        public bool createBlocks(urbanModel model, int hMaxRW)
            Random blockType = new Random();

            Brep precintPolySurface = model.precinctSrf.ToBrep().Faces[0].Split(model.roadNetwork, RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance); //split face using 3D trimming curves

            List <Brep> allBlocks = new List <Brep>();                                                                                         // keep as list in createBlocks only

            foreach (BrepFace itBF in precintPolySurface.Faces)
                Brep itBlock = itBF.DuplicateFace(false); // a collection of Brep faces
                allBlocks.Add(itBlock); // all blocks, including road surfaces/blocks which don't need saving, so temporary
            ///////// ALL ADDED BELOW

            List <block> blocks = new List <block>(); // assign to model.blocks - plots will also be assigned to these blocks

            //max road width as integer;
            int halfR = 2 * hMaxRW;

            foreach (Brep itB in allBlocks) //save only blocks (to bldBlocks) wider than the widest road (i.e. 2*halfRoad) to list, i.e. exclude road surfaces
                if (itB.Edges[0].GetLength() > 2 * halfR && itB.Edges[1].GetLength() > 2 * halfR && itB.Edges[2].GetLength() > 2 * halfR && itB.Edges[3].GetLength() > 2 * halfR)
                    int theBlockType = blockType.Next(4);           //the random type chosen, up to integer 4
                    blocks.Add(new block(itB, theBlockType));       // assigns to block method in urbanModel, taking itB input and theBlockType from the random integer

                    ObjectAttributes oaPk = new ObjectAttributes(); //makes type 0 parks plus green surface
                    oaPk.ColorSource = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
                    oaPk.ObjectColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 153, 76);
                    Extrusion parkExt = new Extrusion();
                    if (theBlockType == 0)
                        Curve boundary = Curve.JoinCurves(itB.DuplicateNakedEdgeCurves(true, false))[0];
                        parkExt = Extrusion.Create(boundary, 0.1, true);
                        RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddExtrusion(parkExt, oaPk);


            /////////   ALL ADDED ABOVE

            if (blocks.Count > 0)
                model.blocks = blocks; //assigns blocks to to model.blocks in urbanModel

        //Using the precint, generate a road network
        public bool generateRoadNetwork(urbanModel model, int halfMinRoadWidth, int halfMaxRoadWidth)
            int noIterations = 6;

            Random rndRoadT = new Random();             // a random generator

            List <Curve> obstCrvs = new List <Curve>(); //list of curves

            //separate list of offset curves
            List <Curve> offCrvs = new List <Curve>();

            //Extract the border from the precinct surface - temp geometry
            Curve[] borderCrvs = model.precinctSrf.ToBrep().DuplicateNakedEdgeCurves(true, false);

            foreach (Curve itCrv in borderCrvs) //borderCrvs saved into obstCrvs

            if (borderCrvs.Length > 0)
                int noBorders = borderCrvs.Length;

                Random rnd    = new Random();
                Curve  theCrv = borderCrvs[rnd.Next(noBorders)];                                                                      //selects one border curve

                recursivePerpLine(theCrv, ref obstCrvs, ref offCrvs, rndRoadT, -1, noIterations, halfMinRoadWidth, halfMaxRoadWidth); //call to function below; //////dir -1 gives better results (reverses XAxis direction)

            model.roadNetwork = obstCrvs;     // obstacle curves list stored in urbanModel (these get in the way of extension lines)

            foreach (Curve offCrv in offCrvs) // add kerb lines by ref from method below to road curves list in urbanModel

            if (obstCrvs.Count > borderCrvs.Length)
        //Ask user to select a surface representing a precinct
        public bool getPrecinct(urbanModel model)
            GetObject obj = new GetObject();

            obj.GeometryFilter = ObjectType.Surface;
            obj.SetCommandPrompt("Please select a surface representing your precinct.");

            GetResult res = obj.Get();

            if (res != GetResult.Object)
                RhinoApp.WriteLine("User failed to select a surface.");

            if (obj.ObjectCount == 1)
                model.precinctSrf = obj.Object(0).Surface();

        //typing 'urbSim' in Rhino runs this command
        protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
            RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.RedrawEnabled = false;

            RhinoApp.WriteLine("The urbSim has begun.");

            //all the functionality that follows is saved into this object 'theUrbanModel'
            urbanModel theUrbanModel = new urbanModel();

            int halfMaxRoadWidth = 6;

            if (!getPrecinct(theUrbanModel))           //these if statements call the functions below

            if (!generateRoadNetwork(theUrbanModel, 3, halfMaxRoadWidth))    //Only progresses if roads generated; ints = half min/max road widths

            if (!createBlocks(theUrbanModel, halfMaxRoadWidth)) //int = half max road width

            if (!subdivideBlocks(theUrbanModel, 45, 25))

            RhinoApp.WriteLine("The urbSim is complete.");

            RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.RedrawEnabled = true;

        public bool subdivideBlocks(urbanModel model, int minPlotDepth, int maxPlotWidth)
            //check dimensions, find shorter dim, validate if it needs to be subdivided, (if minPLotDepth can be achieved, depth > minPlotDepth * 2)
            //if so subdivide halfway, then into smaller plots based on maxPlot width

            foreach (block itBlock in model.blocks)
                Brep itSrf = itBlock.blockSrf;                                         // to get itBlock surface as Brep (use class or object outside this class urbSim, by accessing from and assigning to fields / properties / attributes)
                itBlock.plots = new List <plot>();                                     //so this is where plots are linked to block; plots assigned to block object, not to model object

                Curve[] blockBorderCrvs = itSrf.DuplicateNakedEdgeCurves(true, false); //border curves of each itBlock

                List <Curve> splitLines = new List <Curve>();

                itSrf.Faces[0].SetDomain(0, new Interval(0, 1)); //reparameterise surface U and V, so domains 0 - 1
                itSrf.Faces[0].SetDomain(1, new Interval(0, 1));

                Point3d pt1 = itSrf.Faces[0].PointAt(0, 0);
                Point3d pt2 = itSrf.Faces[0].PointAt(0, 1);
                Point3d pt3 = itSrf.Faces[0].PointAt(1, 1);
                Point3d pt4 = itSrf.Faces[0].PointAt(1, 0);

                double length = pt1.DistanceTo(pt2);
                double width  = pt1.DistanceTo(pt4);

                Point3d sdPt1 = new Point3d();
                Point3d sdPt2 = new Point3d();

                if (length > width)
                    if (width > (minPlotDepth * 2)) //suitable for subdivision
                        //create a subdividing line
                        sdPt1 = itSrf.Faces[0].PointAt(0.5, 0); //
                        sdPt2 = itSrf.Faces[0].PointAt(0.5, 1);
                else //if width is wider
                    if (length > (minPlotDepth * 2))
                        sdPt1 = itSrf.Faces[0].PointAt(0, 0.5);
                        sdPt2 = itSrf.Faces[0].PointAt(1, 0.5);

                Line  subDLine = new Line(sdPt1, sdPt2);
                Curve subDCrv  = subDLine.ToNurbsCurve();


                double crvLength = subDCrv.GetLength();
                double noPlots   = Math.Floor(crvLength / maxPlotWidth);

                for (int t = 0; t < noPlots; t++)
                    double tVal = t * 1 / noPlots; //t is 0, 0.2, 0.4 ... 1

                    Plane perpFrm;

                    Point3d evalPt = subDCrv.PointAtNormalizedLength(tVal);
                    subDCrv.PerpendicularFrameAt(tVal, out perpFrm);

                    //inpCrv.PerpendicularFrameAt(t, out perpFrm) 'out perpFrm' assigns to the variable perpFrm

                    Point3d ptPer2Up   = Point3d.Add(evalPt, perpFrm.XAxis);
                    Point3d ptPer2Down = Point3d.Add(evalPt, -perpFrm.XAxis);

                    //Draw a line perpendicular
                    Line ln1 = new Line(evalPt, ptPer2Up);
                    Line ln2 = new Line(evalPt, ptPer2Down);

                    Curve lnExt1 = ln1.ToNurbsCurve().ExtendByLine(CurveEnd.End, blockBorderCrvs); //lnExt extended to all border curves in inObst (4 boundaries plus new lnExt)
                    Curve lnExt2 = ln2.ToNurbsCurve().ExtendByLine(CurveEnd.End, blockBorderCrvs);


                Brep plotPolySurface = itSrf.Faces[0].Split(splitLines, RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance);  //split face using 3D trimming curves

                foreach (BrepFace itBF in plotPolySurface.Faces)
                    Brep itPlot = itBF.DuplicateFace(false);           // a collection of Brep faces
                    itBlock.plots.Add(new plot(itPlot, itBlock.type)); //plots assigned to block object as list of Breps // this syntax, for assigning to a list outside of this class and into urbSim.block.plots
                    //itBlock.type takes integer value from 'block' object and assigns same value to 'plot' object
