protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Use Session payload vs. URL params to validate // if credentials pass / Get Cookie //HttpCookie cookie = (HttpCookie) Request.Cookies.Get("viData"); // if credentials pass / Get Cookie int tz = 0; if(Session["userTZ"] != null) tz = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userTZ"]); String returnURL = (string)Session["returnURL"]; if ((returnURL != null) && (returnURL.Length > 0)) { lnkBackSB.NavigateUrl = returnURL; lnkBackSB.Visible = true; } else{ lnkBackSB.Visible = false; } string payload = (string) Session["payload"]; XmlQueryDoc xDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); String viidStr= xDoc.Query("payload/appId"); String viname = xDoc.Query("payload/application"); String revision = xDoc.Query("payload/revision"); String appUrl = xDoc.Query("payload/appUrl"); String widthStr = xDoc.Query("payload/width"); String heightStr= xDoc.Query("payload/height"); String startStr = xDoc.Query("payload/startTime"); String durationStr= xDoc.Query("payload/duration"); int width = Convert.ToInt32(widthStr); int height = Convert.ToInt32(heightStr); long duration = -1; if((durationStr != null) && (durationStr.Length > 0)) duration = Convert.ToInt64(durationStr); if ((appUrl != null) && (appUrl.Length > 0)) { thePanel.serverURL = appUrl; } else { thePanel.serverURL = @"http://" + this.ApplicationInstance.Server.MachineName + @":81"; } thePanel.viName = viname; thePanel.version = revision; thePanel.width = width; thePanel.height= height; if(duration > 0){ RegisterStartupScript("timer", LabUtils.TimerScript(startStr, duration, tz, DateUtil.ParseCulture(Request.Headers["Accept-Language"]),returnURL,1000)); } /* Use Session payload vs. URL params to validate } else { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx", true); } */ }
public static SystemSupport Parse(XmlQueryDoc xdoc) { SystemSupport ss = new SystemSupport(); try { ss.agentGuid = xdoc.Query("/systemSupport/agentGuid"); ss.bugEmail = xdoc.Query("/systemSupport/bugEmail"); ss.contactEmail = xdoc.Query("/systemSupport/contactEmail"); ss.infoUrl = xdoc.Query("/systemSupport/infoUrl"); ss.description = xdoc.Query("/systemSupport/description"); ss.location = xdoc.Query("/systemSupport/location"); return ss; } catch (Exception e) { ; } return null; }
public override LabTask CreateLabTask(LabAppInfo appInfo, Coupon expCoupon, Ticket expTicket) { long experimentID = -1; LabTask task = null; //Parse experiment payload string payload = expTicket.payload; XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string experimentStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID"); if ((experimentStr != null) && (experimentStr.Length > 0)) { experimentID = Convert.ToInt64(experimentStr); } string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid"); // Check to see if an experiment with this ID is already running LabDB dbManager = new LabDB(); LabTask.eStatus status = dbManager.ExperimentStatus(experimentID, sbStr); if (status == LabTask.eStatus.NotFound) { // Check for an existing experiment using the same resources, if found Close it //Create the new Task if(appInfo.rev.Contains("8.2")){ task = iLabs.LabView.LV82.LabViewTask.CreateLabTask(appInfo,expCoupon,expTicket); } else{ task = iLabs.LabView.LV86.LabViewTask.CreateLabTask(appInfo,expCoupon,expTicket); } } else { task = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetTask(experimentID); } return task; }
public int LoadLabClient(XmlQueryDoc xdoc, ref StringBuilder message) { string guid = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientGuid"); string type = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientType"); string name = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientName"); string version = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/version"); string shortDescription = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientShortDescription"); string longDescription = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientLongDescription"); string contactEmail = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/contactEmail")); string contactFirstName = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/contactFirstName"); string contactLastName = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/contactLastName"); string loaderScript = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/loaderScript"); string documentationURL = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/documentationUrl"); string tmp = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/needsScheduling"); bool needsScheduling = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp); tmp = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/needsESS"); bool needsESS = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp); tmp = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/isReentrant"); bool isReentrant = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp); string notes = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/notes"); // Insert the Client, Qualifier is created internally int newClientId = AdministrativeAPI.AddLabClient(guid, name, version, shortDescription, longDescription, type, loaderScript, documentationURL, contactEmail, contactFirstName, contactLastName,notes, needsESS, needsScheduling, isReentrant); // parse the LabServer list XPathNodeIterator iter = xdoc.Select("/clientDescriptor/labServers/*"); if (iter != null && iter.Count > 0) { int order = 0; while (iter.MoveNext()) { string lsGuid = iter.Current.GetAttribute("guid", ns); int serverID = brokerDb.GetProcessAgentID(lsGuid); if (serverID > 0) { AdministrativeAPI.LabServerClient_Insert(serverID, newClientId, order); order++; } } } // deal with resources iter = xdoc.Select("/clientDescriptor/clientInfos/*"); if (iter != null && iter.Count > 0) { while (iter.MoveNext()) { ClientInfo clientInfo = new ClientInfo(); clientInfo.infoURL = iter.Current.GetAttribute("infoUrl", ns); clientInfo.infoURLName = iter.Current.GetAttribute("infoUrlName", ns); clientInfo.description = iter.Current.GetAttribute("description", ns); clientInfo.displayOrder = Int32.Parse(iter.Current.GetAttribute("displayOrder", ns)); AdministrativeAPI.InsertLabClientInfo(newClientId, clientInfo.infoURL, clientInfo.infoURLName, clientInfo.description, clientInfo.displayOrder); } } message.Append(" Registered a new LabClient. "); message.AppendLine(" GUID: " + guid + " -> " + name); return newClientId; }
public LabTask CreateLabTask(LabAppInfo appInfo, Coupon expCoupon, Ticket expTicket) { // set defaults DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; long duration = -1L; long experimentID = 0; int status = -1; string statusViName = null; string statusTemplate = null; string templatePath = null; LabDB dbManager = new LabDB(); string qualName = null; string fullName = null; // set defaults string viName = null; //CHeck that a labVIEW interface revision is set //if (appInfo.rev == null || appInfo.rev.Length < 2) //{ // appInfo.rev = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LabViewVersion"]; //} ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed string payload = expTicket.payload; XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string essService = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/essWebAddress"); string startStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/startExecution"); string durationStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/duration"); string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName"); string userName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userName"); string expIDstr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID"); if ((startStr != null) && (startStr.Length > 0)) { startTime = DateUtil.ParseUtc(startStr); } if ((durationStr != null) && (durationStr.Length > 0) && !(durationStr.CompareTo("-1") == 0)) { duration = Convert.ToInt64(durationStr); } if ((expIDstr != null) && (expIDstr.Length > 0)) { experimentID = Convert.ToInt64(expIDstr); } if (appInfo.extraInfo != null && appInfo.extraInfo.Length > 0) { // Note should have either statusVI or template pair // Add Option for VNCserver access try { XmlQueryDoc viDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(appInfo.extraInfo); statusViName = viDoc.Query("extra/status"); statusTemplate = viDoc.Query("extra/statusTemplate"); templatePath = viDoc.Query("extra/templatePath"); } catch (Exception e) { string err = e.Message; } } // log the experiment for debugging Logger.WriteLine("Experiment: " + experimentID + " Start: " + DateUtil.ToUtcString(startTime) + " \tduration: " + duration); long statusSpan = DateUtil.SecondsRemaining(startTime, duration); if (!IsLoaded(appInfo.application)) { viName = LoadVI(appInfo.path, appInfo.application); if (false) // Check for controls first { string[] names = new string[4]; object[] values = new object[4]; names[0] = "CouponId"; values[0] = expCoupon.couponId; names[1] = "Passcode"; values[1] = expCoupon.passkey; names[2] = "IssuerGuid"; values[2] = expCoupon.issuerGuid; names[3] = "ExperimentId"; values[3] = experimentID; SetControlValues(viName, names, values); } OpenFrontPanel(viName, true, LabViewTypes.eFPState.eVisible); } else { viName = LoadVI(appInfo.path, appInfo.application); } if (viName == null) { status = -1; string err = "Unable to Find: " + appInfo.path + @"\" + appInfo.application; Logger.WriteLine(err); throw new Exception(err); } // Get qualifiedName qualName = qualifiedName(viName); fullName = appInfo.path + @"\" + appInfo.application; status = GetVIStatus(viName); Logger.WriteLine("CreateLabTask - " + qualName + ": VIstatus: " + status); switch (status) { case -10: throw new Exception("Error GetVIStatus: " + status); break; case -1: // VI not in memory throw new Exception("Error GetVIStatus: " + status); break; case 0: // eBad == 0 break; case 1: // eIdle == 1 vi in memory but not running //LabViewTypes.eFPState fpState = GetFPStatus(viName); //if (fpState != LabViewTypes.eFPState.eVisible) //{ OpenFrontPanel(viName, true, LabViewTypes.eFPState.eVisible); //} ResetVI(viName); break; case 2: // eRunTopLevel: this should be the LabVIEW application break; case 3: // eRunning //Unless the Experiment is reentrant it should be stopped and be reset. if (!appInfo.reentrant) { int stopStatus = StopVI(viName); if (stopStatus != 0) { AbortVI(viName); } ResetVI(viName); } break; default: throw new Exception("Error GetVIStatus: unknown status: " + status); break; } try { SetBounds(viName, 0, 0, appInfo.width, appInfo.height); Logger.WriteLine("SetBounds: " + appInfo.application); } catch (Exception sbe) { Logger.WriteLine("SetBounds exception: " + Utilities.DumpException(sbe)); } SubmitAction("unlockvi", qualifiedName(viName)); Logger.WriteLine("unlockvi Called: "); // Create the labTask & store in database; LabViewTask task = new LabViewTask(); task.labAppID = appInfo.appID; task.experimentID = experimentID; task.groupName = groupName; task.startTime = startTime; if (duration > 0) task.endTime = startTime.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); else task.endTime = DateTime.MinValue; task.Status = LabTask.eStatus.Scheduled; task.couponID = expTicket.couponId; = essService; = task.constructTaskXml(appInfo.appID, fullName, appInfo.rev, statusViName, essService); long taskID = dbManager.InsertTaskLong(task); task.taskID = taskID; if ((statusTemplate != null) && (statusTemplate.Length > 0)) { statusViName = CreateFromTemplate(templatePath, statusTemplate, task.taskID.ToString()); } if (((essService != null) && (essService.Length > 0))) { // Create DataSourceManager to manage dataSocket connections DataSourceManager dsManager = new DataSourceManager(); // set up an experiment storage handler ExperimentStorageProxy ess = new ExperimentStorageProxy(); ess.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader(); = expCoupon; ess.Url = essService; dsManager.essProxy = ess; dsManager.ExperimentID = experimentID; dsManager.AppKey = qualName; // Note these dataSources are written to by the application and sent to the ESS if ((appInfo.dataSources != null) && (appInfo.dataSources.Length > 0)) { string[] sockets = appInfo.dataSources.Split(','); // Use the experimentID as the storage parameter foreach (string s in sockets) { LVDataSocket reader = new LVDataSocket(); dsManager.AddDataSource(reader); if (s.Contains("=")) { string[] nv = s.Split('='); reader.Type = nv[1]; reader.Connect(nv[0], LabDataSource.READ_AUTOUPDATE); } else { reader.Connect(s, LabDataSource.READ_AUTOUPDATE); } } } TaskProcessor.Instance.AddDataManager(task.taskID, dsManager); } TaskProcessor.Instance.Add(task); return task; }
//public bool AuthenticateProcessAgent(Coupon agentCoupon, string agentGuid) //{ // // check that the agent record exists // int id = GetProcessAgentID(agentGuid); // if (id == 0) // return false; // // check that the agentCoupon parameter corresponds to the In coupon of the process agent // if (AuthenticateCoupon(agentCoupon) && GetProcessAgentInfo(id).identIn.couponId == agentCoupon.couponId) // return true; // return false; //} /// <summary> /// Uses the reference ticketCollection to find a REDEEM_SESSION ticket and parse it /// </summary> /// <param name="sessionCoupon"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="groupId"></param> /// <param name="clientId"></param> /// <returns>True if ticket found</returns> public bool RedeemSessionInfo(Coupon sessionCoupon, out int userId, out int groupId, out int clientId) { bool status = false; userId = -1; groupId = -1; clientId = -1; if (sessionCoupon != null) { if (sessionCoupon.issuerGuid.CompareTo(GetIssuerGuid()) == 0) { status = AuthenticateIssuedCoupon(sessionCoupon); if (status) { XmlQueryDoc xDoc = null; Ticket sessionTicket = RetrieveIssuedTicket(sessionCoupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_SESSION, GetIssuerGuid()); if (sessionTicket != null) { if (!sessionTicket.isCancelled && !sessionTicket.IsExpired()) { xDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(sessionTicket.payload); string user = xDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/userID"); string group = xDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/groupID"); string client = xDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/clientID"); if (user != null && user.Length > 0) userId = Convert.ToInt32(user); if (group != null && group.Length > 0) groupId = Convert.ToInt32(group); if (client != null && client.Length > 0) clientId = Convert.ToInt32(client); } } } } } return status; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int groupID = 0; int authID = -1; Coupon opCoupon = null; string groupName = null; lblResponse.Visible = false; userTZ = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]); culture = DateUtil.ParseCulture(Request.Headers["Accept-Language"]); lc = null; if (!IsPostBack) { // retrieve parameters from URL couponId = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"]; passkey = Request.QueryString["passkey"]; issuerGuid = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"]; if (couponId != null && passkey != null && issuerGuid != null) { opCoupon = new Coupon(issuerGuid, Int64.Parse(couponId), passkey); Ticket authExperimentTicket = issuer.RetrieveTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.CREATE_EXPERIMENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid); if (authExperimentTicket != null) { XmlQueryDoc authDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(authExperimentTicket.payload); string auth = authDoc.Query("CreateExperimentPayload/authID"); if (auth != null && auth.Length > 0) { authID = Int32.Parse(auth); } string grpName = authDoc.Query("CreateExperimentPayload/groupName"); if (grpName != null && groupName.Length > 0) { Session["GroupName"] = grpName; int grpID = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupID(grpName); if (grpID > 0) Session["GroupID"] = groupID; } string userName = authDoc.Query("CreateExperimentPayload/userName"); if (userName != null && userName.Length > 0) { Session["UserName"] = userName; int userID = AdministrativeAPI.GetUserID(userName,authID); if (userID > 0) Session["UserID"] = userID; } string clientGuid = authDoc.Query("CreateExperimentPayload/clientGuid"); if (clientGuid != null && clientGuid.Length > 0) { Session["ClientGuid"] = clientGuid; int clientID = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClientID(clientGuid); if (clientID > 0) Session["ClientID"] = clientID; } } } pReenter.Visible = false; btnReenter.Visible = false; auto = Request.QueryString["auto"]; if (auto != null && auto.Length > 0) { if (auto.ToLower().Contains("t")) { autoLaunch = true; } } } if (Session["ClientID"] != null && Session["ClientID"].ToString().Length > 0) { lc = wrapper.GetLabClientsWrapper(new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"]) })[0]; } if (Session["GroupID"] != null && Session["GroupID"].ToString().Length > 0) { groupID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"]); } if (groupID > 0 && lc != null) { setEffectiveGroup(groupID, lc.clientID); } if (Session["GroupName"] != null && Session["GroupName"].ToString().Length > 0) { groupName = Session["GroupName"].ToString(); lblGroupNameTitle.Text = groupName; } if (lc != null) { labServer = getLabServer(lc.clientID, effectiveGroupID); clientInfos = AdministrativeAPI.ListClientInfos(lc.clientID); if (lc.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_APPLET || lc.clientType == LabClient.INTERACTIVE_HTML_REDIRECT) { if (lc.needsScheduling) { Ticket allowExperimentExecutionTicket = null; if (opCoupon != null) { // First check for an Allow Execution Ticket allowExperimentExecutionTicket = issuer.RetrieveTicket( opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION); } if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket == null) { // Try for a reservation int ussId = issuer.FindProcessAgentIdForClient(lc.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER); if (ussId > 0) { ProcessAgent uss = issuer.GetProcessAgent(ussId); // check for current reservation //create a collection & redeemTicket string redeemPayload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRedeemReservationPayload(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow, Session["UserName"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]), groupName, lc.clientGuid); if (opCoupon == null) opCoupon = issuer.CreateCoupon(); issuer.AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600, redeemPayload); UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy(); OperationAuthHeader op = new OperationAuthHeader(); = opCoupon; ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl; ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op; Reservation reservation = ussProxy.RedeemReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, Session["UserName"].ToString(), labServer.agentGuid, lc.clientGuid); if (reservation != null) { // Find efective group setEffectiveGroup(groupID, lc.clientID); // create the allowExecution Ticket DateTime start = reservation.Start; long duration = reservation.Duration; string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createAllowExperimentExecutionPayload( start, duration, effectiveGroupName,lc.clientGuid); DateTime tmpTime = start.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; long ticketDuration = (tmpTime.Ticks - utcNow.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; allowExperimentExecutionTicket = issuer.AddTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ticketDuration, payload); } } } if (allowExperimentExecutionTicket != null) { XmlDocument payload = new XmlDocument(); payload.LoadXml(allowExperimentExecutionTicket.payload); startExecution = DateUtil.ParseUtc(payload.GetElementsByTagName("startExecution")[0].InnerText); duration = Int64.Parse(payload.GetElementsByTagName("duration")[0].InnerText); Session["StartExecution"] = DateUtil.ToUtcString(startExecution); Session["Duration"] = duration; // Display reenter button if experiment is reentrant & a current experiment exists if (lc.IsReentrant) { long[] ids = InternalDataDB.RetrieveActiveExperimentIDs(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]), effectiveGroupID, labServer.agentId, lc.clientID); if (ids.Length > 0) { btnLaunchLab.Text = "Launch New Experiment"; btnLaunchLab.OnClientClick = "javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to start a new experiment?\\n If you proceed the currently running experimnent will be closed.');"; btnLaunchLab.Visible = true; pLaunch.Visible = true; pReenter.Visible = true; btnReenter.Visible = true; btnReenter.CommandArgument = ids[0].ToString(); } else { //pReenter.Visible = false; //btnReenter.Visible = false; btnLaunchLab.Text = "Launch Lab"; btnLaunchLab.OnClientClick=""; if (autoLaunch) { launchLabClient(lc.clientID); } else { pLaunch.Visible = true; btnLaunchLab.Visible = true; } } } else { pLaunch.Visible = true; btnLaunchLab.Visible = true; btnLaunchLab.OnClientClick = ""; if (autoLaunch) { launchLabClient(lc.clientID); } } } else { pLaunch.Visible = false; btnLaunchLab.Visible = false; } } else { pLaunch.Visible = true; btnLaunchLab.Visible = true; if (autoLaunch) { launchLabClient(lc.clientID); } } } else if (lc.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_APPLET || lc.clientType == LabClient.BATCH_HTML_REDIRECT) { pLaunch.Visible = true; btnLaunchLab.Visible = true; if (autoLaunch) { launchLabClient(lc.clientID); } } btnSchedule.Visible = lc.needsScheduling; lblClientName.Text = lc.clientName; lblVersion.Text = lc.version; lblLongDescription.Text = lc.clientLongDescription; if (lc.notes != null && lc.notes.Length > 0) { pNotes.Visible = true; lblNotes.Text = lc.notes; } else { pNotes.Visible = false; lblNotes.Text = null; } if (lc.contactEmail != null && lc.contactEmail.Length > 0) { pEmail.Visible = true; string emailCmd = "mailto:" + lc.contactEmail; lblEmail.Text = "<a href=" + emailCmd + ">" + lc.contactEmail + "</a>"; } else { pEmail.Visible = false; lblEmail.Text = null; } if (lc.documentationURL != null && lc.documentationURL.Length > 0) { pDocURL.Visible = true; lblDocURL.Text = "<a href=" + lc.documentationURL + ">" + lc.documentationURL + "</a>"; } else { pDocURL.Visible = false; lblDocURL.Text = null; } btnLaunchLab.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.btnLaunchLab_Click); btnLaunchLab.CommandArgument = lc.clientID.ToString(); int count = 0; if (clientInfos != null && clientInfos.Length > 0) { //repClientInfos.DataSource = clientInfos; //repClientInfos.DataBind(); foreach (ClientInfo ci in clientInfos) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button b = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button(); b.Visible = true; b.CssClass = "button"; b.Text = ci.infoURLName; b.CommandArgument = ci.infoURL; b.CommandName = ci.infoURLName; b.ToolTip = ci.description; b.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.HelpButton_Click); repClientInfos.Controls.Add(b); repClientInfos.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); } } } else { // No LabClient btnSchedule.Visible = false; pLaunch.Visible = false; btnLaunchLab.Visible = false; string msg = "There are no labs assigned to group: " + Session["GroupName"].ToString() + "!"; lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage(msg); lblResponse.Visible = true; } // System_Messages block SystemMessage[] groupMessages = null; SystemMessage[] serverMessages = null; groupMessages = AdministrativeAPI.SelectSystemMessagesForGroup(Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroupID"])); if (lc != null && labServer != null && labServer.agentId > 0) { serverMessages = wrapper.GetSystemMessagesWrapper(SystemMessage.LAB, 0, 0, labServer.agentId); } if ((groupMessages == null || groupMessages.Length == 0) && (serverMessages == null || serverMessages.Length == 0)) { lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Text = "No Messages at this time!"; lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Visible = true; lblServerSystemMessage.Visible = false; } else { if (groupMessages != null && groupMessages.Length > 0) { lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Text = "Group Messages:"; lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Visible = true; repGroupMessage.DataSource = groupMessages; repGroupMessage.DataBind(); } else { lblGroupNameSystemMessage.Visible = false; } if (serverMessages != null && serverMessages.Length > 0) { lblServerSystemMessage.Text = "Client/Server Messages:"; lblServerSystemMessage.Visible = true; repServerMessage.DataSource = serverMessages; repServerMessage.DataBind(); } else { lblServerSystemMessage.Visible = false; } } }
public int LoadLabClient(XmlQueryDoc xdoc, ref StringBuilder message) { string guid = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientGuid"); string type = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientType"); string name = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientName"); string version = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/version"); string shortDescription = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientShortDescription"); string longDescription = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientLongDescription"); string contactEmail = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/contactEmail")); string contactFirstName = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/contactFirstName"); string contactLastName = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/contactLastName"); string loaderScript = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/loaderScript"); string tmp = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/needsScheduling"); bool needsScheduling = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp); tmp = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/needsESS"); bool needsESS = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp); tmp = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/isReentrant"); bool isReentrant = Convert.ToBoolean(tmp); string notes = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/notes"); // Insert the Client, Qualifier is created internally int newClientId = AdministrativeAPI.AddLabClient(guid, name, version, shortDescription, longDescription, notes, loaderScript, type, null, contactEmail, contactFirstName, contactLastName, needsScheduling, needsESS, isReentrant, null); // parse the LabServer list ArrayList labServers = new ArrayList(); XPathNodeIterator iter = xdoc.Select("/clientDescriptor/labServers/*"); if (iter != null && iter.Count > 0) { while (iter.MoveNext()) { string lsGuid = iter.Current.GetAttribute("guid", ns); int serverID = brokerDb.GetProcessAgentID(lsGuid); if (serverID > 0) { labServers.Add(serverID); } } } // deal with resources iter = xdoc.Select("/clientDescriptor/clientInfos/*"); ArrayList clientItems = new ArrayList(); if (iter != null && iter.Count > 0) { while (iter.MoveNext()) { ClientInfo clientInfo = new ClientInfo(); clientInfo.infoURL = iter.Current.GetAttribute("infoUrl", ns); clientInfo.infoURLName = iter.Current.GetAttribute("infoUrlName", ns); clientInfo.description = iter.Current.GetAttribute("description", ns); clientInfo.displayOrder = Int32.Parse(iter.Current.GetAttribute("displayOrder", ns)); clientItems.Add(clientInfo); } } message.Append(" Registered a new LabClient. "); message.AppendLine(" GUID: " + guid + " -> " + name); if (labServers.Count > 0 || clientItems.Count > 0) { int[] servers = new int[labServers.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < labServers.Count; j++) { servers[j] = (int)labServers[j]; } ClientInfo[] infos = new ClientInfo[clientItems.Count]; for (int k = 0; k < clientItems.Count; k++) { infos[k] = (ClientInfo)clientItems[k]; } AdministrativeAPI.ModifyLabClient(newClientId, name, version, shortDescription, longDescription, notes, loaderScript, type, servers, contactEmail, contactFirstName, contactLastName, needsScheduling, needsESS, isReentrant, infos); } return newClientId; }
public GroupCredential ParseCredential(XmlQueryDoc xdoc, ref StringBuilder message) { GroupCredential credential = new GroupCredential(); credential.domainGuid = xdoc.Query("/credentialDescriptor/domainGuid"); credential.domainServerName = xdoc.Query("/credentialDescriptor/serviceBrokerName"); credential.groupName = xdoc.Query("/credentialDescriptor/groupName"); credential.ussGuid = xdoc.Query("/credentialDescriptor/ussGuid"); credential.lssGuid = xdoc.Query("/credentialDescriptor/lssGuid"); return credential; }
public static SessionInfo ParseRedeemSessionPayload(string payload) { SessionInfo sessionInfo = null; if(payload != null && payload.Length >0){ // Get Session info XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); sessionInfo = new SessionInfo(); string STR_RedeemSessionPayload = "RedeemSessionPayload/"; string userID = expDoc.Query(STR_RedeemSessionPayload + "userID"); sessionInfo.userID = Convert.ToInt32(userID); string groupID = expDoc.Query(STR_RedeemSessionPayload + "groupID"); sessionInfo.groupID = Convert.ToInt32(groupID); string clientID = expDoc.Query(STR_RedeemSessionPayload + "clientID"); sessionInfo.clientID = Convert.ToInt32(clientID); sessionInfo.userName = expDoc.Query(STR_RedeemSessionPayload + "userName"); sessionInfo.groupName = expDoc.Query(STR_RedeemSessionPayload + "groupName"); } return sessionInfo; }
public static SystemSupport Parse(string xml) { XmlQueryDoc xdoc = new XmlQueryDoc(xml); return Parse(xdoc); }
public override eStatus Close(eStatus reason) { LabDB dbService = new LabDB(); LabViewInterface lvi = null; try { if (data != null) { XmlQueryDoc taskDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(data); string viName = taskDoc.Query("task/application"); string statusVI = taskDoc.Query("task/status"); string server = taskDoc.Query("task/server"); string portStr = taskDoc.Query("task/serverPort"); #if LabVIEW_WS lvi = new LabViewInterface(); #else if ((portStr != null) && (portStr.Length > 0) && (portStr.CompareTo("0") != 0) ) { lvi = new LabViewRemote(server, Convert.ToInt32(portStr)); } else { lvi = new LabViewInterface(); } #endif // Status VI not used if ((statusVI != null) && statusVI.Length != 0) { try { if(reason == eStatus.Expired) lvi.DisplayStatus(statusVI, "You are out of time!", "0:00"); else lvi.DisplayStatus(statusVI, "Your experiment has been cancelled", "0:00"); } catch (Exception ce) { Logger.WriteLine("Trying StatusVI: " + ce.Message); } } //Get the VI and send version specfic call to get control of the VI //VirtualInstrument vi = lvi.GetVI(viName); // LV 8.2.1 //Server takes control of RemotePanel, connection not brokenS lvi.ReleaseVI(viName); } Logger.WriteLine("TaskID = " + taskID + " has expired"); dbService.SetTaskStatus(taskID, (int)reason); status = eStatus.Closed; DataSourceManager dsManager = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetDataManager(taskID); if (dsManager != null) { dsManager.CloseDataSources(); TaskProcessor.Instance.RemoveDataManager(taskID); } dbService.SetTaskStatus(taskID, (int)status); if (couponID > 0) { // this task was created with a valid ticket, i.e. not a test. Coupon expCoupon = dbService.GetCoupon(couponID, issuerGUID); // Only use the domain ServiceBroker, do we need a test // Should only be one ProcessAgentInfo[] sbs = dbService.GetProcessAgentInfos(ProcessAgentType.SERVICE_BROKER); if ((sbs == null) || (sbs.Length < 1)) { Logger.WriteLine("Can not retrieve ServiceBroker!"); throw new Exception("Can not retrieve ServiceBroker!"); } ProcessAgentInfo domainSB = null; foreach (ProcessAgentInfo dsb in sbs) { if (!dsb.retired) { domainSB = dsb; break; } } if (domainSB == null) { Logger.WriteLine("Can not retrieve ServiceBroker!"); throw new Exception("Can not retrieve ServiceBroker!"); } InteractiveSBProxy iuProxy = new InteractiveSBProxy(); iuProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); = sbs[0].identOut; iuProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; iuProxy.Url = sbs[0].webServiceUrl; StorageStatus storageStatus = iuProxy.AgentCloseExperiment(expCoupon, experimentID); Logger.WriteLine("AgentCloseExperiment status: " + storageStatus.status + " records: " + storageStatus.recordCount); // currently RequestTicketCancellation always returns false // Create ticketing service interface connection to TicketService TicketIssuerProxy ticketingInterface = new TicketIssuerProxy(); ticketingInterface.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); ticketingInterface.Url = sbs[0].webServiceUrl; = sbs[0].identOut; ticketingInterface.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; if (ticketingInterface.RequestTicketCancellation(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid)) { dbService.CancelTicket(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid); Logger.WriteLine("Canceled ticket: " + expCoupon.couponId); } else { Logger.WriteLine("Unable to cancel ticket: " + expCoupon.couponId); } } } catch (Exception e1) { Logger.WriteLine("ProcessTasks Cancelled: exception:" + e1.Message + e1.StackTrace); } finally { lvi = null; } return base.Close(); }
public override eStatus HeartBeat() { try { if (status == eStatus.Running) { if (data != null) { XmlQueryDoc taskDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(data); string vi = taskDoc.Query("task/application"); string statusVI = taskDoc.Query("task/status"); if ((statusVI != null) && (statusVI.Length > 0)) { I_LabViewInterface lvi = null; try { string server = taskDoc.Query("task/server"); string portStr = taskDoc.Query("task/serverPort"); #if LabVIEW_WS lvi = new LabViewInterface(); #else if (((server != null) && (server.Length > 0)) && ((portStr != null) && (portStr.Length > 0))) { lvi = new LabViewRemote(server, Convert.ToInt32(portStr)); } else { lvi = new LabViewInterface(); } #endif long ticks = endTime.Ticks - DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; TimeSpan val = new TimeSpan(ticks); lvi.DisplayStatus(statusVI, "TaskID: " + taskID, val.Minutes + ":" + val.Seconds); } catch (Exception ce2) { Logger.WriteLine("Status: " + ce2.Message); throw; } finally { lvi = null; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteLine("ProcessTasks Status: " + e.Message); } return status; }
public int RevokeReservation(string serviceBrokerGuid, string groupName, string labServerGuid, string labClientGuid, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, string message) { bool status = false; bool fromISB = false; int count = 0; Coupon opCoupon = new Coupon(); opCoupon.couponId =; opCoupon.passkey =; opCoupon.issuerGuid =; UserSchedulingDB dbManager = new UserSchedulingDB(); try { Ticket retrievedTicket = dbManager.RetrieveAndVerify(opCoupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION); if (retrievedTicket.payload != null && retrievedTicket.payload.Length > 0) { XmlQueryDoc revokeDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(retrievedTicket.payload); string sourceStr = revokeDoc.Query("RevokeReservationPayload/source"); if (sourceStr != null && sourceStr.CompareTo("ISB") == 0) { fromISB = true; } } DateTime targetStart = new DateTime(startTime.Year, startTime.Month, startTime.Day, startTime.Hour, startTime.Minute, 0, startTime.Kind); if (targetStart.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc) targetStart = targetStart.ToUniversalTime(); DateTime targetEnd = new DateTime(endTime.Year, endTime.Month, endTime.Day, endTime.Hour, endTime.Minute, 0, endTime.Kind); if (targetEnd.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc) targetEnd = targetEnd.ToUniversalTime(); if (fromISB) { // Need to forward to LSS string lssUrl = dbManager.ListLssUrlByExperiment(labClientGuid, labServerGuid); if (lssUrl != null && lssUrl.Length > 0) { LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy(); lssProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader(); = opCoupon; lssProxy.Url = lssUrl; int rCount = lssProxy.RemoveReservation(serviceBrokerGuid, groupName, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, labServerGuid, labClientGuid, targetStart, targetEnd); } } ReservationData[] ris = dbManager.GetReservations(serviceBrokerGuid, null, groupName, labServerGuid, labClientGuid, targetStart, targetEnd); if (ris != null && ris.Length > 0) { InteractiveSBProxy sbProxy = new InteractiveSBProxy(); ProcessAgentInfo sbInfo = dbManager.GetProcessAgentInfo(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid); AgentAuthHeader header = new AgentAuthHeader(); = sbInfo.identOut; header.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; sbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = header; sbProxy.Url = sbInfo.webServiceUrl; foreach (ReservationData rd in ris) { status = dbManager.RevokeReservation(rd.sbGuid, rd.groupName, rd.lsGuid, rd.clientGuid, rd.startTime, rd.endTime, message); if (status) { count++; status = sbProxy.RevokeReservation(rd.sbGuid, rd.userName, rd.groupName, rd.lsGuid, rd.clientGuid, rd.startTime, rd.endTime, message); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("USS: RevokeReservation -> ",e); } return count; }
public static LabTask CreateLabTask(LabAppInfo appInfo, Coupon expCoupon, Ticket expTicket) { // set defaults DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; long duration = -1L; long experimentID = 0; int status = -1; string statusViName = null; string statusTemplate = null; string templatePath = null; LabDB dbManager = new LabDB(); string qualName = null; string fullName = null; // set defaults LabTask labTask = null; LabViewTask task = null; VirtualInstrument vi = null; LabViewInterface lvi = null; ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed string payload = expTicket.payload; XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string essService = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/essWebAddress"); string startStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/startExecution"); string durationStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/duration"); string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName"); string userName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userName"); if ((startStr != null) && (startStr.Length > 0)) { startTime = DateUtil.ParseUtc(startStr); } if ((durationStr != null) && (durationStr.Length > 0) && !(durationStr.CompareTo("-1") == 0)) { duration = Convert.ToInt64(durationStr); } if (appInfo.extraInfo != null && appInfo.extraInfo.Length > 0) { // Note should have either statusVI or template pair // Add Option for VNCserver access try { XmlQueryDoc viDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(appInfo.extraInfo); statusViName = viDoc.Query("extra/status"); statusTemplate = viDoc.Query("extra/statusTemplate"); templatePath = viDoc.Query("extra/templatePath"); } catch (Exception e) { string err = e.Message; } } // log the experiment for debugging Utilities.WriteLog("Experiment: " + experimentID + " Start: " + DateUtil.ToUtcString(startTime) + " \tduration: " + duration); long statusSpan = DateUtil.SecondsRemaining(startTime, duration); if ((appInfo.server != null) && (appInfo.server.Length > 0) && (appInfo.port > 0)) { lvi = new LabViewRemote(appInfo.server, appInfo.port); } else { lvi = new LabViewInterface(); } if (!lvi.IsLoaded(appInfo.application)) { vi = lvi.loadVI(appInfo.path, appInfo.application); vi.OpenFrontPanel(true, FPStateEnum.eVisible); } else { vi = lvi.GetVI(appInfo.path, appInfo.application); } if (vi == null) { status = -1; string err = "Unable to Find: " + appInfo.path + @"\" + appInfo.application; Utilities.WriteLog(err); throw new Exception(err); } // Get qualifiedName qualName = lvi.qualifiedName(vi); fullName = appInfo.path + @"\" + appInfo.application; status = lvi.GetVIStatus(vi); Utilities.WriteLog("CreateLabTask - " + qualName + ": VIstatus: " + status); switch (status) { case -10: throw new Exception("Error GetVIStatus: " + status); break; case -1: // VI not in memory throw new Exception("Error GetVIStatus: " + status); break; case 0: // eBad == 0 break; case 1: // eIdle == 1 vi in memory but not running FPStateEnum fpState = vi.FPState; if (fpState != FPStateEnum.eVisible) { vi.OpenFrontPanel(true, FPStateEnum.eVisible); } vi.ReinitializeAllToDefault(); break; case 2: // eRunTopLevel: this should be the LabVIEW application break; case 3: // eRunning //Unless the Experiment is reentrant it should be stopped and be reset. if(!appInfo.reentrant){ int stopStatus = lvi.StopVI(vi); if (stopStatus != 0) { lvi.AbortVI(vi); } vi.ReinitializeAllToDefault(); } break; default: throw new Exception("Error GetVIStatus: unknown status: " + status); break; } try { lvi.SetBounds(vi, 0, 0, appInfo.width, appInfo.height); Utilities.WriteLog("SetBounds: " + appInfo.application); } catch (Exception sbe) { Utilities.WriteLog("SetBounds exception: " + Utilities.DumpException(sbe)); } lvi.SubmitAction("unlockvi", lvi.qualifiedName(vi)); Utilities.WriteLog("unlockvi Called: "); // Set up in-memory and database task control structures DataSourceManager dsManager = null; // Create the labTask & store in database; labTask = dbManager.InsertTask(appInfo.appID, experimentID, groupName, startTime, duration, LabTask.eStatus.Scheduled, expTicket.couponId, expTicket.issuerGuid, null); if (labTask != null) { //Convert the generic LabTask to a LabViewTask task = new LabViewTask(labTask); } if ((statusTemplate != null) && (statusTemplate.Length > 0)) { statusViName = lvi.CreateFromTemplate(templatePath, statusTemplate, task.taskID.ToString()); } if (((essService != null) && (essService.Length > 0)) && ((appInfo.dataSources != null) && (appInfo.dataSources.Length > 0))) { // Create DataSourceManager to manage dataSocket connections dsManager = new DataSourceManager(); // set up an experiment storage handler ExperimentStorageProxy ess = new ExperimentStorageProxy(); ess.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader(); = expCoupon; ess.Url = essService; dsManager.essProxy = ess; dsManager.ExperimentID = experimentID; dsManager.AppKey = qualName; string[] sockets = appInfo.dataSources.Split(','); // Use the experimentID as the storage parameter foreach (string s in sockets) { LVDataSocket reader = new LVDataSocket(); dsManager.AddDataSource(reader); if (s.Contains("=")) { string[] nv = s.Split('='); reader.Type = nv[1]; reader.Connect(nv[0], LabDataSource.READ_AUTOUPDATE); } else { reader.Connect(s, LabDataSource.READ_AUTOUPDATE); } } TaskProcessor.Instance.AddDataManager(task.taskID, dsManager); } string taskData = null; taskData = LabTask.constructTaskXml(appInfo.appID, fullName,appInfo.rev, statusViName, essService); dbManager.SetTaskData(task.taskID, taskData); = taskData; TaskProcessor.Instance.Add(task); return task; }
public override eStatus HeartBeat() { try { switch(status){ case eStatus.Running: if (data != null) { XmlQueryDoc taskDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(data); string app = taskDoc.Query("task/application"); string statusName = taskDoc.Query("task/status"); } break; case eStatus.Scheduled: break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteLine("HeartBeat: " + e.Message); } return status; }
public int RemoveTickets(List<Ticket> ticketList, BrokerDB brokerDb) { ArrayList coupons = new ArrayList(); Coupon coupon = null; int ticketCount = 0; int couponCount = 0; if (ticketList.Count > 0) { Utilities.WriteLog("RemoveTickets: expired count = " + ticketList.Count); foreach (Ticket ticket in ticketList) { if (!coupons.Contains(ticket.couponId)) { coupons.Add(ticket.couponId); } if (coupon == null || coupon.couponId != ticket.couponId) { coupon = brokerDb.GetIssuedCoupon(ticket.couponId); } switch (ticket.type) { case TicketTypes.ADMINISTER_EXPERIMENT: string payload = ticket.payload; if (payload != null) { XmlQueryDoc xDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string url = xDoc.Query("AdministerExperimentPayload/essURL"); string expStr = xDoc.Query("AdministerExperimentPayload/experimentID"); long expID = Convert.ToInt64(expStr); ExperimentStorageProxy essProxy = new ExperimentStorageProxy(); essProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader(); = coupon; essProxy.Url = url; StorageStatus expStatus = essProxy.SetExperimentStatus(expID, (int)StorageStatus.CLOSED_TIMEOUT); DataStorageAPI.UpdateExperimentStatus(expStatus); } break; case TicketTypes.RETRIEVE_RECORDS: case TicketTypes.STORE_RECORDS: break; case TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT: case TicketTypes.ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION: break; default: // Every other Ticket type break; } bool statusR = false; if (ticket.redeemerGuid != brokerDb.GetIssuerGuid()) { ProcessAgentInfo redeemer = brokerDb.GetProcessAgentInfo(ticket.redeemerGuid); if ((redeemer != null) && !redeemer.retired) { ProcessAgentProxy paProxy = new ProcessAgentProxy(); paProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); paProxy.Url = redeemer.webServiceUrl; = redeemer.identOut; paProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; statusR = paProxy.CancelTicket(coupon, ticket.type, ticket.redeemerGuid); } } if (ticket.issuerGuid == brokerDb.GetIssuerGuid()) { brokerDb.DeleteIssuedTicket(ticket.ticketId); ticketCount++; } } foreach (long id in coupons) { int count = brokerDb.GetIssuedCouponCollectionCount(id); if (count == 0) { brokerDb.DeleteIssuedCoupon(id); couponCount++; } } Utilities.WriteLog("RemoveTickets: ticketCount=" + ticketCount + " \tcouponCount=" + couponCount); } return ticketCount; }
public override LabTask CreateLabTask(LabAppInfo appInfo, Coupon expCoupon, Ticket expTicket) { long experimentID = -1; LabTask task = null; string revision = null; //Parse experiment payload string payload = expTicket.payload; XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string experimentStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID"); if ((experimentStr != null) && (experimentStr.Length > 0)) { experimentID = Convert.ToInt64(experimentStr); } string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid"); // Check to see if an experiment with this ID is already running LabDB dbManager = new LabDB(); LabTask.eStatus status = dbManager.ExperimentStatus(experimentID, sbStr); if (status == LabTask.eStatus.NotFound) { // Check for an existing experiment using the same resources, if found Close it //Create the new Task if (appInfo.rev == null || appInfo.rev.Length < 2) { revision = appInfo.rev; } else { revision = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LabViewVersion"]; } if (revision != null && revision.Length > 2) { if (revision.Contains("8.2")) { task = new iLabs.LabView.LV82.LabViewInterface().CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); } else if (revision.Contains("8.6")) { task = new iLabs.LabView.LV86.LabViewInterface().CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); } else if (revision.Contains("2009")) { task = new iLabs.LabView.LV2009.LabViewInterface().CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); } else if (revision.Contains("2010")) { task = new iLabs.LabView.LV2010.LabViewInterface().CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); } else if (revision.Contains("2011")) { task = new iLabs.LabView.LV2011.LabViewInterface().CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); } else if (revision.Contains("2012")) { task = new iLabs.LabView.LV2012.LabViewInterface().CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); } else if (revision.Contains("WS")) { task = new iLabs.LabView.LVWS.LabViewInterface().CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); } } else // Default to LV 2009 { task = new iLabs.LabView.LV2009.LabViewInterface().CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); } } else { task = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetTask(experimentID,expCoupon.issuerGuid); } return task; }
protected long[] getExperimentIDs(Coupon opCoupon, Criterion[] carray) { int userID = 0; int groupID = 0; long[] expIDs = null; Ticket expTicket = brokerDB.RetrieveTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.REDEEM_SESSION); if (expTicket != null && !expTicket.IsExpired()) { //Parse payload, only get what is needed XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(expTicket.payload); long expID = -1; string userStr = expDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/userID"); if ((userStr != null) && (userStr.Length > 0)) userID = Convert.ToInt32(userStr); string groupStr = expDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/groupID"); if ((groupStr != null) && (groupStr.Length > 0)) groupID = Convert.ToInt32(groupStr); if (userID > 0) { expIDs = DataStorageAPI.RetrieveAuthorizedExpIDs(userID, groupID, carray); } } return expIDs; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LabDB dbManager = new LabDB(); int appID = 0; long expID = 0; LabTask task = null; string pageURL = null; // Query values from the request string appKey = Request.QueryString["app"]; string coupon_Id = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"]; string passkey = Request.QueryString["passkey"]; string issuerGUID = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"]; string returnTarget = Request.QueryString["sb_url"]; if ((returnTarget != null) && (returnTarget.Length > 0)) Session["returnURL"] = returnTarget; Logger.WriteLine("BEElab: " + Request.Url.ToString()); // this should be the Experiment Coupon data if (!(passkey != null && passkey != "" && coupon_Id != null && coupon_Id != "" && issuerGUID != null && issuerGUID != "")) { Logger.WriteLine("BEElab: " + "AccessDenied missing Experiment credentials"); Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=missing+Experiment+credentials.", true); } long expCoupId = Convert.ToInt64(coupon_Id); Coupon expCoupon = new Coupon(issuerGUID, expCoupId, passkey); //Check the database for ticket and coupon, if not found Redeem Ticket from // issuer and store in database. //This ticket should include group, experiment id and be valid for this moment in time?? Ticket expTicket = dbManager.RetrieveAndVerify(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT); if (expTicket != null) { if (expTicket.IsExpired()) { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=The ExperimentExecution+ticket+has+expired.", true); } ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed string payload = expTicket.payload; XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string tzStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userTZ"); if ((tzStr != null) && (tzStr.Length > 0)) Session["userTZ"] = tzStr; string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName"); Session["groupName"] = groupName; string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid"); string essUrl = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/essWebAddress"); expID = Convert.ToInt64(expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID")); Session["brokerGUID"] = sbStr; //Get Lab specific info for this URL or group LabAppInfo appInfo = null; // Experiment is specified by 'app=appKey' if (appKey != null && appKey.Length > 0) { appInfo = dbManager.GetLabApp(appKey); } else // Have to use groupName & Servicebroker THIS REQUIRES groups & permissions are set in database { // This is no longer the case as the USS handles groups and permissions appInfo = dbManager.GetLabAppForGroup(groupName, sbStr); } if (appInfo == null) { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+find+application+information,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true); } // Check to see if an experiment with this ID is already running // Check for an existing task for this experiment // If found redirect to the graph page, do not abort running controller program LabTask.eStatus status = dbManager.ExperimentStatus(expID, sbStr); if (status == LabTask.eStatus.NotFound) { // Check for existing tasks that may be using resources // For now only close other instances of the lab List<LabTask> curTasks = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetTasks(appInfo.appID); if (curTasks != null && curTasks.Count > 0) { foreach (LabTask t in curTasks) { DataSourceManager dsManager = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetDataManager(t.taskID); if (dsManager != null) { // Need to close existing data Sources TaskProcessor.Instance.Remove(t); t.Close(); } } } // Create a new Experiment task // Use taskFactory to create a new task LabTaskFactory factory = new LabTaskFactory(); task = factory.CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); if (task != null) { string filePath = "c:\\logs\\Campbell\\LoggerNet"; string fileName = "CECI-CR10X_final_storage_1.dat"; // Stop the controller and flush the data file //Flush the File FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(filePath +"\\" + fileName); using (FileStream inFile = fInfo.Open(FileMode.Truncate)) { } string pushChannel = ChecksumUtil.ToMD5Hash("BEElab" + expID); //Add BEElab specific attributes BeeEventHandler bEvt = new BeeEventHandler(expCoupon,expID,essUrl, "data",ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid); bEvt.PusherChannel = pushChannel; DataSourceManager dsManager = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetDataManager(task.taskID); FileWatcherDataSource fds = new FileWatcherDataSource(); fds.Path = filePath; fds.Filter = fileName; fds.AddFileSystemEventHandler(bEvt.OnChanged); dsManager.AddDataSource(fds); fds.Start(); //Useful for debugging overloads the use of a field in the banner //Session["GroupName"] = "TaskID: " + task.taskID.ToString(); //Utilities.WriteLog("TaskXML: " + task.taskID + " \t" +; ////Construct the information to be passed to the target page //TimeSpan taskDur = task.endTime - task.startTime; //string vipayload = LabTask.constructSessionPayload(appInfo, // task.startTime, taskDur.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond, task.taskID, // returnTarget, null, null); ////Utilities.WriteLog("sessionPayload: " + payload); ////Store Session information //Session["payload"] = vipayload; //if (appInfo.rev != null && appInfo.rev.Length > 0) //{ // Session["lvversion"] = appInfo.rev; //} //else //{ // Session.Remove("lvversion"); //} //set Presentation page tp appPage pageURL =; } else { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+launch++application,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true); } } else { // An existing Experiment task = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetTask(expID, sbStr); if ( != null) { XmlQueryDoc taskDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(; pageURL = taskDoc.Query("task/application"); } if (pageURL == null || pageURL.Length == 0) { pageURL =; } } } if(pageURL != null && pageURL.Length >0){ StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(pageURL + "?expid=" + expID); Session["opCouponID"] = coupon_Id; Session["opPasscode"] = passkey; Session["opIssuer"] = issuerGUID; buf.Append("&coupon_id=" + coupon_Id); buf.Append("&passkey=" + passkey); buf.Append("&issuer_guid=" + issuerGUID); buf.Append("&sb_url=" + returnTarget ); Response.Redirect(buf.ToString(), true); } else{ Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+launch++application,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LabDB dbManager = new LabDB(); if (!IsPostBack) { // Query values from the request //clearSessionInfo(); hdnExpId.Value = Request.QueryString["expid"]; hdnCoupon.Value = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"]; hdnPasscode.Value = Request.QueryString["passkey"]; hdnIssuer.Value = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"]; hdnSbUrl.Value = Request.QueryString["sb_url"]; string expLen = Request.QueryString["explen"]; string timeUnit = Request.QueryString["tu"]; if (timeUnit != null && timeUnit.Length > 0) hdnTimeUnit.Value = timeUnit; string userName = null; string userIdStr = null; int tz = 0; if (Session["userTZ"] != null) tz = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userTZ"]); if (Session["sbUrl"] != null) { String returnURL = (string)Session["sbUrl"]; } //// this should be the RedeemSession & Experiment Coupon data if (!(Session["opPasscode"] != null && Session["opPasscode"] != "" && Session["opCouponID"] != null && Session["opCouponID"] != "" && Session["opIssuer"] != null && Session["opIssuer"] != "")) { Logger.WriteLine("BEEstartAll: " + "AccessDenied missing credentials"); Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=missing+credentials.", true); } Coupon expCoupon = new Coupon(Session["opIssuer"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt64(Session["opCouponID"]), Session["opPasscode"].ToString()); //Check the database for ticket and coupon, if not found Redeem Ticket from // issuer and store in database. //This ticket should include group, experiment id and be valid for this moment in time?? Ticket expTicket = dbManager.RetrieveAndVerify(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT); if (expTicket != null) { if (expTicket.IsExpired()) { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=The ExperimentExecution+ticket+has+expired.", true); } Session["exCoupon"] = expCoupon; ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed string payload = expTicket.payload; XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string expIdStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID"); hdnExpId.Value = expIdStr; string tzStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userTZ"); //string userIdStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userID"); string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName"); Session["groupName"] = groupName; string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid"); Session["brokerGUID"] = sbStr; string startStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/startExecution"); string durStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/duration"); writeExpLength(startStr,durStr); if ((tzStr != null) && (tzStr.Length > 0)) { Session["userTZ"] = tzStr; } } } }
protected override void register(string registerGuid, ServiceDescription[] info) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.AppendLine("Service " + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl + " recieved a 'Register' webService call."); if (info == null) { //message.AppendLine("Register called without any ServiceDescriptions"); throw new ArgumentNullException("Register called without any ServiceDescriptions"); } try { base.register(registerGuid, info); } catch (Exception e) { message.AppendLine("Error in base.register" + Utilities.DumpException(e)); throw new Exception(message.ToString(), e); } bool hasProvider = false; bool hasConsumer = false; string ns = ""; int lssID = 0; int lsID = 0; ProcessAgentInfo ls = null; ProcessAgentInfo lss = null; ProcessAgentInfo uss = null; LabClient labClient = null; GroupCredential credential = null; try { ResourceDescriptorFactory rFactory = ResourceDescriptorFactory.Instance(); string jobGuid = registerGuid; message.AppendLine(" Register called at " + DateTime.UtcNow + " UTC \t registerGUID: " + registerGuid); ProcessAgent sourceAgent = brokerDB.GetProcessAgent(agentAuthHeader.agentGuid); message.AppendLine("Source Agent: " + sourceAgent.agentName); for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++) { Coupon coupon = null; if (info[i].coupon != null) { coupon = info[i].coupon; } if (info[i].serviceProviderInfo != null && info[i].serviceProviderInfo.Length > 0) { // ProviderInfo is simple add to database and create qualifier if (!hasProvider) { message.AppendLine("Provider Info:"); hasProvider = true; } XmlQueryDoc xdoc = new XmlQueryDoc(info[i].serviceProviderInfo); string descriptorType = xdoc.GetTopName(); if (descriptorType.Equals("processAgentDescriptor")) { string paGuid = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/agentGuid"); string paType = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/type"); if (paType.Equals(ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER)) { lssID = brokerDB.GetProcessAgentID(paGuid); if (lssID > 0) { // Already in database //message.AppendLine("Reference to existing LSS: " + lssID + " GUID: " + paGuid); } else { lss = rFactory.LoadProcessAgent(xdoc, ref message); lssID = lss.agentId; } } else if (paType.Equals(ProcessAgentType.LAB_SERVER)) { lsID = brokerDB.GetProcessAgentID(paGuid); if (lsID > 0) { // Already in database //message.AppendLine("Reference to existing LS: " + lsID + " GUID: " + paGuid); } else { ls = rFactory.LoadProcessAgent(xdoc, ref message); lsID = ls.agentId; } int myLssID = brokerDB.FindProcessAgentIdForAgent(lsID, ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER); if ((lssID > 0) && (myLssID <= 0) && (lssID != myLssID)) { brokerDB.AssociateLSS(lsID, lssID); } } } else if (descriptorType.Equals("clientDescriptor")) { int clientId = -1; string clientGuid = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientGuid"); clientId = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClientID(clientGuid); if (clientId > 0) { // Already in database message.Append(" Attempt to Register a LabClient that is already in the database. "); message.AppendLine(" GUID: " + clientGuid); } else { // LabServer should already be in the Database, once multiple LS supported may need work // LS is specified in clientDescriptor int clientID = rFactory.LoadLabClient(xdoc, ref message); message.AppendLine("Adding LabClient: GUID " + clientGuid); } } else if (descriptorType.Equals("systemSupport")) { // Already handled in base.register } // Add Relationships: LSS, LS Client } // end of ServiceProvider if (info[i].consumerInfo != null && info[i].consumerInfo.Length > 0) { // requestSystemSupport Handled by base register & there is no xml dcument if (info[i].consumerInfo.CompareTo("requestSystemSupport") != 0) { message.AppendLine("Consumer Info: " + info[i].consumerInfo); //if (!hasConsumer) // message.AppendLine("Consumer Info: " + info[i].consumerInfo); hasConsumer = true; XmlQueryDoc xdoc = new XmlQueryDoc(info[i].consumerInfo); string descriptorType = xdoc.GetTopName(); if (descriptorType.Equals("processAgentDescriptor")) { string paGuid = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/agentGuid"); ProcessAgentInfo paInfo = brokerDB.GetProcessAgentInfo(paGuid); if (paInfo == null) { // Not in database paInfo = rFactory.LoadProcessAgent(xdoc, ref message); message.Append("Loaded new "); } else { message.Append("Reference to existing "); if (paInfo.retired) { throw new Exception("The ProcessAgent is retired"); } } if (paInfo.agentType == ProcessAgentType.AgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER) { lss = paInfo; message.AppendLine("LSS: " + paGuid); } else if (paInfo.agentType == ProcessAgentType.AgentType.LAB_SERVER) { ls = paInfo; message.AppendLine("LS: " + paGuid); } else if (paInfo.agentType == ProcessAgentType.AgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER) { uss = paInfo; message.AppendLine("USS: " + paGuid); if (lss != null) { if (lss.domainGuid.Equals(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid)) { message.AppendLine("Registering USSinfo on LSS: " + lss.agentName); LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy(); lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); = lss.identOut; lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl; lssProxy.AddUSSInfo(uss.agentGuid, uss.agentName, uss.webServiceUrl, coupon); } else { message.AppendLine("LSS is not from this domain"); } } } } else if (descriptorType.Equals("clientDescriptor")) { int newClientId = -1; string clientGuid = xdoc.Query("/clientDescriptor/clientGuid"); int clientId = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClientID(clientGuid); if (clientId > 0) { // Already in database message.Append(" Attempt to Register a LabClient that is already in the database. "); message.AppendLine(" GUID: " + clientGuid); } else { clientId = rFactory.LoadLabClient(xdoc, ref message); message.AppendLine("Adding Lab Client GUID: " + clientGuid); } } else if (descriptorType.Equals("credentialDescriptor")) { credential = rFactory.ParseCredential(xdoc, ref message); if (lss != null) { if (lss.domainGuid.Equals(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid)) { message.AppendLine("Registering Group Credentials on LSS: " + lss.agentName); message.AppendLine("Group: " + credential.groupName + " DomainServer: " + credential.domainServerName); LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy(); lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); = lss.identOut; lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl; lssProxy.AddCredentialSet(credential.domainGuid, credential.domainServerName, credential.groupName, credential.ussGuid); } else { message.AppendLine("LSS is not from this domain"); } } } } } } // End of info loop } // End of Try catch (Exception ex) { message.Append("Exception in Register: " + Utilities.DumpException(ex)); throw new Exception(message.ToString(),ex); } finally { // Send a mail Message StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.To = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["supportMailAddress"]; //mail.To = "*****@*****.**"; mail.From = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["genericFromMailAddress"]; mail.Subject = "Register called on " + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.agentName; mail.Body = message.ToString(); SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""; try { SmtpMail.Send(mail); } catch (Exception ex) { // Report detailed SMTP Errors StringBuilder smtpErrorMsg = new StringBuilder(); smtpErrorMsg.Append("Exception: " + ex.Message); //check the InnerException if (ex.InnerException != null) smtpErrorMsg.Append("<br>Inner Exceptions:"); while (ex.InnerException != null) { smtpErrorMsg.Append("<br>" + ex.InnerException.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } Logger.WriteLine(smtpErrorMsg.ToString()); } } }
/// <summary> /// Method that does the actual make reservation for the user. /// makes the basis of the parameters from the message and the application database /// </summary> /// <param name="userName"> the user who is scheduling for the lab; must be registered with the service broker</param> /// <param name="groupName">the group name authorized to do a lab</param> /// <param name="labServerGuid">lab server which holds the lab that does the actual scheduling</param> /// <param name="clientGuid">Guid of the lab being registered for</param> /// <param name="start">Start time of a particular period scheduled for</param> /// <param name="end">End time of a particular period being scheduled for</param> /// <returns>returns a message string that the application bases on for to give the feedback to the user</returns> public static string MakeReservation(string userName, string groupName, string labServerGuid, string clientGuid, DateTime start, DateTime end) { string lsGuid = null; int status = -1; string message = null; if (ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent != null && ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid != null) { ProcessAgentDB paDb = new ProcessAgentDB(); ProcessAgentInfo domainServer = paDb.GetProcessAgentInfo(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid); InteractiveSBProxy isbProxy = new InteractiveSBProxy(); isbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); isbProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; = domainServer.identOut; isbProxy.Url = domainServer.ServiceUrl; string[] types = new string[] { TicketTypes.SCHEDULE_SESSION }; Coupon opCoupon = isbProxy.RequestAuthorization(types, 600, userName, groupName, labServerGuid, clientGuid); if (opCoupon != null) { TicketIssuerProxy ticketProxy = new TicketIssuerProxy(); ticketProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); ticketProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; = domainServer.identOut; ticketProxy.Url = domainServer.ServiceUrl; //the method call below is one which does not returns a null value //in otherwards the ticket value is not created. Ticket ticketSMS = ticketProxy.RedeemTicket(opCoupon, TicketTypes.SCHEDULE_SESSION, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid); if (ticketSMS != null) { if (ticketSMS.payload != null || ticketSMS.payload.Length > 0) { XmlQueryDoc xdoc = new XmlQueryDoc(ticketSMS.payload); string ussURL = xdoc.Query("ScheduleSessionPayload/ussURL"); UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy(); ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader(); = opCoupon; ussProxy.Url = ussURL; TimePeriod[] times = ussProxy.RetrieveAvailableTimePeriods(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid, groupName, labServerGuid, clientGuid, start, end); // Logic to check for final time DateTime resStart = start; DateTime resEnd = end; message = ussProxy.AddReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.domainGuid, userName, groupName, labServerGuid, clientGuid, resStart, resEnd); } } } else { message = "coupon is null"; } } else { message = "This service is not part of a domain, please contact the administrator!"; } return message; }
public IntTag LaunchLabClient(string clientGuid, string groupName, string userName, string authorityKey, DateTime start, long duration) { IntTag result = new IntTag(-1, ""); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("LaunchClient Called: "); int userID = -1; int clientID = -1; int groupID = -1; Authority authority = null; try { Ticket clientAuthTicket = null; // Need to check opHeader if (opHeader != null && != null) { buf.AppendLine("found opHeader"); authority = brokerDB.AuthorityRetrieve(authorityKey); if (authority != null) buf.AppendLine("authority: " + authority.authName); // Coupon is from the client SCORM clientAuthTicket = brokerDB.RetrieveIssuedTicket(, TicketTypes.AUTHORIZE_CLIENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid); if (authority == null || clientAuthTicket == null) { result.tag = buf.ToString(); return result; } if (!clientAuthTicket.IsExpired() && !clientAuthTicket.isCancelled) { XmlQueryDoc xDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(clientAuthTicket.payload); string cGuid = xDoc.Query("AuthorizeClientPayload/clientGuid"); string gName = xDoc.Query("AuthorizeClientPayload/groupName"); buf.AppendLine("AuthGroup: " + gName); if ((cGuid.CompareTo(clientGuid) == 0) && (gName.CompareTo(groupName) == 0)) { userID = AdministrativeAPI.GetUserID(userName, authority.authorityID); if (userID <= 0) { //User does not exist buf.AppendLine("user: "******" doesnot exist"); //Check if Authority has a default group if (authority.defaultGroupID > 0) { //Should try & Query Authority for more information string firstName = null; string lastName = null; string email = null; string reason = null; userID = AdministrativeAPI.AddUser(userName, authority.authorityID, authority.authTypeID, firstName, lastName, email, authority.authName, reason, null, authority.defaultGroupID, false); } } if (userID > 0) { buf.AppendLine("found userID: " + userID); if (cGuid != null && clientGuid != null && cGuid.Length > 0 && (cGuid.CompareTo(clientGuid) == 0)) { clientID = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClientID(clientGuid); buf.AppendLine("ClientID: " +clientID); } else { result.tag = buf.ToString(); return result; } if (gName != null && groupName != null && gName.Length > 0 && (gName.CompareTo(groupName) == 0)) { groupID = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupID(groupName); buf.AppendLine("GroupID "+ groupID); } else { result.tag = buf.ToString(); return result; } } else { result.tag = buf.ToString(); return result; } if (userID > 0 && clientID > 0 && groupID > 0) { //Check for group access & User //THis is the planned future need to deal with Session varables before it works //result = brokerDB.ResolveAction(Context, clientID, userID, groupID, DateTime.UtcNow, duration, autoStart > 0); Coupon coupon = brokerDB.CreateCoupon(); string ss = Utilities.RandomStr(10000); TicketLoadFactory tlc = TicketLoadFactory.Instance(); string payload = tlc.createLaunchClientPayload(clientGuid, null, groupName, authority.authGuid, userID, userName, coupon.passkey, ss); Ticket tt = brokerDB.AddTicket(coupon, TicketTypes.LAUNCH_CLIENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600L, payload); StringBuilder urlbuf = new StringBuilder(); urlbuf.Append(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl); urlbuf.Append("/LaunchClient.aspx?cid=" + coupon.couponId); urlbuf.Append("&ss=" + ss); = 1; result.tag = urlbuf.ToString(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { = -1; result.tag = buf.ToString() + e.Message; } Context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", authority.Origin); return result; }
/// <summary> /// Loads a new ProcessAgent into the database, without any Ident coupons, creates Qualifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="xdoc"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ProcessAgentInfo LoadProcessAgent(XmlQueryDoc xdoc, ref StringBuilder message) { ProcessAgent pa = new ProcessAgent(); pa.agentGuid = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/agentGuid"); pa.type = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/type"); pa.agentName = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/agentName"); pa.domainGuid = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/domainGuid"); pa.codeBaseUrl = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/codeBaseUrl"); pa.webServiceUrl = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/webServiceUrl"); int newID = brokerDb.InsertProcessAgent(pa, null, null); SystemSupport systemSupport = new SystemSupport(); systemSupport.agentGuid = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/systemSupport/agentGuid"); systemSupport.bugEmail = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/systemSupport/bugEmail"); systemSupport.contactEmail = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/systemSupport/contactEmail"); systemSupport.infoUrl = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/systemSupport/infoUrl"); systemSupport.description = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/systemSupport/desciption"); systemSupport.location = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/systemSupport/loction"); if (systemSupport != null && systemSupport.agentGuid.CompareTo(pa.agentGuid) == 0) { brokerDb.SaveSystemSupport(systemSupport.agentGuid, systemSupport.contactEmail, systemSupport.bugEmail, systemSupport.infoUrl, systemSupport.description, systemSupport.location); } // deal with resources later, need to decode resource Names XPathNodeIterator pathIter = xdoc.Select("/processAgentDescriptor/resources/*"); if (pathIter != null && pathIter.Count > 0) { while (pathIter.MoveNext()) { string key = pathIter.Current.GetAttribute("key", ns); string value = pathIter.Current.GetAttribute("value", ns); // Create ResourceMapping ResourceMappingKey mapKey = new ResourceMappingKey(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, newID); // create values ResourceMappingValue[] values = new ResourceMappingValue[2]; values[0] = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.RESOURCE_TYPE, key); values[1] = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.STRING, value); ResourceMapping newMapping = brokerDb.AddResourceMapping(mapKey, values); } } message.AppendLine("Registered a new " + pa.type + ": " + newID + ": " + pa.agentName + " -> " + pa.codeBaseUrl); //Add Qualifiers if (pa.type.Equals(ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER)) { int lssQualID = AuthorizationAPI.AddQualifier(newID, Qualifier.labSchedulingQualifierTypeID, pa.agentName, Qualifier.ROOT); } else if (pa.type.Equals(ProcessAgentType.LAB_SERVER)) { int lsQualID = AuthorizationAPI.AddQualifier(newID, Qualifier.labServerQualifierTypeID, pa.agentName, Qualifier.ROOT); string lssGuid = xdoc.Query("/processAgentDescriptor/lssGuid"); if (lssGuid != null && lssGuid.Length > 0) { int lssForLsId = brokerDb.GetProcessAgentID(lssGuid); if (lssForLsId > 0) { brokerDb.AssociateLSS(newID, lssForLsId); } } } return brokerDb.GetProcessAgentInfo(pa.agentGuid); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the appInfo and experiment ticket, inserts the task into the database, /// but does not create the DataManager. /// </summary> /// <param name="appInfo"></param> /// <param name="expTicket"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual LabTask CreateLabTask(LabAppInfo appInfo, Ticket expTicket) { // set defaults DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; long experimentID = 0; string statusName = null; string statusTemplate = null; string templatePath = null; string qualName = null; string fullName = null; // set defaults long duration = -1L; LabTask labTask = null; LabDB dbManager = new LabDB(); ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed string payload = expTicket.payload; XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string essService = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/essWebAddress"); string startStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/startExecution"); string durationStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/duration"); string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName"); string userName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userName"); string expIDstr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID"); if ((startStr != null) && (startStr.Length > 0)) { startTime = DateUtil.ParseUtc(startStr); } if ((durationStr != null) && (durationStr.Length > 0) && !(durationStr.CompareTo("-1") == 0)) { duration = Convert.ToInt64(durationStr); } if ((expIDstr != null) && (expIDstr.Length > 0)) { experimentID = Convert.ToInt64(expIDstr); } if (appInfo.extraInfo != null && appInfo.extraInfo.Length > 0) { // Note should have either statusVI or template pair // Add Option for VNCserver access try { XmlQueryDoc viDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(appInfo.extraInfo); statusName = viDoc.Query("extra/status"); statusTemplate = viDoc.Query("extra/statusTemplate"); templatePath = viDoc.Query("extra/templatePath"); } catch (Exception e) { string err = e.Message; } } // log the experiment for debugging Logger.WriteLine("Experiment: " + experimentID + " Start: " + DateUtil.ToUtcString(startTime) + " \tduration: " + duration); long statusSpan = DateUtil.SecondsRemaining(startTime, duration); //launchClient(experimentID, essService, appInfo); //factory constructs the correct LabTask object Type labTask = CreateLabTask(); labTask.labAppID = appInfo.appID; labTask.experimentID = experimentID; labTask.groupName = groupName; labTask.startTime = startTime; if (duration > 0) labTask.endTime = startTime.AddTicks(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); else labTask.endTime = DateTime.MinValue; labTask.couponID = expTicket.couponId; labTask.issuerGUID = expTicket.issuerGuid; = essService; = labTask.constructTaskXml(appInfo.appID, fullName, appInfo.rev, statusName, essService); // Create & store the labTask in database and return an LabTask object; long taskID = dbManager.InsertTaskLong(labTask); labTask.taskID = taskID; return labTask; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder buf; long couponID = -1L; int userID = -1; int groupID = -1; int clientID = -1; int labServerID = -1; int userTZ = 0; string clientGuid = null; string serverGuid = null; string groupName = null; string userName = null; string authKey = null; string startStr = null; string durStr = null; Coupon initCoupon = null; LabClient client = null; BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB(); buf = new StringBuilder(); string cidStr = Request.QueryString["cid"]; string authStr = Request.QueryString["ss"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cidStr)) { string test =hdnUserTZ.Value; couponID = Int64.Parse(cidStr); initCoupon = brokerDB.GetIssuedCoupon(couponID); if (initCoupon != null) { Ticket launchTicket = brokerDB.RetrieveIssuedTicket(initCoupon, TicketTypes.LAUNCH_CLIENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid); if (launchTicket != null && !launchTicket.isCancelled && !launchTicket.IsExpired()) { XmlQueryDoc xDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(launchTicket.payload); //Check that the coupon matches the passcode in the ticket payload string passChk = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/passcode"); string ssChk = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/ss"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(passChk) || passChk.CompareTo(initCoupon.passkey) != 0) { buf.AppendLine("Passkey Error"); processError(buf); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ssChk) || passChk.CompareTo(authStr) != 0) { buf.AppendLine("ss_key Error"); processError(buf); } clientGuid = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/clientGuid"); serverGuid = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/serverGuid"); groupName = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/groupName"); authKey = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/authorityKey"); string userIdStr = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/userId"); userName = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/userName"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(authKey)) { buf.AppendLine("authority Error"); processError(buf); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userIdStr)) { userID = Int32.Parse(userIdStr); if (userID <= 0) { buf.AppendLine("userID invalid value"); processError(buf); } } else { buf.AppendLine("userID not specified"); processError(buf); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName)) { groupID = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupID(groupName); if (groupID <= 0) { buf.AppendLine("groupName invalid value"); processError(buf); } } else { buf.AppendLine("groupName not specified"); processError(buf); } startStr = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/start"); durStr = xDoc.Query("LaunchClient/duration"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientGuid)) { clientID = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClientID(clientGuid); if (clientID > 0) { // do the real work IntTag results = brokerDB.ProcessLaunchClientRequest(initCoupon, clientID, labServerID, groupID, userID, userTZ); // Checks for different status values //TODO Check for Scheduling redirect -- May be checked before we get here if ( > -1) { long sessionID = AdministrativeAPI.InsertUserSession(userID, groupID, clientID, userTZ, Session.SessionID); //add Session cookie HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["isbAuthCookieName"], sessionID.ToString()); Response.AppendCookie(cookie); Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); if (( & LabClient.APPLET_BIT) == LabClient.APPLET_BIT) { Session["LoaderScript"] = results.tag; Response.Redirect("applet2.aspx", true); } else if (( & LabClient.REDIRECT_BIT) == LabClient.REDIRECT_BIT) { string url = results.tag; Response.Redirect(url, true); } else { buf.AppendLine("Client type not supported"); } } else { buf.AppendLine("Client not found"); } } else { buf.AppendLine("client not specified"); processError(buf); } } } else { buf.AppendLine("Ticket Error"); } } } else { buf.AppendLine("Missing cid"); } // If the code above does not complete fall through to processError() processError(buf); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LabDB dbManager = new LabDB(); int appID = 0; long expID = 0; LabTask task = null; // Query values from the request string appKey = Request.QueryString["app"]; string coupon_Id = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"]; string passkey = Request.QueryString["passkey"]; string issuerGUID = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"]; string returnTarget = Request.QueryString["sb_url"]; if ((returnTarget != null) && (returnTarget.Length > 0)) Session["returnURL"] = returnTarget; Logger.WriteLine("LVPortal: " + Request.Url.ToString()); // this should be the Experiment Coupon data if (!(passkey != null && passkey != "" && coupon_Id != null && coupon_Id != "" && issuerGUID != null && issuerGUID != "")) { Logger.WriteLine("LVPortal: " + "AccessDenied missing Experiment credentials"); Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=missing+Experiment+credentials.", true); } long expCoupId = Convert.ToInt64(coupon_Id); Coupon expCoupon = new Coupon(issuerGUID, expCoupId, passkey); //Check the database for ticket and coupon, if not found Redeem Ticket from // issuer and store in database. //This ticket should include group, experiment id and be valid for this moment in time?? Ticket expTicket = dbManager.RetrieveAndVerify(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT); if (expTicket != null) { if (expTicket.IsExpired()) { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=The ExperimentExecution+ticket+has+expired.", true); } ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed string payload = expTicket.payload; XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload); string tzStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userTZ"); if ((tzStr != null) && (tzStr.Length > 0)) Session["userTZ"] = tzStr; string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName"); Session["groupName"] = groupName; string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid"); Session["brokerGUID"] = sbStr; //Get Lab specific info for this URL or group LabAppInfo appInfo = null; // Experiment is specified by 'app=appKey' if (appKey != null && appKey.Length > 0) { appInfo = dbManager.GetLabApp(appKey); } else // Have to use groupName & Servicebroker THIS REQUIRES groups & permissions are set in database { // This is no longer the case as the USS handles groups and permissions appInfo = dbManager.GetLabAppForGroup(groupName, sbStr); } if (appInfo == null) { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+find+application+information,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true); } // Use taskFactory to create a new task, return an existing reentrant task or null if there is an error LabViewTaskFactory factory = new LabViewTaskFactory(); task = factory.CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket); if (task != null) { //Useful for debugging overloads the use of a field in the banner //Session["GroupName"] = "TaskID: " + task.taskID.ToString(); //Utilities.WriteLog("TaskXML: " + task.taskID + " \t" +; //Construct the information to be passed to the target page TimeSpan taskDur = task.endTime - task.startTime; string vipayload = task.constructSessionPayload(appInfo, task.startTime, taskDur.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond, task.taskID, returnTarget, null, null); //Utilities.WriteLog("sessionPayload: " + payload); //Store Session information Session["payload"] = vipayload; if (appInfo.rev != null && appInfo.rev.Length > 0) { Session["lvversion"] = appInfo.rev; } else { Session.Remove("lvversion"); } //redirect to Presentation page... Response.Redirect(, true); } else { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+launch++application,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true); } } }
public IntTag LaunchLabClient(Coupon coupon, string clientGuid, string groupName, string userName, string authorityUrl, long duration, int autoStart) { IntTag result = new IntTag(-1, "Access Denied"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int userID = -1; int clientID = -1; int groupID = -1; try { Ticket clientAuthTicket = null; Authority authority = null; // Need to check opHeader if (coupon != null) { authority = AuthorityRetrieveByUrl(authorityUrl); // Coupon is from the client SCORM clientAuthTicket = RetrieveIssuedTicket(coupon, TicketTypes.AUTHORIZE_CLIENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid); if (authority == null || clientAuthTicket == null) { return result; } if (!clientAuthTicket.IsExpired() && !clientAuthTicket.isCancelled) { XmlQueryDoc xDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(clientAuthTicket.payload); string cGuid = xDoc.Query("AuthorizeClientPayload/clientGuid"); string gName = xDoc.Query("AuthorizeClientPayload/groupName"); if ((cGuid.CompareTo(clientGuid) == 0) && (gName.CompareTo(groupName) == 0)) { userID = AdministrativeAPI.GetUserID(userName, authority.authorityID); if (userID <= 0) { //User does not exist //Check if Authority has a default group if (authority.defaultGroupID > 0) { //Should try & Query Authority for more information string firstName = null; string lastName = null; string email = null; string reason = null; userID = AdministrativeAPI.AddUser(userName, authority.authorityID, authority.authTypeID, firstName, lastName, email, authority.authName, reason, null, authority.defaultGroupID, false); } } if (userID > 0) { if (cGuid != null && clientGuid != null && cGuid.Length > 0 && (cGuid.CompareTo(clientGuid) == 0)) { clientID = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabClientID(clientGuid); } else { return result; } if (gName != null && groupName != null && gName.Length > 0 && (gName.CompareTo(groupName) == 0)) { groupID = AdministrativeAPI.GetGroupID(groupName); } else { return result; } } else { return result; } if (userID > 0 && clientID > 0 && groupID > 0) { //Check for group access & User result = ResolveAction(clientID, userID, groupID, DateTime.UtcNow, duration, autoStart > 0); //" } } } } // Coupon coupon = brokerDB.CreateCoupon(); // TicketLoadFactory tlc = TicketLoadFactory.Instance(); // string payload = tlc.createAuthenticateAgentPayload(authorityGuid, clientGuid, userName, groupName); // brokerDB.AddTicket(coupon, TicketTypes.AUTHENTICATE_AGENT, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, authorityGuid, 600L, payload); // buf.Append(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl); // buf.Append("/default.aspx?sso=t"); // buf.Append("&usr="******"&cid=" + clientGuid); // buf.Append("&grp=" + groupName); // buf.Append("&auth=" + authorityUrl); // buf.Append("&key=" + coupon.passkey); // if (autoStart > 0) // buf.Append("&auto=t"); // = 1; // tag.tag = buf.ToString(); // // // // // //if ( > 0) // //{ // // string requestGuid = Utilities.MakeGuid("N"); // // // //} // //else // //{ // // tag.tag = "Access Denied"; // //} //} } catch (Exception e) { = -1; result.tag = e.Message; } //context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); return result; }
protected virtual void register(string registerGuid, ServiceDescription[] info) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Register called on " + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl); if (info != null && info.Length > 0) { foreach (ServiceDescription sd in info) { Coupon coupon = null; if ( != null) { coupon =; } XmlQueryDoc xdoc = new XmlQueryDoc(sd.serviceProviderInfo); string descriptorType = xdoc.GetTopName(); if (descriptorType.Equals("systemSupport")) { SystemSupport ss = SystemSupport.Parse(xdoc); if (ss.agentGuid != null && ss.agentGuid.Length > 0) { int id = dbTicketing.GetProcessAgentID(ss.agentGuid); if (id > 0) { dbTicketing.SaveSystemSupport(ss.agentGuid, ss.contactEmail, ss.bugEmail, ss.infoUrl, ss.description, ss.location); if (sd.consumerInfo != null && sd.consumerInfo.CompareTo("requestSystemSupport") == 0) { ProcessAgentInfo paInfo = dbTicketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(ss.agentGuid); if (paInfo != null) { SystemSupport mySS = dbTicketing.RetrieveSystemSupport(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid); if (mySS != null) { ServiceDescription[] values = new ServiceDescription[1]; values[0] = new ServiceDescription(mySS.ToXML(), null, null); ProcessAgentProxy proxy = new ProcessAgentProxy(); proxy.Url = paInfo.webServiceUrl; proxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); = paInfo.identOut; proxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; proxy.Register(registerGuid, values); } } } } } } } } }