private void ThrowIfInvalidBufferType(BufferType expectedBufferType)
     if (this.bufferType != expectedBufferType)
         throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid attempt to read data of type '{expectedBufferType}' when data is of type '{this.bufferType}'.");
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of IndexBufferObject class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">Graphics device</param>
 /// <param name="type">Type of buffer to use</param>
 /// <param name="elementSize">Size of one element stored in the buffer</param>
 /// <param name="indexCount">Initial size of the buffer</param>
 internal IndexBufferObject(GraphicsDevice device, BufferType type, IndexElementSize elementSize, int indexCount)
     _device = device;
     _bufferType = type;
     _elementSize = elementSize;
Example #3
 public GraphicsBufferBase(GraphicsObject graphicsObject, string name, string attributeName, BufferType bufferType)
     : base(name)
     GraphicsObject  = graphicsObject;
     AttributeName   = attributeName;
     this.bufferType = bufferType;
        public static void OnDocumentOpened(IVsTextLines lines, BufferType type)
            switch (type)
            case BufferType.CSHARP_OR_C_OR_CPP:
                lock (cssBuffers) {
                    if (!cssBuffers.Contains(lines))

            case BufferType.VISUAL_BASIC:
                lock (vbBuffers) {
                    if (!vbBuffers.Contains(lines))

            if (AtlassianPanel.Instance.Jira != null && AtlassianPanel.Instance.Jira.CurrentlySelectedServerOrDefault != null)
Example #5
 public void SetBufferEmpty()
     BufferType = BufferType.SECBUFFER_EMPTY;
     Buffer     = null;
     Offset     = 0;
     Size       = 0;
Example #6
        // Size in bytes, and the usages
        private protected Buffer(uint size, BufferType type, Vk.BufferUsages usages)
            Device = SpectrumApp.Instance.GraphicsDevice;
            Size   = size;
            Type   = type;

            // Create the buffer
            var bci = new Vk.BufferCreateInfo(
                Vk.BufferUsages.TransferDst | Vk.BufferUsages.TransferSrc | usages,
                flags: Vk.BufferCreateFlags.None,
                sharingMode: Vk.SharingMode.Exclusive

            VkBuffer = Device.VkDevice.CreateBuffer(bci);

            // Create the backing memory
            var memReq = VkBuffer.GetMemoryRequirements();
            var memIdx = Device.FindMemoryTypeIndex(memReq.MemoryTypeBits, Vk.MemoryProperties.DeviceLocal);

            if (memIdx == -1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find a memory type that supports buffers (this means bad or out-of-date hardware)");
            var mai = new Vk.MemoryAllocateInfo(memReq.Size, memIdx);

            VkMemory = Device.VkDevice.AllocateMemory(mai);
Example #7
 public void SetBuffer(BufferType type, byte[] bytes, int offset, int size)
     BufferType = type;
     Buffer     = bytes;
     Offset     = offset;
     Size       = size;
Example #8
 public void SetBuffer(BufferType type, byte[] bytes)
     BufferType = type;
     Buffer     = bytes;
     Offset     = 0;
     Size       = bytes.Length;
Example #9
 public void SetBufferEmpty()
     this.BufferType = BufferType.SECBUFFER_VERSION;
     this.Buffer     = null;
     this.Offset     = 0;
     this.Size       = 0;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of IndexBufferObject class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">Graphics device</param>
 /// <param name="type">Type of buffer to use</param>
 /// <param name="buffer">Underlying index buffer</param>
 internal IndexBufferObject(GraphicsDevice device, BufferType type, IndexBuffer buffer)
     _device = device;
     _bufferType = type;
     _elementSize = buffer.IndexElementSize;
 public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype)
     this.offset = ((data == null) || (offset < 0)) ? 0 : Math.Min(offset, data.Length);
     this.size = ((data == null) || (size < 0)) ? 0 : Math.Min(size, data.Length - this.offset);
     this.type = tokentype;
     this.token = (size == 0) ? null : data;
 public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype)
     this.offset = offset;
     this.size = (data == null) ? 0 : size;
     this.type = tokentype;
     this.token = data;
Example #13
        internal SecurityStatus Decrypt(byte[] payload, ref int offset, ref int count)
            if ((offset < 0) || (offset > ((payload == null) ? 0 : payload.Length)))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
            if ((count < 0) || (count > ((payload == null) ? 0 : (payload.Length - offset))))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
            SecurityBuffer[] input = new SecurityBuffer[] { new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset, count, BufferType.Data), new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Empty), new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Empty), new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Empty) };
            int num = SSPIWrapper.DecryptMessage(GlobalSSPI.SSPISecureChannel, this.m_SecurityContext, input, 0);

            count = 0;
            BufferType data = BufferType.Data;

            if (num != 0)
                data = BufferType.Extra;
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                if (input[i].type == data)
                    count = input[i].size;
            if ((data == BufferType.Data) && (count > 0))
                offset += this.m_HeaderSize;
Example #14
 public IndexBufferPool()
     version    = BufferType.Index;
     numBuffers = 0;
     size       = 0;
     buffers    = new Dictionary <ulong, IndexBuffer>();
Example #15
 public MappedBuffer(Scene scene, Int32 geometryID, BufferType bufferType)
     : base(RTC.MapBuffer(scene.NativePtr, geometryID, bufferType))
     this.scene      = scene;
     this.geometryID = geometryID;
     this.bufferType = bufferType;
Example #16
        private void AllocateBuffers(int number, BufferType type)
            Logger.Log(null, "BufferManager - Allocating {0} buffers of type {1}", number, type);
            switch (type)
            case BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer:
                while (number-- > 0)
                    _largeMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[LargeMessageBufferSize]);

            case BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer:
                while (number-- > 0)
                    _mediumMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[MediumMessageBufferSize]);

            case BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer:
                while (number-- > 0)
                    _smallMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[SmallMessageBufferSize]);

                throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported BufferType detected");
Example #17
 public WebGLBuffer(WebGLContext context, int id, BufferType type, BufferUsage usage)
     this.context = context;
     this.Id      = id;
     this.Type    = type;
     this.Usage   = usage;
Example #18
 public void SetBuffer(BufferType type, byte[] bytes, int offset, int size)
     this.BufferType = type;
     this.Buffer     = bytes;
     this.Offset     = offset;
     this.Size       = size;
Example #19
        public void CopyHtml(string text, BufferType buffer_type)
            text = HelperFunctions.TrimTrailingSpace(text);

            string formattedText =
                (buffer_type == BufferType.Logic)   ? _colorizer.LogicToHtml(text) :
                (buffer_type == BufferType.Message) ? _colorizer.MessageToHtml(text) :
                (buffer_type == BufferType.Report)  ? _colorizer.HtmlReportToHtml(text) :
                _pffColorizer.Colorize(new PffColorizerHtml(), text);

            // html to clipboard code from:
            string htmlCopyText = "Format:HTML Format Version:1.0\nStartHTML:<<<<<<<1\nEndHTML:<<<<<<<2\nStartFragment:<<<<<<<3\nEndFragment:<<<<<<<4\n";
            int    startHTML    = htmlCopyText.Length;

            int beginChunkPos = formattedText.IndexOf("<div");
            int endChunkPos   = formattedText.IndexOf("</div>") + 6; // 6 is length if </div>

            htmlCopyText += formattedText.Substring(0, beginChunkPos) + "<!--StartFragment-->";
            int startFragment = htmlCopyText.Length;

            htmlCopyText += formattedText.Substring(beginChunkPos, endChunkPos - beginChunkPos);
            int endFragment = htmlCopyText.Length;

            htmlCopyText += "<!--EndFragment-->" + formattedText.Substring(endChunkPos);
            int endHTML = htmlCopyText.Length;

            htmlCopyText = htmlCopyText.Replace("<<<<<<<1", String.Format("{0,8}", startHTML));
            htmlCopyText = htmlCopyText.Replace("<<<<<<<2", String.Format("{0,8}", endHTML));
            htmlCopyText = htmlCopyText.Replace("<<<<<<<3", String.Format("{0,8}", startFragment));
            htmlCopyText = htmlCopyText.Replace("<<<<<<<4", String.Format("{0,8}", endFragment));

            Clipboard.SetText(htmlCopyText, TextDataFormat.Html);
 /// <summary>
 /// Undef a buffer in this configuration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bType">
 /// A <see cref="BufferType"/> indicating the buffer to undefine.
 /// </param>
 private void UndefineBuffer(BufferType bType)
     // Undefine buffer
     mSurfaceBuffers           &= ~bType;
     mRequiredSurfaceBuffers   &= ~bType;
     mDegradableSurfaceBuffers &= ~bType;
Example #21
 public void Revive()
     if (DataManager.Instance.character == 5)
     dir = 1;
     DataManager.Instance.isExited = true;
     isPowered = false;
     buffer    = BufferType.None;
     shakeDist = 0f;
     shakeDir  = 1;
     life      = 1;
     isImmune           = false;
     isStomping         = false;
     chargeSoundPlayed  = false;
     powerSoundPlayed   = false;
     scaleLock          = false;
     transform.position = originalPos;
        public override async Task GenerateWrite(
            FileGeneration fg,
            ObjectGeneration objGen,
            TypeGeneration typeGen,
            Accessor writerAccessor,
            Accessor itemAccessor,
            Accessor errorMaskAccessor,
            Accessor translationMaskAccessor,
            Accessor converterAccessor)
            BufferType zero = typeGen as BufferType;

            using (var args = new ArgsWrapper(fg,
                                              $"{this.NamespacePrefix}{GetTranslatorInstance(typeGen, getter: true)}.Write"))
                args.Add($"writer: {writerAccessor}");
                if (zero.Static)
                    args.Add($"item: {objGen.CommonClassName(LoquiInterfaceType.IGetter, MaskType.Normal)}.{typeGen.Name}");
                    args.Add($"item: {itemAccessor}");
Example #23
        private void AllocateBuffers(int number, BufferType type)
            Logger.Log(null, "BufferManager - Allocating {0} buffers of type {1}", number, type);
            if (type == BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer)
                while (number-- > 0)
                    this.largeMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[LargeMessageBufferSize]);

            else if (type == BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer)
                while (number-- > 0)
                    this.mediumMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[MediumMessageBufferSize]);

            else if (type == BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer)
                while (number-- > 0)
                    this.smallMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[SmallMessageBufferSize]);

                throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported BufferType detected");
        public override void GenerateCopyInRet(
            FileGeneration fg,
            ObjectGeneration objGen,
            TypeGeneration targetGen,
            TypeGeneration typeGen,
            Accessor readerAccessor,
            AsyncMode asyncMode,
            Accessor retAccessor,
            Accessor outItemAccessor,
            Accessor errorMaskAccessor,
            Accessor translationAccessor,
            Accessor converterAccessor,
            bool inline)
            if (inline)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            if (asyncMode == AsyncMode.Direct)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            BufferType buf = typeGen as BufferType;

            fg.AppendLine($"{readerAccessor}.Position += {buf.Length};");
 public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype)
     this.offset = ((data == null) || (offset < 0)) ? 0 : Math.Min(offset, data.Length);
     this.size   = ((data == null) || (size < 0)) ? 0 : Math.Min(size, data.Length - this.offset);
     this.type   = tokentype;
     this.token  = (size == 0) ? null : data;
        private int DecryptNtlm(byte[] payload, int offset, int count, out int newOffset, uint expectedSeqNumber)
            int num;

            if (count < 0x10)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
            SecurityBuffer[] input = new SecurityBuffer[] { new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset, 0x10, BufferType.Token), new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset + 0x10, count - 0x10, BufferType.Data) };
            BufferType       data  = BufferType.Data;

            if (this.IsConfidentialityFlag)
                num = SSPIWrapper.DecryptMessage(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, this.m_SecurityContext, input, expectedSeqNumber);
                data         |= BufferType.ReadOnlyFlag;
                input[1].type = data;
                num           = SSPIWrapper.VerifySignature(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, this.m_SecurityContext, input, expectedSeqNumber);
            if (num != 0)
                throw new Win32Exception(num);
            if (input[1].type != data)
                throw new InternalException();
            newOffset = input[1].offset;
Example #27
 public SecurityBufferClass(byte[] data, BufferType tokentype)
     this.offset = 0;
     this.size   = ((data == null) ? 0 : data.Length);
     this.type   = (int)tokentype;
     this.token  = data;
Example #28
 void Awake()
     //state = State.Idle;
     dir               = 1;
     isPowered         = false;
     animator          = GetComponent <Animator>();
     collider          = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     jumpSpeed         = landPosX * 2 / jumpDuration;
     powerJumpSpeed    = landPosX * 2 / powerJumpDuration;
     buffer            = BufferType.None;
     shakeDist         = 0f;
     shakeDir          = 1;
     originalY         = transform.position.y;
     life              = 3;
     isImmune          = false;
     isStomping        = false;
     chargeSoundPlayed = false;
     powerSoundPlayed  = false;
     GameManager.Instance.targetScrollSpeed = 900;
     if (DataManager.Instance.character > 3)
     scaleLock = false;
     ChangeParticleColor(deathParticle1, dieColors1[DataManager.Instance.character - 1]);
     ChangeParticleColor(deathParticle2, dieColors2[DataManager.Instance.character - 1]);
     ChangeParticleColor(hitParticle, dieColors1[DataManager.Instance.character - 1]);
     ChangeParticleColor(sweat.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(), dieColors2[DataManager.Instance.character - 1]);
     GameManager.Instance.player   = this;
     GameManager.Instance.adset    = adset;
     DataManager.Instance.isExited = false;
Example #29
 public SecurityBufferClass(int size, BufferType tokentype)
     this.offset = 0;
     this.size   = size;
     this.type   = (int)tokentype;
     this.token  = ((size == 0) ? null : new byte[size]);
Example #30
 public VertexBufferPool()
     version    = BufferType.Vertex;
     numBuffers = 0;
     size       = 0;
     buffers    = new Dictionary <ulong, VertexBuffer>();
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="Buffer{T}"/> instance with the specified parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">The <see cref="GraphicsDevice"/> associated with the current instance</param>
        /// <param name="size">The number of items to store in the current buffer</param>
        /// <param name="sizeInBytes">The size in bytes for the current buffer</param>
        /// <param name="bufferType">The buffer type for the current buffer</param>
        internal Buffer(GraphicsDevice device, int size, int sizeInBytes, BufferType bufferType) : base(device)
            Size                     = size;
            SizeInBytes              = sizeInBytes; // Not necessarily a multiple of the element size, as there could be padding
            ElementSizeInBytes       = Unsafe.SizeOf <T>();
            BufferType               = bufferType;
            PaddedElementSizeInBytes = sizeInBytes / size;

            // Determine the right heap type and flags
            (HeapType heapType, ResourceFlags flags, ResourceStates states) = bufferType switch
                BufferType.Constant => (HeapType.Upload, ResourceFlags.None, ResourceStates.GenericRead),
                BufferType.ReadOnly => (HeapType.Default, ResourceFlags.None, ResourceStates.Common),
                BufferType.ReadWrite => (HeapType.Default, ResourceFlags.AllowUnorderedAccess, ResourceStates.Common),
                BufferType.ReadBack => (HeapType.Readback, ResourceFlags.None, ResourceStates.CopyDestination),
                BufferType.Transfer => (HeapType.Upload, ResourceFlags.None, ResourceStates.GenericRead),
                _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid buffer type {bufferType}", nameof(bufferType))

            // Create the native resource
            ResourceDescription description = ResourceDescription.Buffer(sizeInBytes, flags);

            NativeResource = GraphicsDevice.NativeDevice.CreateCommittedResource(new HeapProperties(heapType), HeapFlags.None, description, states);

            // Create the resource handles, if needed
            (NativeCpuDescriptorHandle, NativeGpuDescriptorHandle) = bufferType switch
                BufferType.Constant => CreateConstantBufferView(),
                BufferType.ReadOnly => CreateShaderResourceView(),
                BufferType.ReadWrite => CreateUnorderedAccessView(),
                _ => default
Example #32
        public bool IsDBNull(int i, ColumnData[] columns)
            if (dataBuffer == null)
                dataBuffer = new MemoryHandle(2048);

            ColumnData column = columns[i];
            BufferType type   = column.bufferType;

            IntPtr length;

            CLI.ReturnCode rc = (CLI.ReturnCode)CLI.SQLGetData(
                (ushort)(i + 1),
                out length);
            if (rc != CLI.ReturnCode.SQL_SUCCESS && rc != CLI.ReturnCode.SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
                Diagnostics.HandleResult(rc, this, outerCommand.Connection);

            // rewind so that another IsDBNull() won't get SQL_NO_DATA

            return(length == (IntPtr)(int)CLI.LengthCode.SQL_NULL_DATA);
Example #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Create test instance from user input.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="testType"></param>
 /// <param name="bufferType"></param>
 /// <param name="capacity"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static IStreamTest CreateTest(TestType testType, BufferType bufferType, int capacity)
     if (TestType.VesselLocation == testType)
         StreamTest <VesselLocation> streamTest = new StreamTest <VesselLocation>(CreateBuffer <VesselLocation>(bufferType, capacity));
         foreach (string name in System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Vessels.Names").Split(','))
             streamTest.Register(new VesselLocationGenerator(name));
     else if (TestType.Transaction == testType)
         StreamTest <Transaction> streamTest = new StreamTest <Transaction>(CreateBuffer <Transaction>(bufferType, capacity));
         foreach (string name in System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Transaction.Names").Split(','))
             streamTest.Register(new TransactionGenerator(name));
     else if (TestType.Message == testType)
         StreamTest <string> streamTest = new StreamTest <string>(CreateBuffer <string>(bufferType, capacity));
         foreach (string name in System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Message.Names").Split(','))
             streamTest.Register(new MessageGenerator(name));
     throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid test type: \"{0}\"", testType));
Example #34
 public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype)
     this.offset = offset;
     this.size   = (data == null ? 0 : size);
     this.type   = tokentype;
     this.token  = data;
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of VertexBufferObject class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">Graphics device</param>
 /// <param name="type">Type of buffer to use</param>
 /// <param name="buffer">Underlying vertex buffer</param>
 internal VertexBufferObject(GraphicsDevice device, BufferType type, VertexBuffer buffer)
     _device = device;
     _bufferType = type;
     _vertexDeclaration = buffer.VertexDeclaration;
Example #36
		internal DataType (
			string typeName,
			VirtDbType vdbType,
			System.Data.DbType dbType,
			CLI.SqlType sqlType,
			BufferType bufferType)
			: this (typeName, vdbType, dbType, sqlType, bufferType, false)
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor of VertexBufferObject class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">Graphics device</param>
        /// <param name="type">Type of buffer to use</param>
        /// <param name="vertexType">Type of vertex used in the buffer</param>
        /// <param name="vertexCount">Initial size of the buffer</param>
        internal VertexBufferObject(GraphicsDevice device, BufferType type, Type vertexType, int vertexCount)
            if(device == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("device");
            if(vertexType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertexType");

            IVertexType vertex = Activator.CreateInstance(vertexType) as IVertexType;
            if(vertex == null) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid vertex type");

            _device = device;
            _bufferType = type;
            _vertexDeclaration = vertex.VertexDeclaration;
Example #38
		internal DataType (
			string typeName,
			VirtDbType vdbType,
			System.Data.DbType dbType,
			CLI.SqlType sqlType,
			BufferType bufferType,
			bool isLong)
			this.typeName = typeName;
			this.vdbType = vdbType;
			this.dbType = dbType;
			this.sqlType = sqlType;
			this.bufferType = bufferType;
			this.isLong = isLong;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Allocates an existing buffer from the pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">The byte[]you want the buffer to be assigned to</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of buffer that is needed</param>
        private void GetBuffer(ref byte[] buffer, BufferType type)
            // We check to see if the buffer already there is the empty buffer. If it isn't, then we have
            // a buffer leak somewhere and the buffers aren't being freed properly.
            if (buffer != EmptyBuffer)
                throw new TorrentException("The old Buffer should have been recovered before getting a new buffer");

            // If we're getting a small buffer and there are none in the pool, just return a new one.
            // Otherwise return one from the pool.
            switch (type)
                case BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer:
                    lock (_smallMessageBuffers)
                        if (_smallMessageBuffers.Count == 0)
                            AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer);
                        buffer = _smallMessageBuffers.Dequeue();
                case BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer:
                    lock (_mediumMessageBuffers)
                        if (_mediumMessageBuffers.Count == 0)
                            AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer);
                        buffer = _mediumMessageBuffers.Dequeue();
                case BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer:
                    lock (_largeMessageBuffers)
                        if (_largeMessageBuffers.Count == 0)
                            AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer);
                        buffer = _largeMessageBuffers.Dequeue();
                    throw new TorrentException("You cannot directly request a massive buffer");
Example #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new IndexBufferObject
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bufferType">Type of buffer to create</param>
 /// <param name="elementSize">Size of index stored in the buffer</param>
 /// <param name="indexCount">Number of indices in the buffer</param>
 /// <returns>Returns an IndexBufferObject</returns>
 public IndexBufferObject CreateIndexBuffer(BufferType bufferType, IndexElementSize elementSize, int indexCount)
     return new IndexBufferObject(_deviceManager.GraphicsDevice, bufferType, elementSize, indexCount);
 private void AllocateBuffers(int number, BufferType type)
     Debug.WriteLine("BufferManager - Allocating {0} buffers of type {1}", number, type);
     switch (type)
         case BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer:
             while (number-- > 0)
                 _largeMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[LargeMessageBufferSize]);
         case BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer:
             while (number-- > 0)
                 _mediumMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[MediumMessageBufferSize]);
         case BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer:
             while (number-- > 0)
                 _smallMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new byte[SmallMessageBufferSize]);
             throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported BufferType detected");
Example #42
        private void AllocateBuffers(int number, BufferType type)
            Logger.Log(null, "BufferManager - Allocating {0} buffers of type {1}", number, type);
            if (type == BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer)
                while (number-- > 0)
                    this.largeMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[LargeMessageBufferSize], 0, LargeMessageBufferSize));

            else if (type == BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer)
                while (number-- > 0)
                    this.mediumMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[MediumMessageBufferSize], 0, MediumMessageBufferSize));

            else if (type == BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer)
                while (number-- > 0)
                        this.smallMessageBuffers.Enqueue(new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[SmallMessageBufferSize], 0, SmallMessageBufferSize));

                throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported BufferType detected");
        internal static void WebSocketSendWithoutBody(WebSocketBase webSocket,
            BufferType bufferType)
            Debug.Assert(webSocket != null,
                "'webSocket' MUST NOT be NULL or INVALID.");
            Debug.Assert(webSocket.SessionHandle != null && !webSocket.SessionHandle.IsInvalid,
                "'webSocket.SessionHandle' MUST NOT be NULL or INVALID.");


            int errorCode;
                errorCode = Interop.WebSocket.WebSocketSendWithoutBody_Raw(webSocket.SessionHandle, bufferType, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException innerException)
                throw ConvertObjectDisposedException(webSocket, innerException);

 public SecurityBuffer(ChannelBinding binding)
     this.size = (binding == null) ? 0 : binding.Size;
     this.type = BufferType.ChannelBindings;
     this.unmanagedToken = binding;
 public SecurityBuffer(int size, BufferType tokentype)
     this.size = size;
     this.type = tokentype;
     this.token = (size == 0) ? null : new byte[size];
 public PackageSpec(BufferType Types, double Quality)
     RequiredBuffers = Types;
     this.Quality = Quality;
 public PackageSpec(BufferType Types, Size VideoSize, double Quality)
     RequiredBuffers = Types;
     this.VideoSize = VideoSize;
     this.Quality = Quality;
 internal MemoryBytes(IntPtr data, int size, BufferType bufferType) {
     _size = size;
     _arrayData = null;
     _intptrData = data;
     _fileHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
     _bufferType = bufferType;
 public PackageSpec(BufferType Types, Size VideoSize)
     RequiredBuffers = Types;
     this.VideoSize = VideoSize;
 internal MemoryBytes(byte[] data, int size, bool useTransmitFile, long fileSize) {
     _size = size;
     _arrayData = data;
     _intptrData = IntPtr.Zero;
     _fileHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
     if (useTransmitFile) {
         _bufferType = BufferType.TransmitFile;
     _fileSize = fileSize;
    private BufferType  _bufferType; // 0 managed, 1 native pool, 2 IIS allocated request memory, 3 TransmitFile

    internal MemoryBytes(string fileName, long offset, long fileSize) {
        _bufferType = BufferType.TransmitFile;
        _intptrData = IntPtr.Zero;
        _fileHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
        _fileSize = fileSize;
        _fileName = fileName;
        _offset = offset;
        // _cachedResponseBodyLength will be wrong if we don't set _size now.
        _size = IntPtr.Size;
Example #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates an existing buffer from the pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">The byte[]you want the buffer to be assigned to</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of buffer that is needed</param>
        private void GetBuffer(ref ArraySegment<byte> buffer, BufferType type)
            // We check to see if the buffer already there is the empty buffer. If it isn't, then we have
            // a buffer leak somewhere and the buffers aren't being freed properly.
            if (buffer != EmptyBuffer)
                throw new TorrentException("The old Buffer should have been recovered before getting a new buffer");

            // If we're getting a small buffer and there are none in the pool, just return a new one.
            // Otherwise return one from the pool.
            if (type == BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer)
                lock (this.smallMessageBuffers)
                    if (this.smallMessageBuffers.Count == 0)
                        this.AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.SmallMessageBuffer);
                    buffer = this.smallMessageBuffers.Dequeue();

            else if (type == BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer)
                lock (this.mediumMessageBuffers)
                    if (this.mediumMessageBuffers.Count == 0)
                        this.AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.MediumMessageBuffer);
                    buffer = this.mediumMessageBuffers.Dequeue();

            // If we're getting a large buffer and there are none in the pool, just return a new one.
            // Otherwise return one from the pool.
            else if (type == BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer)
                lock (this.largeMessageBuffers)
                    if (this.largeMessageBuffers.Count == 0)
                        this.AllocateBuffers(5, BufferType.LargeMessageBuffer);
                    buffer = this.largeMessageBuffers.Dequeue();

                throw new TorrentException("You cannot directly request a massive buffer");
Example #53
        public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int size, BufferType tokentype) {
            GlobalLog.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (data == null ? 0 : data.Length), "SecurityBuffer::.ctor", "'offset' out of range.  [" + offset + "]");
            GlobalLog.Assert(size >= 0 && size <= (data == null ? 0 : data.Length - offset), "SecurityBuffer::.ctor", "'size' out of range.  [" + size + "]");
            this.offset = data == null || offset < 0 ? 0 : Math.Min(offset, data.Length);
            this.size   = data == null || size < 0 ? 0 : Math.Min(size, data.Length - this.offset);
            this.type   = tokentype;
            this.token  = size == 0 ? null : data;
Example #54
		internal NumericDataType (
			string typeName,
			VirtDbType vdbType,
			System.Data.DbType dbType,
			CLI.SqlType sqlType,
			BufferType bufferType)
			: base (typeName, vdbType, dbType, sqlType, bufferType)
Example #55
        public SecurityBuffer(int size, BufferType tokentype) {
            GlobalLog.Assert(size >= 0, "SecurityBuffer::.ctor", "'size' out of range.  [" + size.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "]");

            this.size   = size;
            this.type   = tokentype;
            this.token  = size == 0 ? null : new byte[size];
Example #56
 public override void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type)
     base.setText(Iconify.compute(Context, text, this), type);
 public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, BufferType tokentype)
     this.size = (data == null) ? 0 : data.Length;
     this.type = tokentype;
     this.token = (this.size == 0) ? null : data;
        internal static void WebSocketGetAction(WebSocketBase webSocket,
            ActionQueue actionQueue,
            Interop.WebSocket.Buffer[] dataBuffers,
            ref uint dataBufferCount,
            out Action action,
            out BufferType bufferType,
            out IntPtr actionContext)
            Debug.Assert(webSocket != null,
                "'webSocket' MUST NOT be NULL or INVALID.");
            Debug.Assert(webSocket.SessionHandle != null && !webSocket.SessionHandle.IsInvalid,
                "'webSocket.SessionHandle' MUST NOT be NULL or INVALID.");
            Debug.Assert(dataBufferCount >= 0, "'dataBufferCount' MUST NOT be negative.");
            Debug.Assert((dataBuffers == null && dataBufferCount == 0) ||
                (dataBuffers != null && dataBufferCount == dataBuffers.Length),
                "'dataBufferCount' MUST MATCH 'dataBuffers.Length'.");

            action = Action.NoAction;
            bufferType = BufferType.None;
            actionContext = IntPtr.Zero;

            IntPtr dummy;

            int errorCode;
                errorCode = Interop.WebSocket.WebSocketGetAction(webSocket.SessionHandle,
                    ref dataBufferCount,
                    out action,
                    out bufferType,
                    out dummy,
                    out actionContext);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException innerException)
                throw ConvertObjectDisposedException(webSocket, innerException);

            webSocket.ValidateNativeBuffers(action, bufferType, dataBuffers, dataBufferCount);

            Debug.Assert(dataBufferCount >= 0);
            Debug.Assert((dataBufferCount == 0 && dataBuffers == null) ||
                (dataBufferCount <= dataBuffers.Length));
Example #59
 public override void SetText(ICharSequence text, BufferType type)
     base.SetText(this.Compute(Context, text), type);
Example #60
 public static extern void SourceQueueBuffer(Source source, Buffer buffer, IntPtr pcm, int bufferSize, BufferType streamType);