Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Default constructor.
		/// </summary>
		public Camera(Scene scene)
			_scene = scene;
			// set default positioning
			_position = new Vector(0.0, 0.0, 9.0);
			_upVec = new Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
			_center = new Vector();
			// set default field of view
			fov = new Angle();
			fov["deg"] = 28.0;
			// set default interaction factors
			dollyFactor = 0.15;
			panFactor = 0.05;
			lastDirection = ViewDirection.Front;

			Frustum = new FrustumDef();

			DefaultAnimationOptions.Duration = 4.0;
			DefaultAnimationOptions.EaseType = EaseType.Quadratic;

			UseInertia = true;
			InertiaAnimationOptions = new AnimationOptions() {
				Duration = 6.0,
				EaseType = EaseType.Linear
			InertiaType = InteractionType.None;
Beispiel #2
 public Camera()
     _position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     _rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     _fieldOfView = Angle.CreateDegrees(90).Radians;
     _aspect = new Vector2(16, 9);
    void Start()
        angle = GetComponent<Angle> ();
        speed = Random.Range (4, 12);

        EnemyManager.get().enemies.Add (this);
        public static void Create_Angle_Check_Value_Less_Than_Two_Pi()
            Angle angle = new Angle(-3 * Math.PI);
            angle = angle.ReduceAngle();

            Assert.AreEqual(Math.PI, angle.Value, 0.00001);
Beispiel #5
 public Arrow(Game g, Point p, Angle a, Angle z)
     : base(g, 0, 0, new ModelArrow(a, z, p))
     //texture = t;
        //origin = new Vector2(section.Width / 2, section.Height);
        world = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(displayable.position.x, displayable.position.y, displayable.position.z));
Beispiel #6
        public Coordinate(Angle aTheta, Angle aPhi)
            iTheta = aTheta;
            iPhi = aPhi;

Beispiel #7
    // Update is called once per frame
    public void Move()
        if ( !Dead && GameController.mode == 3 ) {
            DegreeAngle += dirrection * DegreesPerSecond * Time.deltaTime;

            transform.position = DegreeAngle.PointByRadius (Radius);

            //get radius changes
            ChangeRingDirrection = InputController.GetInput ();

            Radius += ChangeRingDirrection * RadiusLerpSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            if ( Radius < InitialRadius )
                Radius = InitialRadius;
            else if ( Radius > FinalRadius )
                Radius = FinalRadius;

            //draw surrounding circle
        else {
            if ( SurroundingCircle != null ) {
                foreach ( GameObject i  in SurroundingCircle )
                    i.GetComponent<LineRenderer>().renderer.enabled = true;
                SurroundingCircle = null;
        // Return the shared angle in both congruences
        public Angle OtherAngle(Angle thatAngle)
            if (angle1.Equates(thatAngle)) return angle2;
            if (angle2.Equates(thatAngle)) return angle1;

            return null;
Beispiel #9
 public void Revive()
     DegreeAngle = 0f;
     Radius = NewRadius = InitialRadius;
     Dead = false;
     x = -1;
 public void VerifyAllEnums()
     var acceleration = new Acceleration(1, AccelerationUnit.BaseUnit);
     var angle = new Angle(1, AngleUnit.BaseUnit);
     var angularAcceleration = new AngularAcceleration(1, AngularAccelerationUnit.BaseUnit);
     var area = new Area(1, AreaUnit.BaseUnit);
     var density = new MassDensity(1, MassDensityUnit.BaseUnit);
     var electricCurrent = new ElectricCurrent(1, ElectricCurrentUnit.BaseUnit);
     var electricResistance = new ElectricResistance(1, ElectricResistanceUnit.BaseUnit);
     var electricVoltage = new ElectricPotential(1, ElectricPotentialUnit.BaseUnit);
     var energy = new Energy(1, EnergyUnit.BaseUnit);
     var force = new Force(1, ForceUnit.BaseUnit);
     var frequency = new Frequency(1, FrequencyUnit.BaseUnit);
     var jerk = new Jerk(1, JerkUnit.BaseUnit);
     var length = new Length(1, LengthUnit.BaseUnit);
     var mass = new Mass(1, MassUnit.BaseUnit);
     var massFlowRate = new MassFlowRate(1, MassFlowRateUnit.BaseUnit);
     var momentum = new Momentum(1, MomentumUnit.BaseUnit);
     var numeric = new Numeric(1, NumericUnit.BaseUnit);
     var power = new Power(1, PowerUnit.BaseUnit);
     var pressure = new Pressure(1, PressureUnit.BaseUnit);
     var speed = new Speed(1, SpeedUnit.BaseUnit);
     var temperature = new Temperature(1, TemperatureUnit.BaseUnit);
     var time = new Time(1, TimeUnit.BaseUnit);
     var torque = new Torque(1, TorqueUnit.BaseUnit);
     var volume = new Volume(1, VolumeUnit.BaseUnit);
     var volumetricFlowRate = new VolumetricFlowRate(1, VolumetricFlowRateUnit.BaseUnit);
Beispiel #11
        public void TestSelection()
            Point start, center, stop, p;
            Selection s;

            start = new Point (0, 10);
            stop = new Point (10, 0);
            center = new Point (0, 0);
            Angle a = new Angle (start, center, stop);

            p = new Point (0.1, 0.3);
            s = a.GetSelection (p, 0.5);
            Assert.AreEqual (SelectionPosition.AngleCenter, s.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual (p.Distance (center), s.Accuracy);

            p = new Point (9.8, 0.3);
            s = a.GetSelection (p, 0.5);
            Assert.AreEqual (SelectionPosition.AngleStop, s.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual (p.Distance (stop), s.Accuracy);

            p = new Point (0.2, 9.9);
            s = a.GetSelection (p, 0.5);
            Assert.AreEqual (SelectionPosition.AngleStart, s.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual (p.Distance (start), s.Accuracy);

            p = new Point (5, 5);
            s = a.GetSelection (p, 0.5);
            Assert.IsNull (s);
Beispiel #12
        public Hokuyo(LidarID lidar)
            //trameDetails = "VV\n00P\n";
            this.lidar = lidar;
            semLock = new Semaphore(1, 1);

            switch (lidar)
                case LidarID.LidarSol: model = "URG-04LX-UG01"; break;

            if (model.Contains("UBG-04LX-F01"))//Hokuyo bleu
                nbPoints = 725;
                angleMesurable = new Angle(240, AnglyeType.Degre);
                offsetPoints = 44;
            else if (model.Contains("URG-04LX-UG01")) //Petit hokuyo
                nbPoints = 725;
                angleMesurable = new Angle(240, AnglyeType.Degre);
                offsetPoints = 44;
            else if (model.Contains("BTM-75LX")) // Grand hokuyo
                nbPoints = 1080;
                angleMesurable = new Angle(270, AnglyeType.Degre);
                offsetPoints = 0;

            position = Robots.GrosRobot.Position;

            Robots.GrosRobot.PositionChange += GrosRobot_PositionChange;
Beispiel #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Вернёт frame, в котором повёрнуты координаты X и Y и Yaw равен переданному углу.
		/// </summary>		
		static public Frame3D Rotate2D(Frame3D frame, Angle angle)
			double x = frame.X * Math.Cos(angle.Radian) - frame.Y * Math.Sin(angle.Radian);
			double y = frame.X * Math.Sin(angle.Radian) + frame.Y * Math.Cos(angle.Radian);

			return new Frame3D(x, y, frame.Z, Angle.FromGrad(0), angle, Angle.FromGrad(0));
Beispiel #14
 public Frame2D(double x, double y, Angle angle)
     X = x;
     Y = y;
     Angle = angle;
     Center = new Point2D(x, y);
Beispiel #15
 public void TestAssignement()
     Angle angle = new Angle();
     angle.Degrees = 30.0;
     Assert.That(angle.Degrees, Is.EqualTo(30.0));
     Assert.That(angle.Radians, Is.EqualTo(30.0 * Math.PI / 180.0));
		public void Passing()
			var angles = new Angle[51, 600];

			var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

			for (var p = 5f; p <= 10; p += 0.1f)
				for (var d = 200; d < 800; d++)
					var d2 = d* d;
					var power = new Power(p);
					var speed = power.Speed;
					for (var t = 1; t < 1024; t++)
						if (p > 9.8f)
						var ball = BallPath.GetDistance(speed, t);
						var player = PlayerPath.GetDistance(3, t, 40);

						if (ball.Squared + player.Squared > d2)
							var angle = Angle.Atan((double)player / (double)ball);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new triangle bounded by the 3 given segments. The set of points that define these segments should have only 3 distinct elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">The segment opposite point a</param>
        /// <param name="b">The segment opposite point b</param>
        /// <param name="c">The segment opposite point c</param>
        public Triangle(Segment a, Segment b, Segment c)
            : base(a, b, c)
            SegmentA = a;
            SegmentB = b;
            SegmentC = c;

            Point1 = SegmentA.Point1;
            Point2 = SegmentA.Point2;
            Point3 = Point1.Equals(SegmentB.Point1) || Point2.Equals(SegmentB.Point1) ? SegmentB.Point2 : SegmentB.Point1;

            AngleA = new Angle(Point1, Point2, Point3);
            AngleB = new Angle(Point2, Point3, Point1);
            AngleC = new Angle(Point3, Point1, Point2);

            isRight = isRightTriangle();
            provenRight = false;
            givenRight = false;
            isIsosceles = IsIsosceles();
            provenIsosceles = false;
            isEquilateral = IsEquilateral();
            provenEquilateral = false;

            congruencePairs = new List<Triangle>();
            similarPairs = new List<Triangle>();

        private static List<EdgeAggregator> CheckAndGeneratePerpendicularImplyCongruentAdjacent(Perpendicular perp, Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            if (!Utilities.CompareValues(angle1.measure + angle2.measure, 90)) return newGrounded;

            // The perpendicular intersection must occur at the same vertex of both angles (we only need check one).
            if (!(angle1.GetVertex().Equals(perp.intersect) && angle2.GetVertex().Equals(perp.intersect))) return newGrounded;

            // Are the angles adjacent?
            Segment sharedRay = angle1.IsAdjacentTo(angle2);
            if (sharedRay == null) return newGrounded;

            // Do the non-shared rays for both angles align with the segments defined by the perpendicular intersection?
            if (!perp.DefinesBothRays(angle1.OtherRayEquates(sharedRay), angle2.OtherRayEquates(sharedRay))) return newGrounded;

            // Now we have perpendicular -> complementary angles scenario
            Complementary cas = new Complementary(angle1, angle2);

            // Construct hyperedge
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, cas, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
Beispiel #19
 public CadViewPort(String name, Model parentMdl,
  Point center, Double height, Double width,
  Vector scaleVec,
  Angle rotation)
     : this(name, parentMdl, center, new Vector(width, height, null), scaleVec, rotation)
Beispiel #20
 public Seg(World world,Vertex start,Vertex end,Linedef linedef,bool isbackside,Angle angle,Fixed offset)
     if (world == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("world");
     if (start == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("start");
     if (end == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("end");
     if (linedef == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("linedef");
     if (start.World != world)
         throw new ArgumentException("Start vertex is from another world.");
     if (end.World != world)
         throw new ArgumentException("End vertex is from another world.");
     if (linedef.World != world)
         throw new ArgumentException("Linedef is from another world."); = world;
     // TODO :: start
     // TODO :: end
     // TODO :: linedef
     if (!isbackside)
         this.front = linedef.Front;
         this.back = linedef.Back;
         this.front = linedef.Back;
         this.back = linedef.Front;
     // TODO :: angle
     // TODO :: offset
Beispiel #21
        public static Transformation RaDec2Ah(Angle aLattitude)
            Transformation theTransformation = new Transformation();
            theTransformation.Rotate(Axes.Y, aLattitude.Radians - 0.5 * Math.PI);

            return theTransformation;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateTheorem(Angle a1, Angle a2)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Acquire all circles in which the angles are inscribed
            List<Circle> circles1 = Circle.IsInscribedAngle(a1);
            List<Circle> circles2 = Circle.IsInscribedAngle(a2);

            //Acquire the common circles in which both angles are inscribed
            List<Circle> circles = (circles1.Intersect(circles2)).ToList();

            //For each common circle, check for equivalent itercepted arcs
            foreach (Circle c in circles)
                Arc i1 = Arc.GetInterceptedArc(c, a1);
                Arc i2 = Arc.GetInterceptedArc(c, a2);

                if (i1.StructurallyEquals(i2))
                    GeometricCongruentAngles gcas = new GeometricCongruentAngles(a1, a2);

                    //For hypergraph
                    List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

                    newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gcas, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">Start point.</param>
 /// <param name="direction">Angular direction of the vector</param>
 /// <param name="magnitude">Magnitude of the vector.</param>
 public EuclideanVector(Point start, Angle direction, float magnitude)
     Start = start;
     Direction = direction;
     Magnitude = magnitude;
     End = CalculateEndPoint(start, direction, magnitude);
Beispiel #24
		public bool Between(Angle cLimit, Angle ccLimit)
			if (cLimit.Value < ccLimit.Value)
				return this.Value >= cLimit.Value && this.Value <= ccLimit.Value;
			return this.Value >= cLimit.Value || this.Value <= ccLimit.Value;
 public void OpAddition()
     var angle1 = new Angle(180, AngleUnit.Degree);
     var angle2 = new Angle(200, AngleUnit.Grad);
     var expected = new Angle(360, AngleUnit.Degree);
     (angle1 + angle2).ShouldEqual(expected);
     (angle2 + angle1).ShouldEqual(expected);
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// повернуть фрейм вокруг вертикальной оси (z)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frame">положение сонара</param>
 /// <param name="angle">угол поворота</param>
 /// <returns>вектор - новое направление</returns>
 public static Frame3D HorisontalFrameRotation(Frame3D frame, Angle angle)
     Matrix m = frame.GetMatrix();
     //var up = new Point3D(m[0, 2], m[1, 2], m[2, 2]);
     var up = new Point3D(0,0,1);
     Frame3D rotated = frame.Apply(Frame3D.DoRotate(up, angle));
     return rotated;
Beispiel #27
 public Complementary(Angle ang1, Angle ang2)
     : base(ang1, ang2)
     if (!Utilities.CompareValues(ang1.measure + ang2.measure, 90))
         throw new ArgumentException("Complementary Angles must sum to 90: " + ang1 + " " + ang2);
Beispiel #28
 public TwoVector RotateAbout(TwoVector CenterPoint, Angle angle)
     double startingX = -;
     double startingY = this.cj - CenterPoint.cj;
     double xPos = (startingX) * Math.Cos(angle.InRadians()) - (startingY) * Math.Sin(angle.InRadians());
     double yPos = (startingX) * Math.Sin(angle.InRadians()) + (startingY) * Math.Cos(angle.InRadians());
     return new TwoVector(xPos +, yPos + CenterPoint.cj);
Beispiel #29
 /// <summary>
 /// повернуть фрейм вокруг горизонтальной оси (y)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frame">положение сонара</param>
 /// <param name="angle">угол поворота</param>
 /// <returns>вектор - новое направление</returns>
 public static Frame3D VerticalFrameRotation(Frame3D frame, Angle angle)
     Matrix m = frame.GetMatrix();
     //var right = new Point3D(m[0, 1], m[1, 1], m[2, 1]);
     var right = new Point3D(0,-1,0);
     Frame3D rotated = frame.Apply(Frame3D.DoRotate(right, angle));
     return rotated;
Beispiel #30
 public CadViewPort(String name, CadViewPort other)
     : this(name, other.parentModel)
     Height = other.Height; Width = other.Width;
      Origin = new Point(other.Origin);
      ScaleVector = new Vector(other.ScaleVector.x, other.ScaleVector.y, other.ScaleVector.z);
      Rotation = new Angle(other.Rotation.angle_);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a complex value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The serialization context to use.</param>
        /// <param name="valueInfo">The value information. Can be <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="valueType">The type of the value to deserialize.</param>
        /// <returns>The deserialized value.</returns>
        private object DeserializeComplexValue(BinaryReader reader, ISerializationContext context, TagFieldAttribute valueInfo, Type valueType)
            // Indirect objects
            // TODO: Remove ResourceReference hax, the Indirect flag wasn't available when I generated the tag structures
            if (valueInfo != null && ((valueInfo.Flags & TagFieldFlags.Indirect) != 0 || valueType == typeof(ResourceReference)))
                return(DeserializeIndirectValue(reader, context, valueType));

            // enum = Enum type
            if (valueType.IsEnum)
                return(DeserializePrimitiveValue(reader, valueType.GetEnumUnderlyingType()));

            // string = ASCII string
            if (valueType == typeof(string))
                return(DeserializeString(reader, valueInfo));

            // TagInstance = Tag reference
            if (valueType == typeof(TagInstance))
                return(DeserializeTagReference(reader, context, valueInfo));

            // ResourceAddress = Resource address
            if (valueType == typeof(ResourceAddress))
                return(new ResourceAddress(reader.ReadUInt32()));

            // Byte array = Data reference
            // TODO: Allow other types to be in data references, since sometimes they can point to a structure
            if (valueType == typeof(byte[]))
                return(DeserializeDataReference(reader, context));

            // Euler Angles types
            if (valueType == typeof(Euler2))
                var i = Angle.FromRadians(reader.ReadSingle());
                var j = Angle.FromRadians(reader.ReadSingle());
                return(new Euler2(i, j));
            else if (valueType == typeof(Euler3))
                var i = Angle.FromRadians(reader.ReadSingle());
                var j = Angle.FromRadians(reader.ReadSingle());
                var k = Angle.FromRadians(reader.ReadSingle());
                return(new Euler3(i, j, k));

            // Vector types
            if (valueType == typeof(Vector2))
                return(new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()));
            if (valueType == typeof(Vector3))
                return(new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()));
            if (valueType == typeof(Vector4))
                return(new Vector4(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()));

            // StringID
            if (valueType == typeof(StringId))
                return(new StringId(reader.ReadUInt32()));

            // Angle (radians)
            if (valueType == typeof(Angle))

            // Non-byte array = Inline array
            // TODO: Define more clearly in general what constitutes a data reference and what doesn't
            if (valueType.IsArray)
                return(DeserializeInlineArray(reader, context, valueInfo, valueType));

            // List = Tag block
            if (valueType.IsGenericType && valueType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>))
                return(DeserializeTagBlock(reader, context, valueType));

            // Ranges
            if (valueType.IsGenericType && valueType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Range <>))
                return(DeserializeRange(reader, context, valueType));

            // Assume the value is a structure
            return(DeserializeStruct(reader, context, new TagStructureInfo(valueType, _version)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumeration to decide which the Parent Change is. That is, the Entry point of the Setup Change Closed Loop Solver
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded constructor to <see cref="SolverMasterClass"/> and <see cref="OutputClass"/> and <see cref="SetupChange_CornerVariables"/> along with lists
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_sMC"></param>
        /// <param name="_oC"></param>
        /// <param name="_setupChange_DB_Dictionary"></param>
        public SetupChange_ClosedLoopSolver(SolverMasterClass _sMC, List <OutputClass> _oC, ref Dictionary <string, double> _setupChange_DB_Dictionary, Angle _finalCamber, Angle _finalToe, Angle _finalCaster, Angle _finalKPI)
            ///<summary>Assining the object of the <see cref="SolverMasterClass"/></summary>
            SMC = _sMC;

            ///<summary>Assining the object of the <see cref="OutputClass"/></summary>
            OC = _oC;

            ///<summary>Assining the object of the <see cref="SetupChange_CornerVariables"/></summary>
            SetupChange_CV_Base = new SetupChange_CornerVariables();
            SetupChange_CV_Base = OC[0].sccvOP;

            ///<summary>Assining the object of the <see cref="SetupChangeDatabase"/></summary>
            SetupChange_DB = SMC.SetupChange_DB_Master;
            SetupChange_DB_Dictionary = _setupChange_DB_Dictionary;

            ///<summary>Initializing all the Lists of this class which will be used for the Setup Change Verificating and History maintainance</summary>

            ///<summary>Creating delegates which will be stored in a master Multicast Delegate. This master delegate will the Invocation list and will call the methods according to that lsit </summary>
            invokeCamberClosedLoop     = new MethodInvocationOrderDecider(ClosedLoop_ChangeCamber_Invoker);
            invokeToeClosedLoop        = new MethodInvocationOrderDecider(ClosedLoop_ChangeToe_Invoker);
            invokeCasterClosedLoop     = new MethodInvocationOrderDecider(ClosedLoop_ChangeCaster_Invoker);
            invokeKPIClosedLoop        = new MethodInvocationOrderDecider(ClosedLoop_ChangeKPI_Invoker);
            invokeLinkLengthClosedLoop = new MethodInvocationOrderDecider(ClosedLoop_ChangeLinkLengths_Invoker);
            ///<summary>Dumping all the above delegates into the Multicast delegate. This will be sorted eventually based on the entry point to the closed loop </summary>

            FinalCamber = _finalCamber;

            FinalToe = _finalToe;

            FinalCaster = _finalCaster;

            FinalKPI = _finalKPI;
Beispiel #33
 public void WriteAngle(Angle angle)
Beispiel #34
        public async Task WriteAngleAsync(Angle angle)
            await WriteByteAsync((sbyte)angle.Value);

            // await this.WriteUnsignedByteAsync((byte)(angle / Angle.MaxValue * byte.MaxValue));
 /// <summary>
 /// Käännetään pudotustasoa
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="kulma">millä kulmalla käännetään</param>
 private void KaannaMailaa(double kulma)
     maila.Angle += Angle.FromDegrees(kulma);
Beispiel #36
 public Transform(Vector2 position, Angle angle)
     Position     = position;
     Quaternion2D = new Quaternion2D(angle);
Beispiel #37
        public void TestDegrees(double expectedRadians, double degrees)
            var angle = new Angle(degrees, MeasurementType.Degrees);

            Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(expectedRadians - angle.Radians), Epsilon);
Beispiel #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a polygon rotated around the origin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="angle">The angle by which to rotate.</param>
        /// <returns>A new polygon that has been rotated.</returns>
        public Polygon2D Rotate(Angle angle)
            var rotated = this.points.Select(t => Point2D.Origin + t.ToVector2D().Rotate(angle)).ToArray();

            return(new Polygon2D(rotated));
        public void CompareToThrowsOnNull()
            Angle degree = Angle.FromDegrees(1);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => degree.CompareTo(null));
Beispiel #40
        private void RefreshTelescope()
            if (!panelTelescope.Visible)

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime utc = now.ToUniversalTime();

            ASCOM.Utilities.Util u = new ASCOM.Utilities.Util();

            labelLTValue.Text = now.TimeOfDay.ToString(@"hh\hmm\mss\.f\s");
            labelUTValue.Text = utc.TimeOfDay.ToString(@"hh\hmm\mss\.f\s");

            if (wisetele.Connected)
                groupBoxTelescope.Text        = string.Format(" {0} v{1} ", wisetele.Name, wisetele.DriverVersion);
                labelSiderealValue.Text       = wisesite.LocalSiderealTime.ToString();
                labelRightAscensionValue.Text = Angle.FromHours(wisetele.RightAscension).ToNiceString();
                labelDeclinationValue.Text    = Angle.FromDegrees(wisetele.Declination).ToNiceString();
                labelHourAngleValue.Text      = Angle.FromHours(wisetele.HourAngle, Angle.Type.HA).ToNiceString();

                labelAltitudeValue.Text = Angle.FromDegrees(wisetele.Altitude).ToNiceString();
                labelAzimuthValue.Text  = Angle.FromDegrees(wisetele.Azimuth).ToNiceString();

                labelHAEncValue.Text  = wisetele.HAEncoder.Value.ToString();
                labelDecEncValue.Text = wisetele.DecEncoder.Value.ToString();

                axisValue.Text = wisetele.HAEncoder.AxisValue.ToString();
                wormValue.Text = wisetele.HAEncoder.WormValue.ToString();

                checkBoxPrimaryIsActive.Checked   = wisetele.AxisIsMoving(TelescopeAxes.axisPrimary);
                checkBoxSecondaryIsActive.Checked = wisetele.AxisIsMoving(TelescopeAxes.axisSecondary);
                checkBoxSlewingIsActive.Checked   = wisetele.Slewing;
                checkBoxTrackingIsActive.Checked  = wisetele.Tracking;
                checkBoxTrack.Checked             = wisetele.Tracking;
                groupBoxTelescope.Text        = " Telescope (not connected) ";
                labelSiderealValue.Text       = string.Empty;
                labelRightAscensionValue.Text = string.Empty;
                labelDeclinationValue.Text    = string.Empty;
                labelHourAngleValue.Text      = string.Empty;

                labelAltitudeValue.Text = string.Empty;
                labelAzimuthValue.Text  = string.Empty;

                labelHAEncValue.Text  = string.Empty;
                labelDecEncValue.Text = string.Empty;

                axisValue.Text = string.Empty;
                wormValue.Text = string.Empty;

                checkBoxPrimaryIsActive.Checked   = false;
                checkBoxSecondaryIsActive.Checked = false;
                checkBoxSlewingIsActive.Checked   = false;
                checkBoxTrackingIsActive.Checked  = false;
                checkBoxTrack.Checked             = false;
Beispiel #41
            public PointF PositionOfIndex(Double indexValue)
                if (Shape.IsPolygon)
                    int    floor   = (int)Math.Floor(indexValue);
                    int    ceiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(indexValue);
                    PointF prev    = PositionOfIndex(floor);
                    PointF next    = PositionOfIndex(ceiling);

                    double x, y;

                    x = next.X - (next.X - prev.X) * (ceiling - indexValue);
                    y = next.Y - (next.Y - prev.Y) * (ceiling - indexValue);

                    return(new PointF((float)x, (float)y));
                    indexValue = (indexValue <= 360.5 ? indexValue : Math.Round(indexValue % 360, 2));
                    int    ceiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(indexValue);
                    double x, y;

                    if (ceiling % Shape.Edges == 1)
                        if (indexValue == ceiling - 0.5)
                            int round = Shape.RoundOf(ceiling);

                            Double tan    = Math.Tan(Math.PI / Shape.Edges);
                            Double radius = 0.5 / tan + round - 1.5;

                            return(new PointF((float)radius, 0));

                        int floor = (int)Math.Floor(indexValue);

                        PointF prev = PositionOfIndex(floor);
                        PointF next = PositionOfIndex(ceiling);

                        x = next.X - (next.X - prev.X) * (ceiling - indexValue);
                        y = next.Y - (next.Y - prev.Y) * (ceiling - indexValue);

                        return(new PointF((float)x, (float)y));
                        Angle ceilingAngle = Shape.Vertices[(ceiling + Shape.Edges - 1) % Shape.Edges];

                        int round = Shape.RoundOf(indexValue);

                        Double tan    = Math.Tan(Math.PI / Shape.Edges);
                        Double radius = 0.5 / tan + round - 1;

                        int first = Shape.FirstOfRound(round);

                        float degree = (float)(ceilingAngle.Degrees - (ceiling - indexValue) * 360.0 / Edges);

                        x = radius * COS(degree);
                        y = radius * SIN(degree);
                        return(new PointF((float)x, (float)y));
        public void EqualsReturnsFalseOnNull()
            Angle degree = Angle.FromDegrees(1);

Beispiel #43
 internal PolarGraphics(Graphics g, Rectangle visibleClipBounds,
                        Angle rotation, Azimuth origin, PolarCoordinateOrientation orientation,
                        float centerR, float maximumR)
Beispiel #44
        bool IAttack.WideAttack(AttackEventArgs eventArgs)
            if (!eventArgs.WideAttack)

            var curTime = _gameTiming.CurTime;

            if (curTime < _cooldownEnd)

            var location = eventArgs.User.Transform.Coordinates;
            var angle    = new Angle(eventArgs.ClickLocation.ToMapPos(Owner.EntityManager) - location.ToMapPos(Owner.EntityManager));

            // This should really be improved. GetEntitiesInArc uses pos instead of bounding boxes.
            var entities = ArcRayCast(eventArgs.User.Transform.WorldPosition, angle, eventArgs.User);

            var audioSystem = EntitySystem.Get <AudioSystem>();

            if (entities.Count() != 0)
                audioSystem.PlayFromEntity(_hitSound, entities.First());
                audioSystem.PlayFromEntity(_missSound, eventArgs.User);

            var hitEntities = new List <IEntity>();

            foreach (var entity in entities)
                if (!entity.Transform.IsMapTransform || entity == eventArgs.User)

                if (entity.TryGetComponent(out IDamageableComponent damageComponent))
                    damageComponent.ChangeDamage(DamageType, Damage, false, Owner);

            if (!OnHitEntities(hitEntities, eventArgs))

            if (Arc != null)
                var sys = EntitySystem.Get <MeleeWeaponSystem>();
                sys.SendAnimation(Arc, angle, eventArgs.User, Owner, hitEntities);

            _lastAttackTime = curTime;
            _cooldownEnd    = _lastAttackTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ArcCooldownTime);

            if (Owner.TryGetComponent(out ItemCooldownComponent cooldown))
                cooldown.CooldownStart = _lastAttackTime;
                cooldown.CooldownEnd   = _cooldownEnd;

Beispiel #45
  * Computes a Cartesian point at a specified location on the terrain.
  * @param latitude  the latitude of the point to compute.
  * @param longitude the longitude of the point to compute.
  * @return the Cartesian point, in meters, relative to an origin of (0, 0, 0). Will be null if there is no sector
  *         geometry in this list for the specifed latitude and longitude.
 public Vec4 getSurfacePoint(Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
     return(this.getSurfacePoint(latitude, longitude, 0d));
Beispiel #46
    private void FixedUpdate()
        #region Wrap/Unwrap
        if (Count > 1)
            if (!foundEdge)

            //Determine if the edge is still 'holding onto' the rope.
            dot   = Vector2.Dot(normal, pathNrml);
            angle = Geometry.HeadToTailAngle(Segment1, Segment2);
            if (
                angle.Abs() > 170 &&
                dot > 0

        if (Count > 0)
            Vector2      toEndpoint = Point2 - Position;
            RaycastHit2D hit        = Physics2D.Raycast(Position, toEndpoint, toEndpoint.magnitude - error1);
            if (hit)
                Wrap(hit.point, hit.collider);

        #region Spiderman Physics
        if (connected)
            distance   = Vector2.Distance(Position, swingpoint);
            hasTension = (distance > length);

            if (hasTension)
                #region G _perpendicular (Gp)
                //solving for the perpendicular component of gravity relative to the endpoint.

                float G       = Physics2D.gravity.magnitude;
                float ThetaGE = Vector2.SignedAngle(
                    swingpoint - (Vector2)transform.position,
                float ThetaGR = Vector2.SignedAngle(
                float ThetaGpR = ThetaGR - ThetaGE + 90;

                ThetaGE *= Mathf.Deg2Rad; ThetaGpR *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                float   Gpx = G * Mathf.Sin(ThetaGE) * Mathf.Cos(ThetaGpR);
                float   Gpy = G * Mathf.Sin(ThetaGE) * Mathf.Sin(ThetaGpR);
                Vector2 Gp  = new Vector2(Gpx, Gpy);

                Vector2 p = Vector2.Lerp(Position, swingpoint, (distance - length) / distance);
                Vector2 v = TangentVelocity(rigidbody, gameObject, swingpoint);
                v *= ((distance - length) / length) + 1.0f;
                v += Gp * Time.fixedDeltaTime;

                rigidbody.MovePosition((v * Time.fixedDeltaTime) + p);
                rigidbody.velocity = v;

                distance = length;
            hasTension = false;
Beispiel #47
 public void WriteFloatAngle(Angle angle)
Beispiel #48
 public void CheckMathRoundIsUsed()
     Assert.AreEqual(123, Angle.ConvertToDegree(Angle.ConvertToRadian(123)));
     Assert.AreEqual(125, Angle.ConvertToDegree(Angle.ConvertToRadian(125)));
Beispiel #49
        public static Matrix <double> RotationAroundArbitraryVector(UnitVector3D aboutVector, Angle angle)
            var unitTensorProduct  = aboutVector.GetUnitTensorProduct();
            var crossproductMatrix = aboutVector.CrossProductMatrix; // aboutVector.Clone().CrossProduct(aboutVector.Clone());

            var r1     = DenseMatrix.CreateIdentity(3).Multiply(Math.Cos(angle.Radians));
            var r2     = crossproductMatrix.Multiply(Math.Sin(angle.Radians));
            var r3     = unitTensorProduct.Multiply(1 - Math.Cos(angle.Radians));
            var totalR = r1.Add(r2).Add(r3);

Beispiel #50
 private void VaihdaPainovoimaa()
     Gravity = Vector.FromLengthAndAngle(Gravity.Magnitude, Gravity.Angle + Angle.FromDegrees(90.0));
Beispiel #51
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aboutVector"></param>
 /// <param name="angle">Angle in degrees</param>
 /// <param name="angleUnit"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Matrix <double> RotationAroundArbitraryVector <T>(UnitVector3D aboutVector, double angle, T angleUnit) where T : IAngleUnit
     return(RotationAroundArbitraryVector(aboutVector, Angle.From(angle, angleUnit)));
Beispiel #52
        public override void Initialize(DrawArgs drawArgs)
            double samplesPerDegree = 50.0 / (drawArgs.WorldCamera.ViewRange.Degrees);
            double elevation        = drawArgs.CurrentWorld.TerrainAccessor.GetElevationAt(m_latitude, m_longitude, samplesPerDegree);
            double altitude         = (World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration * Altitude + World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration * elevation);

            Position = MathEngine.SphericalToCartesian(m_latitude, m_longitude, altitude + drawArgs.WorldCamera.WorldRadius);

            m_positionD = MathEngine.SphericalToCartesianD(Angle.FromDegrees(m_latitude), Angle.FromDegrees(m_longitude), altitude + drawArgs.WorldCamera.WorldRadius);

            Inited = true;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IEnumerable <IEntity> GetEntitiesInArc(GridCoordinates coordinates, float range, Angle direction,
                                                      float arcWidth, bool approximate = false)
            var position = coordinates.ToMap(_mapManager).Position;

            foreach (var entity in GetEntitiesInRange(coordinates, range * 2, approximate))
                var angle = new Angle(entity.Transform.WorldPosition - position);
                if (angle.Degrees < direction.Degrees + arcWidth / 2 &&
                    angle.Degrees > direction.Degrees - arcWidth / 2)
                    yield return(entity);
        public void CompareToThrowsOnTypeMismatch()
            Angle degree = Angle.FromDegrees(1);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => degree.CompareTo(new object()));
Beispiel #55
 public static double[,] RotationMatrixAboutZ(Angle rotationAngle) => new Rotation(Line.ZAxis, rotationAngle).Matrix;
Beispiel #56
        public Page5Row6Prob19(bool onoff, bool complete)
            : base(onoff, complete)
            Point a = new Point("A", 0, 0); points.Add(a);
            Point b = new Point("B", -3.5, 3.5); points.Add(b);
            Point c = new Point("C", -3.5, 7); points.Add(c);
            Point d = new Point("D", 0, 7); points.Add(d);
            Point e = new Point("E", 0, 3.5); points.Add(e);
            Point f = new Point("F", 7, 3.5); points.Add(f);
            Point g = new Point("G", 7, 0); points.Add(g);

            Segment cd = new Segment(c, d); segments.Add(cd);
            Segment bc = new Segment(b, c); segments.Add(bc);
            Segment fg = new Segment(f, g); segments.Add(fg);
            Segment ag = new Segment(a, g); segments.Add(ag);

            circles.Add(new Circle(e, 3.5));
            //Quadrilateral quad = (Quadrilateral)parser.Get(new Quadrilateral(bc, cd, de, eb));
            //Quadrilateral quad = (Quadrilateral)parser.Get(new Quadrilateral(ef, fg, ga, ae));

            List <Point> pts = new List <Point>();

            collinear.Add(new Collinear(pts));

            pts = new List <Point>();
            collinear.Add(new Collinear(pts));

            parser = new GeometryTutorLib.TutorParser.HardCodedParserMain(points, collinear, segments, circles, onoff);

            Angle a1 = (Angle)parser.Get(new Angle(b, c, d));
            Angle a2 = (Angle)parser.Get(new Angle(a, g, f));
            Angle a3 = (Angle)parser.Get(new Angle(e, f, g));
            Angle a4 = (Angle)parser.Get(new Angle(d, e, f));

            given.Add(new Strengthened(a1, new RightAngle(a1)));
            given.Add(new Strengthened(a2, new RightAngle(a2)));
            given.Add(new Strengthened(a3, new RightAngle(a3)));
            given.Add(new Strengthened(a4, new RightAngle(a4)));
            given.Add(new GeometricSegmentEquation(bc, new NumericValue(3.5)));
            given.Add(new GeometricSegmentEquation(cd, new NumericValue(3.5)));
            given.Add(new GeometricSegmentEquation(fg, new NumericValue(3.5)));

            known.AddSegmentLength(bc, 3.5);
            known.AddSegmentLength(cd, 3.5);
            known.AddSegmentLength(fg, 3.5);
            known.AddSegmentLength((Segment)parser.Get(new Segment(e, f)), 7);

            List <Point> unwanted = new List <Point>();

            unwanted.Add(new Point("", 1, 3.7));
            unwanted.Add(new Point("", 3.4, 3.7));
            goalRegions = parser.implied.GetAllAtomicRegionsWithoutPoints(unwanted);

            SetSolutionArea(36.75 + System.Math.PI * (12.25 / 4));

            problemName = "McDougall Page 5 Row 6 Problem 19";
            GeometryTutorLib.EngineUIBridge.HardCodedProblemsToUI.AddProblem(problemName, points, circles, segments);
Beispiel #57
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (Option.SeriesCount == 0)
                SetPieAndAzIndex(-1, -1);

            for (int pieIndex = 0; pieIndex < Option.SeriesCount; pieIndex++)
                for (int azIndex = 0; azIndex < Option.Series[pieIndex].Data.Count; azIndex++)
                    Angle  angle = Angles[pieIndex][azIndex];
                    PointF pf    = angle.Center;
                    if (MathEx.CalcDistance(e.Location, pf) > angle.Outer)
                    if (MathEx.CalcDistance(e.Location, pf) < angle.Inner)
                    double az = MathEx.CalcAngle(e.Location, pf);
                    if (az >= angle.Start && az <= angle.Start + angle.Sweep)
                        SetPieAndAzIndex(pieIndex, azIndex);
                        if (tip.Text != angle.Text)
                            tip.Text = angle.Text;
                            tip.Size = new Size((int)angle.TextSize.Width + 4, (int)angle.TextSize.Height + 4);

                        if (az >= 0 && az < 90)
                            tip.Top  = e.Location.Y + 20;
                            tip.Left = e.Location.X - tip.Width;
                        else if (az >= 90 && az < 180)
                            tip.Left = e.Location.X - tip.Width;
                            tip.Top  = e.Location.Y - tip.Height - 2;
                        else if (az >= 180 && az < 270)
                            tip.Left = e.Location.X;
                            tip.Top  = e.Location.Y - tip.Height - 2;
                        else if (az >= 270 && az < 360)
                            tip.Left = e.Location.X + 15;
                            tip.Top  = e.Location.Y + 20;

                        if (Option.ToolTip.Visible)
                            if (!tip.Visible)
                                tip.Visible = angle.Text.IsValid();


            SetPieAndAzIndex(-1, -1);
            tip.Visible = false;
        public void ToUnit()
            var degree = Angle.FromDegrees(1);

            var arcminuteQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Arcminute);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(ArcminutesInOneDegree, (double)arcminuteQuantity.Value, ArcminutesTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Arcminute, arcminuteQuantity.Unit);

            var arcsecondQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Arcsecond);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(ArcsecondsInOneDegree, (double)arcsecondQuantity.Value, ArcsecondsTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Arcsecond, arcsecondQuantity.Unit);

            var centiradianQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Centiradian);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(CentiradiansInOneDegree, (double)centiradianQuantity.Value, CentiradiansTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Centiradian, centiradianQuantity.Unit);

            var deciradianQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Deciradian);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(DeciradiansInOneDegree, (double)deciradianQuantity.Value, DeciradiansTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Deciradian, deciradianQuantity.Unit);

            var degreeQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Degree);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(DegreesInOneDegree, (double)degreeQuantity.Value, DegreesTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Degree, degreeQuantity.Unit);

            var gradianQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Gradian);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(GradiansInOneDegree, (double)gradianQuantity.Value, GradiansTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Gradian, gradianQuantity.Unit);

            var microdegreeQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Microdegree);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(MicrodegreesInOneDegree, (double)microdegreeQuantity.Value, MicrodegreesTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Microdegree, microdegreeQuantity.Unit);

            var microradianQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Microradian);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(MicroradiansInOneDegree, (double)microradianQuantity.Value, MicroradiansTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Microradian, microradianQuantity.Unit);

            var millidegreeQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Millidegree);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(MillidegreesInOneDegree, (double)millidegreeQuantity.Value, MillidegreesTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Millidegree, millidegreeQuantity.Unit);

            var milliradianQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Milliradian);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(MilliradiansInOneDegree, (double)milliradianQuantity.Value, MilliradiansTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Milliradian, milliradianQuantity.Unit);

            var nanodegreeQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Nanodegree);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(NanodegreesInOneDegree, (double)nanodegreeQuantity.Value, NanodegreesTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Nanodegree, nanodegreeQuantity.Unit);

            var nanoradianQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Nanoradian);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(NanoradiansInOneDegree, (double)nanoradianQuantity.Value, NanoradiansTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Nanoradian, nanoradianQuantity.Unit);

            var radianQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Radian);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(RadiansInOneDegree, (double)radianQuantity.Value, RadiansTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Radian, radianQuantity.Unit);

            var revolutionQuantity = degree.ToUnit(AngleUnit.Revolution);

            AssertEx.EqualTolerance(RevolutionsInOneDegree, (double)revolutionQuantity.Value, RevolutionsTolerance);
            Assert.Equal(AngleUnit.Revolution, revolutionQuantity.Unit);
 public GlobalCoordinates(Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
     this.Latitude  = latitude;
     this.Longitude = longitude;
        public void EqualsReturnsFalseOnTypeMismatch()
            Angle degree = Angle.FromDegrees(1);

            Assert.False(degree.Equals(new object()));