        /// <summary>
        /// Read a float setting.
        /// </summary>
        public static float getFloat(string key, float def)
            string defString = def.ToString();
            string valString = "";
            float  value     = 0;

            valString = getString(key, defString);

                value = (float)UtilsLang.toDouble(valString);
                value = def;

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the subtitle file and return a list of lines.
        /// </summary>
        override public List <InfoLine> parse()
            List <InfoLine> lineInfos = new List <InfoLine>();
            StreamReader    subFile   = new StreamReader(this.File, this.SubsEncoding);

            XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(subFile);

            xmlReader.XmlResolver = null; // Ignore dtd

            DateTime startTime   = new DateTime();
            DateTime endTime     = new DateTime();
            DateTime curTime     = new DateTime();
            DateTime turnEndTime = new DateTime();
            string   dialogText  = "";
            int      syncCount   = 0;

            while (xmlReader.Read())
                if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    if (xmlReader.Name.ToLower() == "sync")
                        // Example sync: <Sync time="1.027"/>

                        string timeStr = xmlReader.GetAttribute("time");

                            curTime = new DateTime();
                            curTime = curTime.AddSeconds(UtilsLang.toDouble(timeStr));
                        catch (Exception e1)
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Incorrect time format detected: {0}\n\n{1}", timeStr, e1));

                        if (syncCount == 1)
                            startTime = curTime;
                        else if (syncCount == 2)
                            endTime = curTime;
                            startTime = endTime;
                            endTime   = curTime;

                        // If this is not the first time and the length isn't blank
                        if ((syncCount > 1) && (dialogText.Length != 0))
                            lineInfos.Add(this.createLineInfo(dialogText, startTime, endTime));
                            dialogText = "";
                    else if (xmlReader.Name.ToLower() == "turn")
                        // Example turn: <Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="2.263" endTime="25.566">

                        string timeStr = xmlReader.GetAttribute("endTime");

                        turnEndTime = new DateTime();
                        turnEndTime = curTime.AddSeconds(UtilsLang.toDouble(timeStr));
                else if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                    dialogText += xmlReader.Value;
                else if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                    // This section handles the final line before the </turn>.
                    // We need to do this because there isn't a Sync tag after the final line.

                    if (xmlReader.Name.ToLower() == "turn") // </Turn>
                        const double MAX_FINAL_LINE_DURATION = 10.0;
                        startTime = endTime;
                        endTime   = turnEndTime;

                        // Calculate the difference between the startTime and turnEndTime and make sure that
                        // it is a reasonable length. We do this because the turn end time isn't necessarily
                        // the end of the line. If it is not a reasonable length, set it to MAX_FINAL_LINE_DURATION.
                        double diffTime = endTime.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds - startTime.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds;

                        if (diffTime > MAX_FINAL_LINE_DURATION)
                            endTime = startTime;
                            endTime = endTime.AddSeconds(MAX_FINAL_LINE_DURATION);

                        if ((syncCount >= 1) && (dialogText.Length != 0))
                            lineInfos.Add(this.createLineInfo(dialogText, startTime, endTime));
                            dialogText = "";

                        // If needed, restore endtime to the turnEndTime
                        if (diffTime >= MAX_FINAL_LINE_DURATION)
                            endTime = turnEndTime;


            // Since the dialog lines don't have to be in chronological order, sort by the start time
