public void Update(ref List <Projectile> projectiles, GameTime gameTime, ProjectileType primaryProj, User user,
                           bool removeProjectiles)
            keyState = Keyboard.GetState();

            // Check and handle key presses
            if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.MoveLeftKey) && !keyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.MoveRightKey) &&
                !Controls.CtrlPressed(keyState) && cannonBottomRect.Left > 0)
                cannonBottomRect.X -= Speed;
                cannonTubeRect.X   -= Speed;
                cannonBgRect.X     -= Speed;
                accuracyBeamRect.X -= Speed;
                loadedDrawProj.Move(Speed, Direction.Left);
            else if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.MoveRightKey) && !keyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.MoveLeftKey) &&
                     !Controls.CtrlPressed(keyState) && cannonBottomRect.Right < windowWidth)
                cannonBottomRect.X += Speed;
                cannonTubeRect.X   += Speed;
                cannonBgRect.X     += Speed;
                accuracyBeamRect.X += Speed;
                loadedDrawProj.Move(Speed, Direction.Right);

            // Gets the number of stored projectiles of the current primary type
            int primaryProjCount = GameInfo.CountOf(GameInfo.ProjListToTypesWithoutFlying(projectiles), primaryProj);

            if (primaryProjCount <= 0 && GameInfo.ProjListToTypesWithoutFlying(projectiles).Count > 0)
                ProjectileType newPrimary = user.Hotbar[0];
                primaryProj = newPrimary;

            if (loadedDrawProj.Type != primaryProj && projectiles.Count > 0 && primaryProj != ProjectileType.None)
                hasLoadedProjectile = true;
                loadedDrawProj      = GameInfo.CreateProj(primaryProj);
                loadedDrawProj.SetPosition(cannonBgRect.X + cannonBgRect.Width / 2,
                                           cannonBottomRect.Y + YSPACING);
            if (primaryProj == ProjectileType.None)
                hasLoadedProjectile = false;

            if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.LaunchKey) && !Controls.CtrlPressed(keyState) && projectiles.Count > 0 &&
                !slidingIn && !waitSlide && !animatingDown && !animatingUp && primaryProjCount > 0)
                if (!prevKeyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.LaunchKey) || MachineCannon)
                    foreach (Projectile p in projectiles)
                        if (p.Type == primaryProj && !p.Flying)
                            if (p is ExplosiveProjectile)
                                ExplosiveProjectile e = p as ExplosiveProjectile;
                                if (e.Exploding)
                                    // Makes sure that projectiles that are exploding can't be
                                    // fired
                            p.X       = loadedDrawProj.X;
                            p.Y       = cannonTubeRect.Y;
                            p.Damage += cannonSettings.Damage;
                            p.Speed  += cannonSettings.Power;
                            if (cannonSettings.EffectAdded != StatusEffect.None)
                            if (cannonSettings.Freezes)
                                p.Freezes = true;

                    //if (currentProjIndx + 1 >= projectiles.Count)
                    //    // Here we make sure that adding 1 to the projectile index won't put it
                    //    // out of the range of the list
                    //    currentProjIndx--;
                    //    currentProjIndx++;

                    animatingDown = true;
                    waitSlide     = true;
                    loadedDrawProj.SetPosition(cannonBgRect.X + cannonBgRect.Width / 2,
                                               cannonBottomRect.Y + YSPACING);
            else if ((projectiles.Count <= 0 || primaryProjCount <= 0) && keyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.LaunchKey) && !prevKeyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.LaunchKey))

            for (int i = 0; i < projectiles.Count; i++)
                if (projectiles[i].Flying ||
                    (projectiles[i] is ExplosiveProjectile && (projectiles[i] as ExplosiveProjectile).Exploding))
                if (projectiles[i].Y < 0)
                    if (removeProjectiles)
                if (!projectiles[i].Active && removeProjectiles)
                    //if (i < currentProjIndx)
                    //    // The inactive projectile appears before the current projectile
                    //    // in the list, which will affect our updating logic.
                    //    // Thus, we must decrease the index and reset the projectile
                    //    ResetNextProjectile();

            if (waitSlide)
                if (slideTimer.QueryWaitTime(gameTime))
                    waitSlide = false;
                    slidingIn = true;
                    loadedDrawProj.SetPosition(cannonBgRect.X + loadedDrawProj.Width / 2, loadedDrawProj.Y);

            if (hasLoadedProjectile)

            //if (currentProjIndx < projectiles.Count)
            //    if (!(slidingIn || projectiles[currentProjIndx].Flying))
            //    {
            //        ResetProjectilePos(projectiles[currentProjIndx]);
            //    }

            //if (!waitSlide && !slidingIn)
            //    ResetProjPos(projectiles[currentProjIndx]);

            if (slidingIn)
                if (loadedDrawProj.X < cannonBgRect.X + cannonBgRect.Width / 2)
                    loadedDrawProj.Move(2, Direction.Right);
                    slidingIn = false;
            if (loadedDrawProj != null)
                loadedDrawProj.Y = cannonBottomRect.Y + YSPACING;

            if (animatingDown)
                cannonTubeRect.Width  += ANIMATION_AMOUNT;
                cannonTubeRect.X      -= ANIMATION_AMOUNT / 2;
                cannonTubeRect.Height -= ANIMATION_AMOUNT;
                cannonTubeRect.Y      += ANIMATION_AMOUNT;
                if (cannonTubeRect.Width >= 0.5 * cannonBottomRect.Width)
                    animatingDown = false;
                    animatingUp   = true;
            if (animatingUp)
                cannonTubeRect.Width  -= ANIMATION_AMOUNT;
                cannonTubeRect.X      += ANIMATION_AMOUNT / 2;
                cannonTubeRect.Height += ANIMATION_AMOUNT;
                cannonTubeRect.Y      -= ANIMATION_AMOUNT;
                if (cannonTubeRect.Width <= fullWidth * TUBE_EXT_RATIO_WIDTH)
                    animatingUp = false;

            prevKeyState     = keyState;
            this.projectiles = projectiles;
        public void Update(ref List <Item> items, ref User user, List <Projectile> projectiles, bool needSweep,
                           bool restrictActions, GameTime gameTime)
            keyState = Keyboard.GetState();

            List <ProjectileType> currentHotbar = user.Hotbar;

            for (int i = 0; i <= currentHotbar.Count - 1; i++)
                if (GameInfo.CountOf(GameInfo.ProjListToTypesWithoutFlying(projectiles), currentHotbar[i]) == 0)
                    // Resets the hotbar if there are no available projectiles of a certain type
                    List <ProjectileType> availableTypes = GameInfo.ProjListToTypesWithoutFlying(projectiles);
                    // Make sure that we can't include any projectiles that are already on our "hotbar"
                    availableTypes   = availableTypes.Except(availableTypes).ToList();
                    currentHotbar[i] = GameInfo.GetRandomProjType(availableTypes);
                projAmountStrings[i] = "x" + AmountOf(currentHotbar[i], projectiles).ToString();
                projAmounts[i]       = AmountOf(currentHotbar[i], projectiles);

                projImgs[i] = Utilities.GetIconOf(currentHotbar[i]);
            if (user.Hotbar != currentHotbar)

            projs = user.Hotbar;

            if (!restrictActions)
                Rectangle mouseRect = new Rectangle(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y, 1, 1);
                for (int i = 0; i <= projRects.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (((mouseRect.Intersects(projRects[i]) && Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) ||
                         (keyState.IsKeyDown(KeyForHotbarSlot(i + 1)) && prevKeyState.IsKeyUp(KeyForHotbarSlot(i + 1)))) &&
                        projAmounts[i] > 0)
                        PrimaryProj = user.Hotbar[i];
                if (mouseRect.Intersects(rapidFireButton.Button.DrawRectangle))
                    toolTip     = Language.Translate(MACH_TOOLTIP);
                    toolTipRect = new Rectangle(mouseRect.X - (int)mediumFont.MeasureString(toolTip).X,
                                                mouseRect.Y, (int)mediumFont.MeasureString(toolTip).X + SPACING,
                                                (int)mediumFont.MeasureString(toolTip).Y + SPACING);
                    toolTipLoc     = new Vector2(toolTipRect.X + SPACING / 2, toolTipRect.Y + SPACING / 2);
                    showingToolTip = true;
                else if (mouseRect.Intersects(sweeperButton.DrawRectangle))
                    toolTip     = Language.Translate(SWEEP_TOOLTIP);
                    toolTipRect = new Rectangle(mouseRect.X - (int)mediumFont.MeasureString(toolTip).X,
                                                mouseRect.Y, (int)mediumFont.MeasureString(toolTip).X + SPACING,
                                                (int)mediumFont.MeasureString(toolTip).Y + SPACING);
                    toolTipLoc     = new Vector2(toolTipRect.X + SPACING / 2, toolTipRect.Y + SPACING / 2);
                    showingToolTip = true;
                    showingToolTip = false;

                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.ToggleRapidFireKey) && prevKeyState.IsKeyUp(Controls.ToggleRapidFireKey))

            if (needSweep || !restrictActions)
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Controls.SweepKey) && prevKeyState.IsKeyUp(Controls.SweepKey) && !Controls.CtrlPressed())
                sweeper.Update(ref items);

            prevKeyState = keyState;