public double getRemainingSumToPayInRaffleSale(int saleId) { Sale s = SalesManager.getInstance().getSale(saleId); if (s == null) { return(-2); } ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(s.ProductInStoreId); if (p == null) { return(-3); } double price = p.getPrice(); foreach (RaffleSale rs in raffleSales) { if (rs.SaleId == saleId) { price -= rs.Offer; } } return(price); }
/* * return: * 0 < on sucess * -1 if user Not Login * -2 if Store Name already exist * -3 if illegal product name * -4 if don't have premition * -5 if illegal amount * -6 if illegal store id * -7 if illegal price * -8 if illegal product in store Id */ public virtual int editProductInStore(User session, ProductInStore p, int quantity, double price) { if (session == null) { return(-1);// -1 if user Not Login } if (p == null) { return(-8);// -8 if illegal product in store Id } if (price < 0) { return(-7);// -7 if illegal price } if (quantity < 0) { return(-5);// -7 if illegal price } p.Price = price; p.Quantity = quantity; if (ProductManager.getInstance().updateProductInStore(p)) { return(0); // OK } return(-9); // -9 database eror }
public virtual Boolean addNewCoupon(User session, String couponId, ProductInStore p, int percentage, String dueDate) { if (session == null || couponId == null || p == null || percentage < 0 || dueDate == null || percentage <= 0) { return(false); } return(CouponsManager.getInstance().addNewCoupon(couponId, p.getProductInStoreId(), percentage, dueDate)); }
public virtual Boolean addDiscount(User session, ProductInStore p, int percentage, String dueDate) { if (session == null || p == null || percentage < 0 || percentage >= 100 || dueDate == null) { return(false); } return(DiscountsManager.getInstance().addNewDiscount(p.getProductInStoreId(), 1, "", percentage, dueDate, "")); }
public override Boolean addNewCoupon(User session, String couponId, ProductInStore p, int percentage, String dueDate) { if (premissions.checkPrivilege(p.getStore().getStoreId(), session.getUserName(), "addNewCoupon")) { return(base.addNewCoupon(session, couponId, p, percentage, dueDate)); } return(false); }
public virtual Boolean removeDiscount(User session, ProductInStore p) { if (p == null || session == null) { return(false); } return(DiscountsManager.getInstance().removeDiscount(p.getProductInStoreId())); }
public override Boolean removeDiscount(User session, ProductInStore p) { if (premissions.checkPrivilege(p.getStore().getStoreId(), session.getUserName(), "removeDiscount")) { return(base.removeDiscount(session, p)); } return(false); }
public override int removeProductFromStore(User session, Store s, ProductInStore p) { if (premissions.checkPrivilege(s.getStoreId(), session.getUserName(), "removeProductFromStore")) { return(base.removeProductFromStore(session, s, p)); } return(-4);// -4 if don't have permission }
public void sendMessageTORaffleWinner(int saleId) { Sale s = SalesManager.getInstance().getSale(saleId); ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(s.ProductInStoreId); LinkedList <RaffleSale> relevant = new LinkedList <RaffleSale>(); double realPrice = p.price; double acc = 0; foreach (RaffleSale rs in raffleSales) { if (rs.SaleId == saleId) { acc += rs.Offer; relevant.AddLast(rs); } } if (acc == realPrice) { int index = 1; Random rand = new Random(); int winner = rand.Next(1, (int)realPrice); RaffleSale winnerS = null; foreach (RaffleSale r in relevant) { if (winner <= r.Offer + index && winner >= index) { string message = r.UserName + " WON THE RAFFLE SALE ON PRODUCT: " + getProductNameFromSaleId(r.SaleId); NotificationPublisher.getInstance().publish(NotificationPublisher.NotificationCategories.RaffleSale, message, p.getStore().storeId); StoreRole sR = StoreRole.getStoreRole(p.getStore(), UserManager.getInstance().getUser(r.UserName)); NotificationPublisher.getInstance().removeAllNotificationSubscriptionsOfAStoreRole(sR); //NotificationManager.getInstance().notifyUser(r.UserName, message); winnerS = r; break; } else { index += (int)r.Offer; } } if (winnerS != null) { RSDB.Remove(winnerS); raffleSales.Remove(winnerS); relevant.Remove(winnerS); } foreach (RaffleSale r in relevant) { string message = r.UserName + " LOST THE RAFFLE SALE ON PRODUCT: " + getProductNameFromSaleId(r.SaleId); NotificationPublisher.getInstance().publish(NotificationPublisher.NotificationCategories.RaffleSale, message, p.getStore().storeId); StoreRole sR = StoreRole.getStoreRole(p.getStore(), UserManager.getInstance().getUser(r.UserName)); NotificationPublisher.getInstance().removeAllNotificationSubscriptionsOfAStoreRole(sR); //NotificationManager.getInstance().notifyUser(r.UserName, message); RSDB.Remove(winnerS); raffleSales.Remove(r); } } }
private string getProductNameFromSaleId(int saleId) { string ans = ""; Sale s = SalesManager.getInstance().getSale(saleId); ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(s.ProductInStoreId); ans =; return(ans); }
public Boolean addRaffleSale(int saleId, String userName, double offer, String dueDate) { RaffleSale toAdd = new RaffleSale(saleId, userName, offer, dueDate); ProductInStore pis = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(SalesManager.getInstance().getSale(saleId).ProductInStoreId); StoreRole sR = StoreRole.getStoreRole(, UserManager.getInstance().getUser(userName)); NotificationPublisher.getInstance().signToCategory(sR, NotificationPublisher.NotificationCategories.RaffleSale); RSDB.Add(toAdd); raffleSales.AddLast(toAdd); return(true); }
public override int editProductInStore(User session, ProductInStore p, int quantity, double price) { if (session != null && p != null && price >= 0 && quantity >= 0) { if (premissions.checkPrivilege(p.getStore().getStoreId(), session.getUserName(), "editProductInStore")) { return(base.editProductInStore(session, p, quantity, price)); } } return(-4);//-4 if don't have permission }
public virtual int addSaleToStore(User session, Store s, int productInStoreId, int typeOfSale, int amount, String dueDate) { ProductInStore pis = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(productInStoreId); if (session == null) { return(-1);// -1 if user Not Login } if (s == null) { return(-6); //-6 if illegal store id } if (pis == null) { return(-8);//-8 if illegal product in store Id } if (typeOfSale > 3 || typeOfSale < 1) { return(-11);// -11 illegal type of sale not } if (pis.getAmount() < amount) { return(-5);//-5 if illegal amount } if (amount < 0) { return(-12);// -12 if illegal amount } try { DateTime.Parse(dueDate); } catch (Exception) { return(-10); } if (dueDate == null || DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(dueDate), DateTime.Now) < 0) { return(-10);//-10 due date not good } if (pis.getStore().getStoreId() != s.getStoreId()) { return(-13);//-13 product not in this store } if (typeOfSale == 2) { //will be implemented next version return(-11);// -11 illegal type of sale not } Sale sale = SalesManager.getInstance().addSale(productInStoreId, typeOfSale, amount, dueDate); return((sale == null) ? -9 : sale.SaleId); }
public LinkedList <PurchasePolicy> getAllRelevantPolicysForProductInStore(int productInStoreId, string country) { // 1-Product(system level) , 2- Store, 3-category, 4- product in store, 5-country LinkedList <PurchasePolicy> ans = new LinkedList <PurchasePolicy>(); ProductInStore pis = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(productInStoreId); appendLists(ans, getAllStorePolicys(; appendLists(ans, getAllCategoryPolicys(pis.category,; appendLists(ans, getAllCountryPolicys(country,; appendLists(ans, getAllProductInStorePolicys(productInStoreId)); appendLists(ans, getAllProductPolicys(; return(ans); }
public int editCart(User session, int saleId, int newAmount) { Sale sale = SalesManager.getInstance().getSale(saleId); if (sale == null) { return(-2); } if (sale.TypeOfSale == 3) { return(-3); // trying to edit amount of a raffle sale } ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(sale.ProductInStoreId); if (newAmount > sale.Amount) { return(-4); // new amount is bigger than currently up for sale } if (newAmount > p.getAmount()) { return(-5); // new amount is bigger than currently exist in stock } if (newAmount <= 0) { return(-6); // new amount can't be zero or lower } if (!(session.getState() is Guest)) { UserCartsManager.getInstance().editUserCarts(session.getUserName(), saleId, newAmount); } foreach (UserCart product in products) { if (product.getUserName().Equals(session.getUserName()) && saleId == product.getSaleId()) { product.setAmount(newAmount); return(1); } } return(-7); // trying to edit amount of product that does not exist in cart }
public virtual int addProductInStore(User session, Store s, String productName, double price, int amount, string category) { if (productName == null || productName == "" || productName[productName.Length - 1] == ' ') { return(-3);//-3 if illegal product name } if (session == null) { return(-1);// -1 if user Not Login } if (s == null) { return(-6);// -6 if illegal store id } if (amount <= 0) { return(-5);// -5 if illegal amount } if (price <= 0) { return(-7);// -7 if illegal price } //if(check if session is owner or manager with the right permission) Product p2 = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductByName(productName); if (p2 == null) { p2 = Product.addProduct(productName); } ProductManager pa = ProductManager.getInstance(); ProductInStore pis = pa.addProductInStore(p2, s, amount, price, category); if (pis != null) { return(pis.getProductInStoreId()); } else { return(-8); } }
/* * Product product; * Store store; * int quantity; //will be removed in the future * double price; * int isActive; * int productInStoreId; */ public ProductInStore addProductInStore(Product product, Store store, int quantity, double price) { ProductInStore newProduct; lock (this) { newProduct = new ProductInStore(getNextProductInStoreId(), "", product, price, quantity, store); } foreach (ProductInStore p in productsInStores) { if (p.getProduct().getProductId() == newProduct.getProduct().getProductId() && p.getStore().getStoreId() == newProduct.getStore().getStoreId()) { return(null); } } productInStoreDB.Add(newProduct); productsInStores.AddLast(newProduct); return(newProduct); }
public virtual int removeProductFromStore(User session, Store s, ProductInStore p) { if (session == null) { return(-1);//-1 if user Not Login } if (s == null) { return(-6);//-6 if illegal store id } if (p == null) { return(-8);//-8 if illegal product in store Id } if (ProductManager.getInstance().removeProductInStore(p.getProductInStoreId(), s.getStoreId())) { return(0); } return(-9); }
public LinkedList <Discount> getAllDiscountsById(int productInStoreId) { LinkedList <Discount> ans = new LinkedList <Discount>(); foreach (Discount d in discounts) { if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(d.DueDate), DateTime.Now) < 0) { continue; } ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(productInStoreId); string category = p.category; string productName =; switch (d.Type) { case 1: // discount on a product in store if (d.ProductInStoreId == productInStoreId) { ans.AddLast(d); } break; case 2: // discount on a category if (d.Category.Equals(category)) { ans.AddLast(d); } break; case 3: // discount on a PRODUCT (not in store) if (d.ProductName.Equals(productName)) { ans.AddLast(d); } break; } } return(ans); }
public Boolean updateProductInStore(ProductInStore newProduct) { if (newProduct == null) { return(false); } if (newProduct.getProduct() == null || newProduct.getStore() == null || newProduct.getAmount() < 0 || newProduct.getPrice() < 0) { return(false); } foreach (ProductInStore p in productsInStores) { if (p.getProduct().getProductId() == newProduct.getProduct().getProductId() && p.getStore().getStoreId() == newProduct.getStore().getStoreId()) { productInStoreDB.Remove(p); productsInStores.Remove(p); productInStoreDB.Add(newProduct); productsInStores.AddLast(newProduct); return(true); } } return(false); }
public LinkedList <Coupon> getAllCouponsById(int productInStoreId) { LinkedList <Coupon> ans = new LinkedList <Coupon>(); foreach (Coupon c in coupons) { ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(productInStoreId); string category = p.category; string productName =; switch (c.Type) { case 1: // discount on a product in store if (c.ProductInStoreId == productInStoreId) { ans.AddLast(c); } break; case 2: // discount on a category if (c.Category.Equals(category)) { ans.AddLast(c); } break; case 3: // discount on a PRODUCT (not in store) if (c.ProductName.Equals(productName)) { ans.AddLast(c); } break; } } return(ans); }
public override int removeProductFromStore(User session, Store s, ProductInStore p) { return(-4);//-4 if don't have premition }
public override int editProductInStore(User session, ProductInStore p, int quantity, double price) { return(-4);//-4 if don't have premition }
public override Boolean addNewCoupon(User session, String couponId, ProductInStore p, int percentage, String dueDate) { return(false); }
public override Boolean addDiscount(User session, ProductInStore p, int percentage, String dueDate) { return(false); }
private int checkAmountFulfillment(string country) { foreach (UserCart uc in products) { Sale s = SalesManager.getInstance().getSale(uc.getSaleId()); ProductInStore theProduct = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(s.ProductInStoreId); LinkedList <PurchasePolicy> storePolicys = PurchasePolicyManager.getInstance().getAllStorePolicys(; LinkedList <PurchasePolicy> countrysPolicys = PurchasePolicyManager.getInstance().getAllCountryPolicys(country,; LinkedList <PurchasePolicy> categorysPolicys = PurchasePolicyManager.getInstance().getAllCategoryPolicys(theProduct.Category,; LinkedList <PurchasePolicy> productPolicys = PurchasePolicyManager.getInstance().getAllProductPolicys(theProduct.getProduct().name); LinkedList <PurchasePolicy> productInStorePolicys = PurchasePolicyManager.getInstance().getAllProductInStorePolicys(theProduct.getProductInStoreId()); int currAmount = uc.getAmount(); foreach (PurchasePolicy p in storePolicys) { if (!p.NoLimit) { if (currAmount < p.MinAmount || currAmount > p.MaxAmount) { return(uc.getSaleId()); } } } foreach (PurchasePolicy p in countrysPolicys) { if (!p.NoLimit) { if (currAmount < p.MinAmount || currAmount > p.MaxAmount) { return(uc.getSaleId()); } } } foreach (PurchasePolicy p in categorysPolicys) { if (!p.NoLimit) { if (currAmount < p.MinAmount || currAmount > p.MaxAmount) { return(uc.getSaleId()); } } } foreach (PurchasePolicy p in productPolicys) { if (!p.NoLimit) { if (currAmount < p.MinAmount || currAmount > p.MaxAmount) { return(uc.getSaleId()); } } } foreach (PurchasePolicy p in productInStorePolicys) { if (!p.NoLimit) { if (currAmount < p.MinAmount || currAmount > p.MaxAmount) { return(uc.getSaleId()); } } } } return(-1); }
public Boolean buyProducts(User session, String creditCard, String couponId) { LinkedList <UserCart> toDelete = new LinkedList <UserCart>(); Boolean allBought = true; if (creditCard == null || creditCard.Equals("")) { return(false); } foreach (UserCart product in products) { if (couponId != null && couponId != "") { product.activateCoupon(couponId); } Sale sale = SalesManager.getInstance().getSale(product.getSaleId()); if (sale.TypeOfSale == 1 && checkValidAmount(sale, product) && checkValidDate(sale)) //regular buy { if (PaymentSystem.getInstance().payForProduct(creditCard, session, product)) { ShippingSystem.getInstance().sendShippingRequest(); ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(sale.ProductInStoreId); int productId = p.getProduct().getProductId(); int storeId = p.getStore().getStoreId(); String userName = session.getUserName(); double price = product.updateAndReturnFinalPrice(couponId); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today; String date = currentDate.ToString(); int amount = product.getAmount(); int typeOfSale = sale.TypeOfSale; BuyHistoryManager.getInstance().addBuyHistory(productId, storeId, userName, price, date, amount, typeOfSale); //products.Remove(product); toDelete.AddLast(product); SalesManager.getInstance().setNewAmountForSale(product.getSaleId(), sale.Amount - product.getAmount()); } else { allBought = false; } } else if (sale.TypeOfSale == 2) // auction buy { } else if (sale.TypeOfSale == 3 && checkValidDate(sale)) // raffle buy { double offer = product.getOffer(); double remainingSum = getRemainingSumForOffers(sale.SaleId); if (offer > remainingSum) { allBought = false; } else { if (RaffleSalesManager.getInstance().addRaffleSale(sale.SaleId, session.getUserName(), offer, sale.DueDate)) { PaymentSystem.getInstance().payForProduct(creditCard, session, product); ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(sale.ProductInStoreId); int productId = p.getProduct().getProductId(); int storeId = p.getStore().getStoreId(); String userName = session.getUserName(); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today; String date = currentDate.ToString(); int amount = product.getAmount(); int typeOfSale = sale.TypeOfSale; BuyHistoryManager.getInstance().addBuyHistory(productId, storeId, userName, offer, date, amount, typeOfSale); //products.Remove(product); toDelete.AddLast(product); } else { allBought = false; } } } } foreach (UserCart uc in toDelete) { products.Remove(uc); } return(allBought); }
public int buyProductsInCart(User session, string country, string adress, string creditCard) { int allBought = 1; LinkedList <UserCart> toDelete = new LinkedList <UserCart>(); if (creditCard == null || creditCard.Equals("")) { return(-2); } foreach (UserCart product in products) { Sale sale = SalesManager.getInstance().getSale(product.getSaleId()); if (sale.TypeOfSale == 1 && checkValidAmount(sale, product) && checkValidDate(sale)) //regular buy { if (paymentProxy.payForProduct(creditCard, session, product)) { if (!shippingProxy.sendShippingRequest(session, country, adress, creditCard)) { return(-9); } ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(sale.ProductInStoreId); int productId = p.getProduct().getProductId(); int storeId = p.getStore().getStoreId(); String userName = session.getUserName(); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today; String date = currentDate.ToString(); int amount = product.getAmount(); int typeOfSale = sale.TypeOfSale; Purchase.addBuyHistory(productId, storeId, userName, product.PriceAfterDiscount, date, amount, typeOfSale); //BuyHistoryManager.getInstance().addBuyHistory(productId, storeId, userName, product.PriceAfterDiscount, date, amount, // typeOfSale); toDelete.AddLast(product); SalesManager.getInstance().setNewAmountForSale(product.getSaleId(), sale.Amount - product.getAmount()); Purchase.alertOwnersOnPurchase(StoreManagement.getInstance().getAllOwners(, p.productInStoreId, 1); } else { allBought = -4; } } else if (sale.TypeOfSale == 2) // auction buy { } else if (sale.TypeOfSale == 3 && checkValidDate(sale)) // raffle buy { double offer = product.getOffer(); double remainingSum = getRemainingSumForOffers(sale.SaleId); if (offer > remainingSum) { allBought = -4; } else { if (paymentProxy.payForProduct(creditCard, session, product)) { RaffleSalesManager.getInstance().addRaffleSale(sale.SaleId, session.getUserName(), offer, sale.DueDate); ProductInStore p = ProductManager.getInstance().getProductInStore(sale.ProductInStoreId); int productId = p.getProduct().getProductId(); int storeId = p.getStore().getStoreId(); String userName = session.getUserName(); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today; String date = currentDate.ToString(); int amount = product.getAmount(); int typeOfSale = sale.TypeOfSale; Purchase.addBuyHistory(productId, storeId, userName, offer, date, amount, typeOfSale); //BuyHistoryManager.getInstance().addBuyHistory(productId, storeId, userName, offer, date, amount, // typeOfSale); RaffleSalesManager.getInstance().sendMessageTORaffleWinner(sale.SaleId); SalesManager.getInstance().setNewAmountForSale(product.getSaleId(), sale.Amount - product.getAmount()); Purchase.alertOwnersOnPurchase(StoreManagement.getInstance().getAllOwners(, p.productInStoreId, 3); toDelete.AddLast(product); } else { allBought = -4; } } } else { return(-5); // unknown error - should not happen } } foreach (UserCart uc in toDelete) { if (!(session.getState() is Guest)) { UserCartsManager.getInstance().removeUserCart(session.userName, uc.SaleId); } products.Remove(uc); } return(allBought); }