public void SimplePipeline() { bool sts = true; PXCMSenseManager pp = form.session.CreateSenseManager(); if (pp == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to create sense manager"); } disconnected = false; /* Set Source & Profile Index */ PXCMCapture.DeviceInfo info = null; if (this.form.GetRecordState()) { pp.captureManager.SetFileName(this.form.GetFileName(), true); form.PopulateDeviceMenu(); if (this.form.Devices.TryGetValue(this.form.GetCheckedDevice(), out info)) { pp.captureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(info); } } else if (this.form.GetPlaybackState()) { pp.captureManager.SetFileName(this.form.GetFileName(), false); } else { if (this.form.Devices.TryGetValue(this.form.GetCheckedDevice(), out info)) { pp.captureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(info); } } /* Set Module */ pp.EnableEmotion(form.GetCheckedModule()); /* Initialization */ form.UpdateStatus("Init Started"); PXCMSenseManager.Handler handler = new PXCMSenseManager.Handler() { //GZ onModuleQueryProfile = OnModuleQueryProfile }; if (pp.Init(handler) >= pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { form.UpdateStatus("Streaming"); this.timer = new FPSTimer(form); PXCMCaptureManager captureManager = pp.QueryCaptureManager(); if (captureManager == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to query capture manager"); } PXCMCapture.Device device = captureManager.QueryDevice(); if (device != null && !this.form.GetPlaybackState()) { device.SetDepthConfidenceThreshold(7); } //GZ device.SetProperty(PXCMCapture.Device.Property.PROPERTY_DEPTH_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD, 7); while (!form.stop) { if (pp.AcquireFrame(true) < pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { break; } if (!DisplayDeviceConnection(!pp.IsConnected())) { /* Display Results */ PXCMEmotion ft = pp.QueryEmotion(); //GZ DisplayPicture(pp.QueryImageByType(PXCMImage.ImageType.IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR)); PXCMCapture.Sample sample = pp.QuerySample(); /* Start of modified code */ // Grab the first BMP in the folder, assume there is one for now string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.bmp"); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(files[0]); // Create a PXCMImage from the BMP PXCMImage.ImageInfo iinfo = new PXCMImage.ImageInfo(); iinfo.width = bitmap.Width; iinfo.height = bitmap.Height; iinfo.format = PXCMImage.PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB32; PXCMImage imageTEST = form.session.CreateImage(iinfo); PXCMImage.ImageData idata; imageTEST.AcquireAccess(PXCMImage.Access.ACCESS_WRITE, out idata); BitmapData bdata = new BitmapData(); bdata.Scan0 = idata.planes[0]; bdata.Stride = idata.pitches[0]; bdata.PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb; bdata.Width = bitmap.Width; bdata.Height = bitmap.Height; BitmapData bdata2 = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly | ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, bdata); bitmap.UnlockBits(bdata2); imageTEST.ReleaseAccess(idata); // Save the BMP Bitmap savebmp = idata.ToBitmap(0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); //savebmp.Save(@"O:\unix\projects\instr\production5\research\Francis\result.bmp"); // Put my own PXCMImage into the sample PXCMCapture.Sample smp = new PXCMCapture.Sample(); smp.color = imageTEST; // Get the video module from the emotion instance PXCMVideoModule module = ft.QueryInstance <PXCMVideoModule>(); PXCMSyncPoint sp; // Process the sample module.ProcessImageAsync(smp, out sp); // Synchronize then get emotion data etc. sp.Synchronize(); /* End of modified code */ DisplayPicture(sample.color); DisplayLocation(ft); form.UpdatePanel(); } pp.ReleaseFrame(); } } else { form.UpdateStatus("Init Failed"); sts = false; } pp.Close(); pp.Dispose(); if (sts) { form.UpdateStatus("Stopped"); } }
public void SimplePipeline() { bool sts = true; PXCMSenseManager pp = form.session.CreateSenseManager(); if (pp == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to create sense manager"); } disconnected = false; /* Set Source & Profile Index */ PXCMCapture.DeviceInfo info = null; if (this.form.GetRecordState()) { pp.captureManager.SetFileName(this.form.GetFileName(), true); form.PopulateDeviceMenu(); if (this.form.Devices.TryGetValue(this.form.GetCheckedDevice(), out info)) { pp.captureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(info); } } else if (this.form.GetPlaybackState()) { pp.captureManager.SetFileName(this.form.GetFileName(), false); } else { if (this.form.Devices.TryGetValue(this.form.GetCheckedDevice(), out info)) { pp.captureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(info); } } /* Set Module */ pp.EnableEmotion(form.GetCheckedModule()); /* Initialization */ form.UpdateStatus("Init Started"); PXCMSenseManager.Handler handler = new PXCMSenseManager.Handler() { //GZ onModuleQueryProfile = OnModuleQueryProfile }; if (pp.Init(handler) >= pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { form.UpdateStatus("Streaming"); this.timer = new FPSTimer(form); PXCMCaptureManager captureManager = pp.QueryCaptureManager(); if (captureManager == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to query capture manager"); } PXCMCapture.Device device = captureManager.QueryDevice(); if (device != null && !this.form.GetPlaybackState()) { device.SetDepthConfidenceThreshold(7); } //GZ device.SetProperty(PXCMCapture.Device.Property.PROPERTY_DEPTH_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD, 7); while (!form.stop) { if (pp.AcquireFrame(true) < pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { break; } if (!DisplayDeviceConnection(!pp.IsConnected())) { /* Display Results */ PXCMEmotion ft = pp.QueryEmotion(); if (ft == null) { pp.ReleaseFrame(); continue; } //GZ DisplayPicture(pp.QueryImageByType(PXCMImage.ImageType.IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR)); PXCMCapture.Sample sample = pp.QueryEmotionSample(); if (sample == null) { pp.ReleaseFrame(); continue; } DisplayPicture(sample.color); DisplayLocation(ft); form.UpdatePanel(); } pp.ReleaseFrame(); } } else { form.UpdateStatus("Init Failed"); sts = false; } pp.Close(); pp.Dispose(); if (sts) { form.UpdateStatus("Stopped"); } }