public String GetResourceFile(String filename, ExperimentDataSetFold fold) { if (folder == null) { return(""); } var fold_folder = folder.Attach(; filename = filename.ensureEndsWith(".xml"); String p = fold_folder.findFile(filename, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); return(p); }
public String SetResourceFilePath(String filename, ExperimentDataSetFold fold) { if (folder == null) { return(""); } var fold_folder = folder.Attach(; filename = filename.ensureEndsWith(".xml"); String p = fold_folder.pathFor(filename, imbSCI.Data.enums.getWritableFileMode.overwrite); return(p); }
///// <summary> ///// Prepares the notes. ///// </summary> ///// <param name="_rootFolder">The root folder.</param> ///// <param name="_experimentDescription">The experiment description.</param> ///// <param name="logger">The logger.</param> //public void PrepareNotes() //{ //} /// <summary> /// Prepares the dataset. /// </summary> /// <param name="dataset">The dataset.</param> /// <param name="validationModel">The validation model.</param> public void PrepareDataset(IEnumerable <WebSiteDocumentsSet> __dataset, CrossValidationModel validationModel) { crossValidation = validationModel; if (validationModel != null) { validationModel.Describe(notes); } else { validationModel = new CrossValidationModel(); validationModel.SingleFold = true; } truthTable = new ExperimentTruthTable(); dataset = new ExperimentDataSetFold(__dataset.ToList(), runName); // ------------------ creation of Experiment Folds ------------------ // if (validationModel != null) { if (notes != null) { notes.logStartPhase("[-] Creating k-fold crossvalidation datasets", "The input dataset with [" + dataset.Count + "] categories, is sliced into k=[" + validationModel.K + "] mutually exclusive folds, of ~equal size"); } folds = new ExperimentDataSetFolds(); folds.Deploy(validationModel, dataset, notes); } else { } truthTable.Deploy(dataset, notes); /* * testReportsByFold = new Dictionary<string, List<classificationReport>>(); * foreach (var fold in folds) * { * testReportsByFold.Add(, new List<classificationReport>()); * }*/ if (notes != null) { notes.logEndPhase(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the resource files. /// </summary> /// <param name="filenames">The filenames.</param> /// <param name="fold">The fold.</param> /// <returns></returns> public List <String> GetResourceFiles(List <String> filenames, ExperimentDataSetFold fold) { List <String> output = new List <string>(); if (folder == null) { return(output); } var fold_folder = folder.Attach(; foreach (String fn in filenames) { var filename = fn.ensureEndsWith(".xml"); String p = fold_folder.findFile(filename, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (!p.isNullOrEmpty()) { output.Add(p); } } return(output); }
public List <String> GetResourceFiles(String filenames, ExperimentDataSetFold fold) { var fs = filenames.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); return(GetResourceFiles(fs, fold)); }