/// <summary>
        /// Get poses defined underneath <POSES> inside the .dsl file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_position">Where to start collecting data.</param>
        static void GetPoses(int _position)
            string dsPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + @"/" + DialogueSystem.GET_DIALOGUE_SCRIPTING_FILE();

            string line = null;

            bool atTargetLine = false;

            if (File.Exists(dsPath))
                using (StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(dsPath))
                    int position = 0;

                    while (true)
                        line = fileReader.ReadLine();

                        if (atTargetLine)
                            if (line == STRINGNULL)

                        if (position > _position)
                            atTargetLine = true;

                            if (line != STRINGNULL)
                                string[] data = line.Split('=');
                                DefinedPoses.Add(data[0].Replace(WHITESPACE, STRINGNULL), Convert.ToInt32(data[1].Replace(WHITESPACE, STRINGNULL)));

        /// <summary>
        /// Get Character names defined underneath <CHARACTERS> inside the .dsl file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_position">Where to start collecting data.</param>
        static void GetCharacterNames(int _position)
            string dsPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + @"/" + DialogueSystem.GET_DIALOGUE_SCRIPTING_FILE();

            string line = null;

            bool atTargetLine = false;

            if (File.Exists(dsPath))
                using (StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(dsPath))
                    int position = 0;

                    while (true)
                        line = fileReader.ReadLine();

                        if (atTargetLine)
                            if (line == STRINGNULL)

                        if (position > _position)
                            atTargetLine = true;

                            if (line != STRINGNULL)

        /// <summary>
        /// Define characters listed underneath <CHARACTERS> in the .dsl file
        /// </summary>
        public static void Define_Characters()
            string dsPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + @"/" + DialogueSystem.GET_DIALOGUE_SCRIPTING_FILE();

            string line = null;

            int position = 0;

            bool foundPose = false;

            if (File.Exists(dsPath))
                using (StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(dsPath))
                    while (true)
                        line = fileReader.ReadLine();

                        if (line == STRINGNULL)
                            if (foundPose)


                        if (HAS(line, "<CHARACTERS>"))
                            foundPose = true;
                            try { GetCharacterNames(position); } catch { }

            Debug.LogError("File specified doesn't exist. Try creating one in StreamingAssets folder.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all dialogue in a specified Dialogue_Set inside a .dsl file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_position">Position to start collecting data</param>
        public static void GetDialogue(int _position)
            //Access the DSL Path
            string dsPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + @"/" + DialogueSystem.GET_DIALOGUE_SCRIPTING_FILE();

            //This is used to read a line in the file when iterating
            string line = null;

            //Toggle if we are at a desired position in the file.
            bool atTargetLine = false;

            //If the defined path exist, interate through the file
            if (File.Exists(dsPath))
                //Stream reader allows use to read our file without compromising too much performance.
                using (StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(dsPath))
                    //We use this to keep track of our position in the file
                    int position = 0;

                    //Loop until end of file
                    while (true)
                        //Read the current line
                        line = fileReader.ReadLine();

                        //If we reach the end of the dialogue set, we are done reading it
                        if (line == "<END>" && atTargetLine)

                        //However, if we are at the DialogueSet tag with a specified number, we collect all the dialogue that starts with "@"
                        if (position > _position)
                            atTargetLine = true; //Toggle on

                            //Make sure that we are specifically encountering "<...>"
                            if (line != STRINGNULL && (line[0].ToString() == Tokens[3] && line[line.Length - 1] == '<'))
                                //We should have a list of defined characters with the DefinedCharacters() function. This is used to validate that that character exists
                                if (DefinedCharacters.Count != 0)
                                    //We iterate through our DefinedCharacters
                                    foreach (string character in DefinedCharacters)
                                        string name = STRINGNULL;

                                        //We make an attempt to get the whole name after "@", then we check
                                            name = line.Substring(1, character.Length) + ":";
                                        catch { }

                                        //If this character exist in the list of characters defined, we do some string manipulation
                                        if (HAS(name, character))
                                            //For names with _ scores replacing as spaces
                                            name = name.Replace("_", WHITESPACE);

                                            //Insert the name that's been defined using the Insert command
                                            line = line.Replace(Tokens[0], STRINGNULL).Replace(Tokens[3] + character, "[INSERT::\"" + name + "\"]");

                                        //If it has ???, a predefined token that a character's name is not known, we insert it.
                                        else if (HAS(name.Substring(0, Tokens[4].Length), Tokens[4]))
                                            line = line.Replace(Tokens[0], STRINGNULL).Replace(Tokens[3] + Tokens[4], "[INSERT::\"" + Tokens[4] + ":" + "\"]");

                                        //If there's no character or no ??? token, this means the narrator is speaking.
                                        else if (HAS(name.Substring(0, WHITESPACE.Length), WHITESPACE))
                                            line = line.Replace(Tokens[0], STRINGNULL).Replace(Tokens[3] + WHITESPACE, STRINGNULL);

                                        //Then we really check if our defined character exist. If we down, we throw an exception, and end the dialogue reading process.
                                        else if (!DefinedCharacters.Exists(x => HAS(x, line.Substring(1, line.IndexOf(WHITESPACE) - 1))))
                                            string unidentifiedName = line.Substring(1, line.IndexOf(WHITESPACE) - 1);
                                            throw new UnknownCharacterDefinedException("Unknown character definition at line " + (position + 1) + ". Did you define \"" + unidentifiedName + "\" under <CHARACTERS>?");
                                    line = line.Replace(Tokens[0], STRINGNULL).Replace(Tokens[3] + WHITESPACE, STRINGNULL);
