public override void Update(GameTime deltaTime, GamePlayer player)
            if (player.PreDecisionRoll == 0)
                if (player.Dice != null)
                    // If the dice has stopped rolling
                    if (player.Dice.IsStationary())
                        // Calculate the dice roll number and generate roll data
                        // Get the dice roll and then take the square stats into account to determine the final 
                        // dice roll value
                        player.PreDecisionRoll = player.Dice.FindResult();

                        // Get the square decision data

                        // Focus the camera back onto the player

                        // Zoom out

                        // Move to the zoom camera state
                        //player.CameraZoom = true;

                        // Remove player ui objects ( for now all of them here )

                        // Change to pre movement state

                    // Show selected effect

            // MAKE sure this is after changing state
            base.Update(deltaTime, player);        