Beispiel #1
        async void AutoBattleButton_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var success = _viewModel.AutoBattle();

            if (success == 0)
                //if auto battle can run successfully, it calls item post call to get items

                //I figured that there is no need to display all the items
                //var myOutput = GameGlobals.Output;
                //var answer = await DisplayAlert("Returned List", myOutput, "Yes", "No");

                await Navigation.PushAsync(new ScoreDetailPage(new ScoreDetailViewModel(_viewModel.BattleScore)));
            else if (success == -1)
                await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Please have at least 6 characters to play Auto Battle", "OK");
            else if (success == -2)
                await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Please have at least 1 monster to play Auto Battle", "OK");
                await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Please have at least 1 item to play Auto Battle", "OK");
Beispiel #2
        async void BattlePageButton_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //post call to get all the items

            await Navigation.PushAsync(new CharacterSelectionPage());