private void ThrowIfInvalidBufferType(BufferType expectedBufferType) { if (this.bufferType != expectedBufferType) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid attempt to read data of type '{expectedBufferType}' when data is of type '{this.bufferType}'."); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor of IndexBufferObject class /// </summary> /// <param name="device">Graphics device</param> /// <param name="type">Type of buffer to use</param> /// <param name="elementSize">Size of one element stored in the buffer</param> /// <param name="indexCount">Initial size of the buffer</param> internal IndexBufferObject(GraphicsDevice device, BufferType type, IndexElementSize elementSize, int indexCount) { _device = device; _bufferType = type; _elementSize = elementSize; CreateBuffer(indexCount); }
public GraphicsBufferBase(GraphicsObject graphicsObject, string name, string attributeName, BufferType bufferType) : base(name) { GraphicsObject = graphicsObject; AttributeName = attributeName; this.bufferType = bufferType; }
public static void OnDocumentOpened(IVsTextLines lines, BufferType type) { switch (type) { case BufferType.CSHARP_OR_C_OR_CPP: lock (cssBuffers) { if (!cssBuffers.Contains(lines)) { cssBuffers.Add(lines); } } break; case BufferType.VISUAL_BASIC: lock (vbBuffers) { if (!vbBuffers.Contains(lines)) { vbBuffers.Add(lines); } } break; } if (AtlassianPanel.Instance.Jira != null && AtlassianPanel.Instance.Jira.CurrentlySelectedServerOrDefault != null) { addMarkersToDocument(lines); } }
public void SetBufferEmpty() { BufferType = BufferType.SECBUFFER_EMPTY; Buffer = null; Offset = 0; Size = 0; }
// Size in bytes, and the usages private protected Buffer(uint size, BufferType type, Vk.BufferUsages usages) { Device = SpectrumApp.Instance.GraphicsDevice; Size = size; Type = type; // Create the buffer var bci = new Vk.BufferCreateInfo( size, Vk.BufferUsages.TransferDst | Vk.BufferUsages.TransferSrc | usages, flags: Vk.BufferCreateFlags.None, sharingMode: Vk.SharingMode.Exclusive ); VkBuffer = Device.VkDevice.CreateBuffer(bci); // Create the backing memory var memReq = VkBuffer.GetMemoryRequirements(); var memIdx = Device.FindMemoryTypeIndex(memReq.MemoryTypeBits, Vk.MemoryProperties.DeviceLocal); if (memIdx == -1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find a memory type that supports buffers (this means bad or out-of-date hardware)"); } var mai = new Vk.MemoryAllocateInfo(memReq.Size, memIdx); VkMemory = Device.VkDevice.AllocateMemory(mai); VkBuffer.BindMemory(VkMemory); }
public void SetBuffer(BufferType type, byte[] bytes, int offset, int size) { BufferType = type; Buffer = bytes; Offset = offset; Size = size; }
public void SetBuffer(BufferType type, byte[] bytes) { BufferType = type; Buffer = bytes; Offset = 0; Size = bytes.Length; }
public void SetBufferEmpty() { this.BufferType = BufferType.SECBUFFER_VERSION; this.Buffer = null; this.Offset = 0; this.Size = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor of IndexBufferObject class /// </summary> /// <param name="device">Graphics device</param> /// <param name="type">Type of buffer to use</param> /// <param name="buffer">Underlying index buffer</param> internal IndexBufferObject(GraphicsDevice device, BufferType type, IndexBuffer buffer) { _device = device; _bufferType = type; _elementSize = buffer.IndexElementSize; CreateWrapper(buffer); }
public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype) { this.offset = ((data == null) || (offset < 0)) ? 0 : Math.Min(offset, data.Length); this.size = ((data == null) || (size < 0)) ? 0 : Math.Min(size, data.Length - this.offset); this.type = tokentype; this.token = (size == 0) ? null : data; }
public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype) { this.offset = offset; this.size = (data == null) ? 0 : size; this.type = tokentype; this.token = data; }
internal SecurityStatus Decrypt(byte[] payload, ref int offset, ref int count) { if ((offset < 0) || (offset > ((payload == null) ? 0 : payload.Length))) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); } if ((count < 0) || (count > ((payload == null) ? 0 : (payload.Length - offset)))) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } SecurityBuffer[] input = new SecurityBuffer[] { new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset, count, BufferType.Data), new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Empty), new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Empty), new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Empty) }; int num = SSPIWrapper.DecryptMessage(GlobalSSPI.SSPISecureChannel, this.m_SecurityContext, input, 0); count = 0; BufferType data = BufferType.Data; if (num != 0) { data = BufferType.Extra; } for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { if (input[i].type == data) { count = input[i].size; break; } } if ((data == BufferType.Data) && (count > 0)) { offset += this.m_HeaderSize; } return((SecurityStatus)num); }
public IndexBufferPool() { version = BufferType.Index; numBuffers = 0; size = 0; buffers = new Dictionary <ulong, IndexBuffer>(); }
public MappedBuffer(Scene scene, Int32 geometryID, BufferType bufferType) : base(RTC.MapBuffer(scene.NativePtr, geometryID, bufferType)) { this.scene = scene; this.geometryID = geometryID; this.bufferType = bufferType; }
private void AllocateBuffers(int number, BufferType type) { Logger.Log(null, "BufferManager - Allocating {0} buffers of type {1}", number, type); switch (type) { case BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer: while (number-- > 0) { _largeMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[LargeMessageBufferSize]); } break; case BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer: while (number-- > 0) { _mediumMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[MediumMessageBufferSize]); } break; case BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer: while (number-- > 0) { _smallMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[SmallMessageBufferSize]); } break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported BufferType detected"); } }
public WebGLBuffer(WebGLContext context, int id, BufferType type, BufferUsage usage) { this.context = context; this.Id = id; this.Type = type; this.Usage = usage; }
public void SetBuffer(BufferType type, byte[] bytes, int offset, int size) { this.BufferType = type; this.Buffer = bytes; this.Offset = offset; this.Size = size; }
public void CopyHtml(string text, BufferType buffer_type) { text = HelperFunctions.TrimTrailingSpace(text); string formattedText = (buffer_type == BufferType.Logic) ? _colorizer.LogicToHtml(text) : (buffer_type == BufferType.Message) ? _colorizer.MessageToHtml(text) : (buffer_type == BufferType.Report) ? _colorizer.HtmlReportToHtml(text) : _pffColorizer.Colorize(new PffColorizerHtml(), text); // html to clipboard code from: string htmlCopyText = "Format:HTML Format Version:1.0\nStartHTML:<<<<<<<1\nEndHTML:<<<<<<<2\nStartFragment:<<<<<<<3\nEndFragment:<<<<<<<4\n"; int startHTML = htmlCopyText.Length; int beginChunkPos = formattedText.IndexOf("<div"); int endChunkPos = formattedText.IndexOf("</div>") + 6; // 6 is length if </div> htmlCopyText += formattedText.Substring(0, beginChunkPos) + "<!--StartFragment-->"; int startFragment = htmlCopyText.Length; htmlCopyText += formattedText.Substring(beginChunkPos, endChunkPos - beginChunkPos); int endFragment = htmlCopyText.Length; htmlCopyText += "<!--EndFragment-->" + formattedText.Substring(endChunkPos); int endHTML = htmlCopyText.Length; htmlCopyText = htmlCopyText.Replace("<<<<<<<1", String.Format("{0,8}", startHTML)); htmlCopyText = htmlCopyText.Replace("<<<<<<<2", String.Format("{0,8}", endHTML)); htmlCopyText = htmlCopyText.Replace("<<<<<<<3", String.Format("{0,8}", startFragment)); htmlCopyText = htmlCopyText.Replace("<<<<<<<4", String.Format("{0,8}", endFragment)); Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(htmlCopyText, TextDataFormat.Html); }
/// <summary> /// Undef a buffer in this configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="bType"> /// A <see cref="BufferType"/> indicating the buffer to undefine. /// </param> private void UndefineBuffer(BufferType bType) { // Undefine buffer mSurfaceBuffers &= ~bType; mRequiredSurfaceBuffers &= ~bType; mDegradableSurfaceBuffers &= ~bType; }
public void Revive() { if (DataManager.Instance.character == 5) { goldParticle.SetActive(true); } dir = 1; DataManager.Instance.isExited = true; isPowered = false; buffer = BufferType.None; shakeDist = 0f; shakeDir = 1; life = 1; lifeSet.Revive(); isImmune = false; isStomping = false; chargeSoundPlayed = false; powerSoundPlayed = false; scaleLock = false; transform.position = originalPos; deathParticle.SetActive(false); deathParticle1.gameObject.SetActive(true); deathParticle2.gameObject.SetActive(true); StartCoroutine(ReviveCor()); }
public override async Task GenerateWrite( FileGeneration fg, ObjectGeneration objGen, TypeGeneration typeGen, Accessor writerAccessor, Accessor itemAccessor, Accessor errorMaskAccessor, Accessor translationMaskAccessor, Accessor converterAccessor) { BufferType zero = typeGen as BufferType; using (var args = new ArgsWrapper(fg, $"{this.NamespacePrefix}{GetTranslatorInstance(typeGen, getter: true)}.Write")) { args.Add($"writer: {writerAccessor}"); if (zero.Static) { args.Add($"item: {objGen.CommonClassName(LoquiInterfaceType.IGetter, MaskType.Normal)}.{typeGen.Name}"); } else { args.Add($"item: {itemAccessor}"); } } }
private void AllocateBuffers(int number, BufferType type) { Logger.Log(null, "BufferManager - Allocating {0} buffers of type {1}", number, type); if (type == BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer) { while (number-- > 0) { this.largeMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[LargeMessageBufferSize]); } } else if (type == BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer) { while (number-- > 0) { this.mediumMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[MediumMessageBufferSize]); } } else if (type == BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer) { while (number-- > 0) { this.smallMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[SmallMessageBufferSize]); } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported BufferType detected"); } }
public override void GenerateCopyInRet( FileGeneration fg, ObjectGeneration objGen, TypeGeneration targetGen, TypeGeneration typeGen, Accessor readerAccessor, AsyncMode asyncMode, Accessor retAccessor, Accessor outItemAccessor, Accessor errorMaskAccessor, Accessor translationAccessor, Accessor converterAccessor, bool inline) { if (inline) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (asyncMode == AsyncMode.Direct) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } BufferType buf = typeGen as BufferType; fg.AppendLine($"{readerAccessor}.Position += {buf.Length};"); }
private int DecryptNtlm(byte[] payload, int offset, int count, out int newOffset, uint expectedSeqNumber) { int num; if (count < 0x10) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } SecurityBuffer[] input = new SecurityBuffer[] { new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset, 0x10, BufferType.Token), new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset + 0x10, count - 0x10, BufferType.Data) }; BufferType data = BufferType.Data; if (this.IsConfidentialityFlag) { num = SSPIWrapper.DecryptMessage(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, this.m_SecurityContext, input, expectedSeqNumber); } else { data |= BufferType.ReadOnlyFlag; input[1].type = data; num = SSPIWrapper.VerifySignature(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, this.m_SecurityContext, input, expectedSeqNumber); } if (num != 0) { throw new Win32Exception(num); } if (input[1].type != data) { throw new InternalException(); } newOffset = input[1].offset; return(input[1].size); }
public SecurityBufferClass(byte[] data, BufferType tokentype) { this.offset = 0; this.size = ((data == null) ? 0 : data.Length); this.type = (int)tokentype; this.token = data; }
void Awake() { //state = State.Idle; dir = 1; isPowered = false; animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); jumpSpeed = landPosX * 2 / jumpDuration; powerJumpSpeed = landPosX * 2 / powerJumpDuration; buffer = BufferType.None; shakeDist = 0f; shakeDir = 1; originalY = transform.position.y; life = 3; isImmune = false; isStomping = false; chargeSoundPlayed = false; powerSoundPlayed = false; GameManager.Instance.targetScrollSpeed = 900; if (DataManager.Instance.character > 3) { SetTimes(1.2f); } StartCoroutine(IncreaseSpeed()); scaleLock = false; GameManager.Instance.StartGame(); characterChange.ChangeImage(DataManager.Instance.character); ChangeParticleColor(deathParticle1, dieColors1[DataManager.Instance.character - 1]); ChangeParticleColor(deathParticle2, dieColors2[DataManager.Instance.character - 1]); ChangeParticleColor(hitParticle, dieColors1[DataManager.Instance.character - 1]); ChangeParticleColor(sweat.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(), dieColors2[DataManager.Instance.character - 1]); GameManager.Instance.player = this; GameManager.Instance.adset = adset; DataManager.Instance.isExited = false; }
public SecurityBufferClass(int size, BufferType tokentype) { this.offset = 0; this.size = size; this.type = (int)tokentype; this.token = ((size == 0) ? null : new byte[size]); }
public VertexBufferPool() { version = BufferType.Vertex; numBuffers = 0; size = 0; buffers = new Dictionary <ulong, VertexBuffer>(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="Buffer{T}"/> instance with the specified parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="device">The <see cref="GraphicsDevice"/> associated with the current instance</param> /// <param name="size">The number of items to store in the current buffer</param> /// <param name="sizeInBytes">The size in bytes for the current buffer</param> /// <param name="bufferType">The buffer type for the current buffer</param> internal Buffer(GraphicsDevice device, int size, int sizeInBytes, BufferType bufferType) : base(device) { Size = size; SizeInBytes = sizeInBytes; // Not necessarily a multiple of the element size, as there could be padding ElementSizeInBytes = Unsafe.SizeOf <T>(); BufferType = bufferType; PaddedElementSizeInBytes = sizeInBytes / size; // Determine the right heap type and flags (HeapType heapType, ResourceFlags flags, ResourceStates states) = bufferType switch { BufferType.Constant => (HeapType.Upload, ResourceFlags.None, ResourceStates.GenericRead), BufferType.ReadOnly => (HeapType.Default, ResourceFlags.None, ResourceStates.Common), BufferType.ReadWrite => (HeapType.Default, ResourceFlags.AllowUnorderedAccess, ResourceStates.Common), BufferType.ReadBack => (HeapType.Readback, ResourceFlags.None, ResourceStates.CopyDestination), BufferType.Transfer => (HeapType.Upload, ResourceFlags.None, ResourceStates.GenericRead), _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid buffer type {bufferType}", nameof(bufferType)) }; // Create the native resource ResourceDescription description = ResourceDescription.Buffer(sizeInBytes, flags); NativeResource = GraphicsDevice.NativeDevice.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(heapType), HeapFlags.None, description, states); // Create the resource handles, if needed (NativeCpuDescriptorHandle, NativeGpuDescriptorHandle) = bufferType switch { BufferType.Constant => CreateConstantBufferView(), BufferType.ReadOnly => CreateShaderResourceView(), BufferType.ReadWrite => CreateUnorderedAccessView(), _ => default }; }
public bool IsDBNull(int i, ColumnData[] columns) { if (dataBuffer == null) { dataBuffer = new MemoryHandle(2048); } ColumnData column = columns[i]; BufferType type = column.bufferType; IntPtr length; CLI.ReturnCode rc = (CLI.ReturnCode)CLI.SQLGetData( hstmt, (ushort)(i + 1), (short)type.sqlCType, dataBuffer.Handle, (IntPtr)0, out length); if (rc != CLI.ReturnCode.SQL_SUCCESS && rc != CLI.ReturnCode.SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { Diagnostics.HandleResult(rc, this, outerCommand.Connection); } // rewind so that another IsDBNull() won't get SQL_NO_DATA RewindData(columns); return(length == (IntPtr)(int)CLI.LengthCode.SQL_NULL_DATA); }
/// <summary> /// Create test instance from user input. /// </summary> /// <param name="testType"></param> /// <param name="bufferType"></param> /// <param name="capacity"></param> /// <returns></returns> static IStreamTest CreateTest(TestType testType, BufferType bufferType, int capacity) { if (TestType.VesselLocation == testType) { StreamTest <VesselLocation> streamTest = new StreamTest <VesselLocation>(CreateBuffer <VesselLocation>(bufferType, capacity)); foreach (string name in System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Vessels.Names").Split(',')) { streamTest.Register(new VesselLocationGenerator(name)); } return(streamTest); } else if (TestType.Transaction == testType) { StreamTest <Transaction> streamTest = new StreamTest <Transaction>(CreateBuffer <Transaction>(bufferType, capacity)); foreach (string name in System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Transaction.Names").Split(',')) { streamTest.Register(new TransactionGenerator(name)); } return(streamTest); } else if (TestType.Message == testType) { StreamTest <string> streamTest = new StreamTest <string>(CreateBuffer <string>(bufferType, capacity)); foreach (string name in System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Message.Names").Split(',')) { streamTest.Register(new MessageGenerator(name)); } return(streamTest); } throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid test type: \"{0}\"", testType)); }
public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype) { this.offset = offset; this.size = (data == null ? 0 : size); this.type = tokentype; this.token = data; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor of VertexBufferObject class /// </summary> /// <param name="device">Graphics device</param> /// <param name="type">Type of buffer to use</param> /// <param name="buffer">Underlying vertex buffer</param> internal VertexBufferObject(GraphicsDevice device, BufferType type, VertexBuffer buffer) { _device = device; _bufferType = type; _vertexDeclaration = buffer.VertexDeclaration; CreateWrapper(buffer); }
internal DataType ( string typeName, VirtDbType vdbType, System.Data.DbType dbType, CLI.SqlType sqlType, BufferType bufferType) : this (typeName, vdbType, dbType, sqlType, bufferType, false) { }
/// <summary> /// Constructor of VertexBufferObject class /// </summary> /// <param name="device">Graphics device</param> /// <param name="type">Type of buffer to use</param> /// <param name="vertexType">Type of vertex used in the buffer</param> /// <param name="vertexCount">Initial size of the buffer</param> internal VertexBufferObject(GraphicsDevice device, BufferType type, Type vertexType, int vertexCount) { if(device == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("device"); if(vertexType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertexType"); IVertexType vertex = Activator.CreateInstance(vertexType) as IVertexType; if(vertex == null) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid vertex type"); _device = device; _bufferType = type; _vertexDeclaration = vertex.VertexDeclaration; CreateBuffer(vertexCount); }
internal DataType ( string typeName, VirtDbType vdbType, System.Data.DbType dbType, CLI.SqlType sqlType, BufferType bufferType, bool isLong) { this.typeName = typeName; this.vdbType = vdbType; this.dbType = dbType; this.sqlType = sqlType; this.bufferType = bufferType; this.isLong = isLong; }
/// <summary> /// Allocates an existing buffer from the pool /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">The byte[]you want the buffer to be assigned to</param> /// <param name="type">The type of buffer that is needed</param> private void GetBuffer(ref byte[] buffer, BufferType type) { // We check to see if the buffer already there is the empty buffer. If it isn't, then we have // a buffer leak somewhere and the buffers aren't being freed properly. if (buffer != EmptyBuffer) throw new TorrentException("The old Buffer should have been recovered before getting a new buffer"); // If we're getting a small buffer and there are none in the pool, just return a new one. // Otherwise return one from the pool. switch (type) { case BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer: lock (_smallMessageBuffers) { if (_smallMessageBuffers.Count == 0) AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer); buffer = _smallMessageBuffers.Dequeue(); } break; case BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer: lock (_mediumMessageBuffers) { if (_mediumMessageBuffers.Count == 0) AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer); buffer = _mediumMessageBuffers.Dequeue(); } break; case BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer: lock (_largeMessageBuffers) { if (_largeMessageBuffers.Count == 0) AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer); buffer = _largeMessageBuffers.Dequeue(); } break; default: throw new TorrentException("You cannot directly request a massive buffer"); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new IndexBufferObject /// </summary> /// <param name="bufferType">Type of buffer to create</param> /// <param name="elementSize">Size of index stored in the buffer</param> /// <param name="indexCount">Number of indices in the buffer</param> /// <returns>Returns an IndexBufferObject</returns> public IndexBufferObject CreateIndexBuffer(BufferType bufferType, IndexElementSize elementSize, int indexCount) { return new IndexBufferObject(_deviceManager.GraphicsDevice, bufferType, elementSize, indexCount); }
private void AllocateBuffers(int number, BufferType type) { Debug.WriteLine("BufferManager - Allocating {0} buffers of type {1}", number, type); switch (type) { case BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer: while (number-- > 0) _largeMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[LargeMessageBufferSize]); break; case BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer: while (number-- > 0) _mediumMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[MediumMessageBufferSize]); break; case BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer: while (number-- > 0) _smallMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[SmallMessageBufferSize]); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported BufferType detected"); } }
private void AllocateBuffers(int number, BufferType type) { Logger.Log(null, "BufferManager - Allocating {0} buffers of type {1}", number, type); if (type == BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer) while (number-- > 0) this.largeMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[LargeMessageBufferSize], 0, LargeMessageBufferSize)); else if (type == BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer) while (number-- > 0) this.mediumMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[MediumMessageBufferSize], 0, MediumMessageBufferSize)); else if (type == BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer) while (number-- > 0) this.smallMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[SmallMessageBufferSize], 0, SmallMessageBufferSize)); else throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported BufferType detected"); }
internal static void WebSocketSendWithoutBody(WebSocketBase webSocket, BufferType bufferType) { Debug.Assert(webSocket != null, "'webSocket' MUST NOT be NULL or INVALID."); Debug.Assert(webSocket.SessionHandle != null && !webSocket.SessionHandle.IsInvalid, "'webSocket.SessionHandle' MUST NOT be NULL or INVALID."); ThrowIfSessionHandleClosed(webSocket); int errorCode; try { errorCode = Interop.WebSocket.WebSocketSendWithoutBody_Raw(webSocket.SessionHandle, bufferType, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } catch (ObjectDisposedException innerException) { throw ConvertObjectDisposedException(webSocket, innerException); } ThrowOnError(errorCode); }
public SecurityBuffer(ChannelBinding binding) { this.size = (binding == null) ? 0 : binding.Size; this.type = BufferType.ChannelBindings; this.unmanagedToken = binding; }
public SecurityBuffer(int size, BufferType tokentype) { this.size = size; this.type = tokentype; this.token = (size == 0) ? null : new byte[size]; }
public PackageSpec(BufferType Types, double Quality) { RequiredBuffers = Types; this.Quality = Quality; }
public PackageSpec(BufferType Types, Size VideoSize, double Quality) { RequiredBuffers = Types; this.VideoSize = VideoSize; this.Quality = Quality; }
internal MemoryBytes(IntPtr data, int size, BufferType bufferType) { _size = size; _arrayData = null; _intptrData = data; _fileHandle = IntPtr.Zero; _bufferType = bufferType; }
public PackageSpec(BufferType Types, Size VideoSize) { RequiredBuffers = Types; this.VideoSize = VideoSize; }
internal MemoryBytes(byte[] data, int size, bool useTransmitFile, long fileSize) { _size = size; _arrayData = data; _intptrData = IntPtr.Zero; _fileHandle = IntPtr.Zero; if (useTransmitFile) { _bufferType = BufferType.TransmitFile; } _fileSize = fileSize; }
private BufferType _bufferType; // 0 managed, 1 native pool, 2 IIS allocated request memory, 3 TransmitFile internal MemoryBytes(string fileName, long offset, long fileSize) { _bufferType = BufferType.TransmitFile; _intptrData = IntPtr.Zero; _fileHandle = IntPtr.Zero; _fileSize = fileSize; _fileName = fileName; _offset = offset; // _cachedResponseBodyLength will be wrong if we don't set _size now. _size = IntPtr.Size; }
/// <summary> /// Allocates an existing buffer from the pool /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">The byte[]you want the buffer to be assigned to</param> /// <param name="type">The type of buffer that is needed</param> private void GetBuffer(ref ArraySegment<byte> buffer, BufferType type) { // We check to see if the buffer already there is the empty buffer. If it isn't, then we have // a buffer leak somewhere and the buffers aren't being freed properly. if (buffer != EmptyBuffer) throw new TorrentException("The old Buffer should have been recovered before getting a new buffer"); // If we're getting a small buffer and there are none in the pool, just return a new one. // Otherwise return one from the pool. if (type == BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer) lock (this.smallMessageBuffers) { if (this.smallMessageBuffers.Count == 0) this.AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer); buffer = this.smallMessageBuffers.Dequeue(); } else if (type == BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer) lock (this.mediumMessageBuffers) { if (this.mediumMessageBuffers.Count == 0) this.AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer); buffer = this.mediumMessageBuffers.Dequeue(); } // If we're getting a large buffer and there are none in the pool, just return a new one. // Otherwise return one from the pool. else if (type == BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer) lock (this.largeMessageBuffers) { if (this.largeMessageBuffers.Count == 0) this.AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer); buffer = this.largeMessageBuffers.Dequeue(); } else throw new TorrentException("You cannot directly request a massive buffer"); }
public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype) { GlobalLog.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (data == null ? 0 : data.Length), "SecurityBuffer::.ctor", "'offset' out of range. [" + offset + "]"); GlobalLog.Assert(size >= 0 && size <= (data == null ? 0 : data.Length - offset), "SecurityBuffer::.ctor", "'size' out of range. [" + size + "]"); this.offset = data == null || offset < 0 ? 0 : Math.Min(offset, data.Length); this.size = data == null || size < 0 ? 0 : Math.Min(size, data.Length - this.offset); this.type = tokentype; this.token = size == 0 ? null : data; }
internal NumericDataType ( string typeName, VirtDbType vdbType, System.Data.DbType dbType, CLI.SqlType sqlType, BufferType bufferType) : base (typeName, vdbType, dbType, sqlType, bufferType) { }
public SecurityBuffer(int size, BufferType tokentype) { GlobalLog.Assert(size >= 0, "SecurityBuffer::.ctor", "'size' out of range. [" + size.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "]"); this.size = size; this.type = tokentype; this.token = size == 0 ? null : new byte[size]; }
public override void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type) { base.setText(Iconify.compute(Context, text, this), type); }
public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, BufferType tokentype) { this.size = (data == null) ? 0 : data.Length; this.type = tokentype; this.token = (this.size == 0) ? null : data; }
internal static void WebSocketGetAction(WebSocketBase webSocket, ActionQueue actionQueue, Interop.WebSocket.Buffer[] dataBuffers, ref uint dataBufferCount, out Action action, out BufferType bufferType, out IntPtr actionContext) { Debug.Assert(webSocket != null, "'webSocket' MUST NOT be NULL or INVALID."); Debug.Assert(webSocket.SessionHandle != null && !webSocket.SessionHandle.IsInvalid, "'webSocket.SessionHandle' MUST NOT be NULL or INVALID."); Debug.Assert(dataBufferCount >= 0, "'dataBufferCount' MUST NOT be negative."); Debug.Assert((dataBuffers == null && dataBufferCount == 0) || (dataBuffers != null && dataBufferCount == dataBuffers.Length), "'dataBufferCount' MUST MATCH 'dataBuffers.Length'."); action = Action.NoAction; bufferType = BufferType.None; actionContext = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr dummy; ThrowIfSessionHandleClosed(webSocket); int errorCode; try { errorCode = Interop.WebSocket.WebSocketGetAction(webSocket.SessionHandle, actionQueue, dataBuffers, ref dataBufferCount, out action, out bufferType, out dummy, out actionContext); } catch (ObjectDisposedException innerException) { throw ConvertObjectDisposedException(webSocket, innerException); } ThrowOnError(errorCode); webSocket.ValidateNativeBuffers(action, bufferType, dataBuffers, dataBufferCount); Debug.Assert(dataBufferCount >= 0); Debug.Assert((dataBufferCount == 0 && dataBuffers == null) || (dataBufferCount <= dataBuffers.Length)); }
public override void SetText(ICharSequence text, BufferType type) { base.SetText(this.Compute(Context, text), type); }
public static extern void SourceQueueBuffer(Source source, Buffer buffer, IntPtr pcm, int bufferSize, BufferType streamType);