Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Heals hit points of one target and sends needed messages, no spell effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="amount">amount of hit points to heal</param>
        /// <returns>true if heal was done</returns>
        public virtual bool HealTarget(GameLiving target, int amount)
            if (target == null || target.ObjectState != GameObject.eObjectState.Active)

            // we can't heal people we can attack
            if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(Caster, target, true))

            if (!target.IsAlive)
                // "You cannot heal the dead!" sshot550.tga
                MessageToCaster($"{target.GetName(0, true)} is dead!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            int heal = target.ChangeMana(Caster, GameLiving.eManaChangeType.Spell, amount);

            if (heal == 0)
                if (Spell.Pulse == 0)
                    if (target == Caster)
                        MessageToCaster("Your power is full.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                        MessageToCaster($"{target.GetName(0, true)} power is full.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);


            if (Caster == target)
                MessageToCaster($"You restore {heal} power points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal < amount)
                    MessageToCaster("Your power is full.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToCaster($"You restore {target.GetName(0, false)} for {heal} power points!", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToLiving(target, $"Your power was restored by {Caster.GetName(0, false)} for {heal} points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal < amount)
                    MessageToCaster($"{target.GetName(0, true)} mana is full.", eChatType.CT_Spell);

        /// <summary>
        /// Heals hit points of one target and sends needed messages, no spell effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="amount">amount of hit points to heal</param>
        /// <returns>true if heal was done</returns>
        public virtual bool HealTarget(GameLiving target, int amount)
            if (target == null || target.ObjectState != GameLiving.eObjectState.Active)

            // we can't heal people we can attack
            if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(Caster, target, true))

            if (!target.IsAlive)
                //"You cannot heal the dead!" sshot550.tga
                MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " is dead!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            int heal = target.ChangeEndurance(Caster, GameLiving.eEnduranceChangeType.Spell, amount);

            if (heal == 0)
                if (Spell.Pulse == 0)
                    if (target == m_caster)
                        MessageToCaster("Your endurance is full.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                        MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " endurance is full.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            if (m_caster == target)
                MessageToCaster("You restore " + heal + " endurance points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal < amount)
                    MessageToCaster("Your endurance is full.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToCaster("You restore " + target.GetName(0, false) + " for " + heal + " ednurance points!", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToLiving(target, "Your endurance was restored by " + m_caster.GetName(0, false) + " for " + heal + " points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal < amount)
                    MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " endurance is full.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
Beispiel #3
        public override bool CasterIsAttacked(GameLiving attacker)
            if (Spell.Uninterruptible)

            if (IsCasting && Stage < 2)
                double mod    = Caster.GetConLevel(attacker);
                double chance = 65;
                chance += mod * 10;
                chance  = Math.Max(1, chance);
                chance  = Math.Min(99, chance);
                if (attacker is GamePlayer)
                    chance = 100;
                if (Util.Chance((int)chance))
                    Caster.TempProperties.setProperty(INTERRUPT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY, Caster.CurrentRegion.Time + Caster.SpellInterruptDuration);
                    MessageToLiving(Caster, attacker.GetName(0, true) + " attacks you and your shot is interrupted!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
        public override void DoDamage()
            GameLiving target = (TargetObject as GameLiving);

            if (target == null)
                Owner.Out.SendMessage("Select a target first.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
            //todo good  distance check
            if (!this.IsWithinRadius(target, AttackRange))
                Owner.Out.SendMessage("You are too far away to attack " + target.Name, eChatType.CT_System,
            int damageAmount = RamDamage;

            //TODO: dps change by number
            target.TakeDamage(this, eDamageType.Crush, damageAmount, 0);
            Owner.Out.SendMessage("The Ram hits " + target.Name + " for " + damageAmount + " dmg!", eChatType.CT_YouHit,
            Message.SystemToArea(this, GetName(0, false) + " hits " + target.GetName(0, true), eChatType.CT_OthersCombat,
        protected virtual void OnSpellResist(GameLiving target)
            m_lastdamage -= m_lastdamage / 4;
            SendEffectAnimation(target, 0, false, 0);
            if (target is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (brain != null)
                    GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner();
                    //Worthless checks
                    if (owner != null /* && owner.ControlledNpc != null && target == owner.ControlledNpc.Body*/)
                        MessageToLiving(owner, "Your " + target.Name + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                MessageToLiving(target, "You resist the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
            MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            if (Spell.Damage != 0)
                // notify target about missed attack for spells with damage
                AttackData ad = new AttackData();
                ad.Attacker     = Caster;
                ad.Target       = target;
                ad.AttackType   = AttackData.eAttackType.Spell;
                ad.AttackResult = GameLiving.eAttackResult.Missed;
                ad.SpellHandler = this;
                target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, Caster);
            else if (Spell.CastTime > 0)
                target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, AttackData.eAttackType.Spell, Caster);

            if (target is GameNPC)
                IOldAggressiveBrain aggroBrain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IOldAggressiveBrain;
                if (aggroBrain != null)
                    aggroBrain.AddToAggroList(Caster, 1);
            if (target.Realm == 0 || Caster.Realm == 0)
                target.LastAttackedByEnemyTickPvE = target.CurrentRegion.Time;
                Caster.LastAttackTickPvE          = Caster.CurrentRegion.Time;
                target.LastAttackedByEnemyTickPvP = target.CurrentRegion.Time;
                Caster.LastAttackTickPvP          = Caster.CurrentRegion.Time;
		/// <summary>
		/// called when spell effect has to be started and applied to targets
		/// </summary>
		public override void ApplyEffectOnTarget(GameLiving target, double effectiveness)
			var npcTarget = target as GameNPC;
			if (npcTarget == null) return;
			if (npcTarget.Level > Spell.Value)
				// Resisted
				this.MessageToCaster(eChatType.CT_SpellResisted, "{0} is too strong for you to charm!", target.GetName(0, true));
			if (npcTarget.Brain is IControlledBrain)
				this.MessageToCaster(eChatType.CT_SpellResisted, "{0} is already under control.",  target.GetName(0, true));
			base.ApplyEffectOnTarget(target, effectiveness);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a message to all group members
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">message string</param>
        /// <param name="type">message type</param>
        /// <param name="loc">message location</param>
        public virtual void SendMessageToGroupMembers(GameLiving from, string msg, eChatType type, eChatLoc loc)
            string message = msg;

            if (from != null)
                message = "[Party] " + from.GetName(0, true) + ": \"" + message + "\"";
                message = "[Party] " + message;

            SendMessageToGroupMembers(message, type, loc);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a message to all group members with an object from
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">GameLiving source of the message</param>
        /// <param name="msg">message string</param>
        /// <param name="type">message type</param>
        /// <param name="loc">message location</param>
        public virtual void SendMessageToGroupMembers(GameLiving from, string msg, eChatType type, eChatLoc loc)
            string message;

            if (from != null)
                message = string.Format("[Party] {0}: \"{1}\"", from.GetName(0, true), msg);
                message = string.Format("[Party] {0}", msg);

            SendMessageToGroupMembers(message, type, loc);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Heals hit points of one target and sends needed messages, no spell effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="amount">amount of hit points to heal</param>
        /// <returns>true if heal was done</returns>
        public virtual bool HealTarget(GameLiving target, int amount)
            if (target == null || target.ObjectState != GameLiving.eObjectState.Active) return false;

            // we can't heal people we can attack
            if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(Caster, target, true))
                return false;

            if (!target.IsAlive)
                //"You cannot heal the dead!" sshot550.tga
                MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " is dead!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                return false;

            int heal = target.ChangeMana(Caster, GameLiving.eManaChangeType.Spell, amount);

            if (heal == 0)
                if (Spell.Pulse == 0)
                    if (target == m_caster) MessageToCaster("Your power is full.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    else MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " power is full.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                return false;

            if (m_caster == target)
                MessageToCaster("You restore " + heal + " power points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal < amount)
                    MessageToCaster("Your power is full.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToCaster("You restore " + target.GetName(0, false) + " for " + heal + " power points!", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToLiving(target, "Your power was restored by " + m_caster.GetName(0, false) + " for " + heal + " points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal < amount)
                    MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " mana is full.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
            return true;
Beispiel #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Start the effect.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="target"></param>
		public override void Start(GameLiving target)

			GamePlayer petOwner = null;
			if (target is GameNPC && (target as GameNPC).Brain is IControlledBrain)
				petOwner = ((target as GameNPC).Brain as IControlledBrain).Owner as GamePlayer;

			foreach (GamePlayer player in target.GetPlayersInRadius(WorldMgr.INFO_DISTANCE))
				if (player == null)

				player.Out.SendSpellEffectAnimation(target, target, 1073, 0, false, 1);

				eChatType chatType = (player != null && player == petOwner)
					? eChatType.CT_Spell
					: eChatType.CT_System;

				player.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(player.Client.Account.Language, "Effects.Necro.TauntEffect.SeemsChange", target.GetName(0, true)), chatType, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
Beispiel #11
 public override bool CasterIsAttacked(GameLiving attacker)
     if (Spell.Uninterruptible && Caster.GetDistanceTo(attacker) > 200)
     if (Caster.EffectList.CountOfType(typeof(QuickCastEffect), typeof(MasteryofConcentrationEffect), typeof(FacilitatePainworkingEffect)) > 0)
     if (IsCasting && Stage < 2)
         if (Caster.ChanceSpellInterrupt(attacker))
             Caster.LastInterruptMessage = attacker.GetName(0, true) + " attacks you and your spell is interrupted!";
             MessageToLiving(Caster, Caster.LastInterruptMessage, eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
             InterruptCasting();                     // always interrupt at the moment
Beispiel #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Start the berserk on player
		/// </summary>
		public override void Start(GameLiving engageSource)

			m_engageTarget = engageSource.TargetObject as GameLiving;
			engageSource.IsEngaging = true;

			if (m_owner is GamePlayer)
				(m_owner as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation((m_owner as GamePlayer).Client, "Effects.EngageEffect.ConcOnBlockingX", m_engageTarget.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
			// only emulate attack mode so it works more like on live servers
			// entering real attack mode while engaging someone stops engage
			// other players will see attack mode after pos update packet is sent
			if (!m_owner.AttackState)
				if (m_owner is GamePlayer)
					(m_owner as GamePlayer).Out.SendAttackMode(true);
				//m_engageSource.Out.SendMessage("You enter combat mode to engage your target!", eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
				//m_engageSource.Out.SendMessage("You enter combat mode and target ["+engageTarget.GetName(0, false)+"]", eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
Beispiel #13
		/// <summary>
		/// When spell was resisted
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="target">the target that resisted the spell</param>
		protected virtual void OnSpellResisted(GameLiving target)
			SendEffectAnimation(target, 0, false, 0);

			// Deliver message to the target, if the target is a pet, to its
			// owner instead.

			if (target is GameNPC)
				IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
				if (brain != null)
					GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner();
					if (owner != null)
						MessageToLiving(owner, "Your " + target.Name + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
				MessageToLiving(target, "You resist the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

			// Deliver message to the caster as well.

			MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

			// Report resisted spell attack data to any type of living object, no need
			// to decide here what to do. For example, NPCs will use their brain.
			// "Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts."

			AttackData ad = new AttackData();
			ad.Attacker = Caster;
			ad.Target = target;
			ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.Spell;
			ad.SpellHandler = this;
			ad.AttackResult = GameLiving.eAttackResult.Missed;
			ad.IsSpellResisted = true;

			// Spells that would have caused damage or are not instant will still
			// interrupt a casting player.

			/*if (target is GamePlayer)
if (target.IsCasting && (Spell.Damage > 0 || Spell.CastTime > 0))
target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, Caster);
			if(!(Spell.SpellType.ToLower().IndexOf("debuff")>=0 && Spell.CastTime==0))
				target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, Caster);

			if (target.Realm == 0 || Caster.Realm == 0)
				target.LastAttackedByEnemyTickPvE = target.CurrentRegion.Time;
				Caster.LastAttackTickPvE = Caster.CurrentRegion.Time;
				target.LastAttackedByEnemyTickPvP = target.CurrentRegion.Time;
				Caster.LastAttackTickPvP = Caster.CurrentRegion.Time;
Beispiel #14
        public override bool IsSameRealm(GameLiving source, GameLiving target, bool quiet)
            if (source == null || target == null)

            // if controlled NPC - do checks for owner instead
            if (source is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain controlled = ((GameNPC)source).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (controlled != null)
                    source = controlled.GetLivingOwner();
                    quiet  = true;                    // silence all attacks by controlled npc
            if (target is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain controlled = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (controlled != null)
                    target = controlled.GetLivingOwner();

            if (source == target)

            // clients with priv level > 1 are considered friendly by anyone
            if (target is GamePlayer && ((GamePlayer)target).Client.Account.PrivLevel > 1)
            // checking as a gm, targets are considered friendly
            if (source is GamePlayer && ((GamePlayer)source).Client.Account.PrivLevel > 1)

            // mobs can heal mobs, players heal players/NPC
            if (source.Realm == 0 && target.Realm == 0)

            //keep guards
            if (source is GameKeepGuard && target is GamePlayer)
                if (!GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(source as GameKeepGuard, target as GamePlayer))

            if (target is GameKeepGuard && source is GamePlayer)
                if (!GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(target as GameKeepGuard, source as GamePlayer))

            //doors need special handling
            if (target is GameKeepDoor && source is GamePlayer)
                return(GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(target as GameKeepDoor, source as GamePlayer));

            if (source is GameKeepDoor && target is GamePlayer)
                return(GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(source as GameKeepDoor, target as GamePlayer));

            //components need special handling
            if (target is GameKeepComponent && source is GamePlayer)
                return(GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(target as GameKeepComponent, source as GamePlayer));

            //Peace flag NPCs are same realm
            if (target is GameNPC)
                if ((((GameNPC)target).Flags & GameNPC.eFlags.PEACE) != 0)

            if (source is GameNPC)
                if ((((GameNPC)source).Flags & GameNPC.eFlags.PEACE) != 0)

            if (source is GamePlayer && target is GamePlayer)

            if (source is GamePlayer && target is GameNPC && target.Realm != 0)

            if (quiet == false)
                MessageToLiving(source, target.GetName(0, true) + " is not a member of your realm!");
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Talk to trainer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
            if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text)) return false;
            GamePlayer player = source as GamePlayer;

            switch (text) {
                case "song":
                    // promote player to other class
                    if (CanPromotePlayer(player)) {
                        PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Bard, "Welcome then, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ", to the Bard's life. Here, take this. Keep it well, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ", for the tools of our trade can be quite expensive.", null);
            return true;
Beispiel #16
        //If mez resisted, just rupt, dont demez
        protected override void OnSpellResisted(GameLiving target)
// Flute Mez (pulse>0)
            if (this.Spell.Pulse > 0)
                if (target != null && (!target.IsAlive))
                    GameSpellEffect effect = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(target, this);
                    if (effect != null)
                        effect.Cancel(false);//call OnEffectExpires
                        CancelPulsingSpell(Caster, this.Spell.SpellType);
                        MessageToCaster("You stop playing your song.", eChatType.CT_Spell);

                if (this.Spell.Range != 0)
                    if (!Caster.IsWithinRadius(target, this.Spell.Range))

                if (target != Caster.TargetObject)

            GameSpellEffect mezz = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(target, "Mesmerize");

            if (mezz != null)
                MessageToCaster("Your target is already mezzed!!!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            lock (target.EffectList)
                foreach (IGameEffect effect in target.EffectList)
                    if (effect is GameSpellEffect)
                        GameSpellEffect gsp = (GameSpellEffect)effect;
                        if (gsp is GameSpellAndImmunityEffect)
                            GameSpellAndImmunityEffect immunity = (GameSpellAndImmunityEffect)gsp;
                            if (immunity.ImmunityState &&
                                target == immunity.Owner)
                                MessageToCaster(immunity.Owner.GetName(0, true) + " can't have that effect again yet!!!", eChatType.CT_SpellPulse);
// END
            SendEffectAnimation(target, 0, false, 0);
            MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
            target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, AttackData.eAttackType.Spell, Caster);
Beispiel #17
		protected static void RemoveItem(GameLiving target, GamePlayer player, ItemTemplate itemTemplate, bool notify)
			if (itemTemplate == null)
				log.Error("itemtemplate is null in RemoveItem:" + Environment.StackTrace);
			lock (player.Inventory)
				InventoryItem item = player.Inventory.GetFirstItemByID(itemTemplate.Id_nb, eInventorySlot.FirstBackpack, eInventorySlot.LastBackpack);
				if (item != null)
                    InventoryLogging.LogInventoryAction(player, target, eInventoryActionType.Quest, item.Template, item.Count);
					if (target != null)
						player.Out.SendMessage("You give the " + itemTemplate.Name + " to " + target.GetName(0, false), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
				else if (notify)
					player.Out.SendMessage("You cannot remove the \"" + itemTemplate.Name + "\" because you don't have it.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Talk to trainer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
            if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text))
            GamePlayer player = source as GamePlayer;

            switch (text)
            case "Nightshade":
                // promote player to other class
                if (CanPromotePlayer(player))
                    PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Nightshade, "Some would think you mad, choosing to walk through life as a Nightshade. It is not meant for everyone, but I think it will suit you, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". Here, from me, a small gift to aid you in your journeys.", null);                            // TODO: gifts
                    //"You receive  Nightshade Initiate Boots from Lierna!"
Beispiel #19
        private bool SameRealm(GameClient client, GameLiving livingToCheck, bool usePvEPvPRule)
            if (usePvEPvPRule)
                if (livingToCheck.Realm != 0)
                if (livingToCheck.Realm == client.Player.Realm)

            // We cannot assist livings of an enemy realm.
            client.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(client.Account.Language, "Scripts.Players.Assist.NoRealmMember", livingToCheck.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply effect on target or do spell action if non duration spell
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">target that gets the effect</param>
        /// <param name="effectiveness">factor from 0..1 (0%-100%)</param>
        public override void ApplyEffectOnTarget(GameLiving target, double effectiveness)
            // This prevent most of type casting errors
            if(target is GameNPC == false) {
                MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            // check only if brain wasn't changed at least once
            if (m_controlledBrain == null)
                 // Target is already controlled
                if(((GameNPC)target).Brain != null && ((GameNPC)target).Brain is IControlledBrain && (((IControlledBrain)((GameNPC)target).Brain).Owner as GamePlayer) != Caster)
                    // TODO: proper message
                    MessageToCaster("Your target is not valid.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

                // Already have a pet...
                if(Caster.ControlledBrain != null)
                    MessageToCaster("You already have a charmed creature, release it first!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

                // Body Type None (0) is used to make mobs un-charmable , Realm Guards or NPC cannot be charmed.
                if (target.Realm != 0 || ((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.None)
                    MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

                // If server properties prevent Named charm.
                if(ServerProperties.Properties.SPELL_CHARM_NAMED_CHECK != 0 && !target.Name[0].ToString().ToLower().Equals(target.Name[0].ToString()))
                    MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

                // Check if Body type applies
                if (m_spell.AmnesiaChance != (ushort)eCharmType.All)

                    bool charmable = false;

                    // gets true only for charm-able mobs for this spell type
                    switch((eCharmType)m_spell.AmnesiaChance) {

                        case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsectMagicalUndead :
                            if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Undead)
                                charmable = true;

                        goto case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsectMagical;

                        case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsectMagical :
                 			if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Magical)
                                charmable = true;
                 			if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Plant)
                                charmable = true;
                 			if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Elemental)
                                charmable = true;

               			goto case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsect;

              	             		case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsect :
                            if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Insect)
                                charmable = true;
                            if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Reptile)
                                charmable = true;

                        goto case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimal;

             	                	case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimal :
                  			if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Animal)
                                charmable = true;

                  		goto case eCharmType.Humanoid;

                        case eCharmType.Humanoid :
                            if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Humanoid)
                                charmable = true;


                        case eCharmType.Animal :
                            if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Animal)
                                charmable = true;


                        case eCharmType.Insect :
                            if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Insect)
                                charmable = true;


                        case eCharmType.Reptile :
                            if(((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Reptile)
                                charmable = true;


                    // The NPC type doesn't match spell charm types.

                       	MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);



            // Spell.Value == Max Level this spell can charm, Spell.Damage == Max percent of the caster level this spell can charm
            if (target.Level > Spell.Value || target.Level > Caster.Level * Spell.Damage / 100)
                MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " is too strong for you to charm!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            if (Caster is GamePlayer)
                // base resists for all charm spells
                int resistChance = 100 - (85 + ((Caster.Level - target.Level) / 2));

                if (this.Spell.Pulse != 0) // not permanent

                     * The Minstrel/Mentalist has an almost certain chance to charm/retain control of
                     * a creature his level or lower, although there is a small random chance that it
                     * could fail. The higher the level of the charmed creature compared to the
                     * Minstrel/Mentalist, the greater the chance the monster has of breaking the charm.
                     * Please note that your specialization level in the magic skill that contains the
                     * charm spell will modify your base chance of charming and retaining control.
                     * The higher your spec level, the greater your chance of controlling.

                    int diffLevel = (int)(Caster.Level / 1.5 + Caster.GetModifiedSpecLevel(m_spellLine.Spec) / 3) - target.Level;

                    if (diffLevel >= 0)

                        resistChance = 10 - diffLevel * 3;
                        resistChance = Math.Max(resistChance, 1);

                        resistChance = 10 + diffLevel * diffLevel * 3;
                        resistChance = Math.Min(resistChance, 99);


                if (Util.Chance(resistChance))

                    MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the charm!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            base.ApplyEffectOnTarget(target, effectiveness);
Beispiel #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Apply effect on target or do spell action if non duration spell
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="target">target that gets the effect</param>
		/// <param name="effectiveness">factor from 0..1 (0%-100%)</param>
		public override void ApplyEffectOnTarget(GameLiving target, double effectiveness)
			// check only if brain wasn't changed at least once
			if (m_controlledBrain == null)
				if (target.Realm != 0 || target is GameNPC == false)
					MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

				if (m_spell.AmnesiaChance != 0)
					if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType != m_spell.AmnesiaChance)
						MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
					//ToDo: Proper check for bodytypes but for now allowing ability to charm all bodytypes if amnesiachance is 0 so can have Bodytypes implemented without breaking charming - Sand
					if (target.Name != target.Name.ToLower())
						MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

				if (Caster.ControlledBrain != null)
					MessageToCaster("You already have a charmed creature, release it first!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

				IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
				if (brain != null && (brain.Owner as GamePlayer)!=Caster)
					// TODO: proper message
                    MessageToCaster("Your target is not valid.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

			if (target.Level > Spell.Value || target.Level > Caster.Level * Spell.Damage / 100)
				MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " is too strong for you to charm!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

			if (Caster is GamePlayer)
				int resistChance = 100 - (85 + ((Caster.Level - target.Level) / 2));

				if (this.Spell.Pulse > 0) // not permanent
					 * The Minstrel/Mentalist has an almost certain chance to charm/retain control of 
					 * a creature his level or lower, although there is a small random chance that it
					 * could fail. The higher the level of the charmed creature compared to the 
					 * Minstrel/Mentalist, the greater the chance the monster has of breaking the charm.
					 * Please note that your specialization level in the magic skill that contains the
					 * charm spell will modify your base chance of charming and retaining control.
					 * The higher your spec level, the greater your chance of controlling.
					int diffLevel = (int)(Caster.Level / 1.5 + Caster.GetModifiedSpecLevel(m_spellLine.Spec) / 3) - target.Level;
					if (diffLevel >= 0)
						resistChance = 10 - diffLevel * 3;
						resistChance = Math.Max(resistChance, 1);
						resistChance = 10 + diffLevel * diffLevel * 3;
						resistChance = Math.Min(resistChance, 99);


				if (Util.Chance(resistChance))
					MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the charm!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

			base.ApplyEffectOnTarget(target, effectiveness);
		public override void Execute(GameLiving living)
			if (CheckPreconditions(living, DEAD | SITTING | MEZZED | STUNNED)) 
			GamePlayer player = living as GamePlayer;

			if (player == null) 

			GamePlayer targetPlayer = null;
			bool isGoodTarget = true;

			if (player.TargetObject == null)
				isGoodTarget = false;
				targetPlayer = player.TargetObject as GamePlayer;

				if (targetPlayer == null ||
					targetPlayer.IsAlive ||
					GameServer.ServerRules.IsSameRealm(living, player.TargetObject as GameLiving, true) == false)
					isGoodTarget = false;

			if (isGoodTarget == false)
				player.Out.SendMessage("You have to target a dead member of your realm!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);

			switch (Level)
				case 2: m_resurrectValue = 50; break;
				case 3: m_resurrectValue = 100; break;
			GameLiving resurrectionCaster = targetPlayer.TempProperties.getProperty<object>(RESURRECT_CASTER_PROPERTY, null) as GameLiving;
			if (resurrectionCaster != null)
				player.Out.SendMessage("Your target is already considering a resurrection!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
            if( !player.IsWithinRadius( targetPlayer, (int)( 1500 * player.GetModified(eProperty.SpellRange) * 0.01 ) ) )

				player.Out.SendMessage("You are too far away from your target to use this ability!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
			if (targetPlayer != null)
				SendCasterSpellEffectAndCastMessage(living, 7019, true);
                //don't rez just yet
				//ResurrectLiving(targetPlayer, player);
                //we need to add a dialogue response to the rez, copying from the rez spellhandler

				targetPlayer.TempProperties.setProperty(RESURRECT_CASTER_PROPERTY, living);
                RegionTimer resurrectExpiredTimer = new RegionTimer(targetPlayer);
				resurrectExpiredTimer.Callback = new RegionTimerCallback(ResurrectExpiredCallback);
				resurrectExpiredTimer.Properties.setProperty("targetPlayer", targetPlayer);
				lock (m_resTimersByLiving.SyncRoot)
                    m_resTimersByLiving.Add(player.TargetObject, resurrectExpiredTimer);

				//send resurrect dialog
                targetPlayer.Out.SendCustomDialog("Do you allow " + living.GetName(0, true) + " to resurrect you\nwith " + m_resurrectValue +" percent hits?", new CustomDialogResponse(ResurrectResponceHandler));

        /// <summary>
        /// Talk to trainer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
            if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text))
            GamePlayer player = source as GamePlayer;

            if (player == null)

            switch (text)
            case "Vampiir":
                // promote player to other class
                if (CanPromotePlayer(player))

                    PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Vampiir, "Very well, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". I gladly take your training into my hands. Congratulations, from this day forth, you are a Vampiir. Here, take this gift to aid you.", null);
                    foreach (GamePlayer plr in player.GetPlayersInRadius(WorldMgr.VISIBILITY_DISTANCE))                             // inform nearest clients about this player now is vampire (can fly)
                        if (plr != null)
                            plr.Out.SendVampireEffect(player, true);

                    // drop any equiped-non usable item, in inventory or on the ground if full
		public void ResurrectLiving(GamePlayer resurrectedPlayer, GameLiving rezzer)
			if (rezzer.ObjectState != GameObject.eObjectState.Active)
			if (rezzer.CurrentRegionID != resurrectedPlayer.CurrentRegionID)
			resurrectedPlayer.Health = (int)(resurrectedPlayer.MaxHealth * m_resurrectValue / 100);
			resurrectedPlayer.Mana = (int)(resurrectedPlayer.MaxMana * m_resurrectValue / 100);
			resurrectedPlayer.Endurance = (int)(resurrectedPlayer.MaxEndurance * m_resurrectValue / 100); //no endurance after any rez
			resurrectedPlayer.MoveTo(rezzer.CurrentRegionID, rezzer.X, rezzer.Y, rezzer.Z, rezzer.Heading);

            GameLiving living = resurrectedPlayer as GameLiving;
            GameTimer resurrectExpiredTimer = null;
            lock (m_resTimersByLiving.SyncRoot)
                resurrectExpiredTimer = (GameTimer)m_resTimersByLiving[living];
            if (resurrectExpiredTimer != null)


			GameSpellEffect effect = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(resurrectedPlayer, GlobalSpells.PvERessurectionIllnessSpellType);
			if (effect != null)
			resurrectedPlayer.Out.SendMessage("You have been resurrected by " + rezzer.GetName(0, false) + "!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
            //Lifeflight: this should make it so players who have been ressurected don't take damage for 5 seconds
            RezDmgImmunityEffect rezImmune = new RezDmgImmunityEffect();

            //Lifeflight: We need to reward rez RPs
            GamePlayer casterPlayer = rezzer as GamePlayer;
            if (casterPlayer != null)
                long rezRps = resurrectedPlayer.LastDeathRealmPoints * (m_resurrectValue + 50) / 1000;
                if (rezRps > 0)
                    casterPlayer.Out.SendMessage("The player you resurrected was not worth realm points on death.", eChatType.CT_Important, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
                    casterPlayer.Out.SendMessage("You thus get no realm points for the resurrect.", eChatType.CT_Important, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);

Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Start the guarding on player
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guardSource">The guarder</param>
        /// <param name="guardTarget">The player guarded by guarder</param>
        public void Start(GameLiving guardSource, GameLiving guardTarget)
            if (guardSource == null || guardTarget == null)

            if (guardSource is GamePlayer && guardTarget is GamePlayer)
                m_playerGroup = ((GamePlayer)guardSource).Group;
                if (m_playerGroup == null)
                if (m_playerGroup != guardTarget.Group)
                GameEventMgr.AddHandler(m_playerGroup, GroupEvent.MemberDisbanded, new DOLEventHandler(GroupDisbandCallback));

            m_guardSource = guardSource;
            m_guardTarget = guardTarget;
            m_owner       = m_guardSource;

            if (!guardSource.IsWithinRadius(guardTarget, GuardAbilityHandler.GUARD_DISTANCE))
                if (guardSource is GamePlayer)
                    ((GamePlayer)guardSource).Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)guardSource).Client, "Effects.GuardEffect.YouAreNowGuardingYBut", guardTarget.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
                if (guardSource is GamePlayer && guardTarget is GamePlayer)
                    ((GamePlayer)guardTarget).Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)guardTarget).Client, "Effects.GuardEffect.XIsNowGuardingYouBut", guardSource.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
                if (guardSource is GamePlayer)
                    ((GamePlayer)guardSource).Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)guardSource).Client, "Effects.GuardEffect.YouAreNowGuardingY", guardTarget.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
                if (guardSource is GamePlayer && guardTarget is GamePlayer)
                    ((GamePlayer)guardTarget).Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)guardTarget).Client, "Effects.GuardEffect.XIsNowGuardingYou", guardSource.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);

Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when effect must be canceled
        /// </summary>
        public override void Cancel(bool playerCancel)
            if (m_guardSource is GamePlayer && m_guardTarget is GamePlayer)
                GameEventMgr.RemoveHandler(m_playerGroup, GroupEvent.MemberDisbanded, new DOLEventHandler(GroupDisbandCallback));
                m_playerGroup = null;

            if (m_guardSource is GamePlayer)
                ((GamePlayer)m_guardSource).Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)m_guardSource).Client, "Effects.GuardEffect.YourNoLongerGuardingY", m_guardTarget.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
            if (m_guardSource is GamePlayer && m_guardTarget is GamePlayer)
                ((GamePlayer)m_guardTarget).Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)m_guardTarget).Client, "Effects.GuardEffect.XNoLongerGuardingYoy", m_guardSource.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
        /// <summary>
        /// Talk to trainer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
            if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text))

            if (!(source is GamePlayer player))

            switch (text)
            case "Path of Affinity":
                // promote player to other class
                if (CanPromotePlayer(player))
                    PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Valewalker, "Welcome, then, to the Path of Affinity. Here is a gift. Consider it a welcoming gesture. Welcome, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ".", null);
                    player.ReceiveItem(this, WeaponId1);


        /// <summary>
        /// Start the effect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        public override void Start(GameLiving target)

            GamePlayer petOwner = null;

            if (target is GameNPC && (target as GameNPC).Brain is IControlledBrain)
                petOwner = ((target as GameNPC).Brain as IControlledBrain).Owner as GamePlayer;

            foreach (GamePlayer player in target.GetPlayersInRadius(WorldMgr.INFO_DISTANCE))
                if (player == null)

                player.Out.SendSpellEffectAnimation(target, target, 1073, 0, false, 1);

                eChatType chatType = (player != null && player == petOwner)
                                        ? eChatType.CT_Spell
                                        : eChatType.CT_System;

                player.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(player.Client.Account.Language, "Effects.Necro.TauntEffect.SeemsChange", target.GetName(0, true)), chatType, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
		//If mez resisted, just rupt, dont demez
		protected override void OnSpellResisted(GameLiving target)
// Flute Mez (pulse>0)
            if (this.Spell.Pulse > 0)
                if (target != null && (!target.IsAlive))
                    GameSpellEffect effect = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(target, this);
                    if (effect != null)
                        effect.Cancel(false);//call OnEffectExpires
                        CancelPulsingSpell(Caster, this.Spell.SpellType);
                        MessageToCaster("You stop playing your song.", eChatType.CT_Spell);

                if (this.Spell.Range != 0)
                    if (!Caster.IsWithinRadius(target, this.Spell.Range))

                if (target != Caster.TargetObject)

            GameSpellEffect mezz = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(target, "Mesmerize");
            if (mezz != null)
                MessageToCaster("Your target is already mezzed!!!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            lock (target.EffectList)
                foreach (IGameEffect effect in target.EffectList)
                    if (effect is GameSpellEffect)
                        GameSpellEffect gsp = (GameSpellEffect)effect;
                        if (gsp is GameSpellAndImmunityEffect)
                            GameSpellAndImmunityEffect immunity = (GameSpellAndImmunityEffect)gsp;
                            if (immunity.ImmunityState
                                && target == immunity.Owner)
                                MessageToCaster(immunity.Owner.GetName(0, true) + " can't have that effect again yet!!!", eChatType.CT_SpellPulse);
// END
			SendEffectAnimation(target, 0, false, 0);
			MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
			target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, AttackData.eAttackType.Spell, Caster);
 //If mez resisted, just rupt, dont demez
 protected override void OnSpellResisted(GameLiving target)
     SendEffectAnimation(target, 0, false, 0);
     MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
     target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, AttackData.eAttackType.Spell, Caster);
Beispiel #31
 private void NoValidTarget(GameClient client, GameLiving livingToAssist)
     // Original live text: {0} is not a member of your realm!
     // The original text sounds stupid if we use it for rams or other things: The battle ram is not a member of your realm!
     // But the text is also used for rams that are a member of our realm, so we don't use it.
     client.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(client.Account.Language, "Scripts.Players.Assist.NotValid", livingToAssist.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
Beispiel #32
 private void NoValidTarget(GameClient client, GameLiving livingToAssist)
     //Original live text: {0} is not a member of your realm!
     //The original text sounds stupid if we use it for rams or other things: The battle ram is not a member of your realm!
     //But the text is also used for rams that are a member of our realm, so we don't use it.
     client.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(client.Account.Language, "Scripts.Players.Assist.NotValid", livingToAssist.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Talk to trainer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
            if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text)) return false;
            GamePlayer player = source as GamePlayer;

            switch (text) {
                case "Path of Affinity":
                    // promote player to other class
                    if (CanPromotePlayer(player)) {
                        PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Valewalker, "Welcome, then, to the Path of Affinity. Here is a gift. Consider it a welcoming gesture. Welcome, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ".", null);
            return true;
Beispiel #34
        public override bool IsSameRealm(GameLiving source, GameLiving target, bool quiet)
            if (source == null || target == null)
                return false;

            // if controlled NPC - do checks for owner instead
            if (source is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain controlled = ((GameNPC)source).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (controlled != null)
                    source = controlled.GetLivingOwner();
                    quiet = true; // silence all attacks by controlled npc
            if (target is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain controlled = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (controlled != null)
                    target = controlled.GetLivingOwner();

            if (source == target)
                return true;

            // clients with priv level > 1 are considered friendly by anyone
            if (target is GamePlayer && ((GamePlayer)target).Client.Account.PrivLevel > 1) return true;
            // checking as a gm, targets are considered friendly
            if (source is GamePlayer && ((GamePlayer)source).Client.Account.PrivLevel > 1) return true;

            // mobs can heal mobs, players heal players/NPC
            if (source.Realm == 0 && target.Realm == 0) return true;

            //keep guards
            if (source is GameKeepGuard && target is GamePlayer)
                if (!GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(source as GameKeepGuard, target as GamePlayer))
                    return true;

            if (target is GameKeepGuard && source is GamePlayer)
                if (!GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(target as GameKeepGuard, source as GamePlayer))
                    return true;

            //doors need special handling
            if (target is GameKeepDoor && source is GamePlayer)
                return GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(target as GameKeepDoor, source as GamePlayer);

            if (source is GameKeepDoor && target is GamePlayer)
                return GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(source as GameKeepDoor, target as GamePlayer);

            //components need special handling
            if (target is GameKeepComponent && source is GamePlayer)
                return GameServer.KeepManager.IsEnemy(target as GameKeepComponent, source as GamePlayer);

            //Peace flag NPCs are same realm
            if (target is GameNPC)
                if ((((GameNPC)target).Flags & GameNPC.eFlags.PEACE) != 0)
                    return true;

            if (source is GameNPC)
                if ((((GameNPC)source).Flags & GameNPC.eFlags.PEACE) != 0)
                    return true;

            if (source is GamePlayer && target is GamePlayer)
                return true;

            if (source is GamePlayer && target is GameNPC && target.Realm != 0)
                return true;

            if (quiet == false) MessageToLiving(source, target.GetName(0, true) + " is not a member of your realm!");
            return false;
Beispiel #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Talk to trainer
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		/// <param name="text"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
			if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text)) return false;
			GamePlayer player = source as GamePlayer;
			switch (text) {
				case "Druid":
					// promote player to other class
					if (CanPromotePlayer(player)) {
						PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Druid, "The path of the Druid suits you, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". Welcome. Take this, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". You are a Druid now. Stick to our ways, and you shall go far.", null);
			return true;
Beispiel #36
        public override bool CheckBeginCast(GameLiving selectedTarget)
            if (m_caster.ObjectState != GameLiving.eObjectState.Active)	return false;
            if (!m_caster.IsAlive)
                MessageToCaster("You are dead and can't cast!", eChatType.CT_System);
                return false;

            // Is PS ?
            GameSpellEffect Phaseshift = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(Caster, "Phaseshift");
            if (Phaseshift != null && (Spell.InstrumentRequirement == 0 || Spell.SpellType == "Mesmerize"))
                MessageToCaster("You're phaseshifted and can't cast a spell", eChatType.CT_System);
                return false;

            // Is Shield Disarm ?
            ShieldTripDisarmEffect shieldDisarm = Caster.EffectList.GetOfType<ShieldTripDisarmEffect>();
            if (shieldDisarm != null)
                MessageToCaster("You're disarmed and can't cast a spell", eChatType.CT_System);
                return false;

            // Is Mentalist RA5L ?
            SelectiveBlindnessEffect SelectiveBlindness = Caster.EffectList.GetOfType<SelectiveBlindnessEffect>();
            if (SelectiveBlindness != null)
                GameLiving EffectOwner = SelectiveBlindness.EffectSource;
                    if (m_caster is GamePlayer)
                        ((GamePlayer)m_caster).Out.SendMessage(string.Format("{0} is invisible to you!", selectedTarget.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);

                    return false;

            // Is immune ?
            if (selectedTarget!=null&&selectedTarget.HasAbility("DamageImmunity"))
                MessageToCaster(selectedTarget.Name + " is immune to this effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                return false;

            if (m_caster.IsSitting)
                MessageToCaster("You can't cast while sitting!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                return false;
            if (m_spell.RecastDelay > 0)
                int left = m_caster.GetSkillDisabledDuration(m_spell);
                if (left > 0)
                    MessageToCaster("You must wait " + (left / 1000 + 1).ToString() + " seconds to use this spell!", eChatType.CT_System);
                    return false;
            String targetType = m_spell.Target.ToLower();
            if (targetType == "area")
                if (!m_caster.IsWithinRadius(m_caster.GroundTarget, CalculateSpellRange()))
                    MessageToCaster("Your area target is out of range.  Select a closer target.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;

            if (targetType == "enemy")
                if (m_caster.IsObjectInFront(selectedTarget, 180) == false)
                    MessageToCaster("Your target is not in view!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    Caster.Notify(GameLivingEvent.CastFailed, new CastFailedEventArgs(this, CastFailedEventArgs.Reasons.TargetNotInView));
                    return false;

                if (m_caster.TargetInView == false)
                    MessageToCaster("Your target is not visible!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    Caster.Notify(GameLivingEvent.CastFailed, new CastFailedEventArgs(this, CastFailedEventArgs.Reasons.TargetNotInView));
                    return false;

            if (Caster != null && Caster is GamePlayer && Caster.AttackWeapon != null && GlobalConstants.IsBowWeapon((eObjectType)Caster.AttackWeapon.Object_Type))
                if (Spell.LifeDrainReturn == (int)eShotType.Critical && (!(Caster.IsStealthed)))
                    MessageToCaster("You must be stealthed and wielding a bow to use this ability!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;

                return true;
                if (Spell.LifeDrainReturn == (int)eShotType.Critical)
                    MessageToCaster("You must be stealthed and wielding a bow to use this ability!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;

                MessageToCaster("You must be wielding a bow to use this ability!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                return false;
Beispiel #37
		/// <summary>
		/// Talk to trainer
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		/// <param name="text"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
			if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text)) return false;
			GamePlayer player = source as GamePlayer;
			if (player == null) return false;

			switch (text)
				case "Vampiir":
					// promote player to other class
					if (CanPromotePlayer(player))
						player.SkillSpecialtyPoints = 14;//lvl 5 skill points full

						PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Vampiir, "Very well, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". I gladly take your training into my hands. Congratulations, from this day forth, you are a Vampiir. Here, take this gift to aid you.", null);
						foreach (GamePlayer plr in player.GetPlayersInRadius(WorldMgr.VISIBILITY_DISTANCE)) // inform nearest clients about this player now is vampire (can fly)
							if (plr != null)
								plr.Out.SendVampireEffect(player, true);
						// drop any equiped-non usable item, in inventory or on the ground if full
			return true;
        public override bool IsSameRealm(GameLiving source, GameLiving target, bool quiet)
            if (source == null || target == null)
                return false;

            // if controlled NPC - do checks for owner instead
            if (source is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain controlled = ((GameNPC)source).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (controlled != null)
                    source = controlled.GetLivingOwner();
                    quiet = true; // silence all attacks by controlled npc
            if (target is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain controlled = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (controlled != null)
                    target = controlled.GetLivingOwner();

            if (source == target)
                return true;

            // clients with priv level > 1 are considered friendly by anyone
            if (target is GamePlayer && ((GamePlayer)target).Client.Account.PrivLevel > 1) return true;
            // checking as a gm, targets are considered friendly
            if (source is GamePlayer && ((GamePlayer)source).Client.Account.PrivLevel > 1) return true;

            //Peace flag NPCs are same realm
            if (target is GameNPC)
                if ((((GameNPC)target).Flags & GameNPC.eFlags.PEACE) != 0)
                    return true;

            if (source is GameNPC)
                if ((((GameNPC)source).Flags & GameNPC.eFlags.PEACE) != 0)
                    return true;

            if (source.Realm != target.Realm)
                if (quiet == false) MessageToLiving(source, target.GetName(0, true) + " is not a member of your realm!");
                return false;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Talk to trainer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
            if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text))

            if (!(source is GamePlayer player))

            switch (text)
            case "Champion":
                // promote player to other class
                if (CanPromotePlayer(player))
                    PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Champion, "Welcome " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". Let us see if you will become a worthy Champion. Take this gift, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". It is to aid you while you grow into a true Champion.", null);
                    player.ReceiveItem(this, ArmorId1);


Beispiel #40
            /// <summary>
            /// Called on every timer tick
            /// </summary>
            protected override void OnTick()
                GameLiving target = m_boltTarget;
                GameLiving caster = (GameLiving)m_actionSource;

                if (target == null)
                if (target.CurrentRegionID != caster.CurrentRegionID)
                if (target.ObjectState != GameObject.eObjectState.Active)
                if (!target.IsAlive)

                // Related to PvP hitchance
                // No information on bolt hitchance against npc's
                // Bolts are treated as physical attacks for the purpose of ABS only
                // Based on this I am normalizing the miss rate for npc's to be that of a standard spell

                int missrate = 0;

                if (caster is GamePlayer && target is GamePlayer)
                    if (target.InCombat)
                        foreach (GameLiving attacker in target.Attackers)
                            if (attacker != caster && target.GetDistanceTo(attacker) <= 200)
                                // each attacker within 200 units adds a 20% chance to miss
                                missrate += 20;

                if (target is GameNPC || caster is GameNPC)
                    missrate += (int)(ServerProperties.Properties.PVE_SPELL_CONHITPERCENT * caster.GetConLevel(target));

                // add defence bonus from last executed style if any
                AttackData targetAD = (AttackData)target.TempProperties.getProperty <object>(GameLiving.LAST_ATTACK_DATA, null);

                if (targetAD != null &&
                    targetAD.AttackResult == GameLiving.eAttackResult.HitStyle &&
                    targetAD.Style != null)
                    missrate += targetAD.Style.BonusToDefense;

                AttackData ad = m_handler.CalculateDamageToTarget(target, 0.5 - (caster.GetModified(eProperty.SpellDamage) * 0.01));

                if (Util.Chance(missrate))
                    ad.AttackResult = GameLiving.eAttackResult.Missed;
                    m_handler.MessageToCaster("You miss!", eChatType.CT_YouHit);
                    m_handler.MessageToLiving(target, caster.GetName(0, false) + " missed!", eChatType.CT_Missed);
                    target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, caster);
                    if (target is GameNPC)
                        IOldAggressiveBrain aggroBrain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IOldAggressiveBrain;
                        if (aggroBrain != null)
                            aggroBrain.AddToAggroList(caster, 1);

                ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * (1.0 + caster.GetModified(eProperty.SpellDamage) * 0.01));

                // Block
                bool blocked = false;

                if (target is GamePlayer)
                {                 // mobs left out yet
                    GamePlayer    player   = (GamePlayer)target;
                    InventoryItem lefthand = player.Inventory.GetItem(eInventorySlot.LeftHandWeapon);
                    if (lefthand != null && (player.AttackWeapon == null || player.AttackWeapon.Item_Type == Slot.RIGHTHAND || player.AttackWeapon.Item_Type == Slot.LEFTHAND))
                        if (target.IsObjectInFront(caster, 180) && lefthand.Object_Type == (int)eObjectType.Shield)
                            double shield      = 0.5 * player.GetModifiedSpecLevel(Specs.Shields);
                            double blockchance = ((player.Dexterity * 2) - 100) / 40.0 + shield + 5;
                            // Removed 30% increased chance to block, can find no clear evidence this is correct - tolakram
                            blockchance -= target.GetConLevel(caster) * 5;
                            if (blockchance >= 100)
                                blockchance = 99;
                            if (blockchance <= 0)
                                blockchance = 1;

                            if (target.IsEngaging)
                                EngageEffect engage = target.EffectList.GetOfType <EngageEffect>();
                                if (engage != null && target.AttackState && engage.EngageTarget == caster)
                                    // Engage raised block change to 85% if attacker is engageTarget and player is in attackstate
                                    // You cannot engage a mob that was attacked within the last X seconds...
                                    if (engage.EngageTarget.LastAttackedByEnemyTick > engage.EngageTarget.CurrentRegion.Time - EngageAbilityHandler.ENGAGE_ATTACK_DELAY_TICK)
                                        if (engage.Owner is GamePlayer)
                                            (engage.Owner as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage(engage.EngageTarget.GetName(0, true) + " has been attacked recently and you are unable to engage.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
                                    }                                      // Check if player has enough endurance left to engage
                                    else if (engage.Owner.Endurance < EngageAbilityHandler.ENGAGE_DURATION_LOST)
                                        engage.Cancel(false);                                         // if player ran out of endurance cancel engage effect
                                        engage.Owner.Endurance -= EngageAbilityHandler.ENGAGE_DURATION_LOST;
                                        if (engage.Owner is GamePlayer)
                                            (engage.Owner as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage("You concentrate on blocking the blow!", eChatType.CT_Skill, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);

                                        if (blockchance < 85)
                                            blockchance = 85;

                            if (blockchance >= Util.Random(1, 100))
                                m_handler.MessageToLiving(player, "You partially block " + caster.GetName(0, false) + "'s spell!", eChatType.CT_Missed);
                                m_handler.MessageToCaster(player.GetName(0, true) + " blocks!", eChatType.CT_YouHit);
                                blocked = true;

                double effectiveness = 1.0 + (caster.GetModified(eProperty.SpellDamage) * 0.01);

                // simplified melee damage calculation
                if (blocked == false)
                    // TODO: armor resists to damage type

                    double damage = m_handler.Spell.Damage / 2;                     // another half is physical damage
                    if (target is GamePlayer)
                        ad.ArmorHitLocation = ((GamePlayer)target).CalculateArmorHitLocation(ad);

                    InventoryItem armor = null;
                    if (target.Inventory != null)
                        armor = target.Inventory.GetItem((eInventorySlot)ad.ArmorHitLocation);

                    double ws = (caster.Level * 8 * (1.0 + (caster.GetModified(eProperty.Dexterity) - 50) / 200.0));

                    damage     *= ((ws + 90.68) / (target.GetArmorAF(ad.ArmorHitLocation) + 20 * 4.67));
                    damage     *= 1.0 - Math.Min(0.85, ad.Target.GetArmorAbsorb(ad.ArmorHitLocation));
                    ad.Modifier = (int)(damage * (ad.Target.GetResist(ad.DamageType) + SkillBase.GetArmorResist(armor, ad.DamageType)) / -100.0);
                    damage     += ad.Modifier;

                    damage  = damage * effectiveness;
                    damage *= (1.0 + RelicMgr.GetRelicBonusModifier(caster.Realm, eRelicType.Magic));

                    if (damage < 0)
                        damage = 0;
                    ad.Damage += (int)damage;

                if (m_handler is SiegeArrow == false)
                    ad.UncappedDamage = ad.Damage;
                    ad.Damage         = (int)Math.Min(ad.Damage, m_handler.DamageCap(effectiveness));

                ad.Damage = (int)(ad.Damage * caster.Effectiveness);

                if (blocked == false && ad.CriticalDamage > 0)
                    int critMax = (target is GamePlayer) ? ad.Damage / 2 : ad.Damage;
                    ad.CriticalDamage = Util.Random(critMax / 10, critMax);

                m_handler.DamageTarget(ad, false, (blocked ? 0x02 : 0x14));
                target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, caster);
Beispiel #41
        public override bool CasterIsAttacked(GameLiving attacker)
            if (Spell.Uninterruptible)
                return false;

            if (IsCasting && Stage < 2)
                double mod = Caster.GetConLevel(attacker);
                double chance = 65;
                chance += mod * 10;
                chance = Math.Max(1, chance);
                chance = Math.Min(99, chance);
                if (attacker is GamePlayer) chance = 100;
                if (Util.Chance((int)chance))
                    Caster.TempProperties.setProperty(INTERRUPT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY, Caster.CurrentRegion.Time + Caster.SpellInterruptDuration);
                    MessageToLiving(Caster, attacker.GetName(0, true) + " attacks you and your shot is interrupted!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return true;
            return true;
Beispiel #42
        public override bool IsSameRealm(GameLiving source, GameLiving target, bool quiet)
            if (source == null || target == null)

            // if controlled NPC - do checks for owner instead
            if (source is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain controlled = ((GameNPC)source).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (controlled != null)
                    source = controlled.GetLivingOwner();
                    quiet  = true;                    // silence all attacks by controlled npc
            if (target is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain controlled = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (controlled != null)
                    target = controlled.GetLivingOwner();

            if (source == target)

            // clients with priv level > 1 are considered friendly by anyone
            if (target is GamePlayer && ((GamePlayer)target).Client.Account.PrivLevel > 1)
            // checking as a gm, targets are considered friendly
            if (source is GamePlayer && ((GamePlayer)source).Client.Account.PrivLevel > 1)

            //Peace flag NPCs are same realm
            if (target is GameNPC)
                if ((((GameNPC)target).Flags & GameNPC.eFlags.PEACE) != 0)

            if (source is GameNPC)
                if ((((GameNPC)source).Flags & GameNPC.eFlags.PEACE) != 0)

            if (source.Realm != target.Realm)
                if (quiet == false)
                    MessageToLiving(source, target.GetName(0, true) + " is not a member of your realm!");
Beispiel #43
		/// <summary>
		/// Talk to trainer
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		/// <param name="text"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
			if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text)) return false;
			GamePlayer player = source as GamePlayer;
			switch (text) {
				case "Ranger":
					// promote player to other class
					if (CanPromotePlayer(player)) {
						PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Ranger, "Good then. Your path as a Ranger is before you. Walk it with care, friend. Take these, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ", to help make walking the path a bit easier.", null);
			return true;
Beispiel #44
            protected override void OnTick()
                GameLiving target = m_arrowTarget;
                GameLiving caster = (GameLiving)m_actionSource;

                if (target == null || !target.IsAlive || target.ObjectState != GameObject.eObjectState.Active || target.CurrentRegionID != caster.CurrentRegionID)

                int missrate = 100 - m_handler.CalculateToHitChance(target);
                // add defence bonus from last executed style if any
                AttackData targetAD = (AttackData)target.TempProperties.getProperty <object>(GameLiving.LAST_ATTACK_DATA, null);

                if (targetAD != null &&
                    targetAD.AttackResult == GameLiving.eAttackResult.HitStyle &&
                    targetAD.Style != null)
                    missrate += targetAD.Style.BonusToDefense;

                // half of the damage is magical
                // subtract any spelldamage bonus and re-calculate after half damage is calculated
                AttackData ad = m_handler.CalculateDamageToTarget(target, 0.5 - (caster.GetModified(eProperty.SpellDamage) * 0.01));

                // check for bladeturn miss
                if (ad.AttackResult == GameLiving.eAttackResult.Missed)

                if (Util.Chance(missrate))
                    ad.AttackResult = GameLiving.eAttackResult.Missed;
                    m_handler.MessageToCaster("You miss!", eChatType.CT_YouHit);
                    m_handler.MessageToLiving(target, caster.GetName(0, false) + " missed!", eChatType.CT_Missed);
                    target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, caster);
                    if (target is GameNPC)
                        IOldAggressiveBrain aggroBrain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IOldAggressiveBrain;
                        if (aggroBrain != null)
                            aggroBrain.AddToAggroList(caster, 1);

                ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * (1.0 + caster.GetModified(eProperty.SpellDamage) * 0.01));

                bool arrowBlock = false;

                if (target is GamePlayer && !target.IsStunned && !target.IsMezzed && !target.IsSitting && m_handler.Spell.LifeDrainReturn != (int)Archery.eShotType.Critical)
                    GamePlayer    player   = (GamePlayer)target;
                    InventoryItem lefthand = player.Inventory.GetItem(eInventorySlot.LeftHandWeapon);
                    if (lefthand != null && (player.AttackWeapon == null || player.AttackWeapon.Item_Type == Slot.RIGHTHAND || player.AttackWeapon.Item_Type == Slot.LEFTHAND))
                        if (target.IsObjectInFront(caster, 180) && lefthand.Object_Type == (int)eObjectType.Shield)
                            // TODO: shield size vs number of attackers not calculated
                            double shield      = 0.5 * player.GetModifiedSpecLevel(Specs.Shields);
                            double blockchance = ((player.Dexterity * 2) - 100) / 40.0 + shield + (0 * 3) + 5;
                            blockchance += 30;
                            blockchance -= target.GetConLevel(caster) * 5;
                            if (blockchance >= 100)
                                blockchance = 99;
                            if (blockchance <= 0)
                                blockchance = 1;

                            if (target.IsEngaging)
                                EngageEffect engage = target.EffectList.GetOfType <EngageEffect>();
                                if (engage != null && target.AttackState && engage.EngageTarget == caster)
                                    // Engage raised block change to 85% if attacker is engageTarget and player is in attackstate
                                    // You cannot engage a mob that was attacked within the last X seconds...
                                    if (engage.EngageTarget.LastAttackedByEnemyTick > engage.EngageTarget.CurrentRegion.Time - EngageAbilityHandler.ENGAGE_ATTACK_DELAY_TICK)
                                        if (engage.Owner is GamePlayer)
                                            (engage.Owner as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage(engage.EngageTarget.GetName(0, true) + " has been attacked recently and you are unable to engage.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
                                    }                                      // Check if player has enough endurance left to engage
                                    else if (engage.Owner.Endurance < EngageAbilityHandler.ENGAGE_DURATION_LOST)
                                        engage.Cancel(false);                                         // if player ran out of endurance cancel engage effect
                                        engage.Owner.Endurance -= EngageAbilityHandler.ENGAGE_DURATION_LOST;
                                        if (engage.Owner is GamePlayer)
                                            (engage.Owner as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage("You concentrate on blocking the blow!", eChatType.CT_Skill, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);

                                        if (blockchance < 85)
                                            blockchance = 85;

                            if (blockchance >= Util.Random(1, 100))
                                arrowBlock = true;
                                m_handler.MessageToLiving(player, "You block " + caster.GetName(0, false) + "'s arrow!", eChatType.CT_System);
                                if (m_handler.Spell.Target.ToLower() != "area")
                                    m_handler.MessageToCaster(player.GetName(0, true) + " blocks your arrow!", eChatType.CT_System);
                                    m_handler.DamageTarget(ad, false, 0x02);

                if (arrowBlock == false)
                    // now calculate the magical part of arrow damage (similar to bolt calculation).  Part 1 Physical, Part 2 Magical

                    double damage = m_handler.Spell.Damage / 2;                     // another half is physical damage
                    if (target is GamePlayer)
                        ad.ArmorHitLocation = ((GamePlayer)target).CalculateArmorHitLocation(ad);

                    InventoryItem armor = null;
                    if (target.Inventory != null)
                        armor = target.Inventory.GetItem((eInventorySlot)ad.ArmorHitLocation);

                    double ws = (caster.Level * 8 * (1.0 + (caster.GetModified(eProperty.Dexterity) - 50) / 200.0));

                    damage     *= ((ws + 90.68) / (target.GetArmorAF(ad.ArmorHitLocation) + 20 * 4.67));
                    damage     *= 1.0 - Math.Min(0.85, ad.Target.GetArmorAbsorb(ad.ArmorHitLocation));
                    ad.Modifier = (int)(damage * (ad.Target.GetResist(ad.DamageType) + SkillBase.GetArmorResist(armor, ad.DamageType)) / -100.0);
                    damage     += ad.Modifier;

                    double effectiveness = caster.Effectiveness;
                    effectiveness += (caster.GetModified(eProperty.SpellDamage) * 0.01);
                    damage         = damage * effectiveness;

                    damage *= (1.0 + RelicMgr.GetRelicBonusModifier(caster.Realm, eRelicType.Magic));

                    if (damage < 0)
                        damage = 0;

                    ad.Damage += (int)damage;

                    if (caster.AttackWeapon != null)
                        // Quality
                        ad.Damage -= (int)(ad.Damage * (100 - caster.AttackWeapon.Quality) * .01);

                        // Condition
                        ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * Math.Min(1.0, (double)caster.AttackWeapon.Condition / (double)caster.AttackWeapon.MaxCondition));

                        // Patch Note:
                        // - The Damage Per Second (DPS) of your bow will have an effect on your damage for archery shots. If the effective DPS
                        //   of your equipped bow is less than that of your max DPS for the level of archery shot you are using, the damage of your
                        //   shot will be reduced. Max DPS for a particular level can be found by using this equation: (.3 * level) + 1.2

                        int spellRequiredDPS = 12 + 3 * m_handler.Spell.Level;

                        if (caster.AttackWeapon.DPS_AF < spellRequiredDPS)
                            double percentReduction = (double)caster.AttackWeapon.DPS_AF / (double)spellRequiredDPS;
                            ad.Damage = (int)(ad.Damage * percentReduction);

                    if (ad.Damage < 0)
                        ad.Damage = 0;

                    ad.UncappedDamage = ad.Damage;
                    ad.Damage         = (int)Math.Min(ad.Damage, m_handler.DamageCap(effectiveness));

                    if (ad.CriticalDamage > 0)
                        if (m_handler.Spell.Target.ToLower() == "area")
                            ad.CriticalDamage = 0;
                            int critMax = (target is GamePlayer) ? ad.Damage / 2 : ad.Damage;
                            ad.CriticalDamage = Util.Random(critMax / 10, critMax);


                    m_handler.DamageTarget(ad, false, 0x14);
                    target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, caster);

                if (m_handler.Spell.SubSpellID != 0)
                    Spell subspell = SkillBase.GetSpellByID(m_handler.Spell.SubSpellID);
                    if (subspell != null)
                        subspell.Level = m_handler.Spell.Level;
                        ISpellHandler spellhandler = ScriptMgr.CreateSpellHandler(m_handler.Caster, subspell, SkillBase.GetSpellLine(GlobalSpellsLines.Combat_Styles_Effect));
                        if (spellhandler != null)

                if (arrowBlock == false && m_handler.Caster.AttackWeapon != null && GlobalConstants.IsBowWeapon((eObjectType)m_handler.Caster.AttackWeapon.Object_Type))
                    if (ad.AttackResult == GameLiving.eAttackResult.HitUnstyled || ad.AttackResult == GameLiving.eAttackResult.HitStyle)
                        caster.CheckWeaponMagicalEffect(ad, m_handler.Caster.AttackWeapon);
Beispiel #45
        private bool HasTarget(GameClient client, GameLiving livingToCheck)
            if (livingToCheck.TargetObject != null)
                return true;

            //We cannot assist our target when it has no target.
            client.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(client.Account.Language, "Scripts.Players.Assist.DoesntHaveTarget", livingToCheck.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// A heal generated by an item proc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="amount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual bool ProcHeal(GameLiving target, int amount)
            if (target == null || target.ObjectState != GameLiving.eObjectState.Active)

            // we can't heal people we can attack
            if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(Caster, target, true))

            if (!target.IsAlive)

            // no healing of keep components
            if (target is Keeps.GameKeepComponent || target is Keeps.GameKeepDoor)

            int heal = target.ChangeHealth(Caster, GameLiving.eHealthChangeType.Spell, amount);

            if (m_caster == target && heal > 0)
                MessageToCaster("You heal yourself for " + heal + " hit points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);

                if (heal < amount)
                    MessageToCaster("You are fully healed.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                    #region PVP DAMAGE

                    if (target is NecromancerPet &&
                        ((target as NecromancerPet).Brain as IControlledBrain).GetPlayerOwner() != null || target is GamePlayer)
                        if (target.DamageRvRMemory > 0)
                            target.DamageRvRMemory = 0; //Remise a zéro compteur dommages/heal rps

                    #endregion PVP DAMAGE
            else if (heal > 0)
                MessageToCaster("You heal " + target.GetName(0, false) + " for " + heal + " hit points!", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToLiving(target, "You are healed by " + m_caster.GetName(0, false) + " for " + heal + " hit points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);

                #region PVP DAMAGE

                if (heal < amount)
                    if (target is NecromancerPet &&
                        ((target as NecromancerPet).Brain as IControlledBrain).GetPlayerOwner() != null || target is GamePlayer)
                        if (target.DamageRvRMemory > 0)
                            target.DamageRvRMemory = 0; //Remise a zéro compteur dommages/heal rps
                    if (target is NecromancerPet &&
                        ((target as NecromancerPet).Brain as IControlledBrain).GetPlayerOwner() != null || target is GamePlayer)
                        if (target.DamageRvRMemory > 0)
                            target.DamageRvRMemory -= (long)Math.Max(heal, 0);

            #endregion PVP DAMAGE

Beispiel #47
        private bool SameRealm(GameClient client, GameLiving livingToCheck, bool usePvEPvPRule)
            if (usePvEPvPRule)
                if (livingToCheck.Realm != 0)
                    return true;
                if (livingToCheck.Realm == client.Player.Realm)
                    return true;

            //We cannot assist livings of an enemy realm.
            client.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(client.Account.Language, "Scripts.Players.Assist.NoRealmMember", livingToCheck.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
            return false;
Beispiel #48
 /// <summary>
 /// casting sequence has a chance for interrupt through attack from enemy
 /// the final decision and the interrupt is done here
 /// TODO: con level dependend
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attacker">attacker that interrupts the cast sequence</param>
 /// <returns>true if casting was interrupted</returns>
 public virtual bool CasterIsAttacked(GameLiving attacker)
     //[StephenxPimentel] Check if the necro has MoC effect before interrupting.
     if (Caster is NecromancerPet)
         if ((Caster as NecromancerPet).Owner.EffectList.GetOfType<MasteryofConcentrationEffect>() != null)
             return false;
     if (Spell.Uninterruptible)
         return false;
     if (Caster.EffectList.CountOfType(typeof(QuickCastEffect), typeof(MasteryofConcentrationEffect), typeof(FacilitatePainworkingEffect)) > 0)
         return false;
     if (IsCasting && Stage < 2)
         if (Caster.ChanceSpellInterrupt(attacker))
             Caster.LastInterruptMessage = attacker.GetName(0, true) + " attacks you and your spell is interrupted!";
             MessageToLiving(Caster, Caster.LastInterruptMessage, eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
             InterruptCasting(); // always interrupt at the moment
             return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #49
 protected static void RemoveItem(GameLiving target, GamePlayer player, ItemTemplate itemTemplate, bool notify)
     if (itemTemplate == null)
         log.Error("itemtemplate is null in RemoveItem:" + Environment.StackTrace);
     lock (player.Inventory)
         InventoryItem item = player.Inventory.GetFirstItemByID(itemTemplate.Id_nb, eInventorySlot.FirstBackpack, eInventorySlot.LastBackpack);
         if (item != null)
             InventoryLogging.LogInventoryAction(player, target, eInventoryActionType.Quest, item.Template, item.Count);
             if (target != null)
                 player.Out.SendMessage("You give the " + itemTemplate.Name + " to " + target.GetName(0, false), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
         else if (notify)
             player.Out.SendMessage("You cannot remove the \"" + itemTemplate.Name + "\" because you don't have it.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
Beispiel #50
        /// <summary>
        /// All checks before any casting begins
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedTarget"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual bool CheckBeginCast(GameLiving selectedTarget, bool quiet)
            if (m_caster.ObjectState != GameLiving.eObjectState.Active)
                return false;

            if (!m_caster.IsAlive)
                if(!quiet) MessageToCaster("You are dead and can't cast!", eChatType.CT_System);
                return false;

            if (m_caster is GamePlayer)
                long nextSpellAvailTime = m_caster.TempProperties.getProperty<long>(GamePlayer.NEXT_SPELL_AVAIL_TIME_BECAUSE_USE_POTION);

                if (nextSpellAvailTime > m_caster.CurrentRegion.Time)
                    ((GamePlayer)m_caster).Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)m_caster).Client, "GamePlayer.CastSpell.MustWaitBeforeCast", (nextSpellAvailTime - m_caster.CurrentRegion.Time) / 1000), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
                    return false;
                if (((GamePlayer)m_caster).Steed != null && ((GamePlayer)m_caster).Steed is GameSiegeRam)
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You can't cast in a siegeram!.", eChatType.CT_System);
                    return false;
                GameSpellEffect naturesWomb = FindEffectOnTarget(Caster, typeof(NaturesWombEffect));
                if (naturesWomb != null)
                    //Get Correct Message for 1.108 update.
                    MessageToCaster("You are silenced and cannot cast a spell right now.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;

            GameSpellEffect Phaseshift = FindEffectOnTarget(Caster, "Phaseshift");
            if (Phaseshift != null && (Spell.InstrumentRequirement == 0 || Spell.SpellType == "Mesmerize"))
                if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You're phaseshifted and can't cast a spell", eChatType.CT_System);
                return false;

            // Apply Mentalist RA5L
            if (Spell.Range>0)
                SelectiveBlindnessEffect SelectiveBlindness = Caster.EffectList.GetOfType<SelectiveBlindnessEffect>();
                if (SelectiveBlindness != null)
                    GameLiving EffectOwner = SelectiveBlindness.EffectSource;
                        if (m_caster is GamePlayer && !quiet)
                            ((GamePlayer)m_caster).Out.SendMessage(string.Format("{0} is invisible to you!", selectedTarget.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);

                        return false;

            if (selectedTarget!=null && selectedTarget.HasAbility("DamageImmunity") && Spell.SpellType == "DirectDamage" && Spell.Radius == 0)
                if (!quiet) MessageToCaster(selectedTarget.Name + " is immune to this effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                return false;

            if (m_spell.InstrumentRequirement != 0)
                if (!CheckInstrument())
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You are not wielding the right type of instrument!",
                    return false;
            else if (m_caster.IsSitting) // songs can be played if sitting
                //Purge can be cast while sitting but only if player has negative effect that
                //don't allow standing up (like stun or mez)
                if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You can't cast while sitting!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                return false;

            if (m_caster.AttackState && m_spell.CastTime != 0)
                if (m_caster.CanCastInCombat(Spell) == false)
                    return false;

            if (!m_spell.Uninterruptible && m_spell.CastTime > 0 && m_caster is GamePlayer &&
                m_caster.EffectList.GetOfType<QuickCastEffect>() == null && m_caster.EffectList.GetOfType<MasteryofConcentrationEffect>() == null)
                if (Caster.InterruptAction > 0 && Caster.InterruptAction + Caster.SpellInterruptRecastTime > Caster.CurrentRegion.Time)
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You must wait " + (((Caster.InterruptAction + Caster.SpellInterruptRecastTime) - Caster.CurrentRegion.Time) / 1000 + 1).ToString() + " seconds to cast a spell!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;

            if (m_spell.RecastDelay > 0)
                int left = m_caster.GetSkillDisabledDuration(m_spell);
                if (left > 0)
                    if (m_caster is NecromancerPet && ((m_caster as NecromancerPet).Owner as GamePlayer).Client.Account.PrivLevel > (int)ePrivLevel.Player)
                        // Ignore Recast Timer
                        if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You must wait " + (left / 1000 + 1).ToString() + " seconds to use this spell!", eChatType.CT_System);
                        return false;

            String targetType = m_spell.Target.ToLower();

            //[Ganrod] Nidel: Can cast pet spell on all Pet/Turret/Minion (our pet)
            if (targetType.Equals("pet"))
                if (selectedTarget == null || !Caster.IsControlledNPC(selectedTarget as GameNPC))
                    if (Caster.ControlledBrain != null && Caster.ControlledBrain.Body != null)
                        selectedTarget = Caster.ControlledBrain.Body;
                        if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You must cast this spell on a creature you are controlling.",
                        return false;
            if (targetType == "area")
                if (!m_caster.IsWithinRadius(m_caster.GroundTarget, CalculateSpellRange()))
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("Your area target is out of range.  Select a closer target.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;
                if (!Caster.GroundTargetInView)
                    MessageToCaster("Your ground target is not in view!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;
            else if (targetType != "self" && targetType != "group" && targetType != "pet"
                     && targetType != "controlled" && targetType != "cone" && m_spell.Range > 0)
                // All spells that need a target.

                if (selectedTarget == null || selectedTarget.ObjectState != GameLiving.eObjectState.Active)
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You must select a target for this spell!",
                    return false;

                if (!m_caster.IsWithinRadius(selectedTarget, CalculateSpellRange()))
                    if(Caster is GamePlayer && !quiet) MessageToCaster("That target is too far away!",
                                  new CastFailedEventArgs(this, CastFailedEventArgs.Reasons.TargetTooFarAway));
                    return false;

                switch (m_spell.Target.ToLower())
                    case "enemy":
                        if (selectedTarget == m_caster)
                            if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You can't attack yourself! ", eChatType.CT_System);
                            return false;

                        if (FindStaticEffectOnTarget(selectedTarget, typeof(NecromancerShadeEffect)) != null)
                            if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("Invalid target.", eChatType.CT_System);
                            return false;

                        if (m_spell.SpellType == "Charm" && m_spell.CastTime == 0 && m_spell.Pulse != 0)

                        if (m_caster.IsObjectInFront(selectedTarget, 180) == false)
                            if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("Your target is not in view!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                            Caster.Notify(GameLivingEvent.CastFailed, new CastFailedEventArgs(this, CastFailedEventArgs.Reasons.TargetNotInView));
                            return false;

                        if (m_caster.TargetInView == false)
                            if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("Your target is not visible!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                            Caster.Notify(GameLivingEvent.CastFailed, new CastFailedEventArgs(this, CastFailedEventArgs.Reasons.TargetNotInView));
                            return false;

                        if (!GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(Caster, selectedTarget, quiet))
                            return false;

                    case "corpse":
                        if (selectedTarget.IsAlive || !GameServer.ServerRules.IsSameRealm(Caster, selectedTarget, true))
                            if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("This spell only works on dead members of your realm!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                            return false;

                    case "realm":
                        if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(Caster, selectedTarget, true))
                            return false;

                //heals/buffs/rez need LOS only to start casting
                if (!m_caster.TargetInView && m_spell.Target.ToLower() != "pet")
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("Your target is not in visible!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    Caster.Notify(GameLivingEvent.CastFailed, new CastFailedEventArgs(this, CastFailedEventArgs.Reasons.TargetNotInView));
                    return false;

                if (m_spell.Target.ToLower() != "corpse" && !selectedTarget.IsAlive)
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster(selectedTarget.GetName(0, true) + " is dead!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;

            //Ryan: don't want mobs to have reductions in mana
            if (Spell.Power != 0 && m_caster is GamePlayer && (m_caster as GamePlayer).CharacterClass.ID != (int)eCharacterClass.Savage && m_caster.Mana < PowerCost(selectedTarget) && Spell.SpellType != "Archery")
                if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You don't have enough power to cast that!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                return false;

            if (m_caster is GamePlayer && m_spell.Concentration > 0)
                if (m_caster.Concentration < m_spell.Concentration)
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("This spell requires " + m_spell.Concentration + " concentration points to cast!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;

                if (m_caster.ConcentrationEffects.ConcSpellsCount >= 50)
                    if (!quiet) MessageToCaster("You can only cast up to 50 simultaneous concentration spells!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                    return false;

            // Cancel engage if user starts attack
            if (m_caster.IsEngaging)
                EngageEffect engage = m_caster.EffectList.GetOfType<EngageEffect>();
                if (engage != null)

            if (!(Caster is GamePlayer))
                Caster.Notify(GameLivingEvent.CastSucceeded, this, new PetSpellEventArgs(Spell, SpellLine, selectedTarget));

            return true;
Beispiel #51
        public override void ApplyEffectOnTarget(GameLiving target, double effectiveness)
            // This prevent most of type casting errors
            if (target is GameNPC == false)
                MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            // check only if brain wasn't changed at least once
            if (m_controlledBrain == null)
                // Target is already controlled
                if (((GameNPC)target).Brain != null && ((GameNPC)target).Brain is IControlledBrain && (((IControlledBrain)((GameNPC)target).Brain).Owner as GamePlayer) != Caster)
                    // TODO: proper message
                    MessageToCaster("Your target is not valid.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

                // Already have a pet...
                if (Caster.ControlledBrain != null)
                    MessageToCaster("You already have a charmed creature, release it first!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

                // Body Type None (0) is used to make mobs un-charmable , Realm Guards or NPC cannot be charmed.
                if (target.Realm != 0 || ((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.None)
                    MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

                // If server properties prevent Named charm.
                if (ServerProperties.Properties.SPELL_CHARM_NAMED_CHECK != 0 && !target.Name[0].ToString().ToLower().Equals(target.Name[0].ToString()))
                    MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

                // Check if Body type applies
                if (m_spell.AmnesiaChance != (ushort)eCharmType.All)
                    bool charmable = false;

                    // gets true only for charm-able mobs for this spell type
                    switch ((eCharmType)m_spell.AmnesiaChance)
                    case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsectMagicalUndead:
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Undead)
                            charmable = true;

                        goto case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsectMagical;

                    case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsectMagical:
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Magical)
                            charmable = true;
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Plant)
                            charmable = true;
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Elemental)
                            charmable = true;

                        goto case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsect;

                    case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimalInsect:
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Insect)
                            charmable = true;
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Reptile)
                            charmable = true;

                        goto case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimal;

                    case eCharmType.HumanoidAnimal:
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Animal)
                            charmable = true;

                        goto case eCharmType.Humanoid;

                    case eCharmType.Humanoid:
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Humanoid)
                            charmable = true;


                    case eCharmType.Animal:
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Animal)
                            charmable = true;


                    case eCharmType.Insect:
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Insect)
                            charmable = true;


                    case eCharmType.Reptile:
                        if (((GameNPC)target).BodyType == (ushort)NpcTemplateMgr.eBodyType.Reptile)
                            charmable = true;


                    // The NPC type doesn't match spell charm types.
                    if (!charmable)
                        MessageToCaster("This spell does not charm this type of monster!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            // Spell.Value == Max Level this spell can charm, Spell.Damage == Max percent of the caster level this spell can charm
            if (target.Level > Spell.Value || target.Level > Caster.Level * Spell.Damage / 100)
                MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " is too strong for you to charm!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            if (Caster is GamePlayer)
                // base resists for all charm spells
                int resistChance = 100 - (85 + ((Caster.Level - target.Level) / 2));

                if (Spell.Pulse != 0) // not permanent
                     * The Minstrel/Mentalist has an almost certain chance to charm/retain control of
                     * a creature his level or lower, although there is a small random chance that it
                     * could fail. The higher the level of the charmed creature compared to the
                     * Minstrel/Mentalist, the greater the chance the monster has of breaking the charm.
                     * Please note that your specialization level in the magic skill that contains the
                     * charm spell will modify your base chance of charming and retaining control.
                     * The higher your spec level, the greater your chance of controlling.

                    int diffLevel = (int)(Caster.Level / 1.5 + Caster.GetModifiedSpecLevel(m_spellLine.Spec) / 3) - target.Level;

                    if (diffLevel >= 0)
                        resistChance = 10 - diffLevel * 3;
                        resistChance = Math.Max(resistChance, 1);
                        resistChance = 10 + diffLevel * diffLevel * 3;
                        resistChance = Math.Min(resistChance, 99);

                if (Util.Chance(resistChance))
                    MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the charm!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            base.ApplyEffectOnTarget(target, effectiveness);
Beispiel #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute Duration Spell Effect on Target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="effectiveness"></param>
        public virtual void OnDurationEffectApply(GameLiving target, double effectiveness)
            if (!target.IsAlive || target.EffectList == null)

            eChatType noOverwrite = (Spell.Pulse == 0) ? eChatType.CT_SpellResisted : eChatType.CT_SpellPulse;
            GameSpellEffect neweffect = CreateSpellEffect(target, effectiveness);

            // Iterate through Overwritable Effect
            var overwritenEffects = target.EffectList.OfType<GameSpellEffect>().Where(effect => effect.SpellHandler != null && effect.SpellHandler.IsOverwritable(neweffect));

            // Store Overwritable or Cancellable
            var enable = true;
            var cancellableEffects = new List<GameSpellEffect>(1);
            GameSpellEffect overwriteEffect = null;

            foreach (var ovEffect in overwritenEffects)
                // If we can cancel spell effect we don't need to overwrite it
                if (ovEffect.SpellHandler.IsCancellable(neweffect))
                    // Spell is better than existing "Cancellable" or it should start disabled
                    if (IsCancellableEffectBetter(ovEffect, neweffect))
                        enable = false;
                    // Check for Overwriting.
                    if (IsNewEffectBetter(ovEffect, neweffect))
                        // New Spell is overwriting this one.
                        overwriteEffect = ovEffect;
                        // Old Spell is Better than new one
                        if (target == Caster)
                            if (ovEffect.ImmunityState)
                                MessageToCaster("You can't have that effect again yet!", noOverwrite);
                                MessageToCaster("You already have that effect. Wait until it expires. Spell failed.", noOverwrite);
                            if (ovEffect.ImmunityState)
                                this.MessageToCaster(noOverwrite, "{0} can't have that effect again yet!", ovEffect.Owner != null ? ovEffect.Owner.GetName(0, true) : "(null)");
                                this.MessageToCaster(noOverwrite, "{0} already has that effect.", target.GetName(0, true));
                                MessageToCaster("Wait until it expires. Spell Failed.", noOverwrite);
                        // Prevent Adding.

            // Register Effect list Changes
                // Check for disabled effect
                foreach (var disableEffect in cancellableEffects)

                if (overwriteEffect != null)
                    if (enable)
                    if (enable)
        /// <summary>
        /// Heals hit points of one target and sends needed messages, no spell effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="amount">amount of hit points to heal</param>
        /// <returns>true if heal was done</returns>
        public virtual bool HealTarget(GameLiving target, int amount)
            if (target == null || target.ObjectState != GameLiving.eObjectState.Active)

            // we can't heal people we can attack
            if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(Caster, target, true))

            // no healing of keep components
            if (target is Keeps.GameKeepComponent || target is Keeps.GameKeepDoor)

            if (!target.IsAlive)
                //"You cannot heal the dead!" sshot550.tga
                MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " is dead!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            if (target is GamePlayer && (target as GamePlayer).NoHelp && Caster is GamePlayer)
                //player not grouped, anyone else
                //player grouped, different group
                if ((target as GamePlayer).Group == null ||
                    (Caster as GamePlayer).Group == null ||
                    (Caster as GamePlayer).Group != (target as GamePlayer).Group)
                    MessageToCaster("That player does not want assistance", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            //moc heal decrease
            double mocFactor = 1.0;
            MasteryofConcentrationEffect moc = Caster.EffectList.GetOfType <MasteryofConcentrationEffect>();

            if (moc != null)
                GamePlayer playerCaster          = Caster as GamePlayer;
                MasteryofConcentrationAbility ra = playerCaster.GetAbility <MasteryofConcentrationAbility>();
                if (ra != null)
                    mocFactor = System.Math.Round((double)ra.GetAmountForLevel(ra.Level) / 100, 2);
                amount = (int)Math.Round(amount * mocFactor);
            int    criticalvalue  = 0;
            int    criticalchance = Caster.GetModified(eProperty.CriticalHealHitChance);
            double effectiveness  = 0;

            if (Caster is GamePlayer)
                effectiveness = ((GamePlayer)Caster).Effectiveness + Caster.GetModified(eProperty.HealingEffectiveness) * 0.01;
            if (Caster is GameNPC)
                effectiveness = 1.0;

            //USE DOUBLE !
            double cache = (double)amount * effectiveness;

            amount = (int)cache;

            if (Util.Chance(criticalchance))
                criticalvalue = Util.Random(amount / 10, amount / 2 + 1);

            amount += criticalvalue;

            GamePlayer playerTarget = target as GamePlayer;

            if (playerTarget != null)
                GameSpellEffect HealEffect = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(playerTarget, "EfficientHealing");
                if (HealEffect != null)
                    double HealBonus = amount * ((int)HealEffect.Spell.Value * 0.01);
                    amount += (int)HealBonus;
                    playerTarget.Out.SendMessage("Your Efficient Healing buff grants you a additional" + HealBonus + " in the Heal!", eChatType.CT_Spell, eChatLoc.CL_ChatWindow);
                GameSpellEffect EndEffect = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(playerTarget, "EfficientEndurance");
                if (EndEffect != null)
                    double EndBonus = amount * ((int)EndEffect.Spell.Value * 0.01);
                    //600 / 10 = 60end
                    playerTarget.Endurance += (int)EndBonus;
                    playerTarget.Out.SendMessage("Your Efficient Endurance buff grants you " + EndBonus + " Endurance from the Heal!", eChatType.CT_Spell, eChatLoc.CL_ChatWindow);

            GameSpellEffect flaskHeal = FindEffectOnTarget(target, "HealFlask");

            if (flaskHeal != null)
                amount += (int)((amount * flaskHeal.Spell.Value) * 0.01);

            int heal = target.ChangeHealth(Caster, GameLiving.eHealthChangeType.Spell, amount);

            #region PVP DAMAGE

            long healedrp = 0;

            if (target.DamageRvRMemory > 0 &&
                (target is NecromancerPet &&
                 ((target as NecromancerPet).Brain as IControlledBrain).GetPlayerOwner() != null ||
                 target is GamePlayer))
                healedrp = (long)Math.Max(heal, 0);
                target.DamageRvRMemory -= healedrp;

            if (heal == 0)
                if (Spell.Pulse == 0)
                    if (target == m_caster)
                        MessageToCaster("You are fully healed.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                        MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " is fully healed.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            if (m_caster is GamePlayer && target is NecromancerPet &&
                ((target as NecromancerPet).Brain as IControlledBrain).GetPlayerOwner() != null ||
                target is GamePlayer && healedrp > 0)
                int POURCENTAGE_SOIN_RP = ServerProperties.Properties.HEAL_PVP_DAMAGE_VALUE_RP; // ...% de bonus RP pour les soins effectués

                if (m_spell.Pulse == 0 && m_caster.CurrentRegionID != 242 &&                    // On Exclu zone COOP
                    m_spell.SpellType.ToLower() != "spreadheal" && target != m_caster &&
                    m_spellLine.KeyName != GlobalSpellsLines.Item_Spells &&
                    m_spellLine.KeyName != GlobalSpellsLines.Potions_Effects &&
                    m_spellLine.KeyName != GlobalSpellsLines.Combat_Styles_Effect &&
                    m_spellLine.KeyName != GlobalSpellsLines.Reserved_Spells)
                    GamePlayer player = m_caster as GamePlayer;

                    if (player != null)
                        long Bonus_RP_Soin = Convert.ToInt64((double)healedrp * POURCENTAGE_SOIN_RP / 100.0);

                        if (Bonus_RP_Soin >= 1)
                            PlayerStatistics stats = player.Statistics as PlayerStatistics;

                            if (stats != null)
                                stats.RPEarnedFromHitPointsHealed += (uint)Bonus_RP_Soin;
                                stats.HitPointsHealed             += (uint)healedrp;

                            player.GainRealmPoints(Bonus_RP_Soin, false);
                            player.Out.SendMessage("Vous gagnez " + Bonus_RP_Soin.ToString() + " points de royaume pour avoir soigné un membre de votre royaume.", eChatType.CT_Important, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);

            #endregion PVP DAMAGE

            if (m_caster == target)
                MessageToCaster("You heal yourself for " + heal + " hit points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal < amount)
                    #region PVP DAMAGE

                    if (target is NecromancerPet &&
                        ((target as NecromancerPet).Brain as IControlledBrain).GetPlayerOwner() != null || target is GamePlayer)
                        if (target.DamageRvRMemory > 0)
                            target.DamageRvRMemory = 0; //Remise a zéro compteur dommages/heal rps

                    #endregion PVP DAMAGE

                    MessageToCaster("You are fully healed.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToCaster("You heal " + target.GetName(0, false) + " for " + heal + " hit points!", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                MessageToLiving(target, "You are healed by " + m_caster.GetName(0, false) + " for " + heal + " hit points.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal < amount)
                    #region PVP DAMAGE

                    if (target is NecromancerPet &&
                        ((target as NecromancerPet).Brain as IControlledBrain).GetPlayerOwner() != null || target is GamePlayer)
                        if (target.DamageRvRMemory > 0)
                            target.DamageRvRMemory = 0; //Remise a zéro compteur dommages/heal rps

                    #endregion PVP DAMAGE

                    MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " is fully healed.", eChatType.CT_Spell);
                if (heal > 0 && criticalvalue > 0)
                    MessageToCaster("Your heal criticals for an extra " + criticalvalue + " amount of hit points!", eChatType.CT_Spell);

Beispiel #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Send Spell Resist Messages to Caster and Target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        public virtual void SendSpellResistMessages(GameLiving target)
            // Deliver message to the target, if the target is a pet, to its
            // owner instead.
            if (target is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (brain != null)
                    GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner();
                    if (owner != null)
                        this.MessageToLiving(owner, eChatType.CT_SpellResisted, "Your {0} resists the effect!", target.Name);
                MessageToLiving(target, "You resist the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            // Deliver message to the caster as well.
            this.MessageToCaster(eChatType.CT_SpellResisted, "{0} resists the effect!", target.GetName(0, true));
        protected virtual void OnSpellResist(GameLiving target)
            m_lastdamage -= m_lastdamage / 4;
            SendEffectAnimation(target, 0, false, 0);
            if (target is GameNPC)
                IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IControlledBrain;
                if (brain != null)
                    GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner();
                    //Worthless checks
                    if (owner != null/* && owner.ControlledNpc != null && target == owner.ControlledNpc.Body*/)
                        MessageToLiving(owner, "Your " + target.Name + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                MessageToLiving(target, "You resist the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
            MessageToCaster(target.GetName(0, true) + " resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            if (Spell.Damage != 0)
                // notify target about missed attack for spells with damage
                AttackData ad = new AttackData();
                ad.Attacker = Caster;
                ad.Target = target;
                ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.Spell;
                ad.AttackResult = GameLiving.eAttackResult.Missed;
                ad.SpellHandler = this;
                target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, Caster);
            else if (Spell.CastTime > 0)
                target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, AttackData.eAttackType.Spell, Caster);

            if (target is GameNPC)
                IOldAggressiveBrain aggroBrain = ((GameNPC)target).Brain as IOldAggressiveBrain;
                if (aggroBrain != null)
                    aggroBrain.AddToAggroList(Caster, 1);
            if (target.Realm == 0 || Caster.Realm == 0)
                target.LastAttackedByEnemyTickPvE = target.CurrentRegion.Time;
                Caster.LastAttackTickPvE = Caster.CurrentRegion.Time;
                target.LastAttackedByEnemyTickPvP = target.CurrentRegion.Time;
                Caster.LastAttackTickPvP = Caster.CurrentRegion.Time;
Beispiel #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Talk to trainer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
            if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text)) return false;
            GamePlayer player = source as GamePlayer;
            if (player == null) return false;

            switch (text)
                case "Vampiir":
                    // promote player to other class
                    if (CanPromotePlayer(player))
                        PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Vampiir, "Very well, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". I gladly take your training into my hands. Congratulations, from this day forth, you are a Vampiir. Here, take this gift to aid you.", null);
                        foreach (GamePlayer plr in player.GetPlayersInRadius(WorldMgr.VISIBILITY_DISTANCE)) // inform nearest clients about this player now is vampire (can fly)
                            if (plr != null)
                                plr.Out.SendVampireEffect(player, true);
            return true;
Beispiel #57
		public override bool CheckBeginCast(GameLiving selectedTarget)
			if (m_caster.ObjectState != GameLiving.eObjectState.Active)	return false;
			if (!m_caster.IsAlive)
				MessageToCaster("You are dead and can't cast!", eChatType.CT_System);
				return false;
			// Is PS ?
			GameSpellEffect Phaseshift = SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(Caster, "Phaseshift");
			if (Phaseshift != null && (Spell.InstrumentRequirement == 0 || Spell.SpellType == "Mesmerize"))
				MessageToCaster("You're phaseshifted and can't cast a spell", eChatType.CT_System);
				return false;

			// Is Shield Disarm ?
			ShieldTripDisarmEffect shieldDisarm = Caster.EffectList.GetOfType<ShieldTripDisarmEffect>();
			if (shieldDisarm != null)
				MessageToCaster("You're disarmed and can't cast a spell", eChatType.CT_System);
				return false;

			// Is Mentalist RA5L ?
			SelectiveBlindnessEffect SelectiveBlindness = Caster.EffectList.GetOfType<SelectiveBlindnessEffect>();
			if (SelectiveBlindness != null)
				GameLiving EffectOwner = SelectiveBlindness.EffectSource;
					if (m_caster is GamePlayer)
						((GamePlayer)m_caster).Out.SendMessage(string.Format("{0} is invisible to you!", selectedTarget.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
					return false;
			// Is immune ?
			if (selectedTarget!=null&&selectedTarget.HasAbility("DamageImmunity"))
				MessageToCaster(selectedTarget.Name + " is immune to this effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
				return false;
			if (m_caster.IsSitting)
				MessageToCaster("You can't cast while sitting!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
				return false;
			if (m_spell.RecastDelay > 0)
				int left = m_caster.GetSkillDisabledDuration(m_spell);
				if (left > 0)
					MessageToCaster("You must wait " + (left / 1000 + 1).ToString() + " seconds to use this spell!", eChatType.CT_System);
					return false;
			String targetType = m_spell.Target.ToLower();
			if (targetType == "area")
				if (!m_caster.IsWithinRadius(m_caster.GroundTarget, CalculateSpellRange()))
					MessageToCaster("Your area target is out of range.  Select a closer target.", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
					return false;

			if (targetType == "enemy")
				if (m_caster.IsObjectInFront(selectedTarget, 180) == false)
					MessageToCaster("Your target is not in view!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
					Caster.Notify(GameLivingEvent.CastFailed, new CastFailedEventArgs(this, CastFailedEventArgs.Reasons.TargetNotInView));
					return false;

				if (m_caster.TargetInView == false)
					MessageToCaster("Your target is not visible!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
					Caster.Notify(GameLivingEvent.CastFailed, new CastFailedEventArgs(this, CastFailedEventArgs.Reasons.TargetNotInView));
					return false;
			if (Caster != null && Caster is GamePlayer && Caster.AttackWeapon != null && GlobalConstants.IsBowWeapon((eObjectType)Caster.AttackWeapon.Object_Type))
				if (Spell.LifeDrainReturn == (int)eShotType.Critical && (!(Caster.IsStealthed)))
					MessageToCaster("You must be stealthed and wielding a bow to use this ability!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
					return false;

				return true;
				if (Spell.LifeDrainReturn == (int)eShotType.Critical)
					MessageToCaster("You must be stealthed and wielding a bow to use this ability!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
					return false;

				MessageToCaster("You must be wielding a bow to use this ability!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
				return false;
Beispiel #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Talk to trainer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool WhisperReceive(GameLiving source, string text)
            if (!base.WhisperReceive(source, text))

            if (!(source is GamePlayer player))

            switch (text)
            case "Eldritch":
                // promote player to other class
                if (CanPromotePlayer(player))
                    PromotePlayer(player, (int)eCharacterClass.Eldritch, "I can give you the gift of knowledge, but wisdom you must seek on your own. I welcome you, " + source.GetName(0, false) + ". Here, take this welcoming gift. Use it wisely.", null);
                    player.ReceiveItem(this, WeaponId1);


Beispiel #59
        protected virtual void OnSpellResist(GameLiving target)
            m_lastdamage -= Convert.ToInt32(m_lastdamage * 0.25);
            SendEffectAnimation(target, 0, false, 0);
            if (target is GameNPC npc)
                if (npc.Brain is IControlledBrain brain)
                    GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner();
                    if (owner != null)
                        MessageToLiving(owner, $"Your {target.Name} resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);
                MessageToLiving(target, "You resist the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            MessageToCaster($"{target.GetName(0, true)} resists the effect!", eChatType.CT_SpellResisted);

            if (Spell.Damage != 0)
                // notify target about missed attack for spells with damage
                AttackData ad = new AttackData
                    Attacker     = Caster,
                    Target       = target,
                    AttackType   = AttackData.eAttackType.Spell,
                    AttackResult = GameLiving.eAttackResult.Missed,
                    SpellHandler = this

                target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, ad.AttackType, Caster);
            else if (Spell.CastTime > 0)
                target.StartInterruptTimer(target.SpellInterruptDuration, AttackData.eAttackType.Spell, Caster);

            if (target is GameNPC gameNpc)
                if (gameNpc.Brain is IOldAggressiveBrain aggroBrain)
                    aggroBrain.AddToAggroList(Caster, 1);

            if (target.Realm == 0 || Caster.Realm == 0)
                target.LastAttackedByEnemyTickPvE = target.CurrentRegion.Time;
                Caster.LastAttackTickPvE          = Caster.CurrentRegion.Time;
                target.LastAttackedByEnemyTickPvP = target.CurrentRegion.Time;
                Caster.LastAttackTickPvP          = Caster.CurrentRegion.Time;
Beispiel #60
        private bool HasTarget(GameClient client, GameLiving livingToCheck)
            if (livingToCheck.TargetObject != null)

            // We cannot assist our target when it has no target.
            client.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(client.Account.Language, "Scripts.Players.Assist.DoesntHaveTarget", livingToCheck.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);