // kal.ProcessNoiseCovariance = syntheticData.processNoise;
            syntheticData.errorCovariancePost.Mat.CopyTo(kal.ErrorCovPost);     // kal.ErrorCovariancePost = syntheticData.errorCovariancePost;
            syntheticData.measurementMatrix.Mat.CopyTo(kal.MeasurementMatrix);  // kal.MeasurementMatrix = syntheticData.measurementMatrix;
Beispiel #3
    void Awake()
        skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;
        if (skeletonController != null)
            playerId = skeletonController.playerId;
            Debug.LogError("The public variable 'Skeleton Controller' is not assigned! Using skeleton "
                           + "#0 as the torso position source.");

        if (gameObject.transform.parent != null)
            if (gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <RUISKinectAndMecanimCombiner>())
                kinectAndMecanimCombinerExists = true;

        capsuleCollider         = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
        defaultColliderHeight   = capsuleCollider.height;
        defaultColliderPosition = transform.localPosition;

        positionKalman = new KalmanFilter();
        positionKalman.initialize(3, 3);
        positionKalman.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
Beispiel #4
        public KalmanTracking3D(Track t, double ErrorX, double ErrorY, double ErrorZ, double ErrorSx, double ErrorSy,
                                double NoiseX, double NoiseY, double NoiseSx, double NoiseSy)
            //Assignment to private variables
            m_Track   = t;
            m_ErrorX  = ErrorX;
            m_ErrorY  = ErrorY;
            m_ErrorZ  = ErrorZ;
            m_ErrorSx = ErrorSx;
            m_ErrorSy = ErrorSy;
            m_NoiseX  = NoiseX;
            m_NoiseY  = NoiseY;
            m_NoiseSx = NoiseSx;
            m_NoiseSy = NoiseSy;
            kf        = new KalmanFilter();
            m_fp      = new double[6, 6];
            m_bp      = new double[6, 6];
            m_mc      = new double[5, 5] {
                { ErrorX, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, ErrorSx, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, ErrorY, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, ErrorSy, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, ErrorZ }
            m_nc = new double[6, 6] {
                { NoiseX, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, NoiseSx, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, NoiseY, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, NoiseSy, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
            m_st = new double[5, 6] {
                { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }
            m_fc = new double[6, 6] {
                { 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01 }

Beispiel #5
 public SimpleKalmanTracking(double ErrorX, double ErrorY, double ErrorSx, double ErrorSy,
                             double NoiseX, double NoiseY, double NoiseSx, double NoiseSy, double ProjectionZ)
     //Assignment to private variables
     m_ProjectionZ = ProjectionZ;
     m_ErrorX      = ErrorX;
     m_ErrorY      = ErrorY;
     m_ErrorSx     = ErrorSx;
     m_ErrorSy     = ErrorSy;
     m_NoiseX      = NoiseX;
     m_NoiseY      = NoiseY;
     m_NoiseSx     = NoiseSx;
     m_NoiseSy     = NoiseSy;
     kf            = new KalmanFilter();
     m_fp          = new double[4, 4];
     m_bp          = new double[4, 4];
     m_mc          = new double[4, 4] {
         { ErrorX, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, ErrorSx, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, ErrorY, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, ErrorSy }
     m_nc = new double[4, 4] {
         { NoiseX, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, NoiseSx, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, NoiseY, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, NoiseSy }
     m_st = new double[4, 4] {
         { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }
     m_fc = new double[4, 4] {
         { 0.01, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.01, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0.01, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0.01 }
Beispiel #6
        public void TestKalman()
            double[] measurements = new double[] { 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 };
            double[] motion       = new double[] { 1, 1, 2, 1, 1 };

            double mu    = 0;
            double sigma = 1000;

            double measureSigma = 4.0;
            double motionSig    = 2.0;

            double[] expectedUpdateMu     = new double[] { 4.98, 5.992, 6.996, 8.998, 9.999 };
            double[] expectedPredictMu    = new double[] { 5.98, 6.992, 8.996, 9.998, 10.999 };
            double[] expectedUpdateSigma  = new double[] { 3.984, 2.397, 2.095, 2.023, 2.005 };
            double[] expectedPredictSigma = new double[] { 5.984, 4.397, 4.095, 4.023, 4.006 };

            KalmanFilter k = new KalmanFilter(new Gaussian(mu, sigma));

            for (int i = 0; i < measurements.Length; i++)
                k.Update(measurements[i], measureSigma);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpdateMu[i], k.Mu, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpdateSigma[i], k.Sigma, 0.001);

                k.Predict(motion[i], motionSig);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedPredictMu[i], k.Mu, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedPredictSigma[i], k.Sigma, 0.001);
        private void initializeKalman()
            float accelNoise       = (float)numProcessNoise.Value;
            float measurementNoise = (float)numMeasurementNoise.Value;

            var measurementDimension = 2;                              //just coordinates

            var initialState      = process.GetNoisyState(accelNoise); //assuming we measured process params (noise)
            var initialStateError = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(accelNoise);

            kalman = new DiscreteKalmanFilter <ModelState, PointF>(initialState, initialStateError,
                                                                   measurementDimension /*(position)*/, 0 /*no control*/,
                                                                   x => ModelState.ToArray(x), x => ModelState.FromArray(x), x => new double[] { x.X, x.Y });

            kalman.ProcessNoise     = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(accelNoise);
            kalman.MeasurementNoise = Matrix.Diagonal <double>(kalman.MeasurementVectorDimension, measurementNoise).ElementwisePower(2); //assuming we measured process params (noise) - ^2 => variance

            kalman.MeasurementMatrix = new double[, ]                                                                                    //just pick point coordinates for an observation [2 x 4] (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                //X,  vX, Y,  vY (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                { 1, 0, 0, 0 },      //picks X
                { 0, 0, 1, 0 }       //picks Y

            kalman.TransitionMatrix = ModelState.GetTransitionMatrix(ConstantVelocityProcess.TimeInterval);
        private void initializeKalman()
            float accelNoise = (float)numProcessNoise.Value;
            float measurementNoise = (float)numMeasurementNoise.Value;

            var measurementDimension = 2; //just coordinates

            var initialState = process.GetNoisyState(accelNoise); //assuming we measured process params (noise)
            var initialStateError = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(accelNoise);

            kalman = new DiscreteKalmanFilter<ModelState, PointF>(initialState, initialStateError,
                                                                  measurementDimension /*(position)*/, 0 /*no control*/,
                                                                  x => ModelState.ToArray(x), x => ModelState.FromArray(x), x => new double[] { x.X, x.Y });

            kalman.ProcessNoise = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(accelNoise);
            kalman.MeasurementNoise = Matrix.Diagonal<double>(kalman.MeasurementVectorDimension, measurementNoise).ElementwisePower(2); //assuming we measured process params (noise) - ^2 => variance

            kalman.MeasurementMatrix = new double[,] //just pick point coordinates for an observation [2 x 4] (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                   //X,  vX, Y,  vY (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                    {1,  0,  0,  0}, //picks X
                    {0,  0,  1,  0}  //picks Y

            kalman.TransitionMatrix = ModelState.GetTransitionMatrix(ConstantVelocityProcess.TimeInterval);
        private void initializeKalman(PointF startPoint)
            var measurementDimension = 2; //just coordinates

            var initialState = new ModelState {
                Position = startPoint, Velocity = new PointF(0.5f, -2f)
            var initialStateError = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(0);

            kalman = new DiscreteKalmanFilter <ModelState, PointF>(initialState, initialStateError,
                                                                   measurementDimension /*(position)*/, 0 /*no control*/,
                                                                   x => ModelState.ToArray(x), x => ModelState.FromArray(x), x => new double[] { x.X, x.Y });

            kalman.ProcessNoise     = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(2);
            kalman.MeasurementNoise = Matrix.Diagonal <double>(kalman.MeasurementVectorDimension, 1);

            kalman.MeasurementMatrix = new double[, ] //just pick point coordinates for an observation [2 x 4] (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                //X,  vX, Y,  vY (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                { 1, 0, 0, 0 },      //picks X
                { 0, 0, 1, 0 }       //picks Y

            kalman.TransitionMatrix = ModelState.GetTransitionMatrix();
    void Awake()
        skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;
        if(skeletonController != null)
            playerId = skeletonController.playerId;
            Debug.LogError(   "The public variable 'Skeleton Controller' is not assigned! Using skeleton "
                            + "ID 0 as the pivot source.");

        if(gameObject.transform.parent != null)
                kinectAndMecanimCombinerExists = true;

        capsuleCollider = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
        if(capsuleCollider == null)
            Debug.LogError("GameObject " + gameObject.name + " must have a CapsuleCollider!");
        defaultColliderHeight = capsuleCollider.height;
        defaultColliderPosition = transform.localPosition;

        positionKalman = new KalmanFilter();
        positionKalman.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
Beispiel #11
        private void SetKalmanFilter()
            int j, n;

            n = m_Track.Length;
            int ng;

            kf = new KalmanFilter();

            double[] mrows = new double[4];
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                mrows[0] = m_Track[j].Info.Intercept.X;
                mrows[1] = m_Track[j].Info.Slope.X;
                mrows[2] = m_Track[j].Info.Intercept.Y;
                mrows[3] = m_Track[j].Info.Slope.Y;
                if (j == n - 1)
                    ng = 1;
                    ng = Math.Abs(m_Track[j + 1].LayerOwner.SheetId - m_Track[j].LayerOwner.SheetId);
                m_fp = new double[4, 4] {
                    { 1, -ng * m_ProjectionZ, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, -ng * m_ProjectionZ }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }
                m_bp = new double[4, 4] {
                    { 1, ng *m_ProjectionZ, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, ng *m_ProjectionZ }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }
                FilterStep fs = new FilterStep(j, mrows, mrows, m_fp, m_bp, m_mc, m_nc, m_st, m_fc);
Beispiel #12
 private void Awake()
     SerialController   = GameObject.Find("SerialController");
     MessageListener    = GameObject.Find("MessageListener");
     KalmanFilterScript = gameObject.GetComponent <KalmanFilter>();
     ReadCSVScript      = gameObject.GetComponent <ReadCSV>();
     KalmanFilterScript.init(Application.dataPath + "/" + outputFileName);
Beispiel #13
 public PointServiceSource(
     TimeSpan pointTtl,
     IPointService pointGeneratingService)
     this.pointTtl = pointTtl;
     this.pointGeneratingService = pointGeneratingService;
     this.kalmanFilter           = new KalmanFilter();
Beispiel #14
 private void ApplyKalmanFilters(ref double x, ref double y)
     if (KalmanX == null)
         KalmanX = new KalmanFilter(x, 0.5, 5, 1000);
         KalmanY = new KalmanFilter(y, 0.5, 5, 1000);
     x = KalmanX.Update(x);
     y = KalmanY.Update(y);
    public void Awake()
//        velocityBuffer = new List<Vector3>();
			oldCollisionMode = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().collisionDetectionMode;
		positionKalman = new KalmanFilter();
		positionKalman.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
Beispiel #16
        public GazeTrackerSource(
            TimeSpan pointTtl,
            int gazeTrackerUdpPort,
            Regex gazeTrackerRegex)
            this.pointTtl           = pointTtl;
            this.gazeTrackerUdpPort = gazeTrackerUdpPort;
            this.gazeTrackerRegex   = gazeTrackerRegex;

            this.kalmanFilter = new KalmanFilter();
Beispiel #17
        private void processMeas(KalmanFilter f,
                                 List <DMatrixRMaj> meas)
            DMatrixRMaj R = CommonOps_DDRM.identity(measDOF);

            foreach (DMatrixRMaj z in meas)
                f.update(z, R);
        private void compareFilters(KalmanFilter a, KalmanFilter b)
            DMatrixRMaj testX = b.getState();
            DMatrixRMaj testP = b.getCovariance();

            DMatrixRMaj X = a.getState();
            DMatrixRMaj P = a.getCovariance();

            EjmlUnitTests.assertEquals(testX, X, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
            EjmlUnitTests.assertEquals(testP, P, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
Beispiel #19
    public FilterQuaternion(float processNoise = 1, float measurementNoise = 1, int period = 5, int queueCount = 15)
        _period = period;

        _quaternionQueue = new FixedSizedQueue <GyroQuaternion>(queueCount);

        _kalmanFilterX = new KalmanFilter(processNoise, measurementNoise);
        _kalmanFilterY = new KalmanFilter(processNoise, measurementNoise);
        _kalmanFilterZ = new KalmanFilter(processNoise, measurementNoise);
        _kalmanFilterW = new KalmanFilter(processNoise, measurementNoise);
        public void Update(TimeSpan ts, Matrix <double> z)
            //dFilterSharp.UpdateQ(AdaptiveQ, ts, z, H, AdaptiveR.Value);

            KalmanFilter.UpdateState(z, H, R);

            //dFilterSharp.UpdateR(AdaptiveR, ts, z, H);

            //return dFilterSharp;
Beispiel #21
 public PointServiceSource(
     TimeSpan pointTtl,
     IPointService pointGeneratingService)
     this.pointTtl = pointTtl;
     this.pointGeneratingService = pointGeneratingService;
     this.kalmanFilterX          = new KalmanFilter(Settings.Default.KalmanFilterInitialValue, Settings.Default.KalmanFilterConfidenceOfInitialValue,
                                                    Settings.Default.KalmanFilterProcessNoise, Settings.Default.KalmanFilterMeasurementNoise);
     this.kalmanFilterY = new KalmanFilter(Settings.Default.KalmanFilterInitialValue, Settings.Default.KalmanFilterConfidenceOfInitialValue,
                                           Settings.Default.KalmanFilterProcessNoise, Settings.Default.KalmanFilterMeasurementNoise);
Beispiel #22
    public void Awake()
//        velocityBuffer = new List<Vector3>();
        if (GetComponent <Rigidbody>())
            oldCollisionMode = GetComponent <Rigidbody>().collisionDetectionMode;

        positionKalman = new KalmanFilter();
        positionKalman.initialize(3, 3);
        positionKalman.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
Beispiel #23
        public GazeTrackerSource(
            TimeSpan pointTtl,
            int gazeTrackerUdpPort,
            Regex gazeTrackerRegex)
            this.pointTtl           = pointTtl;
            this.gazeTrackerUdpPort = gazeTrackerUdpPort;
            this.gazeTrackerRegex   = gazeTrackerRegex;

            this.kalmanFilterX = new KalmanFilter(Settings.Default.KalmanFilterInitialValue, Settings.Default.KalmanFilterConfidenceOfInitialValue,
                                                  Settings.Default.KalmanFilterProcessNoise, Settings.Default.KalmanFilterMeasurementNoise);
            this.kalmanFilterY = new KalmanFilter(Settings.Default.KalmanFilterInitialValue, Settings.Default.KalmanFilterConfidenceOfInitialValue,
                                                  Settings.Default.KalmanFilterProcessNoise, Settings.Default.KalmanFilterMeasurementNoise);
Beispiel #24
    private void OnEnable()
        var ds4 = GetFirstDs4(Player);

        if (ds4 == null)
            ds4Found = false;

        ds4Found       = true;
        isWorking      = false;
        m_KalmanFilter = new KalmanFilter(0.21f, 0.01f, 4);
        InvokeRepeating(nameof(ReadData), 0.5f, 1.0f / frequency);
Beispiel #25
        public void StatePre()
            using var kalman    = new KalmanFilter();
            using var propValue = kalman.StatePre;

            using var mat = new Mat(2, 2, MatType.CV_8U, new byte[, ]
                { 1, 1 },
                { 0, 1 }
            kalman.StatePre = mat;
            IsDataEqual(mat, kalman.StatePre);
Beispiel #26
    void Awake()
        if (skeletonManager == null)
            skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;

        followMoveController = false;

        jointInitialRotations = new Dictionary <Transform, Quaternion>();
        jointInitialDistances = new Dictionary <KeyValuePair <Transform, Transform>, float>();

        positionKalman = new KalmanFilter();
        positionKalman.initialize(3, 3);
Beispiel #27
        public void MeasurementMatrix()
            using var kalman    = new KalmanFilter();
            using var propValue = kalman.MeasurementMatrix;

            using var mat = new Mat(2, 2, MatType.CV_8U, new byte[, ]
                { 1, 1 },
                { 0, 1 }
            kalman.MeasurementMatrix = mat;
            IsDataEqual(mat, kalman.MeasurementMatrix);
Beispiel #28
        public void ProcessNoiseCov()
            using var kalman    = new KalmanFilter();
            using var propValue = kalman.ProcessNoiseCov;

            using var mat = new Mat(2, 2, MatType.CV_8U, new byte[, ]
                { 1, 1 },
                { 0, 1 }
            kalman.ProcessNoiseCov = mat;
            IsDataEqual(mat, kalman.ProcessNoiseCov);
        private void initializeKalman(PointF startPoint)
            var measurementDimension = 2; //just coordinates

            var initialState = new ModelState { Position = startPoint, Velocity = new PointF(0.2f, -1.5f)};
            var initialStateError = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(10);

            kalman = new DiscreteKalmanFilter<ModelState, PointF>(initialState, initialStateError, 
                                                                  measurementDimension /*(position)*/, 0 /*no control*/,
                                                                  x => ModelState.ToArray(x), x => ModelState.FromArray(x), x => new double[] { x.X, x.Y });

            kalman.ProcessNoise = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(1);
            kalman.MeasurementNoise = Matrix.Diagonal<double>(kalman.MeasurementVectorDimension, 10000.0);

            kalman.MeasurementMatrix = ModelState.GetPositionMeasurementMatrix();
            kalman.TransitionMatrix = ModelState.GetTransitionMatrix();
Beispiel #30
        private void SetKalmanFilter()
            int j, n;

            n = m_Track.Length;
            double projz;

            kf = new KalmanFilter();

            double[] srows = new double[6];
            double[] mrows = new double[5];
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                srows[0] = m_Track[j].Info.Intercept.X;
                srows[1] = m_Track[j].Info.Slope.X;
                srows[2] = m_Track[j].Info.Intercept.Y;
                srows[3] = m_Track[j].Info.Slope.Y;
                srows[4] = m_Track[j].Info.Intercept.Z;
                srows[5] = 1;

                mrows[0] = srows[0];
                mrows[1] = srows[1];
                mrows[2] = srows[2];
                mrows[3] = srows[3];
                mrows[4] = srows[4];

                if (j == n - 1)
                    projz = Math.Abs(m_Track[j].Info.Intercept.Z - m_Track[j - 1].Info.Intercept.Z);
                    projz = Math.Abs(m_Track[j + 1].Info.Intercept.Z - m_Track[j].Info.Intercept.Z);
                m_fp = new double[6, 6] {
                    { 1, -projz, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, -projz, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -projz }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }
                m_bp = new double[6, 6] {
                    { 1, projz, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, projz, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, projz }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }
                FilterStep fs = new FilterStep(j, mrows, srows, m_fp, m_bp, m_mc, m_nc, m_st, m_fc);
        private void initializeKalman(PointF startPoint)
            var measurementDimension = 2; //just coordinates

            var initialState = new ModelState {
                Position = startPoint, Velocity = new PointF(0.2f, -1.5f)
            var initialStateError = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(10);

            kalman = new DiscreteKalmanFilter <ModelState, PointF>(initialState, initialStateError,
                                                                   measurementDimension /*(position)*/, 0 /*no control*/,
                                                                   x => ModelState.ToArray(x), x => ModelState.FromArray(x), x => new double[] { x.X, x.Y });

            kalman.ProcessNoise     = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(1);
            kalman.MeasurementNoise = Matrix.Diagonal <double>(kalman.MeasurementVectorDimension, 10000.0);

            kalman.MeasurementMatrix = ModelState.GetPositionMeasurementMatrix();
            kalman.TransitionMatrix  = ModelState.GetTransitionMatrix();
Beispiel #32
        public static IObservable <AngularVelocity3> Filter(
            this IObservable <AngularVelocity3> source,
            double estimatedMeasurementNoiseCovarianceX, double estimatedProcessNoiseCovarianceX, double controlWeightX, double initialEstimateX, double initialErrorCovarianceX,
            double estimatedMeasurementNoiseCovarianceY, double estimatedProcessNoiseCovarianceY, double controlWeightY, double initialEstimateY, double initialErrorCovarianceY,
            double estimatedMeasurementNoiseCovarianceZ, double estimatedProcessNoiseCovarianceZ, double controlWeightZ, double initialEstimateZ, double initialErrorCovarianceZ)
            var filterX = new KalmanFilter(estimatedMeasurementNoiseCovarianceX, estimatedProcessNoiseCovarianceX, controlWeightX, initialEstimateX, initialErrorCovarianceX);
            var filterY = new KalmanFilter(estimatedMeasurementNoiseCovarianceY, estimatedProcessNoiseCovarianceY, controlWeightY, initialEstimateY, initialErrorCovarianceY);
            var filterZ = new KalmanFilter(estimatedMeasurementNoiseCovarianceZ, estimatedProcessNoiseCovarianceZ, controlWeightZ, initialEstimateZ, initialErrorCovarianceZ);

                   .Select(angularVelocity =>
                return new AngularVelocity3(
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>
        /// kalman 初期化ルーチン
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elem">読み出した要素</param>
        public void kalman_init()
            KalmanFilter kalman = kv_kalman;

            // 初期化(kalman)
            kalman_id = 0;
            Cv2.SetIdentity(kalman.MeasurementMatrix, new Scalar(1.0));
            Cv2.SetIdentity(kalman.ProcessNoiseCov, new Scalar(1e-4));
            Cv2.SetIdentity(kalman.MeasurementNoiseCov, new Scalar(0.001));
            Cv2.SetIdentity(kalman.ErrorCovPost, new Scalar(1.0));

            measurement = measurement.SetTo(0.0);// measurement.Zeor();  MatType.CV_64FC1);

            // 等速直線運動モデル(kalman)

            /* unsafe
             * {
             *  kalman.DynamMatr[0] = 1.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[1] = 0.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[2] = 1.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[3] = 0.0f;
             *  kalman.DynamMatr[4] = 0.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[5] = 1.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[6] = 0.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[7] = 1.0f;
             *  kalman.DynamMatr[8] = 0.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[9] = 0.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[10] = 1.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[11] = 0.0f;
             *  kalman.DynamMatr[12] = 0.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[13] = 0.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[14] = 0.0f; kalman.DynamMatr[15] = 1.0f;
             * }*/
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(0, 0, 1.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(0, 1, 0.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(0, 2, 1.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(0, 3, 0.0f);

            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(1, 0, 0.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(1, 1, 1.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(1, 2, 0.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(1, 3, 1.0f);

            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(2, 0, 0.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(2, 1, 0.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(2, 2, 1.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(2, 3, 0.0f);

            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(3, 0, 0.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(3, 1, 0.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(3, 2, 0.0f);
            kalman.TransitionMatrix.Set(3, 3, 1.0f);
Beispiel #34
        private void SetupKalmanFilter(Skeleton skel)
            kal           = new KalmanFilter(4, 2, 0);
            syntheticData = new JumpData();

            // Initial state of the skeleton, positioned at 0.
            Matrix <float> state = new Matrix <float>(new float[]
                0.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, 0.0f

            // Transfer references into the kalman-filter
            state.Mat.CopyTo(kal.StatePost); // == correctedstate
	void Awake () 
        skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;
		if(gameObject.transform.parent != null)
				kinectAndMecanimCombinerExists = true;

        capsuleCollider = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
		if(capsuleCollider == null)
			Debug.LogError("GameObject " + gameObject.name + " must have a CapsuleCollider!");
        defaultColliderHeight = capsuleCollider.height;
        defaultColliderPosition = transform.localPosition;
		positionKalman = new KalmanFilter();
		positionKalman.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
        private void initializeKalman(PointF startPoint)
            var measurementDimension = 2; //just coordinates

            var initialState = new ModelState { Position = startPoint, Velocity = new PointF(0.5f, -2f)};
            var initialStateError = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(0);

            kalman = new DiscreteKalmanFilter<ModelState, PointF>(initialState, initialStateError, 
                                                                  measurementDimension /*(position)*/, 0 /*no control*/,
                                                                  x => ModelState.ToArray(x), x => ModelState.FromArray(x), x => new double[] { x.X, x.Y });

            kalman.ProcessNoise = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(2);
            kalman.MeasurementNoise = Matrix.Diagonal<double>(kalman.MeasurementVectorDimension, 1);

            kalman.MeasurementMatrix = new double[,] //just pick point coordinates for an observation [2 x 4] (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                   //X,  vX, Y,  vY (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                    {1,  0,  0,  0}, //picks X
                    {0,  0,  1,  0}  //picks Y

            kalman.TransitionMatrix = ModelState.GetTransitionMatrix();
    void Awake()
        if (skeletonManager == null)
            skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;

        followMoveController = false;

        jointInitialRotations = new Dictionary<Transform, Quaternion>();
        jointInitialDistances = new Dictionary<KeyValuePair<Transform, Transform>, float>();

        positionKalman = new KalmanFilter();
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     outputTransform = transform;
     filterPos = new KalmanFilter();
 public void Awake()
     filterDrift = new KalmanFilter();
    void Awake()
		inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;

				if(   bodyTrackingDevice == bodyTrackingDeviceType.Kinect1
				   && !inputManager.enableKinect && inputManager.enableKinect2)
					bodyTrackingDevice = bodyTrackingDeviceType.Kinect2;
				else if(   bodyTrackingDevice == bodyTrackingDeviceType.Kinect2
				   && !inputManager.enableKinect2 && inputManager.enableKinect)
					bodyTrackingDevice = bodyTrackingDeviceType.Kinect1;

		coordinateSystem = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;
		if(bodyTrackingDevice == bodyTrackingDeviceType.Kinect1) bodyTrackingDeviceID = RUISSkeletonManager.kinect1SensorID;
		if(bodyTrackingDevice == bodyTrackingDeviceType.Kinect2) bodyTrackingDeviceID = RUISSkeletonManager.kinect2SensorID;
		if(bodyTrackingDevice == bodyTrackingDeviceType.GenericMotionTracker) bodyTrackingDeviceID = RUISSkeletonManager.customSensorID;

		followOculusController = false;
		followMoveController = false;
		trackedDeviceYawRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        jointInitialRotations = new Dictionary<Transform, Quaternion>();
        jointInitialDistances = new Dictionary<KeyValuePair<Transform, Transform>, float>();
		positionKalman = new KalmanFilter();

		for(int i=0; i<fourJointsKalman.Length; ++i)
			fourJointsKalman[i] = new KalmanFilter();
			fourJointPositions[i] = Vector3.zero;
Beispiel #41
    // End of Yaw Drift Corrector members
    void Awake()
        localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        rawRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        filterPos = new KalmanFilter();
        filterPos.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
        //		filterRot = new KalmanFilter();
        //		filterRot.initialize(4,4);

        // Mobile Razer Hydra base filtering
        hydraBaseFilterPos = new KalmanFilter();
        hydraBaseFilterPos.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
        //		hydraBaseFilterRot = new KalmanFilter();
        //		hydraBaseFilterRot.initialize(4,4);

        filterRot.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;

        // Yaw Drift Corrector invocations in Awake()
        filterDrift = new KalmanFilter();

        transform.localPosition = defaultPosition;
        eyeCenterPosition = defaultPosition;
        measuredHeadPosition = defaultPosition;

        hydraBasePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        hydraBaseRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        oculusCamController = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController;

            useOculusRiftRotation = true;
            useOculusRiftRotation = false;
        //oculusCamController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController;
        //if(headRotationInput == HeadRotationSource.OculusRift && !oculusCamController)
        //	Debug.LogError("OVRCameraController script is missing from this scene!");

        filterPosition = false;
	/// <summary>
	/// Initialize the rotation Kalman filter
	/// </summary>
	public KalmanFilteredRotation () 
		rotationState = Quaternion.identity;
		filterRot = new KalmanFilter();
	void Awake()
		coordinateSystem = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;
		localPosition = Vector3.zero;
		localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
		rawRotation = Quaternion.identity;
		filterPos = new KalmanFilter();
		filterPos.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
		//		filterRot = new KalmanFilter();
		//		filterRot.initialize(4,4);
		// Mobile Razer Hydra base filtering
		hydraBaseFilterPos = new KalmanFilter();
		hydraBaseFilterPos.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
		//		hydraBaseFilterRot = new KalmanFilter();
		//		hydraBaseFilterRot.initialize(4,4);
		filterRot.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
		// Yaw Drift Corrector invocations in Awake()
		filterDrift = new KalmanFilter();
		transform.localPosition = defaultPosition;
		eyeCenterPosition = defaultPosition;
		measuredHeadPosition = defaultPosition;
		hydraBasePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
		hydraBaseRotation = Quaternion.identity;
		ovrCameraRig = GetComponentInChildren<OVRCameraRig>();
		if(ovrCameraRig != null && OVRManager.display != null && OVRManager.display.isPresent)
			useOculusRiftRotation = true;
			useOculusRiftRotation = false;
		// Enforce rotation settings if rotation source is set to be same as position source
		if (!pickRotationSource) 
			switch (headPositionInput)
			case HeadPositionSource.Kinect1:
				headRotationInput = HeadRotationSource.Kinect1;
				rotationPlayerID = positionPlayerID;
				rotationJoint = positionJoint;
			case HeadPositionSource.Kinect2:
				headRotationInput = HeadRotationSource.Kinect2;
				rotationPlayerID = positionPlayerID;
				rotationJoint = positionJoint;
			case HeadPositionSource.PSMove:
				headRotationInput = HeadRotationSource.PSMove;
				rotationPSMoveID = positionPSMoveID;
			case HeadPositionSource.RazerHydra:
				headRotationInput = HeadRotationSource.RazerHydra;
				rotationRazerID = positionRazerID;
			case HeadPositionSource.InputTransform:
				headRotationInput = HeadRotationSource.InputTransform;
				rotationInput = positionInput;
			case HeadPositionSource.None:
				headRotationInput = HeadRotationSource.None;
		filterPosition = false;