Beispiel #1
        public static void Initialize()
            if (!Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.FirstRunCompleted)
                throw new Exception("Cannot initialize FileCache if the first run is not complete");

            // Create a ByamlSerializer
            ByamlSerializer byamlSerializer = new ByamlSerializer(new ByamlSerializerSettings()
                ByteOrder    = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.LittleEndian,
                SupportPaths = false,
                Version      = ByamlVersion.Version1

            // Create the FestivalSettings dictionary
            FestivalSettings = new Dictionary <RomType, List <FestivalSetting> >();

            // Populate the FestivalSettings dictionary with RomTypes and lists
            foreach (RomType romType in Program.BcatPairs.Keys)
                // Create a list for this RomType
                FestivalSettings[romType] = new List <FestivalSetting>();

                // Get all FestivalSetting byamls for this RomType
                string[] festPaths = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(LOCAL_DIRECTORY, "Festival", romType.ToString()), "*.byaml");

                // Loop over every path
                foreach (string festPath in festPaths)
                    // Deserialize the byaml
                    FestivalSetting festivalSetting = byamlSerializer.Deserialize <FestivalSetting>(festPath);

                    // Add this to the list

                // Sort in ascending order
                FestivalSettings[romType].Sort((x, y) => x.Times.Start.CompareTo(y.Times.Start));

            // Create the VersusSettings dictionary
            VersusSettings = new Dictionary <RomType, VersusSetting>();

            // Get all VersusSetting byamls
            string[] versusPaths = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(LOCAL_DIRECTORY, "VSSetting"));

            // Loop over every path
            foreach (string versusPath in versusPaths)
                // Get the RomType
                RomType romType = (RomType)EnumUtil.GetEnumValueFromString(typeof(RomType), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(versusPath));

                // Deserialize the byaml
                VersusSettings[romType] = byamlSerializer.Deserialize <VersusSetting>(versusPath);

            // Deserialize the CoopSetting byaml
            CoopSetting = byamlSerializer.Deserialize <CoopSetting>(COOP_SETTING_PATH);
Beispiel #2
        public static void SetCoopSetting(CoopSetting coopSetting, byte[] rawSetting)
            CoopSetting = coopSetting;

            // Write out the local file
            File.WriteAllBytes(COOP_SETTING_PATH, rawSetting);
Beispiel #3
        public CoopMessage(IUser user, Language lang) : base(user)
            // Get the current CoopSetting
            CoopSetting coopSetting = FileCache.GetCoopSetting();

            // Get the current DateTime in UTC
            DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Find the current and future phases
            phases = coopSetting.Phases.Where(x =>
                return(x.EndDateTime >= utcNow || // is in future
                       (x.StartDateTime <= utcNow && x.EndDateTime > utcNow)); // is happening now

            // Set the Language
            language = lang;
Beispiel #4
        public static Task HandleCoop(RomType romType, Dictionary <string, byte[]> data, CoopSetting previousSetting, CoopSetting newSetting, byte[] rawFile)
            // Only do this once
            if (romType != RomType.NorthAmerica)

            lock (WebFileHandler.Lock)
                // Get the WebConfig
                JelonzoBotWebConfig webConfig = ((JelonzoBotConfiguration)Configuration.LoadedConfiguration).WebConfig;

                // Connect to the remote server if needed

                // Deserialize the CoopSetting dynamically
                dynamic settingDynamic = ByamlLoader.GetByamlDynamic(rawFile);

                // Upload to the server
                WebFileHandler.WriteSerializedJson(webConfig.CoopSettingPath, settingDynamic);

                // Disconnect

Beispiel #5
        public static Task HandleCoop(RomType romType, Dictionary <string, byte[]> data, CoopSetting previousSetting, CoopSetting newSetting, byte[] rawFile)
            // Only do this once
            if (romType != RomType.NorthAmerica)

            // Update CoopSetting
            FileCache.SetCoopSetting(newSetting, rawFile);
